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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 317 KB, 1017x1466, 021-sean-young-theredlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9979085 No.9979085 [Reply] [Original]

Between Doha, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Muscat, what's the best foodie pit stop? I've got an opportunity to take a few days off in the area, looking for more "authentic" food whether it be Arab, Levantine, or South Asian, less interested in fine dining because I've got plenty of that where I live.

I've done Dubai but felt I barely scratched the surface, I wouldn't mind digging deeper but I'm also curious about Muscat especially since I suspect it may give me more access to the real sand people stuff, which I never tasted in Dubai.

Passportless flyovers need not comment in this thread, thanks in advance. Also I will be traveling with a non-drinker so wine lists are of secondary importance if at all.

>> No.9979111

>pit stop
Going from where to where, exactly? Your annual pilgrimage to Japan from whichever eastern European shithole you're from?

>> No.9979156

>Passportless flyovers need not comment in this thread, thanks in advance

You may feel less out of your element here

>> No.9979162

>red eyes in Blade Runner
>blue eyes in Dune
now that's what I call pottery

>> No.9979177

>wah, they don't travel around Asia so they must be some midwestern American!
You may feel less out of your element here

>> No.9979215
File: 96 KB, 640x549, caitlinupton1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show us on the doll where other countries touched you, cleetus

>> No.9979228

Name the places you've been. I'll wait while you scramble for your list of obscure Asian hamlets and pictures of your open mouthed nu-male selfies in front of local landmarks.

>> No.9979235

I like to think she was just nervous but I know a quarter of Americans are clinically retarded so I'm not so sure

>> No.9979252

I'd say at least 80% of this planet is retarded but...

>> No.9979259

I've been to /trv/, I know how this works. If I list a bunch of first world countries you'll call me a trust fund kid, a square, a sellout,I'm not your real dad, whatever. If I list a bunch of third world countries you'll call me a dirty poor hippie, a sex tourist, whatever. Cold countries means I'm a bandwagon-jumping iceland lemming, don't I know that was so 2011. Warm countries means I'm a cruise ship snowbird who only appreciates norovirus and duty free booze.

Maybe you should go back there so you can argue about muh real travelers.

>> No.9979985
File: 470 KB, 768x1024, realtraveller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaning towards Dubai again, it seems like the options are much more diverse (I assume this word will trigger you guys)

>> No.9979993

>Passportless flyovers
Lol @ this enlisted fgt thinking he's worldly now.

>> No.9979994
File: 404 KB, 1000x1008, vneet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy worth a visit or is it one of those "we gave you a star because we need a token minority" kinda dealios?

>> No.9979999

>being culturally intimidated by welfare queens
Imagine being this flyover

>> No.9980005

Called it

>> No.9980037

>wanting authentic Arab food
>not going to authentic Arab countries
Stop this.

>> No.9980061

fred armisen lives in the US

>> No.9980149
File: 355 KB, 1500x1125, 20140807-dubai-fish-market-stalls-naomi-bishop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like, camels?

>> No.9980157

Do mine do mine

New Zealand

>> No.9980163

9? Surely that's not the full list?

>> No.9980184

That's every country I've been to except the one I live in, I'm not super fond of travelling outside of my home country.

>> No.9980869

this thread made me torrent dune
fuck do i have a thing for sean young

>> No.9980885

>wanting sand
It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

>> No.9980962
File: 57 KB, 736x717, 1509979552264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isn't what he asked you fucking penis wrinkle
>did he get a star for being brown
Yeah p much