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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12963042 No.12963042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12963055

I don't know but I like your voice, keep it up

>> No.12963068

show us your penis

>> No.12963072

Lose weight. Your voice sounds husky.

>> No.12963077

>A cooking channel coming out of Vancouver Island, British Columbia

How about you kys leaf

>> No.12963078

Maybe don't swear in your videos.

>> No.12963079


>> No.12963081

Finding a schtick that isn't retarded would be a great first step. I couldn't even last 30 seconds in your most recent video before the cringe took me.

>> No.12963083

watched your duck video, you try too hard to make jokes that are just not funny

if you just keep making videos im sure you will get more viewers just because you have a boi pussy though

>> No.12963086

Try posting it on 4chan

>> No.12963150


I'm 135lbs and 5'6". I do BJJ 4 times a week, and have visible abs without flexing. I'm not overweight.

point taken.

>> No.12963179

Its not terrible, but people click on recipe videos for the recipes, not necessarily to hear jokes. Start off by showing a quick montage of the finished product before you even begin. This will entice people in further and keep their attention span going for the whole video. During the demonstration, keep each step concise and quick; don't be afraid to cut to the next step quickly as people will naturally pause the video where they need to. Also, make sure you are using warm tones in your videos, this will make the retarded audience fealling safe. My final two pieces of advice are very much optional, but should help your channel grow. You could for instance, try out a novelty recipe, like those Korean non-bake-jelly-cheese-cake shits or Babish' pop culture references. Hell, Adam Ragusa only got success from the "why i season my cutting board" vid. Novelty will drive the normies flocking towards your channel, but then your stuck with them. Lastly, is to show yourself smiling in all your videos and being generally cheery (but make sure not to tell jokes, because I suspect you're a woman). You already have a nice voice, and the shots including your family are admittedly very cute. Overall, not the worst I've ever seen, and the presentation is decent, just make sure to stick with it and stop swearing.

>> No.12963192

You didn't take my advice in the last thread so I'm unsubscribing.

>> No.12963297

Post feet

>> No.12963356

>Throwing your hard work out into the void hoping for clicks from randoms
Why do people still do this? It's sad. It worked for five minutes in like 2009, then no one got the memo when it stopped.
Your content is fine.

>> No.12963376

maybe show some cleavage and do some fast cuts edits keep vids down to 5mins or less

>> No.12963381
File: 20 KB, 380x285, 15E22A72-C7CA-4673-BB78-F8FE38D4DC87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you, OP

>> No.12963396

>blowjob jobs
suck less dick next time

>> No.12963420

>shut the fuck up pumpkin pie
very rude desu

>> No.12963424

I want to marry OP and put a baby in her.

>> No.12963426

Very r*ddit feel to your retarded jokes and general demeanor. You make things I'd like to eat, but I couldn't fathom sitting through an entire video with the sound on.

>> No.12963427

When I'm looking for a cooking or recipe video, I just want the recipe. People joke constantly about the bloat that infects most food blogs, but it's equally true for videos and other types of media. Don't waste my time with feeble jokes, your family history, the history of the dish, or any of that bullshit.

I want:

-what I need to make the dish
-a step-by-step
-show the finished product and give me a heads up on any alterations

You think Food Wishes blew up by coincidence? He has his thing (you're the x of your y, shake-a shake-a, etc.) but his content is like 90% meat and 10% fat. That's (usually) what I'm looking for from cooking content. Alex French Guy Cooking goes into a lot more of the science, as does Good Eats, but all of that builds into the why behind a recipe. Look at Jacques Pepin on the KQED channel, or "Taste, The Chinese Recipes Show," or "Marion's Kitchen" (though the last is starting to drift from their straightforward approach of past). It's mostly meat, very little fat in the show. That's what I want.

TL;DR: if you want to add a theme to your cooking (humor, science, history, etc.) you'd better be fucking good at it. And if humor is your theme, then by all means stick with it, you'll improve over time. But right now that's your weak point.

>> No.12963430

Reminiscent of you sick at cooking but falls flat. Weird. If he made these jokes it'd be good, but I just cringe when hearing it out of your mouth. Good shit though.

>> No.12963431

OP you sound ugly and like you would bitch about white male privilege constantly also you look like a dyke from the seconds you are visible

>> No.12963438

im too lazy to watch but i'll give u a sub i guess

>> No.12963453

Grow your hair and maybe I'll watch it.

But seriously, what's the appeal? Everyone is doing the same basic shit. If you want to be successful you need to figure out a niche that others haven't covered yet.

>> No.12963513

Wait, hold on, is that voice a woman or a prepubescent child?

>> No.12963522

Youtube is mainly used by men. More meals geared towards men less desserts for fat ass women.

>> No.12963537

I'm not sure what you could do to boost your visibility but I like your videos. Keep it up. Everyone starts small!

>> No.12963564

Claim to be Japanese for weeb views

>> No.12963574

Got to admit pretty good content

>> No.12963596

I don’t like the swearing. If you’re gonna swear go all out and do it often or don’t do it at all. Same with the humor. All or none. Done have one random joke 3/4 of the way through. Make jokes often or none at all

>> No.12963598

become a fat old man otherwise I aint watching

>> No.12963605

This, and more cayenne

>> No.12964451

Stop breathing so loud. Get a pop filter. Make consistent thumbnails. Your banner and icon looks boring. Create a running gag or reference. Either full on show your butch head or don't .

Good voice and content tho.

>> No.12964509
File: 290 KB, 1200x628, 1568558786443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get to the point and make more videos. Fuck around with the Mic more. Remember you are not special nor are the thirsty ass beta males in this thread.

>> No.12964579

I'm going to try your duck pie this weekend. Thanks.

>> No.12966231

upload on BitChute too

bar is much lower there so you'll get noticed easier

>> No.12966395

are u a tranny?

>> No.12966398

Oh lol so you were shilling your own ice cream video a couple weeks back then?

>> No.12966420

Whoring is bad.

>> No.12966422

yep you can tell from the timbre of the voice and also the dialogue at times

>> No.12966425

prove that it's you and i'll sub

>> No.12966443

You could try not being a cringe femoid OP. That should help

>> No.12966457
File: 52 KB, 700x483, 1568995501928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swearing women aren't ever cute or funny.

>> No.12966474

post penis

>> No.12966526

>act like you know a lot about cooking
>cut up vegetables with awful technique and exposed thumb
Really makes you think

>> No.12966606

no Cooking Alone, but you’re good
by the way
Fuck all of you for ending Cooking Alone
Fuck you all to HELL

>> No.12966698

Fucking a, right? That was so awful.

>> No.12967250

Pick some better recipes and give your videos non retarded names, like who the fuck is going to search for K.A.L.E.?
Also if you aren't ultra ugly or fat you might want to show some cleavage here and there or just cook in a tiny bikini, that'd be a great gimmick.

>> No.12967259

that was cringe kys asap

>> No.12967268

Production quality is better than most, and I like the format. Guess your just going to have to trudge along until you pick up some steam. Just stay consistent, you have earned another viewer today!

>> No.12967293

your sister sounds cute but maybe walk her through the script beforehand

>> No.12967318

For those screaming "Female!" or "Tranny!". The female narrator is not the owner of the channel. She's probably a relative, or (less likely) a girlfriend. Maybe someone hired off fiverr or similar site.