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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9966852 No.9966852[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9966858


>> No.9966862


>> No.9966865

Energy drinks are shit. Enjoy your kidney stones and brain tumors. Also Finland isn't white.

>> No.9966875

lemon key face

>> No.9966879

>when dem real white hours happen

>> No.9966887

*drinks an energy drink from a dirty can*
I suddenly have the need to connect with other faggots about this.

>> No.9966892


I wonder what level of hell this was concocted on to shill here.

>> No.9966915
File: 129 KB, 1600x869, Rain Man 24-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9966922

Way to project your under age faggotry

>> No.9966932

upvoted this epic post :)

>> No.9966943

Le sipp sipp

>> No.9966948

S I P G O Y S 2 0 1 8

>> No.9966956

I don’t drink energy drinks, but I gotta say, those guys in the energy drink threads really seem like they’re having a great time.

>> No.9966962

Yeah if you like condensed underage autistic virginity

>> No.9966965

This is how niggerjuice communist jiggaboo coonspunk ends up being sip juice for screwed up children. They're stupid kids but we want them to drink human cum and cum based drinks. how much semen can't children drink??

>> No.9966991

If we allow this, soon this board will be full of juggalos talkin about muh faygo

>> No.9967016
File: 255 KB, 634x710, S I P G O Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say "sip?" I'm currently sipping! What's up my fellow /SIPGOYS/?

>> No.9967036

>Yeah fellow disenfranchised youths. Drink our hip cool drink and go on 4chan and talk about it!

>> No.9967044

A thread died for this.

>> No.9967048
File: 36 KB, 500x375, Meatwad_int.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another brand new episode of "Redditor response to the bait and makes new threads to shit up the board and pretend he isn't reddit himself

>> No.9967068

Unironically true. Everyone who participates in sip threads is an autistic loser or a child

>> No.9967085

>implying anybody who objects with this board maintaining what last shreds of decency is reddit

Yeah totally makes sense faggot

>> No.9967086

What the fuck are we even paying the janitors for if threads like this are allowed to stay up. David you need to call the office when you get a chance, thanks.

>> No.9967099

I can imagine some 400 pound autist walking into 711 mumbling about "muh sip" as he walks to the drink cooler to get a monster

>> No.9967116

>*can of monster shopped into seinfeld picture*
>*can of monster shopped into trump picture*
>*can of monster shopped into spongebob picture*
>*can of monster shopped into simpsons picture*
truly le ebin meme

>> No.9967118

>its not shitposting when i like it

Kindly fuck off back to plebit

>> No.9967130

>everyone is reddit and everyone who says they're not is pretending
this matter-of-fact assumption really bothers me. Redditors really are delusional.

>> No.9967135
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Motherfucker you making threads making fun of it doesn't make it fucking go away

If they know they can get autists like you to make threads and freak out that just encourages them to make more

>> No.9967139

They really do think everyone has an account because "muh front page of the internet"

>> No.9967146
File: 503 KB, 600x612, 785364522574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9967149

Yeah because ignoring the fedora posters made them go away. Also great way to dance around the cancer

>> No.9967208

You mean like how making hotpockets threads non-stop made janitors stay,
and making designated street shitting threads non-stop made Indians stay, right?

Feel free to believe whatever you want, we have proven results

>> No.9967221

i dont get it

>> No.9967289

What vagina?

>> No.9967321

They've started making an equally shitty thread about sardines as well.

>> No.9967325

Should we just make sip the shitpost containment thread?

>> No.9967326

sipposters and siphaters will once meet irl and become friends for ever n ever

>> No.9967348

What are you talking about? Janitors have always cycled in and out and are not allowed to identify themselves so they have to just post anonymously if at all

Indians still exist and post, they just don't generally come on the internet because their infrastructure is shit and so is their country. They're always kind rare outsise of designated international boards and since most boards don't have flags you won't know. It's like saying you chased away Japanese or Korean people

shit like spamming uma delicia never made brazilians "go away" either

>> No.9967371

I like the /deenz/ thread.