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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9964700 No.9964700 [Reply] [Original]

>go to a restaurant that specializes in a thing
>not order that thing

jesus christ, srsly?

>> No.9964711

theres a place called kobe steakhouse here in town. been open about 15 yrs, never once offered kobe beef.

>> No.9964726

its named after Kobe Bryant, dumbass

>> No.9964737

hush child.

>> No.9964742

There's a restaurant that's famous for thing near my work that I go to at least once a month. Used to go there even more. I've probably eaten there at least 100 times. Everything on the menu at least once.

Sometimes thing just isn't as good as other thing, that's less famous than thing.

>> No.9964749

I thought 4chan was filled with contrarians.
That is a very contrarian thing to do.

>> No.9964764


I had a friend who would always talk shit if I suggested Jack in the Box. He'd go on and on about how it was THE WORST burger joint he's ever been to. I finally asked specifically wtf was so bad about it.

He said he went there once and didn't like the tacos he ordered.

>> No.9964932

>go to Buffalo Wild Wings because my friends have plebian tastes
>already not a huge fan of wings
>really don't like the wings at BWW
>get a burger and call it a day

Sometimes, the specialty is shit. Blow me, OP.

>> No.9964956

Well I've never ordered Kobe Bryant either.

>> No.9964967


>> No.9965032
File: 48 KB, 600x600, consider-the-following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can be justifiable if:

1) Their friends dragged them there and they don't like/ can't eat the thing (this is the most common scenario).

2) They're a regular and have already tried most of the things on the menu.

3) It's late and/or a Monday and it's the only place open that serves decent food, But again, they don't like/ can't eat the specialty.

>> No.9965089
File: 35 KB, 580x435, smugface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting upset because someone ordered a menu item.

If they don't want people to order it then they shouldn't have it on the menu.

>> No.9965247

>don't order thing they don't specialize in
>they take it off the menu
>eventually they only have the thing they specialize in
>people get tired of only eating that one thing
>stop eating there
>restaurant goes out of business
>now have to get a worse version of that thing from the crappy place down the street

Good fucking plan Anon.

>> No.9966952
File: 2.92 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_5094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went to a burger place and got fish and chips instead.

Because it's far harder to find fish and chips in my area than a burger.