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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1353560 [View]
File: 1.41 MB, 4160x2340, demons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for advice, also checked out plumbers putty it's surprisingly useful. I'll be buying some with my next paycheck
Thanks for the lighting advice anon it really helped with the later takes
I couldn't get away with the murders long enough to finish the film.
There's a known "cult" located in the woods we film in, the location is a source of childhood fear for one of our actors.
The BBQ thing is actually really cool and something I'm now deeply considering.
Audio balance has always been the root of my anxieties so I try to keep everything as balanced as possible.
I'm guessing you don't know how to work within limits.
>if I get doxed it's really my own fault
Alas I have no VHS equipment, Though I like your taste in aesthetics

>> No.1352049 [View]
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so me and some buds had the idea of making a horror flick with a budget of $200-$300 with minimal location limits (considering Florida's security along with my connections). I would like to know how to make some nice Funhouse practical effects. (not too much "paranormal activity" garbage)
>yknow demon hands, gore shit, bodily fluids, dead bodies, and a little bit of ghost shit.
along with some cool digital stuff I can do in post
>some real glitch shit
so far here's what I already know how to do
>stock motion
>audio editing
>reverse footage
>animation/fake turning transitioning
I'm using Windows Movie Maker, Audacity, (pirated) Photoshop, and Whatever free application I can get online or on phone.
I know how to layer, animate, lighting, and manual do tracking in Photoshop. And I can push audacity and movie maker pasted their novice limits.
Special on hand Props are.
>A shit ton of weapons, fake blood, a bunch of old electronics, fully illustrated demonic notebook, a disposable car, disposable television, 3 speakers, occult robes
If you know any cool movie magic tricks or have a crazy good idea I'd love to hear it.

>> No.1349662,1 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Local postmaster had a 1/4 in thick steel mailbox with very rugged hinges. It sat on a cutoff electric pole. Some said he buried that 4 feet in the ground. How I know how tough it was? Cause when I was young I try to wreck the damn thing. Nearly broke my foot trying to kick it off its post. Crowbar made no dent. Friends in car laughed their asses off at me.

>> No.1348929 [View]

That's paper backed vinyl and it will never look the same again. You generally can't get it up in one piece since the paper backing is now just mush.
The truth here is that it isn't your fault. When installed properly the perimeter is sealed with a bead of silicone so water can't get in. This is more just wear and tear or old shit just plain worn out than your fault. Not sure how the slumlord will see it, but it should have been sealed up.

>> No.1341965 [View]

Powdered concrete pigment, also refered to as oxide from the hardware store. Commercially made pigment for epoxies is made by mixing the right oxides with the bisphenol component (the "A" part of the epoxy).
t epoxy applicator

>> No.1340661 [View]

You want to light a pipe (open to the top) in wet conditions...
I'm gonna go with this retard: >>1334844
I smoked hand rolled on a fish farm in the shittiest wet conditions most of the year simply because you could use the old zigzag blues which were somewhat waterproof. I'd have laughed my ass off to see someone trying to smoke a pipe in that shit, we'd have nicknamed you captain nemo or something similarly rediculious.

>> No.1340619 [View]
File: 145 KB, 218x319, errrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They most likely are, as >>1338997
pointed out, but...
are all correct. The real danger from these tiles lies in manually removing them and chipping them up/inhaling the particulate dust in the process.

Although they are in fact 9x9 as OP explained this is totally incorrect. Armstrong for instance made tons of 12x12 VA tile until they were forced to stop, and then illegally sold the remaining stockpile they had under the table after relabeling them as the newer VC tile that they were replaced with.

Right. But, OP being in a university may have access to testing for free. Testing in some of the major cities I've lived in has been in the local university (not sure why). If you really want to fuck with them get it tested and they may be forced to tear the building apart as there are much stricter guidelines as to what can stay and what cannot in educational buildings/hospitals/ect.

TLDR, you're fine. Basically don't do anything abrasive to them. Also fun note: smoking literally increased the chance of developing deadly health conditions from asbestos 30x (3000%) because of the lack of clearing effect your cilia has to remove foreign particles from your airways. Maybe kick the habit while you're there.

>> No.1340616 [View]

Who the fuck doesn't? I love a new tool until I have to use it long enough to want something better, but when I'm buying them I'm right on the cusp of getting exactly that (in my simple little head anyways)

I couldn't wait to upgrade my 3 phase grinding equipment and worked towards it for years, but I'm just as bored at work with my fancy new gear now as I was back then. If I still had my old machines I'd force myself to use them from time to time to remember why.

>> No.1340614 [View]
File: 43 KB, 640x640, gfaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alfoil has zinc in it. You gonna get sick.
Basically the foil tears it's self tiny little holes wherever it forms a fold because it won't stretch.

>> No.1340604 [View]

I hate those style of shelves, they always show your cut if you don't recess the installation edge of the shelf to fit a smaller cutaway and you're left with the corner cut in your photo. Did like those leave in spacers though, they had enough give to compress them slightly if you needed a tiny bit more room.

You didn't map your vertical lines with a laser, and the tiles more than likely aren't the same size. It's a common mistake. Where I was a setter you couldn't get enough money for backsplashes to do them properly, and the fucking drywall was usually too uneven to do it right.

No nice way to spread the balance here except being involved in the design phase. I have done similar spreads and just cut the backing between the mosaic and used a different spacing to even it out but that has a real limit before it shows. I really hope the marble doesn't pop when this gets hot, it does happen from time to time with porous stone around extreme heat.

Now I live in Australia where the tilers are almost exclusively Asian and work for criminally low wages. The scary thing is for the money they don't do a bad job, and if you pay properly and find the right team of them you can get artisan grade work done for a lot less than I'd ever consider working for.

>> No.1340599 [View]
File: 3.83 MB, 194x345, Z2dxfDT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My prusa mk2 with a bunch of upgrades is still in the box 4 and a half years later. I even got my own precision rod at top buck from a local supplier for $100 and it's all rusted from sitting in the garage forever.

Anyone wanna buy a raprep?

>> No.1335258 [View]

Take a piece of tape and stick it to the end of a philips screwdriver .. the sticky end out so when you put the screwdriver in the screw it fills the head and stick. then push down and let the tape set. if its rusted you can take a drop of crazy glue and stick the tape to the gleu and the head. then it will conform to the phillips and just unscrew as usual.

>> No.1318934 [View]

Full time baker
Salary is 350 a week or maybe that’s annual.
Biggest bean burrito diy YouTuber
Basically happy, just need time to recover from back surgery.

>> No.1313840 [View]

fuck yo all this is NOT /POL/+kys

>> No.1312846 [View]

I rate this comment 9/10.
Thanks for the bump.

>> No.1312798 [View]
File: 80 KB, 636x954, GlueChart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lens assembly requires a bit if careful wiggling, ensure that the wire is not getting snagged on anything and then the entire body of the flashlight should just line up and clip back together.

Once reassembled, it will not be as sturdy as it was when new, as glue was used during manufacture; so use some glue if matters to you.

>> No.1312407 [View]
File: 141 KB, 720x1280, bca11b70930af5886653b063d25d9338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

edit: they have various helmets but i mean the one from "ice on dune" era

>> No.1312406 [View]
File: 164 KB, 1680x691, 3a92ae01d7a126c9423e7ae9f14a6734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1312405 [View]
File: 176 KB, 2048x1447, 3422ac61b54185dd48781943c9b227f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /diy/. I've been thinking for ages on how to replicate Empire of the Sun leader's helmet. Anyone with enought experience can tell me which material did they use to make this headpiece or how did they do it? Ive been thinking it might me very thick aluminnium sheet or very thin steel sheet. Then they probably form it by punching. Do you think it might be some sort of cast? Any thoughts may help, more photos from other sides below. Please help!

>> No.1311551 [View]


I'd say you've seen some crazy electronic mistakes in your time. Are you always this angry?

>> No.1311218 [View]
File: 30 KB, 480x360, fullretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>hurr durr it's like capacitors durr
Calm down anon.

On a similar note, a friend of mine once tried to convince me that a resistor is the same as a fuse.

>> No.1311153 [View]

I think that is the easiest option. I have a pair of 10440's on order.

>> No.1311125 [View]

>The diodes short out the blue lines.
Thanks anon. I'm learning.

>total idiot
I don't know what I'm doing, that is why I'm here asking questions. If you have no constructive input to add then fuck right off back to /b/ fagget

>> No.1311037 [View]
File: 23 KB, 2000x1500, battery_life-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider this :
3 x AAA = 3.6v @ 1200mAh (Alkaline)
1 x 10440 = 3.7v @ 600mAh (Li-ion)

The 10440 is a similar size as a AAA and I would only need one battery. The space that is left from the two missing batteries will house the TP4056. The capacity is halved, but should work none the less.

Its what this anon said ...............

>Apparently the lithium batteries (18650) for TP4056 are 3.7V.
>So you could use just one.

.....................but with a 10440 instead of a 18650.

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