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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.434663 [View]

you better not be OP

>> No.434661 [View]


if both are broken

if just the glass, then

>> No.434642 [View]

Jesus.... let's back up

does it turn on
if so can you see anything
post pic of phone on up close if so

>> No.434593 [View]

still not the information i was asking for. do you know what the parts of the phone are called?

because the cracked glass i see in the picture is the "front" of the phone, the "top" is where the power switch and headphone jack are.

do you understand that there is an LCD (the screen) and then a piece of glass in front of it, which also has a "digitizer" bonded to it, which is what senses your finger?

>> No.434587 [View]

goddamn ur a dumbass



>> No.434583 [View]

>master pipe makers spend years crafting pipes
>special wood

whatever just watch this guy do it


>> No.434573 [View]

well why dont you tell us what model it is

>> No.434572 [View]

bro just buy a replacement glass on ebay. you said the screen is fucked up, but is it just the glass or the glass and lcd that are damaged? either way, make sure to get the glass WITH the frame, already glued together. its only a few bucks more than the glass by itself but 100% worth it.

they usually come with all the tiny screwdrivers, suction cup, etc that you need. just use a video guide on youtube, go slow, dont drop screws, and do all your work on a white towel.

>> No.434570 [View]

dude basically you're asking for something really silly.

you want it to be "firm and steady" and "adjustable" but made of "cheap wood"

not really going to happen. thats why all the hospital ones are made of metal. the ones with a wood bottom and top and a pipe in between are not going to be very steady, IMHO.

as far as something that will look nice, and be useable other than as a bed table, i would go with the ikea malm design.

i can get casters down the street for $1 a piece, and

my dumb ass forgot the link before

>> No.434542 [View]

a) hold old are you
b) do you live with your parents

>> No.434538 [View]

yet another design


but i would use pipes + threaded flanges, no those stupid thumb screw things.

could make height adjustable with 2 diameters of pipe + a pin

>> No.434532 [View]

plans for queen size, if interested

>> No.434529 [View]
File: 53 KB, 605x705, PAGE_156_OFFER_00308066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other option is to copy IKEA's Malm Occasional Table, pic related

>> No.434525 [View]

they are called "over bed table"

about $50 on amazon, so there's your budget

here is pic of how commercial ones are assembled

pressed wood is probably not the material to be making this out of. if you insist, i would probably go with a laminate method. meaning, cutting an L or C shape out of the wood, and putting multiple layers together to form the support arm. then cut one piece for the top,

>> No.434039 [View]

i just had what i think might be a brilliant idea

>ikea furniture
>take bed apart
>put all fasteners in ziploc bag
>draw instructions using only pictures
>wrap in cardboard
>give to GF
>post result

>> No.434004 [View]

cooler free
box fan free
old pump free
zip ties free
tubing $3
copper tubing $15
can of spray paint because im anal and cleaned, sanded, and repainted fan: $2

why use 12v pc fans? water recirculates, so why cooler + bucket?

btw what you, the other anon, and myself are talking about is different from the pic. the pic is a swap cooler which basically blows air over ice, we are talking about a different design which transfers heat in the air to the water by pumping it through copper pipes. the big difference is that the swamp cooler humidifies the air via evaporation, and the other actually dehumidifies the air - thats why the copper pipes sweat a lot and drip all over, requiring a towel.

worth noting that this will not cool a room, it is simply not powerful enough, but it will provide a much cooler breeze. fans can actually make you hotter if its 90F+ outside, so this can feel really good as long as it is blowing on you.

>> No.433993 [View]
File: 956 KB, 2448x3264, IMG_20120802_154148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha nice seeing you again man.

ill post my OC here and +1 the copper+fan+aquarium pump solution.

>> No.433981 [View]

ummmm....rip out insides, install lcd and sff pc?

>> No.433872 [View]

this must be troll thread. just in case not:

1) OP your GF is a dumbass. Show her these posts. Tell her that IKEA puts laminate/veneer/paint over cheap wood because they have to hide the cheap wood. IKEA does not put laminate over nice hardwood.

2) OP's GF, your BF has put a lot more work into your bed than any good BF would ever hope to. If you don't like it, then fine, but just say you don't like it, don't ask him to transform it into some shitty thing because its not to your tastes. That's like spraypainting a gold ring with silver spray paint because you don't like gold.

3) can we get a pic of the bed? interested as to how you made it.

4) "ikea" feel? cheap? plasitc? like its about to break? like it was made by children? please have GF describe "ikea feel" and post response.

>> No.433865 [View]

so great.

op, seriously, you need to clean that shit up. its messy as hell, step one is making those lines square.

then, cut some small pieces of wood the thickness of the door and glue them in place inside the hollow core door. then fill remaining space with foam.

trim excess foam. finish exposed part of the inside of the door with "U" shaped trim.

install door.

>> No.432798 [View]

i too am interested in this.

friend wants to take some money and play stocks, i said buy in bulk, import, and resell on ebay

what about phone cases?

>> No.432778 [View]

what the fuck is a carton-tile?

if you're gluing two pieces of acrylic together with a photo in between, what you're really doing is gluing two pieces of acrylic to a piece of paper. which sounds to me like a lot of work and frustration. i think maayyybe an easier route would be resin.

by casting the image, printer on paper, in resin, you get an image within a clear medium, could even make them two-sided.

Other systems used for this process are known as Diasec or Optimount, and use silicone sealant / glue or double sided adhesive.

>> No.432766 [View]


OP has a 14" Samsung XGA 1280x768 lcd, likely from a Toshiba Satellite.

A better option would be to try to sell it for about $50 on ebay (depends on condition) and then just buy a monitor for your ps3. You can get a 23" lcd with hdmi and led backlight for about $150, less on sale.

I kind of doubt you could convert this lcd for less than $100.

btw that lcd would display in 720p. but it is only 14 inches lol

tldr; cheaper to sell parts and buy working monitor

>> No.432431 [View]

omg who gives a fuck
have you seen his other posts?

"drege" has no idea how spelling works
i just saw him spell "come on" as "common."

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