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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 1200x630, Pepsi-vs-Coca-Cola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16725961 [Reply] [Original]

Let's settle this once and for all. Which one is better?

>> No.16725981

peepiss and cacacola are both bad
only drink water

>> No.16725983

i prefer pepsi over coke desu senpai

>> No.16725989

fuck off OP

>> No.16725998

Pepsi zero

>> No.16726042

I did a blind taste the other night and coke won it had more carbonation and a better mouthfeel. They are just different and have different uses. If you're eating like a pizza or something savoury the extra sweetness in Pepsi is better. But I'm mixing a rum and coke I'll use coke because it's not as sweet.

>> No.16726044

I basically only drink water these days but if I had to choose I would drink Pepsi Max.

>> No.16726046


pepsi is too sweet

>> No.16726047

coca cola

>> No.16726097

Stop being such a queer. Drinking water is not a personality trait.

>> No.16726132
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>> No.16726155
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>> No.16726178

Based and 23 flavors pilled

>> No.16726187

Root beer> dr shitter

>> No.16726194
File: 531 KB, 1200x1196, 1200px-Barq's_Root_Beer_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing like cracking open an cold Bang's root beer on a hot summer day
*sssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppp* Ahh, that's the good shit

>> No.16726220

Ginger beer > Rot Beer

>> No.16726235
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What now bitches

>> No.16726237

gangrene beer < club soda

>> No.16726243

ah yes, the only real cola
club soda, more like shittier sparkilng water

>> No.16726247

Coke > Pepsi but Pepsi Max > Coke Zero

>> No.16726250
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>> No.16726253

coño! es bueno

>> No.16726255
File: 291 KB, 2560x1706, GettyImages-1269379989-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't obvious? Mexican coca-cola version is the superior one. I really hate the fucking corn syrup in america.

>> No.16726266

neve tried the cola flavor but i do love Jarritos

>> No.16726267

This country was founded on corn you son of a bitch

>> No.16726274

they dont use cane sugar anymore, retard. it's been syrup since 2014, its just a glass bottle that makes it taste better.
well yes but also fuck corn. I love corn and how its cheap near infinite food source and all but fuckall i hate corn syrup in general too, just inferior sugar.

>> No.16726284

>they dont use cane sugar anymore, retard.
They do for the exports, dipshit.

>> No.16726295

Pepsi is better, but I prefer not to drink soda anymore. If I do want a soda, I'll choose root beer or a redbull vodka instead.

>> No.16726303

i was gonna say based until i read "redbull vodka"
what in sam hell is a redbull vodka

>> No.16726318

>club soda, more like shittier sparkilng water
it's superior sparkling water. electrolytes to maintain peak performance and high test.

>> No.16726335

It has 25% more sugar so of course you do, manchild.

>> No.16726336

>electrolytes to maintain peak performance and high test
then drink gatorade or vitamin water or some shit, you hipster. also am not a man so testoterone shit doesnt apply to me.

besides i like my sodas with actual flavor like sarsaparilla or ginger, not fucking water and carbonation.

>> No.16726339

i drink soda cause i want something sweet not because i want to burn my throat with fizz

although coca cola does have amazing branding, i'll give em that

>> No.16726342

Sorry i misspelled it. I have barqs in the image name. It was autocorrectrd to bangs in my post.

>> No.16726348

mobilefag detected

>> No.16726360

They're both diabetic inducing trash and should be avoided by everyone.

>> No.16726367

Thanks for proving my point that you're a pathetic manchild going after nauseatingly sugar laden drink because. "I want something sweet". You need beheaded for just framing your argument like that, you have the pallete of someone with a damaged brain and have zero right to assert any opinions. People like you should be forced to fast for weeks on end.

>> No.16726382

i dont need to fast, i'm already below the weight of an average american. also i dont typically drink cola flavors, i like ginger beer or sarsaparilla soda better.

>> No.16726395

>then drink gatorade or vitamin water or some shit
no thanks, I don't want to consume 5 tablespoons of sugar with a drink.
> i like my sodas with actual flavor like sarsaparilla or ginger, not fucking water and carbonation.
diabetes from drinking carbonated sugar sytup has caused a permanent shift in your taste perception. if you haven't already, you need to see a physician to get your blood levels determined and start treatment.

>> No.16726404
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based intellectual

>> No.16726411

fuck off, i'm not gonna get diabetes like amerimutts. i barely drink soda anyways.

>> No.16726423

mirinda >fanta

>> No.16726432

Someone who doesn't drink soda would not know that, fatass. Just because you're a miserable diabetic wreck doesn't mean fit people can't enjoy a soda every now and then.

>> No.16726462

Root beer is so good they dont even need to load it with caffeine like other sodas do.

>> No.16726472

vanilla coke

>> No.16726490

Drink water

>> No.16726492

>Which one is better?
They are both shit.

>> No.16726521
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>So what do you like to do in your off time anon
>I enter online discussions about soda and tell people to drink water instead
>O-oh... is that for some kind of advertising agency?
>No, I do it for free

>> No.16726538
File: 35 KB, 271x500, 5100uBL7nBL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy muh real sugar versions of pretty much every major soda in the states now that hipster faggotry has gone mainstream so you can stop fagging about muh mexishart coke now. Just call it muh real sugar coke.

>> No.16726550

Excellent taste. When I get a hankering for some Pepsi Max I like to add a good squirt of lemon juice in there for flavour and to cut the sweetness. But water is the best overall.

>> No.16726552

American Pepsi = Euro version of Coca Cola.

It's the same product with more or less sugar, fools.

>> No.16726559

That's like saying scotch is the same as bourbon

>> No.16726611
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>> No.16726921


>> No.16726943

they taste the same

>> No.16726962

>omg sugar, fructose and glucose
>t. fatass who refuses to exercise

>> No.16726973

White wine or Red wine? It depends on what you're having, right? Same for Coke-Pepsi. For sometimes you need a more acidic bittersweet lick (coca cola) and sometimes a sweeter, almost vanillin-like blend (pepsi).
Coke is good with: Burgers (McDonald's) or popcorn
Pepsi for things like: mixing with rum/pizzas

>> No.16726981


>> No.16726987

>which one is better
>off-brand garbage
>or coca-cola

>> No.16726993

Diet Pepsi>Diet Coke

>> No.16726998

Came here to post this.

>> No.16727011

Both are bad.

The only reason I give Coke the advantage is they own the Vitamin Water brand I like.

>> No.16727144

>gives you kidney stones

>> No.16727194

t. basednaldo

>> No.16727207

Actually took the test recently and enjoyed Coca Cola more but was able to drink/tolerate more Pepsi.
I trust Pepsi a lot more than Coca Cola though, by a moon's full cycle. RC is better than both btw.

Also, you have to try one taste test with both as a slushie/freezie; another one where their both hot, another where they're both warm, and then so on until they're as cold as they can get before freezing. Tally it all up after the fact.

>> No.16727241

If I'm having a meal and want something that is not water or unsweet tea then Coke let's say I'm going into a gas station and want a sugary soda Pepsi.
I don't know if it's countrywide but Pepsi mango is fucking excellent.

>> No.16727245


>> No.16727256

I'm White, so Pepsi

>> No.16727832

I'm black, so Pepsi

>> No.16727917


>> No.16728032

Good alternative when a restaurant serves Pepsi products, and when you're feeling spicy that day.

>> No.16728065

Pepsi wins in a blind taste test because you're not having it with food. Coca Cola is better paired with far more diverse range of foods.

>> No.16728074

I used to think this meme was funny.
But then I found out zoomers literally cannot write or interpret cursive script. So the meme became a bit sad.

>> No.16728293

The one that made me sad was when I realized the bald feels guy had cancer.

>> No.16728331

It wins in blind taste tests where the amount given is small because it's sweeter, but for actually drinking people tend to prefer the less sweet coke.

>> No.16728344

They taste too much like sugar and they make me hiccup. No thanks.

>> No.16728352

I picked coke when I did it blind

>> No.16728714
File: 46 KB, 473x500, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet he sure has some bad feels about that cancer!

>> No.16728730

both taste the same except Coke's almost $4 for a 2L bottle and Pepsi's only $1.

>> No.16728943

im more of an oliet bargs kind of guy

>> No.16728956

Have you been drinking a different version of both because Coke is way sweeter than Pepsi. Pepsi has a tang and bite. Coke is just sugar.

>> No.16728960
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>drinking anything with aspartame
might as well be labelled poison water, do your research or you will never make it

>> No.16728983

ginger ale

>> No.16728985
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>> No.16729485
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I'm not telling him

>> No.16729542

None, they both are diabetes inducing brown urine

>> No.16729584
File: 59 KB, 512x384, estcola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the god damn best, and if you havent tried it you're missing out

>> No.16729645

>copa cola

>> No.16729690
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>> No.16729696


>> No.16730607


I'll go for either, but Coke is the true all time king. It's just facts. And for out of a can on a hot summer day, fuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.16730618

I only drink it by mixing it with wine so it doesn't matter what brand it is.

>> No.16730761

ok fatty

>> No.16731276

Pepsi because Pepsi Max is so yucky sweet that I can thin it with carbonated water up to 75%/25% and still have a cup of yummy soda.

>> No.16731439

ctrl+f "poison" and there it is. filling out my soda discussion bingo sheet.

>> No.16732206
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>Let's settle this once and for all. Which one is better?
Over and over again, with blind taste test after blind taste test Pepsi wins, even blind taste tests done by Coca-Cola Inc have them loosing to Pepsi.

HOWEVER, Coca-Cola marketing is SO GOOD, it gaslights people into thinking they like Coca-Cola better.

Look at this guy, a coke fan, a man so into coke that he bothered to try to learn the original recipe and do it at home, after doing his own blind taste with Coke, Pepsi, and Other generic store Colas Coke came in LAST.

This is why they tried to introduce New-Coke back in the day, because they did knew Pepsi tasted better.

>> No.16732965
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who else /poorfag/ here

>> No.16732977


Faygo isnt terrible
redpop rocknrye and few other flavors are really good

also dont say things that weaken you or make you feel less than, broke is temporary poor is a bad mindset

>> No.16733018

>Juggalo juice
family, family, family

>> No.16733488

>ITT: Virgins

Beer is the only carbonated beverage I need!

>> No.16733493

>what if cola tasted like a doctor's office?

>> No.16733567

your mothers loose mommy pussy