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9988985 No.9988985 [Reply] [Original]

Time to post your favorite pickles

>> No.9989025
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Poverty pickles in bed are pretty great.

>> No.9989036

>Pickle guy saw what you did there.
>And he does NOT approve.

>> No.9989040
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>> No.9989181

not familiar with that brand, but every kosher pickle ive ever tasted has been fucking disgusting. always overmarinated

>> No.9991852
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>> No.9991890

I made pickles a few months ago and then there was mold on top and I ate one but it tasted weird like a salty olive am I going to die?

>> No.9991894

sleep tight picker

>> No.9992052
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These. Drinking the juice afterwards is just an extra treat.

>> No.9992056

claussen is better because they're not cooked, which is why they have to be refrigerated

>> No.9992058

You could. It was nice knowing you pickleanon.

>> No.9992061

My favorite pickle is the one in the garbage can because it is the worst food in the history of mankind. The pickle is absolute proof that God exists and that we were put here to suffer.

>> No.9992066
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>> No.9992097


>> No.9992123

Rule of thumb is to not eat mold anon. If the mold is white throw out the contaminated cukes and the others are cool to eat. If it is black or any other color toss the whole batch

>> No.9992135
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Was given this in a gift bag for Christmas from my produce supplier not bad
Might lower my sperm count for a little while so that's a bonus

>> No.9992138

Mold was on top of brine, though there was a bit of black on the lid... Pickles were submerged and i rinsed it lol. yolo i guess.

>> No.9993627

OP was pretty much asking for it, but kys anyway

>> No.9993643

if it isnt sour or jap, get that shit out of my face

>> No.9994837

fact: best.

>> No.9994848
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I'm pickle Rick. XDXDXD GET IT? if not kys brainlet

>> No.9994860

Tymeks Polish Pickles. The spicy ones pickled with jalepeno are damn good.

>> No.9994882
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Go back to (((Jewddit))) fucking Boy de soys.

>> No.9994892
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Bigle Rig :D:D:D:D:-------D:D:D

>> No.9994896
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>> No.9994941
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You'll find them in the refrigerated section of your grocers refrigerator.

>> No.9994944

Goddamn this
How the fuck are uncooked pickles not the norm?
Every person I've ever heard say they don't like pickles is because they eat the disgusting, mushy room-temperature cooked pickles.

>> No.9995645

wait a second. kosher pickles are COOKED?
i swear to god kikes fucking ruin everything

>> No.9995658

My grocer only has un-refrigerated sections of refrigerators.

>> No.9995661

Huh, I always wondered why they were kept separate from the other pickles in the grocery store. Makes sense.

>> No.9995669

Are you fucking retard? If you are buying room temperature, non-refrigerated pickles, regardless of whether they say kosher or not they have been pasteurized, which means fucking cooked.

>> No.9995671

Obviously not all of them, because Clausen's aren't. If the pickles you buy don't have to be refrigerated before you open them, that means they're shelf stable, and any shelf stable food that contains liquid is boiled in the container to pasteurize it.

>> No.9995687

gross. the best pickles come in vats at the ruska baza that you take for yourself with a pair of tongs. but now that i think about it those go in the fridge so they must not be cooked

>> No.9995775
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Giant pickles. One per tin.

>> No.9995792
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Pickles yes

>> No.9996770
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this is my favorite- usually i notice i can find some better local varieties when im in israel but it's the only pickle that ive had that has some real spice too it.
this for sandwiches. with some cream cheese and cherry tomatoes mmmm