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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4851585 No.4851585 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday was the worst dinner I have ever had. I make a rule of not socializing with coworkers, and I should not have broken it. This may take 2 posts, it was THAT bad.

6 coworkers met at someone's house yesterday under the pretense of "Irish stew". I grudgingly accepted the invitation and arrived at 2 pm (when I was told to come). I brought traditional soda bread that had to be baked first. The host made a bit of a stink about using the oven when he had other things in there, but I told him I wanted it fresh.

The stew was still cooking and the host was already drinking alcohol at this time. In the middle of a conversation with a member of the opposite sex, the host tells me, "Please, no talk about politics. PLEASE not today". I said if more people talked about politics we would be in a better country, and he got very argumentative so I just dropped it.

I was drinking apple juice that I brought over and the host kept trying to get me to have a beer. He was obviously intoxicated and starting saying how maybe I would be relaxed and "cooler" if I had some alcohol. It was pathetic, like peer pressure from a high school TV show.

Anyway, at that point I became withdrawn and went for a walk. I came back right before dinner, and that is when the fun started.

He made "Irish stew" with beef, carrots, Worcestershire sauce, black pepper, hot sauce, oregano, tomato, and various ingredients. I started telling others that proper Irish stew should only contain mutton, potato, onion, and water, and that beef, tomato, black pepper, hot sauce, and other ingredients would not be available then and therefore it was a modern stew, not Irish stew.

We started eating and someone asked me about what I had said about real Irish stew. The host looked annoyed so I told him. He turned red and told me if I didn't like it I could "get the fuck out and take my apple juice with me".

>> No.4851587
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I was shocked and speechless. He left the room and his girlfriend (they are unmarried but live together) apologized. Eventually, people started talking more comfortably and he came back and was brooding and drinking more.

The stew was okay, but not authentic. I asked him if he knew that mutton was on sale at a local store and he flew into a tirade, bringing up any small error or faux pas I have ever committed at work. People were trying to calm him down, and I simply responded to him in a quiet and calm voice, and said that I appreciated his invitation and his "take" on Irish stew, but it would have been nicer if the company had been more warm.

He got up and pulled me out of the chair, stretching my sweater at the neck. He was literally screaming in my face and had his fist up in a threatening manner.

I told him I would call the cops if he hit me. He then told me to get out and take my "fucking juice and shit bread" with him. A second loaf was still in the oven with 7 minutes left, and I said I wasn't leaving until it was cooked and I could take it.

He shouted at me to leave or he would call the cops ON ME (imagine) and then threw the bread out of the oven on the ground. I was shaking with emotions and told the group that I enjoyed my time with them but I couldn't say the same about the host.

It was a horrible affair, but I decided to make authentic Irish stew today, because I was let down yesterday and had a hankering for it. It is simmering on the stove and I plan on bringing it to lunch tomorrow, one bowl for me and some for the host. It will be a subtle form of revenge as well as a way to show him that I am a better cook and am the more mature, forgiving person.

Any other stories of hosts from hell? People who cannot act respectful towards others in their own home should not have dinner parties.

>> No.4851589


>> No.4851593

Was your soda wholemeal?

>> No.4851595

>drinking apple juice at a dinner party

Are you six years old? Water I could understand but fucking juice?

>> No.4851598

Sounds like the host learned his lesson about inviting cunts to dinner.

Only work people you want to hang out with is the typical rule, who cares if someone feels a little left out. Sometimes as an adult you have to feel rejection

>> No.4851599

Of course.

Because I like juice and don't want to drink water? Do you think someone has to drink alcohol OR water at a dinner party? Why?

>> No.4851601

top lel

gud b8 m8

>> No.4851603

Does apple juice pair with stew? Does it?

No it fucking doesn't. Fuck off.

>> No.4851604

>Of course.

Then call it by its proper name you dirty Hun. Soda bread is white, wheaten is wholemeal.

>> No.4851605


What, do you think that apple juice is a traditional accompaniment to Irish Stew? I bet the traditional Irish would bitch-slap your troll ass into next week.

>> No.4851606

Do you base all your drink choices with how well it pairs with your main course?

>> No.4851609

Apples were a traditional fall food in Ireland.

>> No.4851611


Apples, sure. Apple JUICE? No. Cider perhaps. But not juice. And besides, anyone ought to know that apple is a traditional side for pork dishes, not beef or mutton.

keep on trollin.....

>> No.4851612

If I want to enjoy the meal and not fuck up the balance of flavours, yeah, yeah I do. If it's a formal dinner and not just me throwing some shit together, yeah I'll make sure things are balanced.

>I was shaking with emotions

Yeah I'm not surprised you haven't learned to eat like an adult when you can't act like one. No wonder you only get to socialise with cretins like yourself.

>> No.4851613

You're making me question my childhood anon, I always drank apple juice... then I moved on to cider around 14.

>> No.4851614

>yeah I'll make sure things are balanced.

so tell us again about the wonderful pairing of apple with mutton, which seems to be what you expected?

>> No.4851616


how fucking autistic are you?

>> No.4851618


Why would I making you question that? Children customarily do their own thing rather than doing what's proper. The adults were drinking ale, and since you were too young for that they gave you apple juice. Nothing wrong with that. We're talking about adults here, and I'm calling out OP on his BS for suggesting that adult Irishmen drank apple juice with their traditional stew.

>> No.4851620

Holy fuck I could drink some apple juice right now.

>> No.4851619

Yeah the host was an asshole, but the way you behaved makes you a needledick.
>host isnt the most easy going guy
>host intoxicated
>host fucks up meal
point out the obvious later man, should have just gone with the flow- they meal was already fucked up no point of crying over spilled beer.
Bro, applejuice? Did you also fucking show up with Velcro strapped shoes and a Interstellar Propeller hat?

>> No.4851622

I'd pair apple with pork but that's about it. I wouldn't pair a fucking sweet fruit juice with a hearty rich stew because that's fucking stupid and would just taste like shit and probably make your stomach feel really bloated.

Not me who needs to learn how flavours pair but OP. Or maybe he just needs to grow a fucking spine and stop being a little bitch.

>I-I'm gonna call the c-cops if you h-hit me!

What a faggot.

>> No.4851625

I refuse to believe this isn't a troll. More like dinner guest from hell.

>> No.4851628
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>It will be a subtle form of revenge as well as a way to show him that I am a better cook and am the more mature, forgiving person
>subtle form of revenge
>more mature,forgiving person


>> No.4851631

Z straps are in style

I picked up a pair when I was out juice shopping

>> No.4851637

did you see that mutton was on sale at the butchers?

>> No.4851642


Obviously a troll. OP fucked up when he insisted on "tradition" in his little fiction and then went on to talk about apple juice. (TIP for OP--fix that next time you try this; you need to work on your consistency)

>> No.4851689

>guy posts a funny troll story
>/ck/ actually takes it seriously

Goddamn, will you guys ever stop being so fucking easy?

>> No.4851713

>talking about politics or religion at any time with another person
You are the reason why everything in the world is shit
Keep that fucking shit to yourself
I don't care what it is FUCK YOU

but this post has got to be a troll post
No one is this bad

>> No.4851758

this shouldn't even be considered a "troll" story, just an amusing one. but people are so retarded on this site that it pretty much is a troll.

>> No.4851783

Troll post or not: If someone invites me over for a free meal, I am not going to sit there and nit pick about the fucking ingredients. I'm going to eat it and tell them how wonderful it is.

>> No.4851788

he is trying to make it sound legit though its not even something that is funny in a sense to be taken as a joke

>> No.4851792


I can understand keeping comments to yourself. that's basic politeness. But why would you lie and say the food was great if it really wasn't?

>> No.4851801

That's just how I am. I didn't say the rest of you guys had to do that.

>> No.4851814

OP's autism in nauseating. Is this another quinky sauce-like troll?
>drinking apple juice at dinner
>drinking apple juice with Irish food
>calling out dish as unauthentic
I would have slapped you too.

>> No.4851816


Fair enough, I was simply asking a question. It honestly confused me that someone would tell another person that the food was good when it really wasn't.

>> No.4851819

You were a real hero, anon.

A real human bean.

>> No.4851824

Someone goes through the effort of preparing a meal for his colleagues
He is getting very minimal out of this
He is doing something to make you experience what he has experienced and thought to be good.

It's kind of like this say you have this song that you absolutely love . This song defines you. This song is as close to understanding you as anything.
You are really happy for this song.
So you tell your closest friend about it.
And they say its shit.
Maybe not everyone
but i know i'd get a little butthurt.
I was trying to share an experience i thought was pleasant with someone else .
just for them to not appreciate it in the slightest and instead list qualms about it
Now lets say that I didn't just hear the song.
But i myself made the song.
and you said those things.

>> No.4851829

he's making fun of the typical /ck/ poster actually

>> No.4851830

>I'm going to eat it and tell them how wonderful it is.
I wouldn't critique it, but if it isn't great I'm not going to lay it on thick. That is just pathetic and dishonest.

>> No.4851831

Oh, hmm.. I just feel guilty if someone took the time and effort to prepare something for me. I want to repay them with my gratitude for it and make them think that it was tasty and worth the visit. There have been a LOT of dinners at inlaws' house that were not exactly.. the most delicious, but I made due.

>> No.4851832

>apple is a traditional side for pork dishes, not beef or mutton.
You think apple and pork is a universal tradition?

>> No.4851838

>Apples, sure. Apple JUICE? No. Cider perhaps. But not juice
So you think Irish people only drank cider and never bothered to drink the juice by itself? lol sure

>> No.4851839


"He" sure did a shit job then

>> No.4851841

OP you sound like a fucking cunt...

>> No.4851843

It's not pathetic by any means. It's just a few layers over polite. I'm not grinning wildly and heaving saying how it's the best thing I've ever tasted. Just a simple nod, smile, and "mhmm tasty"

>> No.4851846


Definite troll, 6/10 responded.

>> No.4851852

Second greatest spice after hunger is Someone's else's efforts.

>> No.4851856

I bet you get mad when people complain about how shitty their mom's cooking was when growing up.

>> No.4851868

Not at all.
A spice can only do so much.

>> No.4851871

Wendy's Drive-Thru guy goes to a dinner party.

Well done, smiled heartily.

>> No.4851882


next time OP, you should write the story as if you were one of the other guests witnessing this happen. And concluded it by having you and the other guests go to a bar and talking shit on that fucking autist that the host invited cause he felt bad.

4/10 for effort though

>> No.4851889


You are a passive-aggressive little bitch and the host was completely in the right. Don't ever talk to anyone else ever again, you'd be doing them a favor.

>> No.4851890
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>> No.4851919

a good host would have had an alternative for non alcohol drinkers besides water

>> No.4851923

Obviously the host was not a good host.

He sounds like an alcoholic with serious emotional issues. I hope he is embarrassed about how he acted and calls in sick for work tomorrow because he is too anxious about what happened.

>> No.4851939

I can't tell if OP was a meticulously crafted ruse to rustle my jimmies or if people that anti-social actually exist.

>> No.4851975


you're a giant faggot OP and clearly the worst person at that party.

>> No.4852001
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what a good job "he" did

>> No.4852003

I think someone so autistic does exist. I have my fair share of ruining social gatherings with my autism but never to this extent. But I can imagine someone being this butthurt over the little details OP described. The worst part for me was the fact he's going to make a "real" irish stew and bring a bowl to work. That's just cringe worthy.

>> No.4852049

If real you're a horrible human being. 6/10 if troll.

>> No.4852065

I just don't go to the houses of poor cooks.

Pretty hard to fuck up stew, btw.

>> No.4852092

At the first couple sentences I could tell it was bait. But just for others reading this, you never, ever openly criticizes someone's cooking who has invited you into their home for a meal. To do so is the utmost crude, rude and ignorant behavior. That is the lesson people should take from this.
And OP, next time try harder if you want people to actually believe you.

>> No.4852099

He didn't actually openly criticize the meal, he just talked about what authentic Irish stew constitutes. He even said it tasted pretty good.

If I invited someone over and they said, "real Irish stew is mutton, onions, and water" I would say, "wow, that sounds pretty bland", think they are Assburgered, and leave it at that.

If you get offended by something like that you are way too sensitive for this world.

Also, you don't have to tell us over and over how you know it is a troll and then give us your opinion.

>> No.4852120

ahahahaha good thread, I'm making stew right now.

Beef, leeks, carrots, onion, garlic, potato, celery, Guinness, beef stock, bay leaves, thyme, parsley, salt, and pepper.

It has been on the stove for almost 5 hours. I'm starving but part of me wants to go to McDonald's and not even eat it tonight, because I know it will be 10000x better tomorrow.

>> No.4852270

what you described is just being passive aggressive and bitchmade.

>> No.4852300

Not getting upset at insignificant comments is being "passive aggressive and bitchmade"?

If you actually think this, it is obvious you don't socialize much and are, in fact, incredibly meek and quiet around others.

>> No.4852311

no, I mean sitting at someones table and explaining how incorrect and inauthentic their food is is passive aggressive and bitchmade. Being upset by it is just bitchmade.

>> No.4852313

Not sure how you got that from OP's post. He was just making conversation and giving a lame factoid about the food they were eating.

He is a neckbeard, but the host is retarded.

>> No.4852320

I am definitely not defending the host. as a cook who loves to get drunk, this man is not of my tribe. What I detect in the OP is someone attempting to convey their superiority with a "lame factoid" and in so doing undercutting the host. He is too beta to just be real, and instead he has aggressive intent acted upon in a passive (or beta) manner.

>> No.4852334

I really hope I never have to deal with someone like you at a dinner party. To in any way openly critique a host/hostess's food, that they put expense out and made for your benefit, is incredibly rude. Were you raised in a barn? Did your inept parents not teach you any manners? Yes, the host in question (although obviously fake) was acting poorly and rudely too, the OP (again, obviously fake) was a pretentious, unmannerly, rude little turd and if it were real, I'd hope he was ultimately fired, because he can't work-socialize without offending people.

>> No.4852338

>Were you raised in a barn?
No, he was raised as a troll. Isn't it obvious?

>> No.4852340

OH, that's right. He was raised under a bridge.

>> No.4852346

>Doesn't respect host's request not to talk politics
>Basically talk shit on his stew
Host sounds kind of like your average douche, but you sound like an insufferable cunt.
You really shouldn't be discussing politics or religion with mere acquaintances, no religion/politics at dinner is a very common rule, which you probably don't know because it sounds like you weren't properly socialized growing up.

How the hell do you criticize the host's main meal? shut the fuck up and eat it. Jesus. Sounds like you had a completely useless set of parents.

>> No.4852350

>I really hope I never have to deal with someone like you at a dinner party.
All I said was if someone said that to me at a dinner I was hosting I wouldn't really care. How doesn't this make me someone you wouldn't want to deal with?

You sound way too sensitive, and think such hyper-sensitive behavior is a result of a "good upbringing with manners".

It isn't. Manners are important, but being afraid to express yourself is ridiculous. Your family affairs must involve lots of stiff, fake smiles and stilted, superficial conversations.

>> No.4852360

>but being afraid to express yourself is ridiculous.
Not insulting someone who has cooked you a meal and invited you into their home isn't "fear" it's "tact"

>> No.4852365

no religion poltics or money at dinner is the gen. rule for anyone who has ever brushed up against etiquette. I of course exlude dinner with CLOSE friends and fam.

>> No.4852372

yes, because you, like we were raised by civilized people and taught a set of social graces to make sure we don't embarrass ourselves at social functions like the brain-dead OP.

I'd wager he has other problems in his personal life.

>> No.4852478

You guys can't eat dinner with friends or peers and talk about politics, religion, or money?

How sad. I suppose the socio-economic class of you and your peers is lower than that of mine.

>> No.4852485


well put

>> No.4852496

Only with close friends and family. Those who like you already and will put you above the conflict of personal beliefs.

For meager acquaintances or those who you want a good impression, it's better to avoid tension and bringing up something as closely guarded as politics or religion is impolite.

>> No.4852498
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OP sure would be a huge faggot if this was true

>> No.4852505

>tfw you eat out and the weight/feel of their cuttlery isnt the same as yours at home

Am i the only one? Same goes for resturants

If its at a BBQ, Picnic or fast-food place it doesnt bother me as much because I know what to expect with plastic cutlery

>> No.4852516


its not that we can't its that we can save everyone the hour of nothing being accomplished by avoiding it because in these topics you always run into "the great wall" which nothing changes and everyone gets irritable.
So yes to me you are scum as your peers.
just because you may/ may not circle jerk over an ideal does not mean you and yours opinions have any higher merit.
Because in the end lots of things are subjective and dependent on numerous factors and some things are forever unknown
Thank you for informing us of your peers ignorance/arrogance

>> No.4852519


that only bothers me if there is something wrong with the cutlery--like if it's really flimsy, knife is dull, or something is bent or dirty. I don't care if it is a different shape or anything.

>> No.4852525

>nothing changes and everyone gets irritable.

There's the problem. Why can't you have a discussion without someone getting mad or upset?

>> No.4852528
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i wish it were true so i could laugh at his autism, i, unfortunately, am aware of this ruse.

>> No.4852529

>funny troll story
Where? It's not really even that amusing considering that we're in /ck/, not /b/.


>> No.4852534


either way you definitely dont say something as autistic as "if more people talked about politics we'd be in a better country" which is a red flag of rusemanship

>> No.4852541

>being afraid to express yourself is ridiculous
Yeah but insulting someone who gave you a meal is pretty damn stupid and arrogant.

>> No.4852555

i got all set to read this and have a good laugh at a real dinner party horror story

too fake, not funny

>> No.4852650

>For meager acquaintances or those who you want a good impression, it's better to avoid tension and bringing up something as closely guarded as politics or religion is impolite.
Do you find that people frequently don't remember your name or things you tell them?

Because you sound like you have zero personality and are terribly meek.

>> No.4852656

>no religion poltics or money at dinner is the gen. rule for anyone who has ever brushed up against etiquette.
lol Americans

>> No.4852663

>Those who like you already and will put you above the conflict of personal beliefs.
Your post is why I follow my father's advice about, "never talking politics with Americans".

They are retarded when it comes to talking about politics and are so brainwashed into thinking you have to be left wing OR right wing it is hilarious.

They are all bought, but they didn't make a dime off it or realize it.

>> No.4852695

Nope, not often. People tend to enjoy my company more. I veer the conversation to them and their interests, since everyone is an expert about themselves, and be an engaged listener to their thoughts and opinions. Strokes their ego and leaves them a good impression for future meetings. I may even learn a useful thing or two.

There are people I don't intend to be anymore than shallow friends/acquaintances with, so I don't go out of my way to possibly offend them in case I need them later. It's foolish to burn bridges without considering the possibilities.

Otherwise, if I was with my colleagues or close friends/family, we go through the whole range. Rule of thumb is that if I can't joke about dead babies around them, I better stay away from religious or political topics.

>> No.4852697

And see, this is exactly the kind of opinion which, if expressed at a dinner party, would result in embarrassed coughing and looking at glassware.

I have strong opinions about politics. I also don't feel the need to badger near strangers with them. It's amazing how that works.

>> No.4852706

It all boils down to how american politics differs from your own. If you want to paint broad strokes, go right ahead because I can tell that you either base it on our terrible media or a handful of experiences.

Most americans regarding politics are the same as everyone else's. That is, nonchalant in every day life while carrying a few vague beliefs held together by word of mouth than in depth research. And every once in a while, during elections or something else attention grabbing, we'll shout at how lousy and corrupted our politicians are while offering no real viable solution.

Only real difference is that we tend of have more of a religious flavor, sprinkling 'God' and 'Jesus' in the speeches.

>> No.4852791

Dear Diary,

Today OP was a faggot.

>> No.4852826

I thoroughly enjoyed your posts, OP. Kudos to you, sir! And kudos again!

>> No.4852843

>I started telling others that proper Irish stew should only contain mutton, potato, onion, and water, and that beef, tomato, black pepper, hot sauce, and other ingredients would not be available then and therefore it was a modern stew, not Irish stew.
>I asked him if he knew that mutton was on sale at a local store
>I said I wasn't leaving until it was cooked and I could take it.
You do realize you were asking for trouble right? When somebody is kind enough to invite you to their home for a meal, you don't go around talking about the hosts mistakes. Even if the host is in the wrong with a bad mood, why would you provoke him even more by stating you wouldn't leave his home? 8/10 if this is b8, but don't blame others because you don't know how to socialize.

>> No.4852848


Lost me at mutton in irish stew.

>> No.4852854

Is everybody this narrow minded.
Lets look at the dead giveaway of this troll
>grabbed me by my sweater
>My sweater
If you want to destroy my sweater, pull this thread as I walk away

>> No.4852868

>that guy who thinks he is superior because he spots a troll

will you please shut up

>> No.4852871

More like that guy is tripping mad acid right now and is surprisingly holding together enough to post on troll threads in /ck/
>my sides in orbitz

>> No.4852875
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You're on a computer while tripping? Go outside man. Good vibes btw

>> No.4852877


>> No.4852879
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Actually my phone. Its like a portal to the interwebz

>> No.4852882


>I was shaking with emotions

>> No.4852895

Talking about politics would make us live in a better country?

Isn't this just an urban legend?

>> No.4852945
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>a pair of americans goes to a dinner party
>the guest is a passive aggressive know it all and an idiot
>the host is drunk and an idiot
>the guest starts talking and the host interrupts and bans his conversation (personally I would have walked out right there), butthurt ensues
>the guest mocks the host's food to get back at him
>host gets pissed and ask obnoxious guest to leave
>guest gets all bitchy because he wants to take the present he brought to the party back
>host gets more pissed and wants to beat fag of a guest
>guest leaves and comes up with a way to retaliate, "I'll show him, making better food right now"
>guest goes to online support group to say, look at me, I'm an asshole, cheer me.
>gets laughed at...

Which one finished better?
pic related

>> No.4853301

I think the idea is if people had critical discourse about politics, not "hurrrrrr Party 1 out of 2 is best because my family raised me to believe this" the population would make more informed voting decisions and expect more of the government.

The way it is now, people are getting collectively fucked over but they can't focus on one topic for over one week. Dangle something shiny, like a juicy bit of gossip or affair or sports event, and they forget all.

>> No.4853303

>0/10Lost me at mutton in irish stew.
But he's right...

>> No.4853306

>Most americans regarding politics are the same as everyone else's.
Sorry, but this is not correct. American politics is ultra-polarized, hijacked by lobbyists, corrupt, and pseudo-religious.

Most countries have these aspects in their political system, but not to this extreme.

I am Canadian and our political system is becoming more polarized, but we are still VERY far from that of our southern neighbours.

I watched election ads for some mayoral race when I was in the US once and it was vicious. And they were flanked by Bell commercials using "support the troops" as a sales pitch and pharmaceutical and health insurance commercials.

Leave your country for an extended amount of time. You'll see things are NOT the same everywhere.

>> No.4853775 [DELETED] 

*tips fedora*

>> No.4853799

>Most Americans treat politics like they do their sports teams


>> No.4854150

is this the quacky sauce guyl?

>> No.4854169

>/ck/ thread turns into a shitpost fight about America

Every thread. Every single motherfucking thread for months.

Angie is back.

>> No.4854366

Is it really that big of a deal that his drink was not paired with his meal "properly?"

How often do you guys purposely drink something of the same origin of your meal choice?

Snickers. Snickers for all of you.

>> No.4854369

>implying his choice of drink is anywhere near the top of the list as to why OP would be a faggot (if his story weren't fake)

>> No.4854372

seems more like the awkward fast food guy

>> No.4854407

I'd be nice if OPs story was real. I'd love to go to a dinner party like that and watch a host and autistic /ck/er go at it.

>> No.4854494

>seems more like the awkward fast food guy
ding ding ding ding ding

>> No.4854501

oh lord my sides

>> No.4854506

No. Fatty McAutism wouldn't be able to articulate that kind of sperg out. Also, he doesn't know how to cook, hence eating fast food three times a day and driving around in a self-made garbage truck.

>> No.4854724

Remember the guy that spazzed out and cried when the girl from work saw his car full of fast food garbage?

I think it is him.

>> No.4854733

No that guy wouldn't know enough about actual cooking to be a sperg in this particular manner. Couldn't be him.

>> No.4854734

>"get the fuck out and take my apple juice with me"

10/10 I lol'd

>> No.4854740

This is the first thread I've ventured into on /ck/. I'd just like to say you're all faggots and by far the worst first impression of a board I've had.

And that 2% milk pairs with everything.

>> No.4854747

I'm going to say that the next time someone pisses me off.

>> No.4854752
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>And that 2% milk pairs with everything

>> No.4854753

I don't know why, but this made me smile.

>> No.4854763

>he doesn't take his own cutlery with him

>> No.4854808


Good show, my kind sir! No need to tolerate the inexperience and foolishness of mere commonfolk. Just by the thought of lowering yourself to a simple-minded plebeian, who can not tell a rudimentary Irish Stew, is preposterous. I support you, when you told that ruffian whatfor and how dare he fool innosent colleaues with a meal that is not fully and completely authentic. Does he not know that every recipe is set in stone and has to be executed with utmost precision?

>> No.4854812
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>> No.4854830

what else would he do? attack someone in their own home? really

you're definitely the mature one

>> No.4854851
File: 42 KB, 700x475, YouKnowExactlyWhatThisIs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4854855

He would leave immediately when told to do so. That's called trespassing when you don't.

>> No.4854869

you sound like a twat.

>> No.4854894

you are a shit guest and a shit person

>> No.4854912

>I plan on bringing it to lunch tomorrow, one bowl for me and some for the host.
After you give it to him, be sure to tip your fedora and bid him good day

>> No.4855106

He probably carries a spare fedora to give someone in case they are lacking one, or worse, have one that is not up to his standards.

>> No.4855407

OP sounds like an insufferable, elitist, passive-aggressive douchenozzle-- and that's from hearing *his* side of the story. If OP acts that way at work, which I don't doubt, it's no wonder the host blew up at him after a few drinks and some further aggravation.

>> No.4855410

This thread made the back of my nipples fall off.

>> No.4855439

for making me read this

/ck/ is now a shitposting board

>> No.4855455

...this is like a use coasters post on /tg/. Amusing. 4/10

(if op actually did that shit, 1000000000/rage unending)

>> No.4855502

pretty sure non-alcoholic beer and wine exist in the world. why not go for those?

>> No.4855573

>be invited at friend's with friends
>friend has south-american origin
>friend has legendary reputation of making an aweome chili
>everybody is excited to taste it, after a decade of having only heard about it
>get served said chili
>that dissapointment when mine is >9000 better
>tfw when some friends who have had mine fell the same
>tfw we all remained silent about it and kept being cheerful in respect for host
shame:sadness 1:1

>> No.4855691

Aren't dinner parties just a way for people to show off their homes? Dinner is usually meh, but it's all talk about the furniture or decorum of the house.

>> No.4855696


what do you mean of course?

Soda bread is always fucking white. You cannot have authentic wholemeal soda bread, friendo.
Of course it could be true that my granny, everyone else around me and Ormo have all been lying to me my whole life. I wouldn't know, I've never left Ireland. Born and raised here, and I've never even heard of wholemeal soda bread.

Do you mean wheaten? That's entirely different, but it would go with the stew much better. Normally that what we'll eat with stew, not soda.

You're clearly not the expert you think you are on Irish traditional fare, and it enrages me that you'd insult a host in such a way, which is far less Irish than the host's take on the fucking stew.

>> No.4855741

Maybe in some circles. Among my crowd (middle aged urban dwellers who like to cook) dinner parties are an excuse to get together and socialize while the host (hopefully) gets to show off their cooking chops. Yeah, sometimes those with the best places for entertaining aren't the best cooks, or the best cooks have less than perfect apartments. But throw enough wine into the equation and nobody minds. It's a great way to socialize when you've aged out of the bar scene and your friends have different enough income levels that you could never agree on a restaurant.

It's also easy for me to host, since I raised two sons who frequently brought friends over for dinner (and still do). Even though I moved to Brooklyn my Manhattan friends still make the trek when I throw a dinner party. That would never have happened a decade or two ago.

>> No.4855753

i know the entire threads telling you about this but.

Op, you're pretty much an asshole. the entire time you acted like you didn't want to have fun and you pushed your opinion on everyone, especially the host. I wonder how works going for you.

>> No.4855768

> I was shaking with emotions
Really getting into character here. Good effort - you've got a good idea of the symptoms of autism.

>> No.4855776

Actually made my skin crawl, I didn't think anything could do that anymore. 10/10. Shit!

>> No.4855787


Autists shake when they feel emotions?

>> No.4855793
File: 6 KB, 569x510, 1331562548914.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plan a weekly "dinner party" with friends
>every week someone different cooks
>goes well during the first month
>all at friend's house
>she made lasagna
>pretty good
>other friend asks for ranch dressing
>dips lasagna in ranch

>> No.4855814

>everyone is freaking out over apple juice
>apple juice is delicious and nutritious
I really want some apple juice now.

>> No.4855871

>mature, forgiving person

>> No.4855874

What kind of faggot shows up and says HEY IM HERE TO COOK WHERES THE FUCKIN OVEN?

I'm generally a nice person and even I would have been weirded out by you.

>> No.4855885

The host shouldn't have got that mad but we all know this a troll thread anyway.

>> No.4855888

This. I've had a friend like this in America but no one screamed at him I guess euros are less intolerant.

>> No.4855957
File: 9 KB, 337x277, 1294716553949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I don't drink alcohol? Get fucked subhuman scum.

>> No.4856023

ur a faget

>> No.4856034

6/10 because I laughed

>> No.4856092
File: 59 KB, 500x398, tumblr_lfr732Cre71qg2838o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good guy co-worker gives /r9k/ a chance

>> No.4856240

What Autistic fuck brings unbaked bread as a gift? Then insists in it being cooked? While the host is organising the meal you were invited for?

>> No.4856573

>You think apple and pork is a universal tradition?
Of course not! Some cultures don't eat pork. (More for me! Wheeee!)

>> No.4856594


A person who thinks the freshness and quality of the bread is more important than the inconvenience of cooking it.

Oh, and trolls.

>> No.4856609
File: 12 KB, 218x161, cereal-guy-newspaper-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>troll thread
>160 posts

Come on /ck/

>> No.4856626

It's a good troll and we don't get many good threads period.

>> No.4856687
File: 80 KB, 320x480, simply-refreshing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got dang, me too. Can we derail this already wrecked train of a thread into an apple juice and cider thread?

>> No.4859231

You obviously have never made good bread. And putting bread in the oven at someone else's house isn't a big deal.

>> No.4859242

stop bumping a day old thread, faggot

>> No.4859301

That seems to happen more since I started using the catalog view.

>> No.4859315


>> No.4859717


It simply isn't believable that someone can be this retarded.