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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9981888 No.9981888 [Reply] [Original]

>filled with carbs
>barely any nutritional value

Why do these things even exist?

>> No.9981957
File: 84 KB, 732x445, irish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found your answer

>> No.9981962

Carbs are good energy, people are just overfed

>> No.9981967

>filled with carbs
>barely any nutritional value
>the absolute state of this board
why does this board even exist

>> No.9981968

Carbohydrate is a nutrition you dumb bean-activating soccer mom.

>> No.9982281

The word you are looking for is nutrient, my bean-activating friend.

>> No.9982286

Back in the day, having a super easy and quick source of carbs and calories was important. Especially when you work in a fucking field for hours a day. It's less important nowadays because we don't move that much

>> No.9982300

boil em mash em stick em in a stew

>> No.9982325

it's good for satiety, starch is a good carb

>> No.9982327

They're better for poopies than rice

>> No.9982340

>rich in vitamin c
>dirt cheap

dont u talk shit about taters bitch

>> No.9982373

Carbs aren't bad unless you have type 2 diabetes. They're fine for most people. Potatoes are a good source of calories and vitamins, are satiating, and have more potassium than a banana.

>> No.9983433
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>it’s full of carbs
oh no why is there so much food in my food!?

>> No.9983522

Because we had an excess of them and nobody wanted them so we had a powerful person in power do a bit where he paid people to guard the excess potatoes making people want them because they were cheap as shit and making people eat them is better than having them do fuck all

It's like how lobsters were once poverty food or slave food but now they're a luxury item.

Shit happens and it's dumb but fuck you potatoes taste amazing

>> No.9983537

>le carbs are bad meme

>> No.9983545

One baked potato has 25% of your daily potassium. An equal amount of vitamin B-6. It even has a few grams of protein.

Baked potatoes. Good shit.

>> No.9983566

Lobster being a luxury item had more to do with trains bringing fresh seafood to the midwest where they never had access to it before. Same deal with bananas, once midwesterners got their hands on them, they started fucking around, experimenting, putting them in everything.

>> No.9983572

>literally one of the most versatile foods ever
>easy as fuck to grow
>heavy nutritional value
Mate, potatoes are a fucking lifesaver.

>> No.9983574 [DELETED] 

Who is "we" and what are you referencing? The potato didn't need any trickery to be introduced into European and North American diets. It's a hardy and calorie-dense tuber that can be grown even in pretty soil. If you're a poor peasant, a crop of potatoes are going to sustain you a lot better than rutabagas or turnips.

>> No.9983583

>why do potatoes exist
The absolute state of /ck/

>> No.9983589

It' s a people who actually work thing.

>> No.9983594

Who is "we" and what are you referencing? The potato didn't need any trickery to be introduced into European and North American diets. It's a hardy and calorie-dense tuber that can be grown even in pretty bad soil. If you're a poor peasant, a crop of potatoes are going to sustain you a lot better than rutabagas or turnips.

>> No.9983599

Niggah, you could literally thrive with a diet of potatoes and dairy. The irish peasant did until the english attempted to genocide them by contaminating their crop.

>> No.9983612

>The potato didn't need any trickery to be introduced into European diets.
> The potato had been introduced from South America to Europe by the Spaniards, but (outside Spain and Ireland) was usually used only for animal feed.
>animal feed
>Thanks largely to Parmentier's efforts, the Paris Faculty of Medicine declared potatoes edible in 1772. Still, resistance continued.
>Parmentier therefore began a series of publicity stunts for which he remains notable today, hosting dinners at which potato dishes featured prominently and guests included luminaries such as Benjamin Franklin and Antoine Lavoisier, giving bouquets of potato blossoms to the King and Queen, and surrounding his potato patch at Sablons with armed guards to suggest valuable goods — then instructing them to accept any and all bribes from civilians and withdrawing them at night so the greedy crowd could "steal" the potatoes.

>> No.9983617

Stop, you're giving me flashbacks.

>> No.9983622
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To make these, anon.
this is how your probably see them in their unnatural state.

>> No.9983624

Better than eating rice or pasta.

>> No.9983637
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>>barely any nutritional value

>> No.9983648

>25% daily value potassium
>70% daily value Vitamin C
>30% daily value Vitamin B-6
>5g dietary fiber
>"barely any nutritional value"

>> No.9983654

This is why I eat >>9983622 daily.
>you can't get good nutrition from fast food.

>> No.9983681
File: 447 KB, 1024x578, Potatoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you have against potatoes?

>> No.9983701

Historically people needed calorie dense foods.

>> No.9983733
File: 187 KB, 361x691, 8A45F13D-3A6B-4050-AF8E-2DABE6DE5EAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people were skeptical of a foreign tuber they werent used to and were acting hysterical 300 years ago, therefore we shouldnt eat them today
m8 this guy did the historical equivalent of making a child eat his green beans. i can’t even fathom the levels of retardation/contrarianism that you must be on to make it out as some grand and evil conspiracy. do you just not like potatoes? go take your meds autist.

>> No.9983752

Are you completely fucking retarded?

>Europeans didn't need to be tricked into eating potato
Yeah they did.
>baww conspiracy baww autism baww

Completely fucking retarded.

>> No.9983844

is the protein fad the biggest scam of the last couple of years

>> No.9983861
File: 28 KB, 1280x720, 110D1651-C456-4553-9ECA-0473D2119546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was that supposed to be an argument?
these are all valid arguments for nutritional value. you have not refuted them
this leaves us with you bitching about how some guy finally convinced people to eat a nutritious, albeit foreign tuber 300 years ago. how do you not see how retarded those people were to be scared of a new food? it sounds like how children act in todays context. how does your story in anyway affect the potato today?
>Europeans didn’t need to be tricked into eating potato
I did not type that. im saying youre wrong by thinking that story somehow “exposes the potato”. people were fucking stupid to be scared of a plant. and you are autistic as fuck for thinking that faggot.

>> No.9983979

Listen you asshole, no need to tag everyone in the fucking thread for your shit post.

>> No.9984039

>thinking that story somehow “exposes the potato”
Nobody is thinking that. Some anon claimed that "Europeans didn’t need to be tricked into eating potato" when they clearly did. Not sure where you're getting all that other stuff from.

>> No.9984055

complex carbs are perfectly healthy for you. glucose is the bodies premier energy source. They're much better than refined oils.

>> No.9984189

im pointing out a body of evidence to him
and he responded to me with that brainlet, as if I said it. stop acting like someone else too autist I know its you.

>> No.9985627
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>Hasn't heard about potato meal plans

>> No.9987077

>still butthurt over being proved wrong
le kek

>> No.9987090

>people making carbs out to be some boogeyman
They're perfectly fine when not eaten in excess. That's the issue we are facing today, and why obesity is such a huge thing. Take a look at fast food, grab n' gos, frozen meals, etc. Everything is loaded with carbs, and people are eating several a day.

>> No.9987099

It works if you need to lose weight, otherwise yes it is

>> No.9987492

How are you all this STUPID
Its right there in the OP
OP is reminding you to not be a silly bitch and watch out for carbs, and everyone just starts going
>muh history
baka son them carbs will fuck you up, props for tryin OP

>> No.9987501

i dont eat fruit, and i eat barely any other vegetables, so they are my only source of vitamin c. i'd have undoubtedly contracted scurvy by now without them

>> No.9988997

Beans > potatoes

>> No.9989043
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>> No.9989077
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>Insulting the most versatile type of produce in human history.

Fuck off, potatoes are literally the miracle starch. They can be cooked in a endless variety of ways and are a great source of vitamins and iron. There's a reason meat and potatoes have remained a staple meal for hundreds of years in civilized society. Not to mention if you really want to cut out the middle man, you can just buy one, throw it in the ground and grow your own without it taking up much space or requiring any major effort. Let me guess, you think potatoes are only good to make junk food like fries and chips? There's no way anyone who has even a basic understanding of food could ask such a stupid fucking question.

>> No.9989122

Get this emotional over a spud. Kys faggot.

>> No.9989136
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I grow my potatoes based on the racial makeup of the US and the cultural diversity provides all the nutrition I could want ;)

>> No.9989874
File: 3 KB, 107x125, IMPIKKKULRIKKK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le kek
hey sport, first time on 4chan? haha i remember my first time too! ya really p0wn3d me! haha upboated!

>> No.9990171

>>barely any nutritional value

We're going to need people like you on Mars.

>> No.9990632

Ketolards with their new year's resolution. Happens on /fit/ too. They legit think fruits and vegetables are satan and replace them with processed shit like cheese and butter.

>> No.9990905

I don’t like buying potatoes because they look like fat hamsters to me. No joke.

>> No.9990924
File: 140 KB, 420x420, cirno4897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can be made into alcohol

>> No.9991760

bullshit all eating a potato does for me is make me want to eat another potato

i fucking love potatoes

>> No.9991776

>Filled with carbs
>Carbs easily convert to chemical energy

.... Connect the fucking dots.

>> No.9991794
File: 17 KB, 450x450, grapedrink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can live forever on milk and potatoes

Around 8 lbs of potatoes and one gallon of milk
The only nutrient you will be missing is molybdenum which is easy to get and you wont have a shortages for a year or more

>> No.9991818

Potatoes are amazing, they were too good for the native americans