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File: 45 KB, 775x425, Breakfast Eggs Bacon Suadage Pancakes Orange Juice Coffee Toast Food (DT).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9964976 No.9964976 [Reply] [Original]

What do you usually eat for breakfast anon?

>> No.9964987

Cheap and fast? A can of soup and a glass of milk. Good? Eggs over-easy, city ham, hashbrowns with tomatoes and mushrooms, with some biscuits, a glass of milk, and a glass of orange juice.

>> No.9964993

>a can of soup and a glass of milk

These things should not go together, especially not for breakfast.

>> No.9964994

on workdays a coffee and a yogurt. when i'm off and have time usually eggs, avocado, and some sort of breakfast meat.

>> No.9965050
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just a mix of whatever i have around that can pass as "breakfast food"

>> No.9965139

nothing because i stay up too late and then sleep too long and wake up too late to have breakfast

>> No.9965145

Get a job

>> No.9965176

I'm a pancakes-and-potatoes kinda guy, although those "DIY" waffles they have at a lot of hotels are surprisingly tasty.

>> No.9965196
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3 eggs

>> No.9965243

Bagel and fruit on weekdays
Eggs and toast on the weekend

>> No.9965456

I never eat breakfast.

>> No.9965478

Peanut butter

>> No.9965503
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Fried klik and scrambled eggs
Red rose english breakfast tea

>> No.9965512
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Best way to start the day.

>> No.9965516


>> No.9965526

Work days? Two eggs over easy with salt pepper and a little hot sauce, and a cup of coffee.

If I have the time I'll toast half a bagel with cream cheese, maybe some berries if I have em, two slices of bacon, and two eggs over easy. Maybe an avocado, they're just expensive.

>> No.9965527

skip breakfast or oats
Two fried eggs. Two slices of toast. Three pieces of bacon.

>> No.9965544

When I actually wake up early enough for breakfast, it’s because I’m getting up early to go in to work. I always sleep past noon when I can. But when forced out of bed before the sun is really up I always get a bacon crunchwrap and black coffee from Taco Bell. They unironically have the best fast food breakfast menu short of Bojangles, and their coffee is actually good too.

>> No.9965547

This is the archetypal Waffle House breakfast. Well done

>> No.9965652
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well breakfast is merely a concept and a meaningless one to me. I am a nocturnal being and my life is very freeform. I eat when I desire, not at any specific time. So I unregretfully say, I cannot answer your question.

>> No.9965674

If I'm working then a piece of toast or two. On weekends I'll have a huge fryup mid-morning or late morning that keeps me filled til later.

>> No.9965676

McToast and McMuffin chicken from mcdonalds with hot chocolate. Its the only place on my commute i can stop at and its pretty good desu

>> No.9965677
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coffee and cigs, though I take medication for high blood pressure, so now I down some toast or something

lunch I like, though I like to drink and I read somewhere that Ken Kesey told Hunter S. Thompson that big drinkers should always eat a big breakfast

>> No.9965687
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on weekend, i go tradiaional indian

>> No.9965719

>potatoes, milk, beans and egg
>for breakfast

Good lord, I'd fart the entire fucking day.
I see no problem eating that for Lunch but it's crazy for breakfast.

>> No.9965743

bagel with beans

>> No.9965758

Weekday: plain Greek yogurt and granola, maybe some agave or fruit

Weekend: bagel with salmon and cream cheese, or cheese omelette with onions and peppers, bacon and toast.

>> No.9965776
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implying I wake up before mum yells at me for lunchtime

milk & soup is actually good

>> No.9965798
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>McToast and McMuffin McChicken from McDonalds with hot McChocolate. Its the only McPlace on my McCommute i can McStop at and its McPretty good McDesu

>> No.9965800


Honestly I typically skip breakfast but I have a few "go to" things.

If I'm in a rush. Whatever fruit available, black tea, a piece of dark chocolate.

If I have time and want to enjoy a meal

Toasted onion bagel, herb cream cheese, smoked salmon, black pepper, minced fresh dill, capers. I will also sometimes put an egg on it (minus the capers though).

Alternatively I will make a mushroom omelette with sharp cheddar and toasted cheese on baguette bread.

I also really like avocado on black Russian rye, toasted + smoked salmon. I'll usually have black coffee or tea and a glass of orange juice to go with these things.

Anyone else here can't stand sweet stuff for breakfast (e.g waffles +syrup, etc).

>> No.9965813

Scrambled eggs with roasted potatoes, wilted spinach, salsa and cheese. I cook challah french toast if I'm trying to impress someone.

>> No.9965840

Normally I eat Ferraris

>> No.9965879

Toast, cheese, sliced tomato, sliced cucumber, fruit, and tea

>> No.9965892
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>> No.9965978

A single tablet of phentermine that I pilfer from the Pharmacy that I run.

>> No.9966174


>> No.9966205
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>> No.9966239
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>Three turkey sausages
>Two eggs
>One bowl of whole milk banana oatmeal

>> No.9966245

Leftovers and tea or beer. I waste no time preparing breakfast unless I have company.

>> No.9966256

Today I had a little bacon sandwich on a toasted dinner roll with a hash brown patty

>> No.9966265

I make my own version of sausage egg muffins with cheese

>> No.9966271

grits, sausage and eggs over easy.

>> No.9966441

Bacon, grits, and eggs

>> No.9966515

I eat breakfast once a year and that is on Christmas Day and only because I don't want to make grandpa feel bad

buttered toast, hashbrowns, and sausage

>> No.9966668


Same menu since I left home at 17, so almost 9 years.

I don't like surprises, I like routine and predictability.

Monday thru Friday, 3 slices of pizza, powdered lemonade.

Saturday and Sunday, 2 hamburgers with bun, salted, no condiments, hot cocoa made with water.

Pizza and hamburgers are homemade, I prepare all my meals on Saturday, for the coming week, I bag and portion them and freeze everything, hamburger is ground chuck roast.

>> No.9966689

I eat 2 frozen waffles, a container of apple sauce and drink a glass of milk just about every morning.

>> No.9966697

Two sausage links, two eggs (scrambled), hash browns and toast. That or easy breakfast burritos.

>> No.9966734

Today I had 4 eggs and 4 pieces of toast with vegemite.

Dad says the maximum of eggs I should have A WEEK is 6 eggs.


>> No.9966937
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1cup Steel cut oatz
2 spoons of peanut butter
Splash of coffee creamer, coconut if I can get it.
2 spoons of preserves

Erry day.

>> No.9966973

bowl of raisin bran
i have v nice poops

>> No.9967195

Why do americans and britfags eat their breakfast like its their supper? It looks always so loaded

>> No.9967202


>Not skipping it and waiting until dinnertime to eat something

>> No.9967290

Fry up some diced potatoes with some pepper and fresh thyme, Chuck in whatever vegetables are able to be used up (usually zucchini or broccoli or tomatoes), fry an egg and plonk that on top with some tomato sauce on the egg and a cup of coffee to drink

>> No.9967293

how many squatz though?

>> No.9967306

This is what I do. I only eat once a day. Then again, I used to be fat. I envy normal people that can actually eat breakfast.

>> No.9967313

None. I went from a size 42 to a 32 in 6 months just by changing my diet.

>> No.9968119

>What do you usually eat for breakfast anon?
6 eggs and a protein shake
the shake is usually 500ml full fat milk and 4 scoops of protein powder
the breakfast of champions

>> No.9968128

Scrambled eggs, chili powder, cumin, salt, and mostly raw onions wrapped up in a tortilla.

>> No.9968138
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Sausage, biscuites, and gravy are my favorite.

A close second is a bacon sandwich.

>> No.9968141

1/2 cup quick oats+vanilla protein powder+ripe banana+blueberries+flax seeds+almond milk
Blend. Perfect macros in 5 mins cu/ck/s

>> No.9968151

some fat free greek yogurt with a little sugar free fat free jello pudding mix mixed in. With some tea

>> No.9968157

eggs bread and milk,
on that note I'm going to start making hash browns, so adding shredded onion to it a yay or a nay?

>> No.9968166

yay dood

>> No.9968173

usually frozen waffles and milk because I'm lazy.

>> No.9968195
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>> No.9968250


>> No.9968252

Three scrambled eggs on toast, a banana and a cup of coffee

>> No.9968446

>egg whites
>turkey bacon
>cottage cheese
>siggis yogurt plain

>> No.9968468

Top 3:
>Scrambled eggs with salsa
>whole wheat toast with blackberry jam and a poached egg
>overnight oats with a banana

and aeropress coffee with a splash of milk

>> No.9968477

so you can crave more coke for the rest of the day? you need some AMPH bruh.

>> No.9968749
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>> No.9968779

This but only when I’m hungover

>> No.9968815

I scramble eggs every morning I work

>> No.9968836

Britain is cold and America is just fat.

>> No.9968852

I don't usually eat breakfast. But I might today. Although, it will be more like brunch, since I'm not hungry yet. Anyway, I think I'll make some potato, bean, and cheese tacos with salsa and sliced serrano chile. Either that, or potato and onion hash with fried eggs on top. In have some leftover cooked potatoes I need to use up.

>> No.9968875

please grow up

>> No.9969114

It's calory dense and delicious though.

>> No.9970495
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Do Scandinavians REALLY eat this for breakfast?

>> No.9970504

Coffee, two pieces of bacon, and a slice of toast with a thin spread of mayonnaise on it.

>> No.9970518

It originates from early-morning laborers like farmers and fishermen who took this large meal at 10am or so after they'd already been working for 6 hours.

>> No.9970678
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Bacon and egg roll (BBQ sauce) and a glass of orange and mango.

>> No.9970727

>city ham
This is an Alton brown made up term. Country ham is country ham. The rest is simply ham. Everyone knows when you don't specific country ham, that it is not country ham. Anything else is just ham it is doesn't seem some other special name such as serrano.

>> No.9970786


>> No.9970853

>If I get downstairs with more than 20 minutes to spare (or weekend)...
Eggs mixed with whatever is available and goes together, toast, and a protein shake.
>If I get downstairs with less than 20 minutes to spare...
Microwaved quick oats with brown sugar and strawberries, and a protein shake. (I'll be late if I can't finish that in time. I rarely skip.)

>> No.9970867

glass of milo

>> No.9971163

I skip it on weekdays. Any other day is usually

>8 egg white omelette with dill, paprika, mozarella, and some pepper sauce
>a couple british tea cakes or chai rusks
>leftover vegetables/protein shake
>whatever teas i feel like drinking, uaually a yorkshire to start

>> No.9971192
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They make me shit in the morning.

>> No.9971261

I don't. The bowl of oat sure.

>> No.9971281

Oatmeal or a Clif bar and a lot of coffee. If I have a little more time, I'll fry an egg and put it on top of sourdough toast that has pesto and mayo on it. Dash of pepper and sriracha on top and a side of breakfast potatoes.

>> No.9971311

Egg whites with mushroom, onion, spinach, kale, and sweet peppers with salt and pepper - sometimes sriracha or grated cheese of my choosing.
Salmon with cheese and sometimes sriracha
Fat free milk with some protein-based cereal.

When I'm not cutting? Pork, egg, pancakes, milk, juice.

>> No.9971317

When I used to work in construction, whipped cream, some buns and meth. Oatmeal nowadays.

>> No.9971378

>Clif bar
macadamia nut white chocolate master race?

>> No.9971416
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These and a piece of fruit

>> No.9971538

i eat 2 (two) string cheesers.

>> No.9971592


>> No.9972895
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