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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9988848 No.9988848 [Reply] [Original]

Besides the time it takes, is there literally any downside to this beautiful bastard?

>> No.9988863

I literally can't think of one OP

>> No.9988875

Nope. Should be in every persons kitchen. especially poor people. The amount of tasty, nutritious, cheap food you can make with zero effort using one of these is insane.

>> No.9988961

It is legit life changing. Meal prepping for workout is so much easier with it.

>> No.9988988

Making a big pot of split pea soup today. Love my slow cooker.

>> No.9988989

Any good /slow/ recipes to recommend, boyos?

this ones real simple but its a super-satisfying cold-weather meal and i tend to add some diced grilled hatch or poblano chiles to give it some extra flavor:


>> No.9988999

Love my slow cooker but being a poor student only have family sized hand me down. Committing to eating so much of the same is the only drawback for me. My stews are great but after 4 days you can get bored.

>> No.9989008

Start freezing the leftovers.

>> No.9989009


Best device for cheap meals and meal planning

>> No.9989010

This. Do it all the time.

>> No.9989135

>being a poor student

He might not have a freezer.

>> No.9989429

Thankfully not that poor. Yet

>> No.9989440

You can do everything you can do in it in an enameled dutch oven and more

>> No.9989466

I got a crockpot not long ago but it turns out it's way too small for the first recipe I tried for it. I had a chicken chili recipe that called for a whole chicken breast, but if I'm downsizing it I'd use half of one? what should i do with the other half a breast?

>> No.9989482

Can you pick up a dutch oven for 25 dollars at a Wal-Mart? And does it require a stove or does it magically provide its own heat?

>> No.9989495

pound it thin, salt pepper, hot pan, lemon juice and butter, reduce to form sauce, enjoy

>> No.9989594

It doesn't really cook potatoes to the stage where they get soft.

Everything else becomes too soft.

>> No.9991694

There is no downside

>> No.9991736

Takes a lot of counter space and storage space.

Can the same effect be achieved by putting a pot with a lid in an oven set to low? I did that for chicken cacciatore once.

>> No.9991751
File: 526 KB, 800x834, InstantPot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instant pot pressure cook is much better and way faster

Hit up some green chile pork or some chicken noodle soup

>> No.9991767

ovens would certainly use more power

>> No.9991847

isn't the whole point that you can plug it in and leave it running and come back to it in the evening?
You wouldn't leave your oven unattended for 8 hours.

>> No.9991865

I dont know any crock pot recipes. I have one but it just sits around. Apparently crock posts became popular in the US when women started working -- she could just put food in the pot in the morning and it would be ready for dinner. I dont have a wife but I also dont have any problem cooking food after work.

Seriously, any recipes for these things? I once tried making pork in it and it shrived and dried out.

>> No.9991917
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>> No.9991930

>literally called a slow cooker
>buys one
>names being slow at cooking is a con

get the fuck off this board and dont EVER insult this appliance

>> No.9991940

Unless you have a gas oven

>> No.9991984

I have a rice cooker with a slow cooker function, but I've never used it.
What are the basic techniques?
What are some foods that can't be made in a slow cooker?
Every recipe just implies you can dump any amount of food and it'll cook all the way so long as you don't mind it being soggy and tender.

>> No.9992204

all of the meals you eat are mush?

>> No.9992213


>> No.9992218

You sound like a working class chump. I bet you thought it would be a great "investment", how you would wake up to a warm, healthy breakfast to start off your long day. Maybe, you even had a couple thoughts about all the other nifty little uses you could find for the thing, how it would help you cook healthier meals in general, shed a couple pounds off the old gut, boost your confidence around work and with the ladies. Yeah, maybe that slow cooker would start your life cooking again, wouldn't it? I can see your strained hands holding the box and reading through it carefully at the store. A little bit pricey, but you're the type of guy who thinks everything is more than you can spend, aren't you. And look what happened to you. Look what the slow cooker did to you. Fucked you over, and made you clean it like a useless bitch. You don't even fucking like oatmeal. Piece of shit, you've been repeating those three words your whole life, haven't you. Yeah, how was work after that piece of shit fucked you over? I bet it was on your mind the whole day, you probably didn't say shit to nobody. Can't be telling people about your mistakes. How your little fix yourself plan, failed you. Don't want people to start thinking you're the failure. You're the piece of shit, all along. You don't want that do you? You don't want to be the piece of shit everybody secretly whispers about, do you? Was your father a piece of shit like you? I bet he never had a slow cooker. He had a woman, a house, a damn good job. I bet it's slow cooking you the fuck alive, isn't it. Comparing yourself to him. How one day when all the steam runs our of your life, you'll discover how you're nothing more than burnt shit to be scrapped off and thrown in the trash.

>> No.9992224

sucks to clean but definitely shook up my cooking universe

>> No.9992327
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>> No.9992819

>being this much of a dumb sperg

>> No.9992855

"healthy" and "cooked for hours" dont usually sit well in the same sentence. You get easily digested pap with all the delicate molecules shredded into garage, but all the carbos and sugars intact.

I bet righteous fucks like you buy fresh food and then turn it into gut filling paste that leaves you malnourished to the point to catastrophic weight loss, then mistake this for healthy eating, all the while expounding your brilliance across the internet.

Eat dirt. Literally eat dirt. Low sugar fat free gmo free gluten free low carb keto vegan halal fucking paleo slow-cooked dirt.

>> No.9992880

It takes up cupboard space and I already have a dutch oven I can use either on the stove or in the oven. Only thing it does I can't already do is set a timer.

>> No.9992888

It may be because I don't have a gas oven, but I have no problem with sleeping or leaving home with the oven at 80C.

>> No.9992906
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>people are still responding seriously to this pasta after five years

>> No.9993268

They over cook food if you're retarded and just chuck shit in and turn it on. I ate so many dry roasts growing up.

>> No.9993335

Instead of using a breast, pick up tenderloins and substitute them instead. They'll generally be cheaper and you'll get more use out of a pack of them that way anyway.

>> No.9993348
File: 484 KB, 620x930, Chicken Makhani w rice and nan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been my favorite for like 10 years. This was already my favorite thing to get at Indian restaurants and to be able to make it with so little effort in mass quantities has been wonderful. I make it even easier by just using dried cardamom spice instead of the pods. Then I ether eat it over rice or buy that nan bread from the grocery store that you just put in the oven for a couple mins. Works well for cooking for a date and is always a mega hit at work potlucks.

>> No.9993359

My go-to is stew for busy nights. It's the most brain-dead recipe of all time. The stew meat is the most expensive part.

Take stew meat, potatoes, carrots, onion celery, and frozen peas, dump into slow cooker with a light layer of water. Add a beef bullion cube or two(depending on amount in the pot/size of pot) and leave it on high for 4-6 hours. Proportion it however you prefer it to be so. Try not to use too much water, just enough for everything to sit properly.

For good simple chilli, toss beans, diced tomato, various spices and if you want meat(we prefer shredded chicken) into the pot and leave it on high 4 hours.Make a package of Jiffy corn bread if you're lazy and throw that shit on top, then throw some cheese on that.

Crock-pot chilli is the easiest damn thing in the world to make.

>> No.9993366

>Every recipe just implies you can dump any amount of food and it'll cook all the way so long as you don't mind it being soggy and tender.

This is pretty much true.
You probably couldn't make anything fried, though there are ways to do so it's just easier to make on an oven.

The only real downside is the long cooking time, but you can literally just leave it alone all day.

>> No.9994059

Do you want mushy peas? You could just add them in at the end as they are already cooked before being frozen.

>> No.9994570

Using one to make some lentil tortilla soup right now. Smells so good.

>> No.9994593
File: 12 KB, 209x241, Chinese Oil Property.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been using my crock pot for years. Huge fan.

>> No.9994597

doesn't get hot enough for malliard reaction.

>> No.9994625

amateur af

>> No.9994762


>> No.9994857

>get a roast
>get desired veggies
>season roast with desired seasonings
>put in the cooker
>add a bit of water for moisture or broth
>let it sit

You can invent recipes and as long as you don't deviate into the twilight zone you'll probably be fine.

>> No.9994978


Ignore the blog bullshit at the beginning. It's delicious as hell though and makes a ton. Just finished two bowls.

>> No.9995094

that looks tasty af. thank, anon. will give it a try this weekend.

>> No.9995321

>takes up a ton of room
>anything it does can by done by other cookware
>produces watery, bland food

It's good if you're a fat redditor who doesn't know how to cook and wants to make a bunch of bulk garbage to eat over a few days, I guess

>> No.9995350

>takes up a ton of room
lmao what kind of cubicle are you living in poorfag?

>> No.9995490

Boy if there was only some way to make food taste better and less watery. Maybe learn how to cook?

The slow cooker can't so everything but it can do a lot with minimal effort. It's just a tool, much like yourself.

>> No.9995498

560sq feet, my house payments are only $500 a month, so I have plenty of extra money to spend on good cookware and food :o)

>> No.9995504

I do know how to cook, that's why I don't have to use a slow cooker. Did my post hit too close to home?

>> No.9995508

They absolutely wreck egg noodles if you throw them in with everything else. Found that out while experimenting this week.

>> No.9995510

But no space to put it in apparently.

>> No.9995512

where do you live? $500 month for 560 square feet?

>> No.9995518

Center of flyover territory, Wyoming

>> No.9995526

i have a 1500 square foot home and it costs me $816/month in houston TX. and it ain't one of them shitty cracker box homes. it's brick all the way around on a 6000 square foot lot

>> No.9995530

I've got room for a fridge, just not for reddit-tier cooking crutches. Especially not when I've already got cookware that can do anything slow cookers can

Stay mad and enjoy your salsa chicken

>> No.9995535

All things considered that's really not bad, you done good anon

>> No.9995780


A gas oven still uses more power lad.

>> No.9995870


I doubt a thermostat and regulator use more power than an electric heating element

>> No.9995942

The downside is the food will never be as good as meals prepared in conventional ways. They're convenient and easy to use, but let's not pretend that they're the best way of cooking food, as far as taste is concerned. They're not.

>> No.9995957

You can get cheap dutch ovens, yes. As far as heat is concerned, what are you trying to imply? The slow cooker doesn't 'magically' generate it's own heat either. It requires a plug socket. And who doesn't have a stove, or an oven?