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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.430328 [View]

Jesus man I just said you get them at a foreclosure sale for $100. no, you cannot live legally 100% free.

>> No.430295 [View]

the point is that we are not talking about a fight over land. the ownership is settled. this is a CONTRACT dispute. RIGHT to the land does not enter into it. even if it did, the landlord wins, but IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

these properties routinely go up for sale at foreclosures and get get GIVEN back to the banks because nobody wants them. i have seen them purchased for $100 at a foreclosure sale. The tenants make no effort to pursue ownership because they're pieces of shit that don't just want ownership free and clear, they want to be GIVEN things for free. if they bought the unit for $100 at foreclosure, they would still have to pay $250 a month in fees for utilities and common area maintenance. similar issues arise when these people actually buy a unit- they simply dont pay the fees, resulting in the rest of the tenants having to absorb the cost of their delinquency. some units are behind to the tune of $25,000, which is more than the property is worth.

so, yes, actually, there are MANY TIMES where that situation has arisen here is how.

1) shitbrick tenant stops paying rent
2) landlord uses rent to pay association fees, stops paying because tenant stopped paying. does not have money to evict.
3) association forecloses on unit
4) at foreclosure sale, of which notice is given to tenant and owner, nobody offers to buy unit.
5) association takes ownership of unit
6) shitbrick tenant refuses to leave, refuses to pay, fucks up unit.

Tenant was given opportunity to claim ownership for little to nothing, chose not to do so, expected to continue living there without cost.

what the fuck do you know about this shit? have you ever actually dealt with any of these issues? do you have any education in the areas of law or real estate, or are you just on some anarchist bullshit you saw on the internet?

>> No.430263 [View]

hahahahah so true so true

>> No.430261 [View]

holy jesuchristo does nobody understand the difference.

Unless you want to give everything back to the native americans, and abolish private property, deal with it.

just because the status quo isnt 100% right does not mean its 100% wrong.

plus he has a point. settlers didnt come in, say hey ill pay you 5 beads a month to live in ur tent, then not give them the beads, refuse to leave, and then trash it on the way out.

note the CRUCIAL DIFFERENCE of that nonpaying tenants and squatters want the luxuries of ownership with none of the responsibilities. they dont want to repair things, or pay the taxes, or the utilities. they just want a free place to live.

i think a few people here are confusing adverse possession with squatting.

>> No.430258 [View]

hah thanks man. nothing like winning a fight on the internet, i guess. i'm home sick with food poisoning so this is pretty much the highlight of my day. i'm going to have so much catching up to do tomorrow.

but im curious about your parasite idea. how are lawyer parasites? i just want to make sure i'm understanding your view point correctly, and that theres not something lost in translation, because i neither work for the government or have very much to do with it at all. i operate almost 100% in the private sector resolving disputes between individuals.

on a side note, if a semi tractor trailor runs over someone and kills them, what does the family of the dead person deserve?

>> No.430239 [View]

wow thanks man. that means a lot. are you in florida?

>> No.430238 [View]

ok, so i think it actually does matter that the landlord paid for the property. if this was just a long chain of people fighting over a piece of land that belonged to noone, then yes, it would stand to reason that the most recent usurper holds equal right as the last.

however, a long long time ago, someone (probably a spaniard as i am in florida) settled here and claimed this land. this is where you say it all went wrong, and because of that act, nothing that anyone does after that point can legitimize their ownership of it. that is where i disagree.

the property changed hands several times, eventually being bought by the us government (most likely, i dont really know). the government sold it to individuals, and often gave it away as part of a homestead program to settle these new areas. the new owner improved the land. they cleared it off, built a house, etc. its not just the fact that the state sanctions the ownership of the land. after the initial claim of the land, every subsequent owner has paid value for it.

these property laws have roots in old english rules that predate courts of law, whereby the improvement of land entitles its custodian to rights specific to him and superior to the rights of a trespasser.

further, we are not dealing with squatters only here. this is a breach of contract issue. if you fundamentally disagree with the idea of private property, then do not enter into a lease bound by that idea. it has nothing to do with right of ownership and everything to do with obligation under contract.

lastly, your analogy to the government taking everything from me is 100% invalid. in your example i have done nothing wrong. these tenants have breached a contract. your example is also about things that were originally mine (and rather uniquely mine, like the ability to practice law) being taken from me, whereas the property situation we are discussing is about an interloper's right to take something that is not theirs.

>> No.430227 [View]

holy fuck bro that is some heavy duty shit

looks good tho

>> No.430212 [View]

wtf kind of aspie shit is this

guess what, these would make awesome bulb covers.

get some of those awesome edison bulbs, and build a lamp to showcase them.

>> No.430206 [View]
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straw mats on walls can look good, or maybe wallpaper. why is paint not an option? paint is cheap bro

buy discount cheap fabric, cover seats. pull over cushions, staple to wood underneath. clean floor, if it still looks bad, use adhesive vinyl tiles they are cheap. for lights, christmas lights look awesome and dont use a lot of power.

>> No.430202 [View]

haha i know right. i think hes running a tattoo shop out of this shitty apartment, and he has actually fixed it up really nice, but basically his dad lives in the apartment underneath, and i think he must have tipped off macho to the vacant unit above. so then he took the ac off from the outside, climbed in, unlocked it from the inside, then replaced it. he moved in, never signed a lease, never paid rent, and when the management found him, they didnt even try to kick him out at first, they said look if you want to stay, you have to sign a lease and start paying rent. he refused, so now i get to evict him. i will take great fucking pleasure in doing so, he is a scumbag piece of shit who thinks that its ok to have money, steal from people, not pay rent, and run an illegal tattoo parlor out of his stolen apartment.

>> No.430200 [View]

bwahahahahaha this is the funniest load of quasi-philosophic commie pinko bullshit i've read in a long time.

the difference is not that the landlord takes in cooperation with the "dominant local power," we have private property here dumbass. he bought the property, so it is his, and he has the right to do with it as he wants. just because the landlord chose to rent out the property doesn't mean he deserves to get fucked by tenants that breach their contract. if they didn't like the idea, they shouldnt have agreed to it.

there's plenty of other things that the landlord has to put up with that just come with the territory - like noise complaints, repairs, taxes, etc. - but the one thing that he should NOT have to deal with is the other end of the bargain: the tenant paying what they agreed to pay.

the landlord did not "occupy" the territory or hold it "by force." landlords are not thieves or pirates, they did not steal anything. even if they did not have the right to the underlying land (which they do) they either built or bought the structure on the land, which without the landlord would not exist.

attorneys are always mercenaries, and yes, i depend on their conflict to make money, but how does that affect my "level"? without me the tenant would continue to live rent free and the landlord would be getting fucked.

please oh please master of logic, explain to me how the world should work without thieving landlords and their evil attorneys

ps what fucking country do you live in

>> No.430130 [View]

In other words, nobody forced them into homelessness. This is a slow but steady process. And these assholes have food stamps and disability and smoke weed. The fuck. Free food and plenty of money for rent, but you spend it on drugs?

Perfect example, Google macho g. He was on MTV. He is squatting in an apartment, and I am evicting him. He has plenty of money but refuses to pay or leave. He actually broke into a vacant unit.

So I'm supposed to feel bad about this? Yea right.

>> No.430127 [View]

Tough shit man its not a goddamn charity, why should the owner pay the taxes and utility for them to live for free?

My point is that it's going to happen, they are going to get kicked out, and I try to let them leave so they don't end up with an eviction on their record and a judgement following them and they always refuse, and 2 weeks later we've done it the hard way.

IMO people have such a sense of entitlement. I have been broke and poor before, but I never expected to be allowed to live somewhere for free. I realized that if I became homeless it was because I fucked up somewhere and went broke, not because I was going to get evicted. It's not the landlords fault, but they get so upset and blame the landlord for them losing their home: false, tough shit, you did that.

What would you purpose we do instead?

>> No.430117 [View]

I am an attorney and do lots of evictions. You would not believe the shit people do.I give them every chance to leave peacibly, put a 3 day notice on the door, send them a letter, call them. "I don't have any money." OK well then leave or the sheriff will kick you out. But they don't leave.

So the owner spends 235 in filing fees plus 90 for a writ of possession, plus 300 for my fees so $625 to get this asshole evicted. The sheriff posts the 24 hour notice on the door, and that's when hell breaks loose.

One lady actually made several holes in the walls, dumped everything in the fridge onto the carpet, broke all the lightbulbs, threw trash everywhere, goingto cost a lot more than $500 to fix.

People are so fucking shitty.

>> No.428877 [View]
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also as a side note a recent storm cut power temporarily, leaving my faithful chinese canister filter running dry for several hours. by the time I got home the heat from the motor and impeller had melted part of the housing and so the whole thing had to go.

I replaced it with a HW-402B by Sunsun on eBay for like $50. I transferred the media from the old filter and this one is.....1000000000x better. it was cheaper, has more features, is built better, hoses attach more securely, etc. amazing. highly endorse.

>> No.428875 [View]
File: 21 KB, 600x600, 600t8tclip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOOOOO inside the black housing there are basically 4 mounting points where you can screw into. (they are molded plastic standoffs) I realize you could screw into any point on the housing but I don't want visible screws on the outside, I want the lights to look unmodified and clean.

So, I made two smalls mounting holes on the back of the housing where you can't see and used them to mount the ballast to the inside of the housing.

Basically, i needed 2 things: 1) a way to hold the bulb in place and 2) a reflector.

#2 is easy. fuck plastic reflectors, I'm just going to cut up a large aluminum disposable baking tray and fold it into a long reflector the shape and size of the inside of the housing.

#1 is harder. the t8 sockets dont go at each end of the housing (the bulb is shorter) and don't screw into it. I could glue them to the housing, but then there's no standoff and little room for the reflector. and i'm concerned about heat. Then i realized that while 99% of CFL bulbs snap into the mounted sockets, there is no reason not to just mount the bulb and just clip the sockets on the end. behold, the almighty TERRY CLIP. I ordered 10 from the UK (since apparently america hates them and no hardware store in the tri county area has them, even mom and pop shops) and they will use the existing screw mounts/standoffs from the old reflector. I figure ill make two holes in the reflector, and mount both the reflector and the terry clips with one screw on each clip.

from there, i pop the bulb in, clip on the sockets, and i'll have an aquarium light with a better reflector that will last longer than the originals.

I got the 10 terry clips for $3 on ebay, and i picked up 2 6500K t8 18" "daylight" bulbs on amazon for $10. The aluminum pans are $1 at the local dollar store, so I'm putting this project at a total of $35, which is $5 less than ONE new lid + light of the style I had previously. (and i needed two as I have a 55 gallon tank.)

>> No.428873 [View]
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My original "All-Glass Aquarium" hoods (which were 100% plastic) have really seen better days. The plastic on the actual lids is warped, scratched, and stained, and all cut up and weird as I had to continually adapt them to different filters.

Replacements are $80 for the shitty ones (plastic lid and light), or $30 for glass tops + lord knows how much for lights separately. SO, I am going DIY.

I had some 1/4 inch glass cut for the lids yesterday, That was $20. They cut off the corners for the hoses, and the 1/4 inch so SO much nicer than the Versa-Top paper thin glass. I had the pieces cut in two so I could make a silicone hinge, but I may not even do that since I don't really need to open the tank to feed the fish (i can drop it in the corner) and just remove the panel to clean. Just wanted to share with anyone reading that having your own glass cut is the way to go.

The BIGGER problem and why I'm posting is the lights. Lights are fucking expensive. I cannot hang things from the ceiling, and I don't like how lights look when they are suspended over the tank. I want them to sit flush on the lids. They are expensive as shit.

The problem with my existing lights (similar to pictured) are that the white plastic "reflector" inside the black outer housing 1) basically holds everything together, then the white reflector is screwed to the housing and 2) it has completely disintegrated. But I still have a housing, a switch, a ballast, and 2 t8 sockets in each. One bulb is burnt out the other is dim.

So I thought about going the LED route. Pain in the ass to get the color temp right for growing plants, gotta wait forever for them from china to get enough of them cheaply, plus a lot more work wiring them up.

So, I thought, why not basically reconstruct the original light in a more durable form? Use the housing, the switch, the ballast, the wires, and the sockets, and put everything back in there? (cont.)

>> No.408532 [View]

also I think posted prices are low. maybe 40 for box same for trebuchet, did one take longer than the other?

>> No.408531 [View]

or try flagstar direct online only bank. they send you a visa debit card.

paypal is accessible from serbia, I think the problem is getting the money into a Serbian bank account. but that step might not be necessary to do business solely online.

>> No.408530 [View]

looks like opening a Hungarian account might be your best bet

>> No.408527 [View]

are you able to go to a neighboring internet friendly country and open an account there? you never need to go to their bank again; once you open the account, PayPal will deposit into it, you can pay eBay and etsy from it, and certainly you can spend that money in Serbia.

there are ways around PayPal but if your banks do not allow internet transactions, then take your business elsewhere.

>> No.408519 [View]

I'm pretty sure attaching the Map to the canvases with mod podge counts as handmade in this instance. you could always find a large hi result map and Photoshop it to add easter eggs before printing and mounting.

>> No.367808 [View]
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straight edge razors are great, but more expensive, harder to learn to use, etc. dont get me wrong i love them but on a daily basis...well...ill just leave this here

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