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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.439626 [View]

um you need to sand the edges of where you cut on the mask

make it out of air dry modeling clay ON THE MASK. then let it harden. then glue it on using e6000. then tape off the area around it and paint with either gold spray paint (cheap) or gold rub n buff, which is awesome.

>> No.439624 [View]

>they call that suburbs
...and they call you an asshole.

Firstly, wikipedia: "A suburb is a residential area, either existing as part of a city or urban area, or as a separate residential community within commuting distance of a city."

Secondly: I can think of at least a dozen places inand aruond the city where I live that are neither "in the city" nor "suburban." There are more than 2 residential classifications.

Thirdly: Go to law school, take land use, land planning, real estate law, property law, go fuck yourself, then come back to /diy/ and actually contribute to this thread instead of telling everyone else who has posted that their HYPOTHETICAL IMAGINARY DREAM HOME is wrong.

>> No.439621 [View]

this fucking english

*sigh* fucking bostonians we never should have rebelled

>> No.439619 [View]

get a midi of the song u want to use then try this

>> No.439616 [View]


>> No.439615 [View]

string sounds like a bitch. likely use very thin fishing line. can be painted matte black to disguise it.

depending on how you're positioning it, you may be able to mount it with a post to the back of the locker far enough in that its impossible to see the post from any angle outside of the locker. that could give you a mounting point for the led as well.

use acrylic/plexiglass 1/4inch scrap, scuff it up, paint it matte black, cut end of acrylic to angle to match diamond. glue to back of locker. glue small led underneath pointing forward. wrap in electrical tape. conceal wires/paint black. run through small hole in back of locker under piece of plastic. glue diamond to acrylic stick.

anyways thats me brainstorming

>> No.439612 [View]

you fail to properly articulate the problem.

how does it lock- key or small knob?
does it lock?
does it unlock?
does it not open and close the door?

do not understand where the problem is, especially when you can probably get a used doorknob that works at the thrift store or on craigslist for little or nothing

>> No.439610 [View]

no, there are no protips because no pro would paint awesome raybans.

ok, so? do you not have the original lenses?
do you not think that you could sell them for a good price WITHOUT lenses for someone who wanted to use them as optical frames? they don't come with lenses at the opticians store.

lastly, why do you want to paint them? if they have prescription lenses, didnt you pick them out? are you just tired of the color now? you want plain black ones?

this is retarded i dont know why im still typing

>> No.439608 [View]

this was my thought exactly.

but if its using port forwarding...you have to assign each phone a static IP, and use a different port for each phone, so that when you connect to your home IP you can specify which port and therefore which cam, correct? but you could use multiple cams.

then set up a quick barebones site with a password that just displays the streams, login, bam, security system. holy shit. set up a PC with screencap software, have it recording all the time, insane.

>> No.439596 [View]

i dont have a lot of research in evaluating a home's electrical/plumbing/structural issues, so im going to provide some advice from my area of specialty, real estate law.

1) check property records for lots of info such as plats, surveys, and sale history. you can tell a lot from this. research the current owner and previous owners. for example; if you see it purchased in 2000 for $50,000, then transferred by warranty deed in 2010 to bank of america trust co etc. for $100, then to indiana real estate pros llc for $5,000 in 2012, and theyre the current owner, you know a lot. in that case, you know that someone bought it before the bubble, couldnt pay the mortgage, the bank took it back at the foreclosure sale, tried to sell it and couldnt, and eventually cut their losses and sold it to an investor.

2) search public records (clerk of court or comptroller will have them, likely online) for other info. liens, mortgages, deeds, etc. everything is recorded there. sometimes you can search by address, but often only by party. so, start typing in every previous owner of the address as the grantor and then as the grantee and pull up everything. its a lot of info to sort through, but this is what title companies do.

3) which brings me to 3, pay a title company about $100 if you're really interested to do a title search.. this will reveal liens (such as contractor or tax liens) that run with the land - ie, are connected to the property and which you will inherit. make sure the mortgage was properly satisfied and any liens released.

4) get a home inspection. get everything in writing. you may need appraisals for work to be done to make it liveable. get everything in writing. dont release anyone from liability for failure to find a defect. in other words, you want to be able to hold anyone who says "there are no termites" liable for the damage if there ARE termites.

um is the pic of the actual house or a house LIKE it?

>> No.439593 [View]
File: 24 KB, 432x332, big-dog-432jpg-77d7f87e85e78920_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck forgot pic

>> No.439592 [View]

google says 700 pounds is about how much meat you get from a whole butchered cow.

this prank involves motors.

i can only hope its one of these covered in crab.

>> No.439591 [View]

naval jelly to remove rust. its in a tough spot so a wire wheel isnt going to much use where it matters. be careful use gloves.

plating looks damaged on handle, lots of that isnt rust but thats OK as its just cosmetic.

remove rust from worm gear, apply grease, use forever.

+1 plastidip for handle. cool shit.

>> No.439302 [View]

what im trying to say is that there may be a big gap between what you and the landlord can and cannot do under the law versus what people ACTUALLY do.

If you are wronged, but in the end prevail under law, that does not change the fact that when your lanlord changed your locks and threw all your things away you still had nowhere to sleep for a week.

This is why I always stress negotiation. Even nice people can turn into total assholes once you take them to court.

Mathew 5:25- "Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still together on the way, or your adversary may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison."

>> No.439298 [View]

hahaha that was classic

it really depends on the jurisdiction man. in Florida, we can actually evict pretty quick. In some places cough cough california cough cough evictions can take months.

i have not conducted a state by state analysis do i cannot opine. but l-t issues are always bad news because its about the place WHERE YOU LIVE. not your car or your boat, not your money, but WHERE YOU SLEEP.

shit goes from 0 to REAL in no time flat.

>> No.439281 [View]

wow i didnt know about that k-i-d replacement lolol

>> No.439280 [View]


wow i dont know why i was surprised by this as psoriasis is a pretty common thing. thanks for the advice. i will say this though: its different for everyone.

not to knock your advice, but ive tried clobetasol and lots of other things and the only product that works for ME is coal tar. but im always up for giving it another shot.

ive had psoriasis since i was atalented /diy/er and im 26 now. at its worst it was on my elbows, knees, and feet.

it has almost compeltely gone from my elbows, there is vveeeeery little left on one knee, (ironically the other knee cleared up after a car accident that split the skin of my knee open) but my feet are the last big holdout. really from the top of my big toe in a 1 inch wide line about 5 inches down the length of my foot, on both feet. awful. no sandals, man.

but recently i got dandruff, and thought, great, its spreading. which it is, so i just do what ive always done.

but the reason docs dismiss it as something else, at least initially, is that they cant assume its something more complicated right off the bat. they have to start simple, and if you follow a routine treatment and see no improvement, they move to the next option. this is for 2 reasons 1) people lie and say stupid things 2) legal liability. (my friend is a doctor, he explained all this to me)

but if you have been to the same derm and they refuse to change treatment or diagnosis, fuck them. but take your charts to the next derm so they dont start you back at the beginning.

fucking psoriasis. if i ever get it on my dick im going to kill myself.

>> No.439276 [View]

dude phones are relatively thin. and im trying to think of other places you could hide a wire so that it can stay plugged in.

framed pictures. clocks. lamps. position it right and you can put it in an air vent.

>> No.439273 [View]

true but i just checked craigslist and you can get a shitty used android phone for as little as $15. insane.

>> No.439271 [View]

is there a way to monitor the phone from a pc? any way that enables a remote pc to record the phone's video?

this is very interesting. if you can conceal the charger as well, as long as there is wifi, you have a camera that you can access from anywhere.

preeettttty cool mang

main use i would have would be to have it recording all the time basically

>> No.439266 [View]

uh yea man just google the model number and get a replacement lcd panel from ebay. can be pretty cheap nowadays depending on model.

then download service manual for laptop, and follow it. check youtube as well as there is likely already a disassembly video.

>> No.439265 [View]

hey optician!!! where do you practice?

please explain why glass lenses are so fucking hard to find/so expensive.

>> No.439264 [View]

if you paint a $150 pair of sunglasses we will kill you

>> No.438501 [View]

ok so i have been super interested in getting into screen printing and my grandfather actually was a pro at it but alas he was an asshole and i never got to learn from him. however:

my understanding is that you take a screen in a frame, obstruct a portion of the screen creating an image, then apply ink to the screen, lay it on the shirt, and wipe it over the screen.

if youre doing single color a large portion of the need for the machines goes away- you dont have to register each color exactly in the same spot since you only have 1 screen.

the harder part is getting an image onto the screen. option 1 is drawing fluid, where you can use freehand or a stencil to get an image. option two involves light boxes/the sun, a transparency image, and the fluid.

you can use bleach, both with stencils and screen printing. the way i want to do it is using what is called "discharge ink" which removes the dye from a garment without damaging it. basically you run it through a screen just like pastisol. there is also usually heat curing involved with inks btw. some people use an iron, others an oven, others line dry then put it in the dryer. depends on the ink.

the coolest bleach tutorial ive ever seen is here: http://www.stencilrevolution.com/tutorials/bleach-fabric-guide/ he really clears up a lot.

where i want to do smaller runs (custom shirts and stuff with our bands logo) i contacted a local printer and he said he would prep the screen for me from a vector that i could provide for $30. that way i could do all the printing myself and i would actually own the screen.

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