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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12049363 No.12049363 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Bread >>11988786


Welcome to the 2019 /ck/ Challenge!

The theme for each round is announced on the 1st Monday of every month, and submissions are welcome up until the 23rd. After that the voting/rating thread goes up and everyone is welcome to vote on the submitted dishes, however only anons who submit their dishes for the challenge will be allowed to have their votes count for the open rounds (Rounds 1-3).

Submit your dish with a timestamped picture of your creation (ideally with an available step-by-step process via an imgur gallery post or a photoshopped/GIMPed picture) with a unique totem visible in the picture (any type of object be it a dice, glassware, cloth that you'll show with your submissions for the rounds). You may submit your votes for the challenge round posting under a matched secure tripcode or by posting a picture of your totem with a timestamp with the scores for each dish in the post body. If you would not like to submit scores then you are free to give feedback/criticism on the challengers dishes as you see fit (just don't fucking clog up the thread with autism please).

>> No.12049364
File: 9 KB, 352x200, chairman kaga 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The voting will follow modified Iron Chef rules, a 20 point scale where 5 points each will go towards Presentation (how the dish looks on the plate, i.e. the plating), Originality, Appeal (how appetizing the dish looks to you) and fulfilling the Challenge Goals.

You may use this template in order to score the competitors submissions:

Presentation: /5
Originality: /5
Appeal: /5
Challenge Goals: /5
Total: /20

And now we go to the THEME for ROUND 1!

For the opening round we begin in the month of March, the changing time from Winter to Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and Summer to Fall in the Southern hemisphere. All 4 seasons play within this month which is why I'd like to enjoy something using a food item that is found all year-round across the world regardless of season. In many places this is considered a staple food and has become an essential part of national cuisines as big as Italy and as small as Fiji. This item is the third biggest agricultural commodity in the world and to many people this item is the source of life itself.

So with that being said, the ROUND THEME WILL BE…..


For this round I would like the challengers to prepare a dish that exhibits the liveliness of rice! There are no restrictions to the type of dish you create as long as it shows off the boundless creativity of cuisine that can be made showcasing the inherent flavour of rice!

This is an open round so anyone can submit an entry! Rounds 1-3 will all be open for new entries where your best submission will be taken into consideration for who makes it into the 4th Round! Best of luck to all of you and may the best chefs triumph in this battle of /ck/ing!


>> No.12049379

So far the current verified entries for Round 1 are:

FPM !!TWee2o8cjLQ (Beef Kao Pad)
nrrwmndd !!5q13kDmTZEt (Koji-Rubbed Steak Gyudon)
quaff !!QRRRsHZIZUK (Glutinous Rice Parcels)
Sakeanon (Arancini)
Nikon (Rice Flour Crepe)
Poodle ("Whatever You Have At Home" Risotto Stew)

Thank you to those who have submitted their excellent dishes so far! For those who'd like to enter this round you will need to follow the instructions in the OP and submit your dish by the deadline. If you are not able to, or would prefer not to submit this round, you have until the end of round 3 to submit an entry to the respective monthly challenge theme in order to qualify for the elimination rounds. Your dish with the best average score will be considered for the closed rounds so if you feel like you'd like to improve over the course of the open rounds feel free to make dishes for the themes in April and May although if you submit for March you are not pressured to do so!

Once round 3 has concluded I will take some time at the end of the thread to do some feedback on the monthly format and see whether it should change to weekly or biweekly rounds for the elimination rounds.

Anyhow thank you so much for all the support in getting the /ck/ challenge off to a great start and let's get some more great dishes in for round 1!

>> No.12049540

Has there been a decision on what the subject of round 2 will be? After an entire month of waiting for this round to end i'm dying to move on to the next dish.

>> No.12049590

will you be posting all of the submissions in the judging thread so anyone who entered can judge them all in one place and receive feedback?
>also putting in a vote for bi-weekly; much faster but should still leave enough time to do some interesting things for anyone who needs more prep time

>> No.12049686

Secret option c: tri-weekly.

>> No.12049720

I’m still deciding between a couple options but I think I’m mostly set on what rounds 2 and 3 will be.
Won’t hint for 2 but 3 will be related to a specific national holiday in May regarding a certain place.

>> No.12049725

Yes I will! I have all the entry photos, planograms and verifications in a folder for the end of the round and will do the same for each additional round.

>> No.12050496


>> No.12051416


>> No.12052459


>> No.12053022
File: 66 KB, 318x232, 1549514167470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12053034

And this is why making each round more than a week is and always was a terrible idea. Half of /ck/ is going to turn on this if you keep bumping it without any new content. That's how it's always been, and things are much worse now than the last time we had a real /ck/ challenge.

>> No.12053384

fuck these cunts, what is the deadline im gonna turn something in last minute and blow these niggas balls off

>> No.12053488

>The theme for each round is announced on the 1st Monday of every month, and submissions are welcome up until the 23rd
just read the OP anon

>> No.12053498

suck muh tits nerdboi, at this point i could throw rice at a dog turd and win this challenge, prepare your doodie holes, losers

>> No.12053595

See the all caps in the OP. 23rd at midnight CEST.
Well if you can make it look appealing I'd definitely give you 20 points.

>> No.12053996

I'm surprised it needs that much bumping, I didn't think /ck/ moved that fast.

>> No.12054019

unless a flood of entries come in during the next 4 days, I'm open to switching to a 2-week or 3-week schedule for open rounds 2 and 3 if the other contestants and the chairman are up for it.
We have 6 constestants so far and everyone's submitted something within 12 days of the OP with the most recent submission seemingly needing less than a day's worth of prep time

>> No.12054584

You can blame the underage kiddies and NEETs from /v/ and /r9k/ for that.
I’ll see how the week goes and if the end stays slow I’ll throw a poll up to see if we should move to a 2 week entry/1 week voting system or a 1 week entry/2 day voting scheme during the Round 1 voting thread.

>> No.12055777


>> No.12055935

fuck that keep it the way it is, theres always gonna be some faggot complaining about something just keep going, they want you to shorten the rounds so that people like me cant hand them their ass, some people cant drop everything in their life for a 4chan challenge.

>> No.12055990

Fuck you. A month on 4chan is a fucking eternity. People are already losing interest after a month of waiting. This thread is barely staying alive. It night have died last night if i hadn't woken up in the middle of the night and bumped it. If you need a month to make one meal then fuck off, you're an untalented hack.

>> No.12056014

eat a dick faggot, nobody that had interest has lost interest, if you cant wait then maybe get a life

>> No.12056034

You're a hack

>> No.12056513

I think a poll for participants is a great idea; it could go either way imo
anyone who's said they need more time to submit a stellar dish hasn't really shown up (every legit submission so far has come in within 12 days of OP). if there are no more submissions within the next 4 days its probably a good idea to speed things up. it'd probably be better to see a few more contestants join in the next 4 days

>> No.12056900

Yeah I’m definitely not writing things off. Even then, March is a bit of a slow month so while I’ll poll once submission end on Saturday to get an idea I’ll still see how April looks if the submission go to a two week period instead of three weeks, assuming enough people want it.

>> No.12056918

>a poll for participants
Or maybe a poll for those of us who've been here since before 2016 and actually remember how past /ck/ challenges went?

>> No.12058162

idc which way it goes; id rather see this succeed b/c while there's always going to be shitposting there already seems to be a lot of arguing and hostility in the thread(s). I figured a poll among the participants was better since a shortened or lengthened deadline primarily causes stress/strain for them. While it'd be fun for /ck/ to see the contest move forward on a daily schedule, i think that's too much for participants and they'd quit, so the question should be "how much time do participants want/need in order to keep submitting dishes to keep the contest alive?"
like i said before, idc either way so you can convince me otherwise

>> No.12058169

Two weeks tops for opening rounds and one week for elimination rounds to add some pressure.

>> No.12058217
File: 6 KB, 250x187, 1541945848615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>challenge is rice
Fucking yawn. Nothing inspiring, invigorating, or challenging about rice. I knew you weren't going to be good/creative enough to do this.

/ck/ doesn't move fast at all, it's just that the challenge theme sucks, and there's nothing to talk about in these threads with the exception of flaming the author or posting your submissions. Can't wait until this asshole gives up on these so someone better can step in.

>> No.12058243

I plan on making something exciting this week, but have a full time job, a case study due tomorrow, and an exam on Saturday. Maybe I'll take my exam early and cook the rest of the day. We'll see.

>> No.12058300

Die in a car fire you useless piece of shit. Rice is boring? No, you're just an unimaginative retard. Fuck off and go play with the sipbois and let the adults cook.

>> No.12059159

I literally explained why the challenge is an easier theme for open rounds 2 threads ago.
If you want to do it better then why didn’t you try it before? Oh wait, it’s because your just a dumbass who wouldn’t bother regardless.
Fuck off.

>> No.12059429


>> No.12060177

really hope you submit and looking forward to it
i liked the idea of rice; its easy enough for anyone to join but hard to make stand out or use creatively. hoping the themes get more difficult for future rounds and reserving judgement until then.
>keep it up chairman; haters gonna hate

>> No.12060280

>hoping the themes get more difficult for future rounds
Meh, the more weird you make the theme the more people are forced to make memes shit rather than real food. I would much rather see more generic themes that allow a wide variety of dishes made well. I’m honestly not impressed when someone makes some insanely obscure and nearly impossible to prepare meal. I want to see stuff I would actually enjoy making and eating. If I see anyone purée vegetables and put it into a squeeze bottle or make eggplant into a gelatin I’ll lose my shit. Just make actual food but do it 10/10.

>> No.12060953

Bump, I will be entering something within the next few days, have to make the infograph.

>> No.12060968

Sure you are anon, sure you are.

>> No.12061136

i agree, id probably drop out if a theme was too difficult but something beyond the scope of ingredients could be fun
please do

>> No.12062543

Yeah, I feel like the themes are relatively unimportant, it's just a starting point to encourage some actual cooking on this board.

>> No.12062658

>your just a dumbass
>your just a dumbass
OP confirmed out of his league
Don't you have high school classes to attend? You want all the glamour of being the ringleader of /ck/ challenges but I am going to stand by what I've said this whole time, which is that you're not smart or creative enough to do it. I legitimately can't wait until I can stop hiding these threads because they stop appearing. Let the challenge die if you aren't going to do Borneo proud.
>I literally explained
And I think you're both stupid and wrong. Hope your shit goes up in flames.

>> No.12062753

>not enjoying a nice jellied eggplant

my standards are very low so this isnt hard

honestly im digging the submissions so far and ill be coming here more often to watch these threads

ONE suggestion tho: OP should repost the verified entries from previous rounds + descriptions so people can continue voting on them, having all the submissions on display is very motivational imo and helps drum up more relevant discussion and participation

>> No.12062769

Here's the old blog link you could add to the OP post so peeps can look at past rounds and shit. Sadly I don't have the login.


>> No.12063031
File: 456 KB, 1050x700, eyepatch - rd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck was this?

>> No.12063978

we can't all be artists

>> No.12064108

I’d argue that IS art. I mean that looks so realistically like shit I’m actually impressed.

>> No.12064140

shitty coq au vin?

>> No.12064473

I honestly can't tell what it is. It looks like chicken boiled in squid ink with hot toffee poured over the top. Certainly something I believe /ck/ might make, but the doubt remains.

>> No.12065020

Better get a shift on friend, the 23rd fast approaches.

>> No.12065241

He won't. If he was legit it wouldn't have taken him a month to submit something. There's always going to be bullshitters claiming they're going to submit something tomorrow. That's why it doesn't make sense to run a competition for an entire month. Your either going to enter and get it done or you won't. Every legit entry was submitted within 12 days of the start of the competition. Since then it's just been jerkoffs wasting everyone's time. Looking back over the last contests i can say with confidence that while we may have fewer participants this time around, each of our current competitor's dishes are far superior than what was entered in the previous contests.

>> No.12066197

>each of our current competitor's dishes are far superior than what was entered in the previous contests.
No way, I can't recall names off the top of my head, but I'm sure I remember some pretty professional entries in the past years.

>> No.12066426
File: 3.73 MB, 1000x3000, ckchallenge2019smss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here goes nothin'.

>> No.12066429
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>> No.12066437

>announcing a bump while also contributing

>> No.12066870
File: 32 KB, 480x365, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only thing ive seen thats on par with the faggot catbogging reddit hillbilly poster in terms of cringeworthiness, gayness and overall hateability.
you actually did this? im kinda embarrassed for you. oof. (food seems good at least)

>> No.12066913

Die in a fire you underage inbred fuck

>> No.12066921

what has you triggered today soyboy? was it because i shit all over your reddit-tiered hyper-faggotry?
>only newfags call others new

>> No.12066948

welcome to the competition. looks tasty & good luck
>i think most of us like OC so thanks for joining

>> No.12067037

oh seriously fuck off, only reddit women have this type of attitude. "AT LEAST THEY.." just save it. its fucking cringe.

>> No.12067051

don't even bother (You)ing this retard

>> No.12067084

>march 23rd at midnight
So is today the last day to submit, or is tomorrow?

>> No.12067103

Looks American as fuck
t. Spaniard

>> No.12067110

Tomorrow by the end of the day.

>> No.12067247

Rare nutritional information effort.

>> No.12067258

I plan on deducting points for that.

>> No.12067816

What the other anon said, tomorrow at 12 midnight CEST

>> No.12067832

>chicken thighs

>> No.12068642


>> No.12069658

If I submit my entry tonight/tomorrow morning is it okay if I submit my vertical after the entry deadline (knowing that people might start judging before seeing it)?

>> No.12070186
File: 2.34 MB, 4032x3024, Anon-Don.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For your consideration, I present the Anon-Don. It's a bowl of perfectly cooked rice topped with whatever anon has in her fridge and/or pantry and feels like putting on a perfect bowl of rice.

This particular iteration has 15 different toppings, which you should mostly recognize. Might not get in a vertical until tomorrow.

>> No.12070714
File: 94 KB, 665x626, F8A5463B-EF82-406E-A8A3-68C27EC7FF1A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t even know what to say about this.

>> No.12071047


>> No.12071048

the egg looks like an eye
good stuff

>> No.12071836

>3 will be related to a specific national holiday in May
Scurvy Awareness Day?

>> No.12071932
File: 1.70 MB, 2448x8289, Please clap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my submission, not as visually interesting, but satisfying to eat, like any rice-dish should be
The totem is the bell that can be seen in some of the pictures, some steps are missing but you can fill in the blanks. In general I am not very happy not that I saw that other submissions, next time I will try harder

5th of may?
We can do pastries too, right?

>> No.12072053

Yes and no.
Possibly, depends on if you think it’ll work!

>> No.12072716

Fuck yeah, chicken fat. I don't know whether it makes that much difference to the final curry, but the chicken cracklings you get as a cook's treat are worth it alone.

>> No.12072745

Thanks for submitting!
Now at 9 total submissions for round 1, already 7 more then I legitimately expected so I already think that this is a pretty good success. I will put up a poll (for deciding timelines for rounds 2-3 and then round 4 and onward) once the deadline closes and then have a new thread made for voting which will close on Monday at Midnight CEST.

>> No.12072768

When will the theme for the next round be revealed?

I did it because I heard that was what Japanese use to make their roux for curry, although they use pork. It does give you a chicken taste early on, but so does the broth, the main reason I did it is to keep the underlying theme of using every part of the chicken. Which is why in the pictures relating to chicken I keep all three elements (meat, fat and bone) on frame at the same time

>> No.12072864
File: 255 KB, 500x525, chairman kaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you to all the challengers who submitted a dish for round 1, the voting thread will be made this evening. Please see the poll here to give some feedback on schedules for future rounds


The next theme will be revealed at the start of round 2, which will be on April 1st.

>> No.12073041

Someone link all dishes or make one big image containing them all. I'll try to do it but I am no sure If I am going to get them all

FPM !!TWee2o8cjLQ (Beef Kao Pad) >>11994425
nrrwmndd !!5q13kDmTZEt (Koji-Rubbed Steak Gyudon) >>12005971
quaff !!QRRRsHZIZUK (Glutinous Rice Parcels) >>12016869
Sakeanon (Arancini) >>12026731
Nikon (Rice Flour Crepe) >>12039652
Poodle ("Whatever You Have At Home" Risotto Stew) >>12042329
ion !jxaL03vL/Q (Spanish Chicken & Rice) >>12066426
tiki doomer (Anon-Don) >>12070186
A bell (Blasphemous college-tier kinda-curry) >>12071932

Total of nine recipes, am I missing any?

>> No.12073166

Nope I think that's it.
If anything I can try and do a quick photoshop sometime in the week to put up for the recap thread.

>> No.12073384


>> No.12074288

At some point there should be a grandmas recipe challenge where we all make that one recipe our grandmother was/is known for and gets passed down the generations.

>> No.12074299

You can basically pin-point the exact moment the /ck/ challenge died when Thomas the Train made up a story about his grandma or whoever making some random chicken dish when he was little and got called out for it being BS. He then dropped out but the trolling never ended.

>> No.12074316

Weird, seems like strange thing to lie about. I just spent most of today at my moms house making my grandmothers traditional family meal for my birthday. Takes fucking hours and is a serious pain in the ass to make but when you’re finally done it’s sooooo worth the time and effort.