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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.438496 [View]

no. not within his rights.

yes indeed if OP has only rented a room or a part of the house, the landlord can do as he pleases with the rest. doesn't matter that the girl is landlords daughter, as he could have moved sideshow bob in and OP cant complain on that fact alone.

there is only an issue if OP has a whole-house lease, which is what i assumed (since its the only way there is a conflict to discuss)

OP give us more info.

>lease terms
>why did she move in
>did landlord ask
>what the fuck is going on nobody does this
>do you live in a rent control city
>do you live in a box

>> No.438495 [View]

no dum dum
thats regarding special cases like san fran where you apparently have to evict for "just cause" and one example is if the owner wants to move into the unit. use context clues; they are saying that close relatives moving into the unit are considered just cause for evicting a current tenant.

nowhere on earth, unless you agree to it before hand, is another person allowed to move into the place you are paying to live without your permission.

>> No.438494 [View]

DAMN I fuckign step away from DIY for TWO DAYS and this shit pops up.

OP, florida real estate attorney here. let's see...

Basically your landlord has likely breached your lease by failing to deliver exclusive possession. You may also argue that he has breached your right to quiet enjoyment, but the exclusive possession claim is stronger.

1) hope you have a lease. if not, you're a dumbass. always get it in writing. sorry, but its true. if you have a lease, review it and make sure it grants you exclusive tenancy of the whole house, not just a part of it. in other words, if it says, landlord rents to tenant the property at 123 main street, and thats it, then you rented the WHOLE PROPERTY and he cant let other people move in.

2) if you dont have a written lease, then you have to go off of the oral agreement you have with him. i will need more details, but you may have a 1 year lease, you may have a monthly tenancy, i dont know without more info.


state your name, the date, his name, both your addresses, and explain that by allowing his daughter to move into the premises he has breached your lease agreement due to a failure to deliver possession of the property. notify him in the letter that if this problem is not resolved you will be withholding rent. Your other option is to give him 7 days to cure and then declare the lease terminated and move out, just depends on what you want.

mail the letter certified return receipt but call and talk to him first

most of your answers can be found here http://www.dca.ca.gov/publications/landlordbook/ and http://www.dca.ca.gov/publications/landlordbook/catenant.pdf

specifically local help here http://www.dca.ca.gov/publications/landlordbook/resolve-problems.shtml

>> No.438490 [View]

ditto, "dandruff" is a symptom, not a condition.
for example, i get dandruff due to psoriasis (despite my dumbass derm telling me its just "seasonal dryness," fuck you cunt, I have psoriasis I know what it is).

SO, the only think that works for me is coal tar shampoo. Honestly the generic store brands worked just as well as MG217 or T-Gel. But I will say I think the MG217 coal tar shampoo doesnt smell as bad despite looking like baby shit.

most derms and barbers will tell you H&S is awful for your scalp and hair. coal tar can help several conditions. try it. if it doesnt work, then try a salicylic acid shampoo.

>> No.438489 [View]

>detached building containing Adam Savage's shop
>dont give a fuck about solar
>dont give a fuck about cables
>theater room would be nice
>professional kitchen with real fucking ovens and gas burners
>otherwise basically regency era estate home/federalist revival/plantation all acceptable
>as close as possible to major city without actually living in the city

>> No.435935 [View]

funny thing is, OP can probably buy a few feet of dowel, get a couple of 18" handlebars out of it, perfect the process, then sell the extras.

i was kind of wondering, obviously, if you had a lathe, you could do some crazy shit. but what about without a lathe? what could you do?

>> No.435932 [View]

for $30 you will get a blade grinder. i havent really seen a burr grinder (which is what OP is using) for that cheap. plus he can probably salvage parts to save money. plus its a project.

so does anyone have actual advice about how to add a motor to this one?

>> No.435870 [View]

im going to throw in a hardware recommendation

behringer c-2 condenser mics: $60 for two (they come in pairs)
behringer UB802 mixer: $50 (for phantom power for the mics)
plus you'll need 2 xlr cables and one rca to minijack cable.

connect mics to mixer, mixer to pc, use audacity to record.

of course you could use any mic, but a condenser mic is going to sound realllllly nice compared to a dynamic one. plus with two you can do interviews, 2 person podcasts, etc. or do stereo recordings.

make cheap pop filters with stockings and a coat hanger (you can get realllly creative here)

>> No.435867 [View]

cool cool cool

good luck man post results!

>> No.435866 [View]

this does not make sense.

castile soap IS lye + vegetable oil + water

wtf are you talkin about

>> No.435850 [View]

which side did you tape it to? in other words, is the fan pushing air through the filter or pulling it through? did you try it both ways?

that small impediment shouldnt burn it out IMO

>> No.435365 [View]

are you OP?
are you talking to me?

people need to learn to post

you need a PATENT attorney in your jurisdiction. all caps because you need to find someone who specializes in patents and, specifically, the type of device you have created. there are attorneys that specialize in medical device patents, chemical patents, procedural patents, tech patents, mechanical patents, etc. do your research and select an attorney carefully.

if you want some general advice, i would be happy to point you in the right direction, but i have not done patents.

i guess you're pretty much concerned about secrecy, so just have whoever you talk to sign a nondisclosure agreement, make sure you have their info, and make clear that if your idea gets out their ass is on the line.

>> No.435276 [View]

jesus kids

>broke student



>implying pine dowels at home depot are the only dowels

jesus man just research/measure and see exactly what size handlebar your stem needs. remember two things:

1) wood has an actual size and a nominal size. Often what is called 1" wood is actually 3/4"
2) you're going to have to make this extra tight since even hardwood will compress a bit.

that said


i dont know the actual dimensions of those. if the 1" is actually one inch, then it could work for you since most stems are 1" however if the wood isnt actually one inch you could just go with the 1.25 which might actually be 1" and sand until it fits i suppose. best option is source hardwood dowels locally and go measure it in person.

since this is where your pic is from im going to assume you've seen this: http://cycling-lessons.wonderhowto.com/how-to/spruce-up-your-bicycle-with-wooden-diy-riser-handlebar-0138883/

watch the video. he uses thin pieces of wood and a laminate process, but all that work is just to achieve the shape he has there. otherwise he would have had to carve it out of a larger solid piece and the grain might have been ugly or he would have had to steam bend a dowel. he chose the right method for his desired end result and he basically did it with a vice, a table saw, a plane, a rasp, and sandpaper.

but for a straight bar, you just need a hardwood dowel. but the important lesson from the video for you is that he wedges the stem open with a piece of wood while he puts the handle in so that it doesnt get scratched. he also stains it and varnishes it after its in the stem, which im not 100% sure i agree with. so your call.

$10-$20, + sandpaper, stain, and finish

>> No.435271 [View]

$0.98 for one small bottle of suave, which is awful shampoo, vs a few bucks to make gallons of good shampoo

i think thats the logic OP is using here

>castille soap + fragrance/oil + vitamin E + moisturizer/thickener like coconut milk
>what he said

>> No.435268 [View]

attorney here, i would get a second opinion. and then a third opinion if you need to. attorneys have differing opinions, and can be lazy, believe it or not.

without more info about invention can't really help but understand if you are being secretive.

but consider this info from a patent attorneys website: "The patent attorney should tell you to make the invention as simple as possible. It's harder to "design around" a simple patented item than a complex one. A good patent attorney will never tell an inventor that something is too simple to be patented, or that the invention cannot be patented. A patent attorney who states that an invention is not patentable risks a malpractice lawsuit, unless they have knowledge of the prior art."

>> No.435048 [View]

lol i didnt mean to sound angry i even used the word "silly" to try to soften it a little bit but come on lets use some common sense here lol

>> No.435035 [View]
File: 78 KB, 1071x1500, 71GNEH8ZLJL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just redid my BA A70's, and my refoam kit came with a small bottle of glue. Once I opened it I realized what it was, and when I searched online my suspicions were confirmed:


seriously thats the stuff, thats what you use, and its $5 at walmart. if you dont believe me see: http://www.audiokarma.org/forums/showthread.php?t=313374

do you have instructions/shims/a centering tone on CD?

also, lrn 2 google

>> No.435024 [View]

1) OP asks for recipes
2) argument about whether to use shampoo at all ensues
3) now debating cause of dandruff
4) now discussing whether vinegar smells

come on guys. has anyone made shampoo or do they have any experience making products of that sort?

looks like most of the recipes i see online are basically castille soap + fragrance/oil + vitamin E + moisturizer/thickener

so go off of that man, one person uses coconut milk and castille soap and vitamin e, doesnt sound like anything that could hurt you.

i DO know that you can buy very inexpensive bars of castile soap (they're $1 at my local supermarket, but it is a "latino" supermarket, i dont think ive really seen it in a walmart or publix) and you put it in a ziploc bag or tuperware 1 part soap to 4 parts water by weight and just wait like 5 days. the soap dissolves and you get a big tub of liquid soap.

this is a LOT cheaper because liquid soap is mostly water, and you're paying the distributor to basically ship you water.

SO, get a bar of soap, dissovle it to make liquid castile soap, and just use that or mix in some other stuff to make nice shampoo.


please report back as i am very interested

also i will be going to get a haircut soon from a good friend of mine who cuts hair and makes his own products, and i will ask him about the validity of this method and report back!

>> No.434767 [View]

I just meant it may not be possible to remove using suction cup but you can get it out otherwise with a pry tool or guitar pick, which will come with the glass/frame.

I think you understand it just order the part its pretty cheap go slow use a video guide and you'll be fine.

>> No.434728 [View]

Mistake was not using natural wood colored stainable filler I think. Maybe try stain on test patch of untinted filler and see how it looks before redoing part of floor.

>> No.434722 [View]

No this means you only have to replace the glass the LCD is fine. The item I posted earlier for $14 is the way to go.

I dunno man I sense 15 year old

I phones are shitty but for other reasons. 3gs glass and LCD are really cheap and easy to replace which is cool but other than that garbage.

Any further questions?

>> No.434683 [View]

cosmetically, you can replace everything for example


>> No.434678 [View]

ok so the lcd works, but i still cant tell if its cracked or not because thats not a full screen pic and there is a lot of glare.

this will be easier if you understand how its put together. the LCD is the actual screen that displays the image. it is behind the glass, in a metal frame. that frame attaches to a plastic frame with a flat part at the top and bottom behind the black parts of the glass. the glass has a sensor layer bonded to it. the glass+digitizer are attached to the plastic frame with adhesive.

to replace the glass only, you unscrew the two tiny screws at the bottom of the phone, and pull the whole assembly out of the phone from the front using a suction cup. this may or may not be possible with how much cracking there is. either way, the problem is once you get it out, you have to separate the glass from the plastic frame, it warps easily, and the replacement glass sometimes does not adhere properly to it. SO, thats why i recommend getting the glass with the frame pre-attached. that way you dont have to reuse the frame, its only $14. that is the way to go if they lcd is in good shape.

if the lcd is cracked or badly scratched, you will need to replace it as well, in which case you will need the other item i linked to which is $30. You can get the lcd alone for $16, so if you buy the glass+frame, start to repair it, and then find that the lcd is broken, you can buy the lcd separate. but you should be able to tell if you will need both before starting the repair.

you just have to look at it. there are cracks in the glass at the top layer (which is where the chunk is missing) but underneath that is the lcd. look for damage on the actual lcd.

depending on capacity, i think 3gs go for $75 to $150, so even if you repair it for $30, thats not bad. even luckier if you can do it for $14

try taking a pic in better light without flash and with a full screen bright image (like a lighter color) on the screen

>> No.434664 [View]

>I believe it's both glass and LCD damaged

>doesn't know the difference between glass and LCD

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