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File: 84 KB, 1000x800, Paper-Straw1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17245849 No.17245849[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you WILL suck the paper straw!
(even though it's the asians who are responsible for the majority of the worlds plastic pollution, and they are doing nothing about it.)

>> No.17245866

I hate those. I never even use straws, but sometimes they just give me the paper ones and I feel like they're just giving me garbage to throw away.

>> No.17245889

haha those wacky orientals

>> No.17245896

I was given a paper straw to drink bubble tea for the first time today. What a nightmare. You watch helplessly as the straw gets more flaccid by the minute and by the end it's extremely difficult to suck up the tapioca pearls.

>> No.17245897
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>97.7% of all irresponsibly disposed of plastic waste occurs in China and Africa

>> No.17245905
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>> No.17245907

>You watch helplessly as the straw gets more flaccid by the minute and by the end it's extremely difficult to suck up the tapioca pearls.
Now I know how my gf feels :(

>> No.17245909

no thanks. metal straws terrify me for some reason.

>> No.17245918

These stories make me realise how badly American manufacturing has gone to shit. When on driving jobs I sometimes get drinks from McDonald's which I slowly drink over the course of the day, and the paper straws are still fine after many hours of sitting in the drink.

>> No.17245920

I have a glovebox full of plastic straws and when lefty businesses try to pass off that paper shit I go into my car get a pile, bring it in, open then all, use one and throw the rest away

>> No.17245923

Straws are for kids and faggots

>> No.17245929

you're right though.
internationally banning plastic straws has only reduced plastic garbage output by 0.3%, when China alone is responsible for 60% of it.
aka: just nuke China into glass and literally 90% of the world's problems are solved.

>> No.17245932

>even though it's the asians who are responsible for the majority of the worlds plastic pollution,
and whys that? did a bunch of companies from another country move production to there for cheaper costs? nah just be the pizza faced virgin masterrace being more eco friendly

>> No.17245939

>get in a car accident
>the EMTs find you with a metal straw impaled through your head

>> No.17245941

wait, why would a bunch of companies move overseas? could it be that certain foreign governments don't care that their subjects are being used as slaves?

>> No.17245946

>internationally banning plastic straws has only reduced plastic garbage output by 0.3%
source? theres no way its even a fraction of 0.3% thats insane.

>> No.17245958
File: 18 KB, 220x310, marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could almost call these people boojie

>> No.17245962

It always was a non-mesure so the government could be like "look people we're doing something!"

>> No.17245970
File: 105 KB, 400x400, chinese-pee_pee-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me chinee
me play joke
me put peepee
in your coke

>> No.17246009

wouldn't that be like claiming it's okay for whites to murder because nonwhites do most murders?

>> No.17246018

in case you missed it, they already think that

>> No.17246052

who is they and who have they forgiven

>> No.17246067

What are you talking about, the US is the largest polluter by absolute and per capita metrics. If you mean plastics specifically, then yeah the countries with the largest populations will be using the largest amount of cheap consumer plastics. How is this at all a defense for continuing to use plastics? You feel better about the ocean being poisoned when it’s you doing it?

>> No.17246090

>caring about the (((environment))) at all
No matter the race environiggers need to stfu

>> No.17246144

I don't use straws, for one, but I do find it a little weird that we used to be like "save the rainforest!" but now are cool with burning that shit down as long as we save the sea turtles.

But I also think it's a dumb fucking narrative to be like "well the other kids do it so I should be able to do the same!" Which is basically what I hear from people who blame China or whatever for all of the world's problems. You can do better. Just because they're shitty isn't an excuse for you to be shitty.

>> No.17246158

even though what we're doing makes no fucking difference as long as they keep doing what they're doing?

>> No.17246183

>internationally banning plastic straws has only reduced plastic garbage output by 0.3%,
plumbers throw about a billion straws worth of plastic away on my job every day and i guarantee it does not get recycled

>> No.17246203

It makes a marginal difference. But, actually, yeah. Like, let's say your town has a problem with teenagers stealing shit from a major store that keeps lots of people employed. You know it's mostly the local gang of "bad kids," but your kid is sneaking in and stealing shit too, just not as much. It might be saving you some money because you don't have to buy toys or whatever the fuck they're stealing, but wouldn't you smack them upside the head and tell them to stop stealing shit?

I mean, I'm guessing from your perspective, you're probably just going to go into the store and steal too, but maybe there's a shred of doing the right thing left in the world.

>> No.17246209

If it saves me money and he doesnt get caught i wouldn’t give a shit

>> No.17246223

It's not a good example, stealing from large franchise stores in a moral obligation.

>> No.17246225

I like big stores because i work for one, also morals are christnigger cope

>> No.17246238

Not to make this overwhelmingly political because I don't really give a shit, but that's kinda the issue. You don't give a fuck as long as you get yours. That seems like a kind of conservative position, where you just wanna make money right now, and who the fuck cares about the future or anyone else?

I dunno, my ass is gonna be dead long before "global warming" or other environmental issues actually have an affect on humanity, but I still don't really wanna fuck up the sea, eat microplastics, have my kids live in a disaster world, whatever.

>> No.17246241

How much of "China's pollution" is just American paid products being made in china?

>> No.17246251


>> No.17246278

The world stops existing after I'm dead so I don't see a good reason to try. If I did I'd spend so much effort with no result, and I don't think living with excess stress is a good idea.

>> No.17246286

I bet you're both the same kinds of people who will tell me that I need to have kids to "preserve my legacy" or the future of the white race, or some shit.

>> No.17246294

So not rly, the other guy seems like it tho

>> No.17246301

I don't know about him but no, I hate kids. I'm also not American and don't give a shit about race.
Sounds like an excuse but it's the truth

>> No.17246326

i can't remember the last time i received a paper straw ever since that brief trend years ago

>> No.17246365

You are probably worried about it being used to stab you.

>Plastic straw?
Who cares.
>Metal straw?
It will stab into an important blood vessel and you watch as your blood flows out from the metal straw until you lose consciousness.

>> No.17246377

boo fucking hoo, jesus you faggots are pathetic

literal crybabies about shit that doesn't even matter

>> No.17246381

You literally do not need a straw at all. Just move the cup to your mouth instead of sucking on a straw like a faggot.

>> No.17246395

It's just a psyop to keep people under 40 happy and occupied and feeling like they are doing something the matters. The majority of people will never look beyond a clickbaited article or news snippet other than posting identical pictures and saying identical things as millions of others on social media
Nuking China would only hasten our own demise. Everyone is to tied together. We got to big and to complicated and if one of the big pillars fall so will the rest of us.

>> No.17246405

My guy unless you are already dead and your a ghost stuck in the internet you are living through the beginning of it.

>> No.17246411

>Given paper straw
>Straight into trash
Simple as

>> No.17246413

>responsibly disposed
This is the biggest fucking meme ever. Plastic does not get recycled, even the ones marked for recycling gets thrown in a landfill 90% of the time, because recycling is uneconomical. Doesn't matter which country it is, the plastic just lands up somewhere and leaches microplastics into the ground or water.

The plastic industry wants you to buy more shit that they are not legally responsible for the disposal of.

>> No.17246415

I tried to open a paper straw once and it ripped in half so I asked for another and they gave me plastic and then the problem that never should have been a problem didn't happen again.

>> No.17246443

I wouldn’t want to fall with a metal hollow tube in my mouth.

I like silicon straws.

>> No.17246465

>ship plastic trash to some third world country (China took exported plastic waste for a long time and recently banned it)
>write down that all plastics were disposed responsibly
>third world country throws it in the ocean
>gets written down that they are responsible for pollution
I actually believed in OP's meme until I learned that plastic is a complete sham and people like him are just morons.

>> No.17246523

>ship out of sight out of mind to some developing shithole
>act surprised when it ends up in the ocean
>shrug and do nothing

>> No.17246530

Everyone thought China would just stay this happy little super power that they could sell their sloppy seconds to. Now China is competing and the other global powers are throwing a fit because it ruins their game

>> No.17246616

EMT seems like a cool job

>> No.17246665

No, they thought that as the citizens grew wealthier they would grow increasingly less satisfied with suffering under the yoke of assholes.

>> No.17246720

Literal corporate slave

>> No.17246734

All EMTs I know have some sort of underlying mental issue and either abuse alcohol or drugs whenever they're not at work.

>> No.17246887

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.17247014

>ordering drinks at all
This is why you're poor.

>> No.17247020

Hi there, Barack "Wipe Out China" Obama.

>> No.17247131

wait so the parents of that community shouldn't band together and tell the bad kids to fuck Off? that will immediately show our kids that we're serious about this and they'll be inclined to stop.
Also you're comparing my kid stealing some candy from the store to the entire Chinese nation stealing entire warehouses so fuck off

>> No.17247135

a local mexican restraunt gave me one of these and it fell apart within 15 minutes and i had to ask for another straw, and then they offered me a real plastic straw instead

>> No.17247198

are grown people really bothered by straws? i haven't used a straw since i was a kid. it's literally for children

>> No.17247203

just ban most of single use plastics? especially non recyclable plastic? ban production of new plastics for food products and force the industry to actually recycle. there's enough plastics in the oceans to last for decades.

>> No.17247301
File: 162 KB, 960x742, 1568520927578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Single use plastic bottles contribute way more plastic to the environment, but they won't get banned because the soft drink industry has too much political clout.

>> No.17247325

The most ridiculous part is that they don't even ban plastic cups which use more plastic than the straw. A paper cup with plastic straw uses less plastic than a plastic cup with paper straw, and it's better to use too. Not to mention the fact that paper is more expensive to manufacture and many times less efficient to ship. The policy is explicitly an attempt by liberal businesses and cities to be trendy and appear environmentally conscious without actually doing jack shit.

Globalist industry + useless fake environmentalist marketing is explicitly a neoliberal construction. If you want to talk about "making a marginal difference" then don't fucking go to Starbucks. You're a net negative on the planet if you believe these corporations should exist and you're a rube if you let them appeal to your sense of empathy with marketing nonsense.

>> No.17247328

It's a state law some places not lefty businesses. Everything has to be us vs them with you niggers

>> No.17247453

Am I the only one who doesn't use straws? Why is this such a big deal?

>> No.17247479

do you really need a penis-surrogate in your mouth at all times?

>> No.17247483

It varies in my area. I live in South Florida, so there are plenty of towns that mandate it since they're along the coast. Since my town is the last one before entering Bumfuckistan, they haven't made it the law despite a few restaurants acting is if they're morally obligated to.

That being said, one of the local burger chains has found a way around it by having straws made from agave, which has a similar texture to plastic.

>> No.17247491

Top 10 polluters
China, with more than 10,065 million tons of CO2 released.
United States, with 5,416 million tons of CO2
Literally a Google search

>> No.17247510

Why would anyone ever NEED a straw? Typical amerilard invention to make people able to consume anywhere, anytime.

>> No.17247520

>export all your rubbish to third world
>you are no longer responsible for it

>> No.17247529
File: 45 KB, 480x514, pepsi sharks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't they just make it illegal to throw garbage in the ocean?

>> No.17247534

Straws are for women and children

>> No.17248169
File: 97 KB, 1100x1007, 1609225778800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the US buys half a trillion dollars worth of imports from China every year
>wtf it's not our fault, it's China that's polluting!!!

>> No.17248178

They probably do but do you really think that less developed Asian countries can police everything?

>> No.17248272
File: 209 KB, 768x542, CO2-per-capita-768x542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't like paper straws any more than the average inbred hillbilly, but I find it interesting how these rightoids can first coal roll and boast how they don't give a shit about the environment, but then turn around and screech about how foreigners are worse about (insert some random trivial cherry picked thing) when america has been by far the leading greenhouse offender for generations

Isn't polluting good? Doesn't it make you a REAL INDEPENDENT MANLY MAN? If so doesn't the squinty-eyed oriental mog you to death if he's so much better at being a MAN than you? Make up your mind, either the environment matters, or GAWWD will punish the gays and suck all the dioxins out of the water for us. Can't have it both ways cleetus

>> No.17248305
File: 45 KB, 540x672, phs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that your less developed brain didn't get the joke

>> No.17248340

>baaaw, daddy didn't buy me a car for christmas!!!

>> No.17248422

I'm okay with paper straws, but it's really annoying how people uncritically believe that less plastic is automatically better for the environment.

The only advantage of avoiding plastic is if it would end up in nature. So it may make sense for fast food, because people love to litter when they finish their food. But if the plastic can be assumed to be treated properly, it's much better for the environment than the alternatives.
Plastic releases almost no CO2. Paper is much worse. And if getting rid of plastic causes more food waste, you're like increasing CO2 emissions by like x1000 compared to whatever, it's not a comparison but the CO2 from food is enormous so if getting rid of plastic that would end up in the trash anyway causes even a tiny increase in food waste, it's extremely bad for the environment.

>> No.17248433

mostly women

>> No.17248601

>thread talking about actual pollution and industrial runoff/waste
>Leftoid comes in with his CO2 bullshit
You can almost time your watch to it.

>> No.17248719
File: 46 KB, 640x640, 1616939296650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to live in a non-cucked state. Sipping root beer out of a bright blue culver's plastic straw as I type.

>> No.17248844

straws are for suckers

>> No.17248939

I'm gonna coal roll your mom's asshole nigger

>> No.17248983

Cool story bro now remind me again what co2 emissions have to do with improperly disposed of plastics? Cause from here it just sounds like you're as big of a hypocrite as the peoole you're describing