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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1759965 [View]
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x3024, 20191230_060855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just soldered one of these, having never done it before and not practicing for it, it still went fine and I did it.
It was a USB rechargeable milwaukee led light and the USB port was a short circuit.

>> No.1759395 [View]

stihl sells the 311 with a 25 inch bar option, and the 311 is weaker than the 362

>> No.1758610 [View]

The yellows typically dont have the offset handles because they are designed to plunge into the middle of a piece, they arent designed to cut any deeper than the depth of the blades themselves, if you tried to go deeper your knuckles would collide with the metal potentially cutting them and you would have to pry and bend the metal to continue your cut.
I dont know why anyone would buy a cutter that cannot cut deeper than the blade depth when one that can is right next to it.
Captcha just told me I'm a robot and banned me from even trying to solve the puzzles, I'm so tired of this.

>> No.1758603 [View]

If you take thin cuts of course the thin strip will yield before the thick sheet does, as you begin to take thicker cuts it becomes more apparent.
Also, trying to cut the wrong direction on an edge is shitty and inaccurate.
Also, the good side will have a nice clean edge on it and the waste side will have tiny serrations from the blades.
I use midwest green and reds at work and at home as a custom car builder.
I would post pictures of my work but my ip range is banned from posting images on my phone and my wifi IP is banned for telling someone to seethe which is apparently trolling on the level of a ban.
The mods are awful these days and the captchas are getting so bad that it takes me a solid minute and a half to get a check mark.
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.1758590 [View]

No, they really don't.
The cutters make cuts with a "good" side and a "waste" side.
The waste side gets distorted and bent and fucked up, the "good" side stays perfectly flat and un distorted.
When you flip them over, you flip which side is the waste side.

>> No.1758562 [View]

The red is for making cuts on the right side of a piece of metal, the green is for making cuts on the left side of a sheet of metal, you can flip red over and they become green, you can flip greens over and they become red.
Yellow is for making plung cuts into material no deeper than the length of the blade, like when flaring out a sheet metal tube to slide them together or snipping into metal studs.

>> No.1757811 [View]

Just bought an MS311 for cutting up firewood and I'm already itching for a bigger saw, thinking of a ms361 with a tuned exhaust and a big ass bar on it, I want a hot rod.

>> No.1756760 [View]

Then perish...

>> No.1756687 [View]

I have plenty of patience, I just spend my time making actually useful things instead of stupid bullshit that wastes time and makes no money

>> No.1756666 [View]

because I don't need a weighted vest to treat my non-existent autism
feels neurotypical and good

>> No.1756659 [View]
File: 310 KB, 960x1280, 1536138798421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based, I fucking love 3M so god damn much

>> No.1756656 [View]

He's trying to get rid of the filter...

>> No.1756644 [View]


>> No.1756630 [View]

Just get a tyvek suit and some long butyl gloves, and tyvek foot covers
along with one of these, that you will scrunch the tyvek over like how a hoodie scrunches down around your face.

>> No.1756629 [View]

I'd just take an old filter and cut it up, get the plastic fitting out of it then JB weld a quarter to it.
Anything 3D printed is literally going to break when you try and attach it, 3D printed stuff is brittle useless shit.
If it doesn't instantly break, it'll break the second you need it to actually protect you.
NEVER trust your life or health to anything out of a god damn 3D printer.

>> No.1755657 [View]

straight is for when you are cutting into the middle of a piece, not an edge, and not cutting deeper than the depth of the blade

>> No.1755046 [View]

>also i am not gay anymore and i see how it would be useful to stop too much birth and help the climate change from happening by lowering the population in non harmful way so this is not for me or anyone i know other than to make me money by save the enviroment
Congrats, you now see why modern entertainment is forcing homosexuality down everyone's throats, they want the white race dead, they want high iq races to die off and beaners and nigs and sand nigs to rule the earth under their thumb with no chance of resistance.
Whites are the only threat to the one world order, anyone else would be content with the world they want us to have.

>> No.1754908 [View]

Idk who this dude is but the asspain in the comments is delicious, thumbs up

>> No.1748642 [View]

you need to clean the whole fucking thing out with a brush on a drill, you're going to burn your fucking house down god damn it clean it immediately
Also check that the cap on your roof that stops rain from getting in isn't dirty as well.

>> No.1745977 [View]

I never used a trip...?

>> No.1743609 [View]
File: 2.37 MB, 2048x1536, 20190731_182136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5th one was a christmas gift for my bf so yeah...
Very nice I planned on something similar, based.
Sperg more for me loser, I do more in a day than you do in a year

>> No.1743589 [View]

This lol
Fucking lmfao this thread holy shit
Weebs are total hot garbage

>> No.1743082 [View]

dilate tranny
Tell me again, why are you sexually attracted to children?

>> No.1743077 [View]
File: 3.60 MB, 4032x3024, 20191209_195756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ran into this problem with my mobile mechanic setup, i had 4 different tool boxes and they were all mix matched and it sucked ass so I bought 4 ammo cans that all stack together, I'm gonna label them 1 2 3 4 or red green blue etc whatever to differentiate them, then one will be wrenches, other is all sockets, other is all pliers and screwdrivers, 4th is soldering, clamps, hammers, squares, etc whatever random stuff.
they will also have removable dividers in them to better organize and use space

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