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9969835 No.9969835 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any countries that can actually keep up with American craft beers?

>inb4 angry Europeans try to bring up Bud Light
No one here thinks it is good. Plus Anheuser-Busch is owned by Europeans.

>> No.9969840

Cool, another dedicated US vs Euro shitpost thread

>> No.9969851

I think a cold Bud Light is good when it's 95F outside and being outside for a few hours makes you sick. Near/small beer used to be a common drink just for when you're thirsty and that's what it should be treated as, I wouldn't sit down and drink one if I wanted something really good and tasty.

>> No.9969902

Germany? Belgium? Even England produce better beer than American pisswater or over-hopped “craft”shit

>> No.9969923

A pint anywhere in germany is better than most of your craft shit.
Not only that, but any beers above "fucking awful" quality are marked up to high hell.

>> No.9969949

Confirmed for never having an American beer. Most of them are regional and do not have the capacity to distribute across the entire country, let alone to Europe.

>> No.9969965
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>> No.9969981
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When I've looked at the imported section of an alcohol store I see the same mixture of good and bad coming from Europe. There are plenty of overly sweet and artificially flavored or bland beers being made in Europe.

You'd probably like something like pic related from USA, it's simple but not bland. Some people think it's too strong tasting. Thinking that USA only has weak watery beers is outdated.

>> No.9969991
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>mfw only got tricked once

>> No.9969993

This shits so played out. No one gives a fuck about these stupid beers and their jackass names worse yet it’s crept into the hard liquor market. At least they refrain from naming theirs fruity ass full sentence names though.

>> No.9969997

Sierra Nevada is fucking great

>> No.9969998

Literally shit taste. That’s a poor representation of American beer as well.

>> No.9969999

>Most of them are regional and do not have the capacity to distribute across the entire country, let alone to Europe.
same can be said of most european beers and american distribution.

99% of american craft beers are mediocre or worse. germany produces superior lagers. belgium produces a lot of very good beers.

t. american

>> No.9970020

>Literally shit taste.
How so?
>That’s a poor representation of American beer as well.
You're not going to find a single beer to represent the dozens of styles being made. Yuengling is just something simple that's available in a lot of grocery stores but it's decent.

>> No.9970031

>Thinking that USA only has weak watery beers is outdated

I agree, but all you faggots have done is add a fuck ton of hops and say wa la, our beer is so complex

>> No.9970036

>American beer

>> No.9970044

>Yuengling is just something simple that's available in a lot of grocery stores but it's decent.
Exactly, it’s the “go to” beer that people say is better than drinking a bud light, but it still isn’t good.

>> No.9970052

Samefagging OP

>> No.9970057

You probably think all American craft beers are just some of those coffee-bloodorange-chocolate tripple IPAs because you’ve never actually tried one more often than that one time you had a shitty craft beer and decided that all craft brewers in the entire country are exactly the same. There’s so much variety, including very traditional styles of beer like hefeweizens or brown ales, hell American craft brewers can give Belgians a run for their money when they decide to make a standard witbier.

>> No.9970068

That happens with other things too though. Hot sauces being made as hot as possible for example, when most people just want something that tastes good. It was a fad for a while because most people never tasted anything like that before but I noticed most people who were all about IPAs started realizing that more hops doesn't necessarily make it better and they stop being so obsessed with them.

There's going to be a market for gimmicky beers for people who aren't that invested in appreciating them or for people who are just starting out with their interest and don't really know what's good yet, but there are plenty of 'regular' beers being made too like trippels, sours, stouts, etc. and some are pretty good.

>> No.9970070

>i know nothing about the current craft beer scene since I'm still in middle school and just follow memes.
Dude, the craft beer scene is movjng in completely different directions. Sure, every craft brewery still has 1 or 2 IPA's for the kids, but most have transitioned to Alts, Kolsch, Sours, Belgian Trippels, Stouts, etc. IPA's are condidered babby's first craft brew nowadays.

>> No.9970073

Well if you don't like it that's okay

>> No.9970081

Most of the top rated American beers are imperial stouts

>> No.9970099
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Belgians brew the best style of beer in the world.


>> No.9970112
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>because you’ve never actually tried one more often than that one time
i've tried hundreds, from all over the country. once you've tried more than a dozen, you'll notice that the vast majority are just meh.

>> No.9970122
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>Are there any countries that can actually keep up with American craft beers?
I'll stick to pulque
Its healthy
Its nutrious
Its alcoholic
Its taste comforting
Its natural
Above all it goes for cheap

>> No.9970147


>Are there any countries that can actually keep up with American craft beers

Dumb bait thread. Everyone already knows that the US is miles ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to beer.

>> No.9970151

>when you've never accomplished anything in your life so you base your feelings of superiority off of things you didn't even make

Typical humans ayy lmao

>> No.9970194

White people in general

>> No.9970222

>tfw went to mexico and couldn't find pulque anywhere

>> No.9970223

Mammals in general

>> No.9970236


>> No.9970239


the fact that you refer to it as a scene demonstrates that craft beer is a meme

Everything you listed is ripping off shit that already exists elsewhere.

>> No.9970248

amerimutt creaturas

>> No.9970257
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>> No.9970263

Oh wow, it's almost like the USA is a nation of immigrants that takes the ideas and techniques of its ancestors and improves upon/perfects them.

>> No.9970273

Canada fucks you cucks up. American beer is like making love in a canoe

>> No.9970426

>we are an extraordinary group of people

>> No.9970452

American breweries win almost every international brewing competition.

>> No.9970477

>immigrants improved their traditional food
No, they watered it down to appeal to the primarily anglo palate. That's why the only decent food in amerilardistan comes from ethnic populations like the cajuns, blacks and mexicans. Everything else is shit-on-a-stick.

>> No.9970490

From the dawn of civilization, there has been a general trend of the best and brightest people and societies emerging further and further north and west of Mesopotamia. The rise and decline of Egypt, Greece, Rome, The Holy Roman Empire, and Britain all follow this path. We're currently on top, but if the trend continues, then we'll be usurped by China or Russia eventually, possibly sooner rather than later.

>> No.9970610

yuengling fucking sucks

>> No.9970613

German beers are so fucking one dimensional, they really aren't that good.

>> No.9970811

>craft beer
unironically kill yourself.
label out, you fucking faggot.

>> No.9970991


>> No.9971153

i like good beer and don't care what country produces it
i currently have a taste for belgian styles and it's cheaper to buy here than american craft beer, so i'll usually get that

>> No.9971597

US has more variety and overall better beer

>> No.9971704
File: 3.57 MB, 1361x8000, beer world cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US does. Euros who say otherwise are just assblasted


>> No.9971898

>The World Beer Cup is an international beer competition organized by the Brewers Association, a trade group representing America's small and independent craft brewers.

yeah fuck off cunt

>> No.9971973

It’s literally one of the top international competitions. Pull up others too, USA dominates.

>> No.9972015

The beers are blind tasted, retard.

Your move, Euroboo.

>> No.9972036

>The majority of beers in the competition are from American brewers, and only beers that pay to enter are judged.
i wonder what happens if you have 3 red marbles in a bag, then add in 1 green marble

>> No.9972055

>implying I'm eurotrash

let it go man, craft beer is barely above /sip/ tier

>> No.9972070

Nice reading comprehension, never called you a Euro.

>"s-suddenly beer doesn't matter because I have no argument"

>> No.9972087

sipboys < 'craft' beertards < beertards < wine 'connoisseur' < al/ck/ohlics < spirit connoisseurs

>> No.9972097
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>smart people walk west BRO
that is probably the dumbest historical theory to the known world, makes pol look intelligent

>> No.9972213

>Your move, Euroboo.
>Nice reading comprehension, never called you a Euro.

Have all those hops turned your brain to mush?

This guy gets it

>> No.9972568
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Are weeaboos Japanese?

>> No.9972607

Dishonest comparison, you should feel bad.

>> No.9972621
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>drinking yuengling

>> No.9972678
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Get fucked, weeb

>> No.9973491

>get blown out
>beer doesn’t matter

>> No.9973498

>Oh wow, it's almost like the USA is a nation of immigrants that takes the ideas and techniques of its ancestors and makes poor imitations of them and then insists that they're authentic.


>> No.9973510

What do you expect from a country that calls the winners of its domestic sporting competitions that no one else plays "world champions"

>> No.9973563

>In 2016 there were 6,596 beers from 1,907 breweries from 55 countries. Entries were judged by an international panel of 253 judges from 31 countries.[2]
Stay absolutely assblasted

>> No.9973582

no you ruined it.