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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 183 KB, 1917x1078, p1-jiro-a-20140424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9992426 No.9992426[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

20 dollah for use of chop stick, and 25 for other one.

>> No.9992431


>> No.9992441

Why does /tv/ hate him so much?

>> No.9992451


>> No.9992457


>> No.9992462

you eat sushi with your hands retard

>> No.9992477
File: 207 KB, 900x750, jiro-ono-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9992493
File: 7 KB, 274x184, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What-a? Mama always say, itsa not good for me to cutta da food, letta de juus out.
Datta be for you! But I make you nice deal, ah? Knife-a rental, only $50!

>> No.9992506
File: 8 KB, 265x190, imagesa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is finest vodka from old country, da. Came over in radiator of very large GAZ Sobol! For you, my friend, only 75 dollar.

>> No.9992531


>> No.9992547

>20 dollah for use of chop stick, and 25 for other one.
Not using your hands for sushi
How new

>> No.9992554
File: 1.65 MB, 1280x720, 1455282782046.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it summer already

>> No.9992568
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WUT? $200 DOLLARS?!?!


>> No.9992577



>> No.9992578

>paying the 100 dollar finger tax and purchasing the 50 dollar napkins to wipe your hands

>> No.9992594

>napkins to wipe your hands


>> No.9992602

I don't want anyone touching my food like that. I'd have to do a Mr Bean and hide the sushi in various places if someone tried to serve me like that.

>> No.9992612

It's basically impossible to season either the rice or the fish correctly without skin contact. Every once in a while JAL will take related dishes out a first-class lounge in the US because the local health inspector insists on gloves and they won't bend on quality.

I guess you'll have to go back to your tendies, at least you know the meat for those is bleached clean!

>> No.9992613
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 'Merican Obesity Epidemic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol @ people thinking 'merican niggers have the palate for delicate foods like sushi.

They should stick to eating greens drowned in butter & greasy fried chicken.

>> No.9992614





>> No.9992617
File: 214 KB, 1024x768, HongKongPhooeyWallpaper1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their skilled ninjas they know everything, it's an ancient nip ass secret.

>> No.9992621

this thread is actually getting pretty problematic

>> No.9992622

Apparently the nips can only win vs vastly inferiour oppenents. When real ones show up, they loose massively.

>> No.9992625

>lol @ people thinking 'merican niggers have the palate for delicate foods like sushi.
>They should stick to eating greens drowned in butter & greasy fried chicken.

This. Sushi is way too refined for them. This is why "deep fried sushi rolls" were invented.

>> No.9992626

Cajun cooking is the only worthwhile "cuisine" to ever exist in the US, the rest is bastardized shit or someone elses cuisine.

>> No.9992628

The funny thing is, the stereotype of "fried chicken and extra butter in the greens" was always the luxury foods the plantation owners wouldn't share with their white trash help either. Nothing to do with what blacks ate a lot of, just an 1860s proto-take on "look at those food stamps buying steaks we don't pay you enough to buy".

150 years on, Cletus is still posting ebin frog maymays and shitting on the other poor dude instead of asking why he doesn't get paid either.

>> No.9992630

baiting much?

>> No.9992636

hey nigger, if you used chopsticks in a fine sushi restaurant you'd be considered a fucking retarded bum. you eat sushi with your hands, that's the proper etiquette

>> No.9992638

You people who grew up in suffering and misery without any culture, taste or development. I truly feel sorry for you.

I watched Rocky, Rocky 2 and Rocky 3 recently and I realized he grew up in a northern developed city and people from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia were all third world compared to fucking ROCKY.

You guys live in a world divorced from modernity. The infant death rate in the American South is 4 times that of even fucking Canada.

You're Africa in America.

>> No.9992639

>Sushi is way too refined for them

You misspelled "expensive."

>> No.9992645

I ate tuna nigiri from a shitbox grocery store with a natural brewed soy, rice vinegar doped wasabi dosed sauce and it blew my mind.

The shittiest sushi you can eat, and it was still great.

>> No.9992649

Who's the dumb 'merican in this thread that actually think that sushi store owners actually wants niggers in their establishment?

> Thats right niggers. Sushi is disgusting. We even pee in your sushi and wipe our ass with our hands before we serve you. Now get the fuck out and tell all your nigger friends to stay out as well.

>> No.9992652


ex-pat asians don't give a shit about blacks. That's your fucked up southern lifestyle that thinks they care. You Gweilo are the garbage human, blacks are just intimidating to them.

>> No.9992657

>> Thats right niggers. Sushi is disgusting. We even pee in your sushi and wipe our ass with our hands before we serve you. Now get the fuck out and tell all your nigger friends to stay out as well.


>> No.9992662

it's weird how /pol/ imposes their views on japan. Japan is actually not that racist, it's just xenophobic. They're pretty liberal and their university culture is similar to other western ones

>> No.9992663


They youngest gibbles on this site end up disgracing themselves. But it's 4chan so no one cares. Nothing matters here, it's like monkeys learning what they can and cannot do.

>> No.9992666


Guaranteed 500 triggered nigger replies.

>> No.9992668


Black people don't visit this site. It's autistic basement cases that live here. I think you know that.

>> No.9992669

Since I'm the one paying, I'll pour soy sauce on the rice and stick my chopsticks right into it.

>> No.9992675

Southern? You've never been to Detroit or Chigago have you? That's proper nigger zone.

>> No.9992677

The frogposters are really, really spooked by the idea that someone looks down on them like they look down on other people. They don't even have the "who rules the world? well?" excuse now that the answer is unquestionably "the Han" instead of "the Saxons". So instead they just leak onto other boards trying to build a safe space.

>> No.9992678
File: 2.72 MB, 2738x1825, dreamstime_1935046_rolling-sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Roll your own, you unskilled fuck up.

>> No.9992681


This. Only dumbass asians think that niggers have figured out how to use the internet.

>> No.9992687

"where be at my crack rock?"

>> No.9992688


Rust belt whites are worthless as their southern counterparts. You're a disease that exists everywhere, like islamic terrorism. You're an idea that poisons humanity.

>> No.9992692

I'm from New York City, I know niggers.
Get out of your mother's basement sometime and learn some shit. You might benefit from it.

>> No.9992697

Who wins in a fight?

> 1000 illiterate niggers who hate sushi
> VS
> 50 rednecks in pickup trucks?

>> No.9992699

Neither wins because they're both stuck as subhumans with a lower level of consciousness

>> No.9992700

Perhaps you're just a europeenie instigator. Come on asshole, at least try.

>> No.9992703


You don't know niggers. You know systemic racism that makes a visible group.. poor.

You're too stupid to know how southern you are.

You judge an entire group for generations, then you say "look at these lazy people that I've repressed for generations".

You're the dumbest human cunt I've ever met in my life and you love living in your filth. You're the people that need to be destroyed. If I could press a button and see you ignite, I would press that button.

>> No.9992706

>Who wins in a fight?
>> 1000 illiterate niggers who hate sushi
>> VS
>> 50 rednecks in pickup trucks?

Niggers will be given the win easily. Affirmative Action will kick in somehow.

>> No.9992709

Fuck off back to red dit.
You're not worthy of a proper response.

>> No.9992711


lol you come off even more racist and bigotted than your angry 'merican niggers.

Pretty much confirms 'merican liberals are just hypocritical sacks of shit.

>> No.9992715

Really Japan follows the same pattern as anywhere else, less-skilled and successful men hate the fuck out of who they're told is stealing their jerbs/tax money and basically everyone else just has no clue how to deal with the unusual.

It's just Japan, so the jerb-stealers are Koreans and whites. And it short-circuits most /pol/ posters to imagine themselves as the target, but they also can't figure out how to tell Koreans and Japanese apart, or imagine someone not really being racist at all, so they just default back to "I don't even comprehend how this could exist so I'm just gonna keep on trucking."

>> No.9992716


I love watching human garbage collapse in rot. You know you're a basement filth.

>> No.9992722


explain that like it makes sense, dipshit. I can go all day listening to you fucking children.

>> No.9992724

What does that even mean you idiot?
You've been listening to too much alex jones with his lizard people shit. What books and crap are you selling?

>> No.9992728

>Pretty much confirms 'merican liberals are just hypocritical sacks of shit.

This is pretty obvious to most countries.

>> No.9992730



I don't listen to any of those assholes. You're last generation stupid.

>> No.9992731

Be specific if you're lizard people mind is capable.

>> No.9992733

Great example of your generation on that vid. You really make your point.

>> No.9992736


Yeah, that's a right wing asshole that knows how to make a left wing point. You can't really process this shit can you?

>> No.9992737

Only plebbitors here are refugees like you. 4chan's an anonymous board for a reason, no one around here gave a fuck who other people were or what their background was until the /r/t_d userbase took mass bans a couple years ago and moved in to where they could be sure jannies wouldn't do their job.

>> No.9992740

Keep yapping, I'll say nothing and let you dig your own grave.

>> No.9992742


Steven Miller won with that.

>> No.9992744

>Triggers Self with Bait
>Now on full tilt

This is why /ck/ is fun.

>> No.9992751


Do you really think people even care? Everyone here is watching TV. We don't care what you people think. It's all some night time shit. Stop caring. I'm drunk and bored and your interest embarrasses me. I want a popsicle. Why do you people give a shit?

>> No.9992754

I need to urinate and blow anal foam because of the booze. Can I do that?

>> No.9992755

>>Triggers Self with Bait


>> No.9992761


Oh god. Not the "I'm only pretending to be retarded" line... time to bail.

>> No.9992762


This is where I need to shit and my bladder feels like it needs to go. Lets do a couple more hours.

>> No.9992764

Keep deciding it's a good and smart idea to show up on an SA offsite founded by someone who "wants to be the little girl" as a hangout for posters who were too weeaboo/sexually deviant/both, and think that anyone who was here before 2015 agrees with your meth-addled grandpappy worship.

The only thing we agree with your grandpappy about is that 12 is a good marrying age.

>> No.9992775

Those are your assumptions, stick to your guns. You only make yourself look stupid.

>> No.9992780

What great place are you from, instead of accusing me of stuff, really where the fuck are you from or are you scared of answering a direct question?

>> No.9992794

I can here from FYAD, because I was too weeaboo and sexually deviant to keep burning :10bux:. And I guess you could say from Futaba, because of that IP range ban, but here kind of came here from Futaba because of that IP range ban.

That's really a dumb question and concept, though. We're all Anonymous here because it doesn't matter where we came from, or what we did yesterday, it just matters what we're doing right now. And right now you're being very, very embarrassingly new.

>> No.9992870

Memes aside, raw fish with soy sauce is pretty fucking bland and if the nips weren't so big on presentation I'm pretty sure everyone would acknowledge it as a pleb dish. Adding soy sauce to everything is as low-tier as adding ketchup to steak but no one admits it because MUH HONORABRU SAUCU DESU, FORDED OVAH ONE TOUSAND TIMEUUU