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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9979303 No.9979303 [Reply] [Original]

Could you live on fast food? If you are skinny and not a fatboi, what could go wrong?

>> No.9979312

>live on fast food
yes, what makes you think you couldn't?

>muh micros
Eat from a diverse menu.

>> No.9979318

Just because you're not fat doesn't mean you can't have high blood pressure and high cholesterol you brainlet.

>> No.9979321

>yes, what makes you think you couldn't?
people say fast food is unhealthy, or not the healthiest, etc

>Eat from a diverse menu.
I only know of pizza, hamburgers and hot dogs. what would you suggest? and what are micros?

well, tell me about it, how would I get high blood pressure?

>> No.9979325

Macros are fat/carbs/proteins, nutrition with calories. Micros are your vitamins and minerals.

>> No.9979329

If you do have high blood pressure/cholesterol and you're not obese the statistics say it's not from dietary sources (ie it's genetic and or high stress)

>> No.9979331

Most fast food is too processed to offer the same nutritional value as home cooked healthy meals would.

It's definitely possible, Mark Haub lost weight eating nothing but twinkies and junk food. Weight loss is all about CICO. But when it comes to long term health effects, obviously your body won't be getting the essential nutrients it needs to thrive from these foods and your lifespan will likely be shortened as a result. People may argue that you can eat salads and whatnot at fast food joints, but those salads generally consist of iceberg lettuce and are smothered in fatty dressing. They're not the most nutritious thing you could eat.

>> No.9979355

what nutrients? like vitamins? so you can eat fast food and take some vitamin pills?

>> No.9979364

is there anyone who lives on fast noodles?

>> No.9979376

Multivitamins are more to "fill in the gaps" in your diet, they're not meant to be a replacement for healthy foods. I suppose you could rely on them, but I can't imagine it'd offer the same benefits nor be healthy in the long run. Plus, the excess saturated fats and sugars from fast food won't do your body any good.

>> No.9979398

It wouldn't be necessary. Modern fast food menus provide diverse nutrition.

>> No.9979408
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Go watch super size me and then go watch fat head and make your own decision

>> No.9979419

I don't understand anything you're saying sir

>> No.9979425

i was living off fast food for the last 4 years. i was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure. if you look at nutritional values on fast food websites, you'll find that most 'value meals' meet or exceed your RDA of salt, fat, and cholesterol.

>> No.9979431

>i was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure.
Do your parents have High blood pressure?

>> No.9979438


>> No.9979444

that is where that stuff belongs isn't it

>> No.9979452

in my family we have low blood pressure, tall and skinny. do you think I could make it?

>> No.9979461

You would know

>> No.9979471

no I'm asking you

>> No.9979478

I think it's possible, and maybe even a good idea. Nutrition is bullshit, Lemmy lived on mostly jack and coke, and look at where he is now.

>> No.9979487

You get skinnyfat if you exceed your daily calories needed by the body which is easy to do with fast food.

>> No.9979491

>If you are skinny and not a fatboi

Lots of skinny people only eat fast food. That is why they are fat people now.

>> No.9979493

Kebabs are AWESOME.

A bit of bread, lots of meat and SHITFUCKINGGODDAMNLOAD of fresh veggies.

>> No.9979503

that's a goodlooking pizza
did you make it yourself?

>> No.9979510

/ck/ has discussed both movies extensively what's your point?

>> No.9979524

what would be a typical scenario? does it happen if you stop eating when you're full?

>> No.9979528

I wouldn't have guessed, now what is your point? no I won't watch those, did you have some sort of point with bringing them up?

>> No.9979578

Nowhere did I say you guessed anything. Both movies involve men who switch to a fast food only diet. It is interesting to see how they came up with two very different conclusions but you obviously just want to shitpost so enjoy your thread!

>> No.9979601

>Nowhere did I say you guessed anything.
are we talking about you saying things now? well, maybe I should claim that you did say that I guess something. what's this about?

>It is interesting to see how they came up with two very different conclusions
is it? I don't think so, they are only two people out of seven billion, and we know nothing about them. if there were any interesting conclusions to draw from that you could just post that instead. but you will not, because you
>just want to shitpost

>> No.9979607

>Could you live on fast food?
>If you are skinny and not a fatboi, what could go wrong?
you'll get fat

>> No.9979618

>well, tell me about it, how would I get high blood pressure?
They can't. They don't know. They all just parrot what they were told is true, which usually isn't.

>> No.9979627

Let's say you're a manlet that sits on PC all day and your body needs around 1800kcal a day to maintain your current bodyfat level without addin any more fat.
If you eat one large pepperoni pizza per day without anything else you will consume 2,269 calories according to google.

2269-1800= 469 calories that the body doesn't need and will probably store for later use (as bodyfat)

Fast food is usually less filling for the amount of calories it provides and you end up eating more calories than you need easier, making you fat.

It's a lot more complicated but this is the general idea.

>> No.9979628

>does it happen if you stop eating when you're full?
For most people, if they stop eating when they're full on fast food they're already way past their calorie requirements. The stuff is kind of designed to not fill you up and keep you eating, there's a lot of science that goes into it behind the scenes. A burger from a fast food joint isn't just a patty with buns and toppings in the same way a name brand cigarette isn't just a paper tube filled with tobacco.

>> No.9979631


Over the past few years, fast food joints have spread their menu out a lot. Breakfast could be had anywhere, for lunch you could get a salad or baked potato (wendys) dinner could almost anything as well.

I would say that you could actually eat healthy if you really did some research on it and didnt drink soda at each meal or each day.

>> No.9979636

>Fast food is usually less filling for the amount of calories it provides and you end up eating more calories than you need easier, making you fat.
this, always eat whole homemade pizzas and you won't get fat.

>> No.9979637

if you mean eating your moms pussy for a few seconds just so she'll let me do her in the ass, yeah, i think i could manage.

>> No.9979642

>They can't. They don't know.
If you eat a shitload of salt you get high blood pressure. If you've got a blood pressure monitor you can watch it happen in real time, it's not some mysterious thing lmao.

>> No.9979650

>Fast food is usually less filling for the amount of calories it provides
>when they're full on fast food they're already way past their calorie requirements
what exactly are the things in the food that cause this? if you buy hamburger patties and bread at a grocery store, will it be better?

>> No.9979652

>If you eat a shitload of salt you get high blood pressure.
Science from the 50's.
If you eat more than 2 teaspoon of salt a day you'll exceed your daily salt allowance. I'd hate to taste your bland homecooking.

>> No.9979660

By your logic there would be no point to do any survey research since it doesn't take into account the whole population. I suggested you two works that are easily accessible and are relevant to your question. If you want to solely rely on anonymous posters on 4chan to make your decision then go ahead and again, enjoy your thread!

>> No.9979673

>By your logic there would be no point to do any survey research since it doesn't take into account the whole population.
you are insane. two people don't matter. a group of people can matter. whole population nobody asked for.

>> No.9979674

>If you are skinny and not a fatboi, what could go wrong?
If you eat nothing but fast food, you'll eventually get scurvy or some other nutrient deficiency.

>> No.9979677

I eat fast food probably about 6x a week. My cholesterol, triglycerides, etc, are all fine. I just don't overeat.

>> No.9979687
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Only if you make poor decisions.
%50 vitamin C from 1 meal.

>> No.9979691

OP tells us what fast food places you eat at and what you usually order. Then we can give you a better idea of what will happen to you.

>> No.9979692

I never mentioned a salt allowance. By shitload I mean several tablespoons, which might sound ridiculous but eating that much salt in some east asian countries is normal and they've got a bunch of heart disease because of it despite being skinny fucks. Stomach cancer too.

>> No.9979694

A group of people is just as statistically insignificant as two individuals. The purpose is to look at the qualitative data not the quantitative one.

>> No.9979700

>I never mentioned a salt allowance. By shitload
You said shitload which is your dumb way of saying 'exceeding salt allowance'

>> No.9979709

Stop putting words in my mouth or I'll put my dick in yours ya fucking poofter.

>> No.9979713

>I have no idea what i mean when I say things.
Are you really this stupid?

>> No.9979714


>> No.9979720

>i'm not talking about salt allowance
>i'm talking about tablespoons of salt
Last (you) for the retard.

>> No.9979725

I actually live in bumfuck nowhere and get everything from grocery stores, usually it's hamburgers with salad and dressing etc that I put together, I put stuff like bacon, pickled gherkins and red onions

>> No.9979726

tldr everything is sweet salty and savory. Making your own is better but if you're buying processed ingredients they might not be much better.

>> No.9979733


>> No.9979736

people are very different though, two people are just going to represent the people who happen to be just like them. you'd want a bunch of different people to get any interesting results.

>> No.9979767

Just because there isn't a spectrum of people doesn't mean that the results aren't interesting and that there aren't any lessons to learn about them

>> No.9979770

did you learn anything?

>> No.9979788

More than (you)

>> No.9979796


>> No.9979810

That sounds pretty good.
Why would you want to eat lower quality food that will cost you more money and have to settle for what they give you rather than making exactly what you want/like.
Fast food isn't awful, but it's not good for you either. Nothing wrong with having it occasionally, but, if you can cook, you'd be better off cooking for yourself.

>> No.9979812

>>>9979788 (You)
So you're implying you know less than nothing? What are you retarded?

>> No.9979814

did you really learn less than nothing? why do you recommend it then?

>> No.9979824

Maybe finish your GED before posting

>> No.9979833

right, right. but it seems any food will be processed either way. any bread, for example.

>> No.9979872

Yeah, just about any ready to eat food will be processed. There are less processed options, depending on where you shop and your budget. Like for bread you can get stuff that's just ground up sprouted grains and salt at most chain grocers. But it's expensive and not much like regular bread.

>> No.9979914

what do you think would be a decent option for hamburger meat?

>> No.9979940

what's that? do you have anything to say about food

>> No.9979962

You should be good getting ground meat at the butcher block at your local grocery store. They just grind up steaks/roasts that don't sell fast enough I'm pretty sure which is the same thing a real butcher would do. I'm wary of the tube meat but I've got nothing to back that up.

>> No.9979997

That's all that needed to be said and for the final time enjoy your thread!

>> No.9980000

I'll look into it, thanks

>> No.9980010
File: 29 KB, 204x265, disgust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a waste of a get

>> No.9980055

>but it seems any food will be processed either way.
Only true if you buy ready to eat, or "bake at home" type things. If you bought a chicken breast, unless it was pre-seasoned or sold pre breaded, you are likely not getting any extras added to it. Same thing for pork, beef or fish from the supermarket or butcher shop.
Things like pickles, of course are processed in some fashion.

>any bread, for example.
Mostly true if you buy the vast majority of pre-sliced loafs. If you are buying the artisan loaves, then you have a larger chance of getting less processing and unwanted ingredients. The fresh baked bread that is delivered to my local grocer daily, dosen't have any preservatives or other unwanted/need stuff in it. But that might not be an option for you.

>I'm wary of the tube meat
You just need to read the ingredients before you buy. If it only lists beef, then you're fine.

>> No.9982360


>> No.9982402


Fast food will fuck up your body if you eat it on a regular basis. It changes your gut chemistry which in turn changes your brain chemistry, and you'll crave empty carbs frequently and require the pleasure of the dopamine rush it brings. It's actually like a legal drug, it would be better if the government legalized cocaine and banned fast food, you would probably see America's fat fag epidemic cured within a few decades.

>> No.9982425

It'll turn you into a fatboi.

>> No.9982500

>You just need to read the ingredients before you buy. If it only lists beef, then you're fine.

They are not required to list everything. They dont have to tell you if its been treated with ammonia for example.