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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16682680 No.16682680 [Reply] [Original]

What happens if I drink 40 of these?

>> No.16682690
File: 374 KB, 1536x2048, 241128719_383916126691450_2351725642860282254_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have to be in the high 20s at this point.

>> No.16682692

in what time frame

>> No.16682748

one after work every night while playing the first hour of dark souls over and over again to see how far i can get
two on days off while playing metal gear rising revengance+ using my stationary exercise bike

maybe this is more of a /v/ topic

>> No.16682751

what a bleak photograph

>> No.16682752

It's a shortcut to wizard powers.

>> No.16682769


>> No.16682788

As someone who goes through ~3 litres of hard spirits a week, probably not much so long as the rest of your diet is decent and you don't keep it going long term. If you do, the damage will slowly build and by the time it's really noticable it could be a real problem, and you'll struggle to go a couple nights without it from both habit & your brain having adjusted to survive with it. If you still continue to regularly drink that much you're going to build tolerance and need stronger/more to get drunk, at which point you'll be doing real damage.
Make sure you're getting plenty water too.
Also this

Why are you only playing the first hour of dark souls?

>> No.16682800

thats how long it usually takes me to get to Anor Londo.

>> No.16683569

you pee for a straight 40hours

>> No.16683787

It would be extremely painful

>> No.16683944

You’ll turn into a black guy. Enjoy the n word pass my former dude.

>> No.16684250 [DELETED] 

>What happens if I drink 40 of these?
you turn into a nigger

>> No.16684368

It's not cheap enough in Ontario

>> No.16684375

Double nigger.

>> No.16684378
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>> No.16684422

I hate malt liquor but I did Edward Fortyhands in college and a cute 4’11 redhead with a perfect bubble butt and perky little tits unzipped my fly and held my dick while I pissed. The second time she did it we were at the side of my buddy’s house and she blew me WHILE I pissed. I thought “fuck this stupid kid game shit” and got her to take the forties off so I could rail her proper.

Three years later we got married. That night was almost 10 years ago and we have one kid and another one the way.

Never had a forty since then either.

>> No.16684468

you break the simulation and wake up in the "true" reality.

>> No.16684478

You get the 41st one for free.
Bring the bottles in to your nearest convenience store.

>> No.16684481

>big box of beyond soysage

>> No.16684497
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>beyond sausage
faggot confirmed

>> No.16684613


>> No.16684762

One of the only happy endings I've heard of that comes from Edward Fortyhands in college.

>> No.16684804

she took 40 dicks before you, minimum.

>> No.16684834

Makes me prouder to be where she settled.

>> No.16684893

a litre or two of beer is nothing to worry about anon, keep sipping my man
The same volume of hard spirits/liquor though, then maybe start asking questions

>> No.16685609


Wasn’t exactly my first time either bro kek

>> No.16685617

You vote for biden.

>> No.16685636

You can’t even afford drywall…?

>> No.16685644

I played this in high school and a similar thing happened but as I was cumming in her mouth I forgot I had a glass bottle on my hand so I broke it on her head trying to choke her with my cock. Lotta blood and tears and cum that night.

>> No.16685908

>Yes hello is this the Based Department? Okay thanks, I’d like to report a Level 1 based situation on /ck/ right now. Yeah it’s post 16685644, that’s 1-6-6-8-5-6-4-4, on the 40 thread. Yes that’s the one. Okay thanks, bye.

>> No.16685994

You get transported to a bonjs level.(brain damage induced schizophrenia)

>> No.16686043
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>You vote for Biden

>> No.16686062

>reddit filename
Go back, kiddo.

>> No.16686318
File: 383 KB, 1536x2048, two more down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been ridin' with Biden since the democratic primaries.
everyone said i was crazy but now look whos in the white house, not bernie, not warren, not buttgag, not yang. Biden.

Always bet on Biden.

>> No.16686403

Anon, you are supposed to vote for who you think the best candidate is, not on who you think will win. You don't get a reward.

>> No.16686424

That’s 133 drinks. Nobody could do that except Andre the giant.

>> No.16686480
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> Yaass kween, that toxic straight white male drumpfist sure got punished by ̶G̶o̶d̶ le heckin' karmarino, which is a thing I believe in despite claiming to be an atheist.
In case you haven't noticed, most people who get hospitalized by covid are vaccinated.

>> No.16686486

What is the drink for the man who hates alcohol, hates bars and hates all alcoholic beverages in general?

>> No.16686505

Cyanide in water

>> No.16686507

Anything non-alcoholic, served anywhere that's not a bar?
Although, as an alternative, have you considered being less of a poofter?

>> No.16686510
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Imagine marrying a party slut

>> No.16686518

only morons drink alcoholic beverages.

Besides, I have never seen the point of drinking beer or going to bars

>> No.16686536

> Aww, two of the degenerates have fallen in love with each other!

>> No.16686593

>I have never seen the point
It’s a sigma male thing, you wouldn’t get it

>> No.16686604


>> No.16686698

This makes me sad...
Anon you can do so much better in life

>> No.16686701

Wrong board amerifag keep your dogshits countries politics on the right boards.

>> No.16686768


>> No.16688417


>> No.16688451

Respect motherfucker. You have earned my respect.

>> No.16688461

Bitch please. I got to O + S after a bad bender and only using my right eye to see as using both eyes would result in me seeing double.

>> No.16688497
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the jews arw drugging you into complacency, i bet you drink tap-water too

>> No.16688525

'bout tree fiddy

>> No.16688530

That happens to me when my contacts go dry and my glasses fog up, yet I'm not complaining like the bitch you are. What are you some kind of eurotrash or a britpuke?

>> No.16688814

>I played this in high school and a similar thing happened but as I was cumming in her mouth I forgot I had a glass bottle on my hand so I broke it on her head trying to choke her with my cock. Lotta blood and tears and cum that night.
I shouldn’t be laughing so hard at this but I am lol

>> No.16688827
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I assume you're Canadian since there is a leaf drawn on your wall in the background. That explains the beyond sausage box

>> No.16688830

Those fags don't know what proper gym is, one where you can get splinters or fall over onto real rocks and sand instead of recycled plastic pellits so mrs soccer mom doesn't have to deal with her little fem soi boy.

>> No.16690649
File: 357 KB, 1536x2048, 241486428_885782865397748_3172406576753393360_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just polished off a couple more of these boys.
stomach feels like its full of gravel but I'm nearly at 40.

>> No.16690883

Why have you got such a strong self-damaging impulse?

>> No.16690902

. . .why would you save the bottles?

>> No.16690909

Beyond Sausage

>> No.16690931

Almost every single one of your countries presidents have been either a Freemason or Jesuit which doesn't make much of a difference all they do is lay another brick for the Anti christ to walk on.

>> No.16690950

explain this ghetto drainage system you rigged up here.

>> No.16690958
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>> No.16691122

is that Mississippi Mud?
I stopped drinking that stuff cause it tastes like shit now, they must have changed the recipe

>> No.16691135

I've definitely had over 40 40s in my life.

>> No.16691157


>> No.16691227

>The second time she did it we were at the side of my buddy’s house and she blew me WHILE I pissed.
So you peed in her mouth?

>> No.16692139

You sad sad fucking retard.

>> No.16692190

its oddly good AFTER a week to a month past the expiration date, otherwise it's crap; gotta love recipe changes not being advertised and labeled
i.e. recipe #1, #2, #1b, etc

>> No.16692220

Why drywall a maintenance room apart from making actual maintenance harder for contractors

>> No.16692230

>maple story
what the fuck?

>> No.16692786
File: 368 KB, 1536x2048, 241390176_1023088108505258_4726465908028182137_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are a good size for mixing drinks after.
either roman cokes or oliet bangs with vodka.

>> No.16692955

She blew my while I was pissing so yes I was pissing in her mouth.

This is my “how I met your mother” story.

>> No.16692961

isn't maplestory essentially dead? the community is gone, everyone is antisocial and too busy pressing buttons or using macros to kill infinite spawning monsters for hours just to boost their damage to do bigger numbers

>> No.16692965

Legend says that if you drink 40 40oz malt liquors within 40hrs, Rumplestiznizzle, the Hood Leprechaun, will appear and reward you with a chain made with 40 ounces of gold and encrusted with 40 carats of diamonds.
But nobody has completed this trial.