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16192063 No.16192063 [Reply] [Original]


Does anyone have any input on baking videos in this style? Is it too slow or is there anything you would change? Any input would be helpful, thank you https://youtu.be/BJLKb2Dtwlo

>> No.16192171

I think the pacing is fine because it’s supposed to be “cinematic baking”.
I like this guys videos:

>> No.16192189

Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate it. ; )

>> No.16192261

If you're going to do videos like that your audio should also follow suit

>> No.16192271

I think you need better lighting for the close-up shots, and maybe no music if you can leave it out. Other than that, I think it's very good.

>> No.16192384

In what way? Please explain, I am more than happy to try.

>> No.16192399

I will definitely look into lighting on the close ups, it's too dark right? I will be trying with just sound effects (no music) on one of the next ones to see if it is well received. Thank you so much for the feedback.

>> No.16192462

not the other anon but your audio needs to be more crisp. if you're using a mic, you're oversaturating the low end which can easily be eq'd. work on vocal delivery

>> No.16192474

I am using a shotgun mic. I will look into that, I am not a sound expert but I am sure I can find some videos on this. Thank you for this input.

>> No.16192589
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As a professional videographer, there's a lot to say. I see you're aiming for a more Cinematic ASMR kind-of deal. Here's some pointers:

-Work within your capabilities. This includes both budget and equipment. For example, if you feel your available camera lenses are not suitable for Sharp, and detailed shots, try to focus more on the big picture if it yields a better result. If you struggle to get an in-focus Macro shot, then it's honestly better to shoot from a bit further away on higher quality if possible so you can digitally punch in. Your close-ups were out of focus and/or not very appealing most of the time.
-As others have noted, the quality of professional video can be made even more apparent by the audio. The Voice-Over sounds good enough, but the live audio in the kitchen is either mixed too low and muddy or recorded with a low quality mic. If you don't have a good mic or don't want to go through the hassle of using External Sounds and Effects to enhance your audio, then just mute your kitchen audio during the slo-mo close ups and let the music take over (or use non-slowed down audio at least. It sounds unpleasant for the most part).
-Don't linger too much if you're not showing your best. Slo-mo can enhance a nice shot, but if the shot is average, then you're just drawing it out, rendering it more unpalateable even if you're just using it for dramatic effect.
-Start out with slightly more edits (aim for a 5 Min Video length) to keep the viewer's attention. Once you get better equipment and/or filmmaking chops that result in video good enough to linger on, then feel free to stretch them out for dem Youtubebux.

You can also work on the lighting, but the aforementioned fixes can be done without any new investments, so focus on that first. Are you also doing Post-Production and Editing on your own? Because the look could use some tweaks.

>> No.16192593

Slowmo =/= cinematic
Not everything you do needs a slowmo shot.
The part where you were putting the sliced strawberries on was obviously acted slowmo too, avoid that.

If you want tips on making kino, here's some simple stuff to try out:
The most important part to "make shots look good" is lighting and focus. I'm assuming here, but try moving your set to the dining table, which in most houses is usually near windows and thus has lots more natural light. It's also more open than a kitchen, allowing you to...

Use alternate angles, for example more overhead shots, if you only have one camera, don't worry, it's simple to juryrig a hanging crane above to hang the camera.

Other easy stuff are 360 shots, rotating around the food at the end so the viewer gets to see it from all angles. ezpz if you have a cake stand.
Or that thing where you have a close up stationary shot that's out of focus and then it moves into focus, etc.

I see you trying to pad it out to 10 mins for the YTbux, you can always dress up a bit and incorporate yourself more into the video. Don't need anything fancy, but eyecandy is a huge advantage female cooking channels have.
Picture this: You're kneading dough. Instead of just focusing on your hands and dough, a close up panning shot starting from your face with your convenient #rustic sidebraid, moving down your chest and arms to the hand and dough.

As for what I think about it, it's actually alright. I think the recipe this time is a bit too simple hence all the padding, a normal recipe video would be done in like what, 4 mins? Last but not least, when deciding to be a content producer, you really have to do it because you like it, if you approach it with the hopes of becoming famous and getting paid you'll obssess too much over metrics. Not everyone can go viral overnight like Tasting History y'know

>> No.16192606

>No dramatic music. No artificial deadline along the lines of "I've been invited to my boyfriend's baby shower and I have 20 minutes to make this fabulous desert thing!" Didn't begin the video with "WAZZUP YOUTUBE!!!: Didn't catch long hair in mixing machine. Modest clothing, no excessive cleavage accidentally on display. No odd hair color and no caked on makeup.

I dunno. Maybe you'll make it maybe you won't.


>> No.16193126

First of all thank you so much, this is the kind of detailed criticism that i am looking for. I have family helping on this but pretty new to editing, kind of learning as we go. I agree I think quite a few shots are dragging too long and slow motion audio can sound unpleasant. I will save all of these points and keep them in mind as I progress!

>> No.16193144
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I want to try your freshly baked goods

>> No.16193167

I live in a pretty small apartment so space is limited to pretty much just the kitchen. I do have windows just on the other side of the camera, however being in the northwest I have lighting changes constantly (changing levels of overcast skies) so I find I need to use artificial light. I can always add more light though. I will definitely be working to set up something for overhead camera angle to get a good view into the bowl. I really do love to bake and will continue to make these videos, all this information just helps me make these better, before I get stuck with any bad video habits. I will have to try the #rustic sidebraid panning shot lol ; )

>> No.16193170

What happend to that other chick with the number1 haircut who swore all the time?

>> No.16193174

It's good for a start, but like the others have said, try not to use slow mo for every shot as it can get a bit boring quick. Also, this is a bit of a personal choice so you obviously do not have to do this, but maybe do a timelapse of certain things like with the icing of meringue. It looks professional, is easy to do, and makes the video more authentic, at least to me. Also, BE CONFIDENT! when talking, try to imagine like you're talking to a family member, friend, someone you can have a good time with. Your voice will naturally sound much more relaxed and your personality can shine even brighter. Other than that, you do have potential, just don't make videos just because you have to or you're obligated to, do it because you enjoy it. If you do something that makes you feel happy, you can go a long way
Hope this helps and good luck!

>> No.16193176

Were you assigned male at birth (born male)?

>> No.16193183

Smile more, sweetheart

>> No.16193188

The algorithm makes the people behave this way? Or the people makes the algorithm behave this way? ; )

>> No.16193196

Thank you for the words of encouragement it really is helpful. I will try to keep in mind what you said when talking. Thank you.

>> No.16193199

I know, I know... I will try harder. ; )

>> No.16193208

Born and always been Female lol

>> No.16193265
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>> No.16193286

To be honest, i found the slow motion stuff to be too much. 2 or 3 such sequences per video would be fine but not one every 30 secs.

Also, post feet.

>> No.16193320
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on the off-chance you're not some weirdo pretending to be this girl for internet likes:

>probably less slowmo shots. I think it could be used sparingly and in shorter shots. Just to show a really crucial bit. Lingering in slowmo for too long makes people want to fast forward.
>a little more bright/harsher lighting The lighting is very soft and it makes some shots look a bit drab. Some shots look good but some of the closeups looked a bit weird with that soft lighting.
>lower the music during your dialogue, it's fine to raise it up to that level during the filler shots but you're fairly soft-spoken and it drowns you out a bit.

provided you're not a LARPer I wish you all the best

>> No.16193971

I will post here next week with the updated changes in my next video, I'm not a larper, I came here because I know people would be honest about their opinions. So stay tuned. ; )