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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9967025 No.9967025 [Reply] [Original]

How to make this edible?

>> No.9967028

Put hummus on it and enjoy.

>> No.9967037

Use it as mirepoix.

It's for subtle flavors in soups and sauces

>> No.9967072

Just add salt, Cletus.

>> No.9967087

cream cheese, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, ameri.. sour cream, greek yoghurt, etc, etc.

>> No.9967089

Beef stew. Put peanut butter on it.

Also it'll help you poop.

>> No.9967094

Just eat it. It's great, like crunchy water.

>> No.9967105

Ants on a log

>> No.9967117

It's already edible. If you're a toothless redneck, put it in soups and stews, they'll soften up and add a nice flavor to the pot.

>> No.9967150

Are you crazy? Why would you ever cook celery? It's great by itself or you could fill the groove with cheeses or sauces.

>> No.9967172

Throw it in a smoothie with spinach/banana/berries or whatever. I do it with broccoli and brussel sprouts as well. Tastes good and you can get a lot of raw veggies down with ease, just don’t forget the banana

>> No.9967178

I prefer chopping it up and either steaming or boiling it with other vegetables.

>> No.9967355


yeah adding something high in fat is pretty much the only option unless you wanna use it in soup/stew

>> No.9967745

Fry it with onions and carrots.


>> No.9967812

Peanut butter

>> No.9967818

it's already edible.

>> No.9967822

It tastes like concentrated soap.

>> No.9967837

I-I like celery
I actually like it less when it's cooked/boiled/covered in ranch because it takes away the crunchy fresh texture and flavor, which is what I like about celery in the first place.

It's my favorite thing to throw into salads too. Not diced, just thick half-circles from cutting it sideways.

>> No.9967886
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Celery makes my mouth and lips feel numb.
Some genetic shit.

Fucking science, and shit bruh.

>> No.9967895

>celery: chopped in big chunks
>avocado: diced
>raw white onion: finely sliced
>lime juice
Fucking delicious

>> No.9967904
File: 68 KB, 600x400, Ants-on-a-Log-Recipe-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like you were never in pre-school or something.

>> No.9967924
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Step 1: Feed to a rabbit.

Step 2: Cook the rabbit.

Step 3: Eat the rabbit.

>> No.9967994

Use it in your stock for soup, to add a very nice, subtle veggie flavor.
It can be used as garnish on a plate, it can be covered in all types of toppings (Peanut butter, ranch etc.)
Celery is very, very versatile in the kitchen.
Preferably, I like to finely chop it and use it for stuffing.

>> No.9967998

Remove the leaves and chop off the white bit at the bottom.

>> No.9968001

People have already said this but if you don't like it so much as main ingredient use it as an aromatic for the base of a stew or other similar dish.

>> No.9968005

>chop off the white bit at the bottom
Chop it of and eat it you meat. The celery heart is the best bit, after you clean it up.

>> No.9968040


I never have celery when I need it.

That flavor really is essential for some recipes. You think you can exclude the celery, but your dish falls flat.

>> No.9968559

pair it with apples and eat raw

>> No.9968765

Bleu cheese dressing and a side of wings.

>> No.9968797


add butter, bacon, then deep fry it, a little more bacon and butter. Drench it in ranch, dip it three different cheeses. It's delicious

An american