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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 273 KB, 1200x900, 1497400932297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9964198 No.9964198 [Reply] [Original]

Well since I can't afford my usual Gatorade anymore what are some good alternatives that don't have added sugar?

>> No.9964212

>doesn't apply to powders
just buy the gatorade powder and mix it yourself

>> No.9964213


>> No.9964222

just drive to oregon and stock up.

>> No.9964225

Move out of seattle

>> No.9964229

>This kills the /sip/ general

>> No.9964244

>buy koolaid
>buy potassium
>buy salt
Really thought you could put less salt more potassium it will be cheaper and healthier then it ever was.

>> No.9964272

That's not going to taste anywhere near the same.

>> No.9964287
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>> No.9964302

Holy shit, that is a lot of tax. Thank god I don't drink sugared beverages, but damn that sucks.

Might be time to learn how to enjoy a nice glass of water.

>> No.9964309

>almost 40% tax BEFORE sales tax

I hope the sales tax is calculated on the 15.99 at least....

>> No.9964315
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Reminder seattles alcohol tax is worse

Seattle is filled with a bunch of waterfags

>> No.9964327


>> No.9964329

Powerade zero

>> No.9964334
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>> No.9964339
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>MFW I live in central FL
>MFW I went to Publix and they had a special buy one get one free on 8-pack Powerade
>MFW I bought two packs for 8 bucks and got two more for free
>MFW I don't live in Commie Seattle

>> No.9964343 [DELETED] 
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>mfw a lolbertarian twink gets a taste of the BIG AUTHORITARIAN COCK

>> No.9964345

And new hampshire

>> No.9964358


If Seattle had any niggers they would have overturned this law by crying racism.

Atlanta almost passed a 'soda tax" but the niggers cried Racism & kicked & screamed so badly they killed it in like a month.

>> No.9964361

you're right it'll taste better

>> No.9964370

>If Seattle had any niggers they would have overturned this law by crying racism.

White people need do what niggers do and start looting & destroying their own neighborhoods. You almost have to put on a shitshow tantrum for the liberal government to take you seriously.

>> No.9964380

gatorate and powerade is so overpoweringly sweet and syrupy, who gives a fuck
don't drink that nasty shit

>> No.9964573

What this guy said

If you have an actual use case for gatorade you're better off buying powders anyway. You get more control and it's much cheaper

Anyone who buys gatorade at costco is a confirmed fattie, so all this image proves is that the seattle fat fuck tax is doing god's work

>> No.9964607

>God's work
oh fuck off you atheistic socialist parasite

>> No.9964618

>seattle fat fuck tax is doing god's work

The only thing this tax hurts are the poor Niggers & Mexicans who drink sodas habitually.

You think some fat seattle techie making six figures will give a shit about the soda tax? It's just one less POP toy on his desk.

>> No.9964620

t. butt-blasted commie

>> No.9964638

You have a typo in your post, you wrote "hurts" by accident instead of "helps"

>> No.9966445

I buy it sometimes for my team at work.

>> No.9966463



>> No.9966472

>15 min drive to a different costco outside seattle
>normal price
how is it that hard? even the seattle area costcos are actively telling people to visit other costcos that don't have the bullshit tax

>> No.9966479

i live on the other side of the state and i'm scared of it spreading here
i don't know how places can stay open with the minimum wage and taxes like that

>> No.9966489

looks like i'm moving to wyoming
it'll pay for itself

>> No.9966521

woah woah woah, slow down there Emeril that's some next level shit

>> No.9966581

>recovery fee
so what do they put this toward, and what does the city of seattle pay for health related issues caused by sugar? like, the government of the city of seattle, the one that receives the tax.
fucking voters over there are insane

>> No.9966607

Yet I can still buy handles of booze for about $10 less than calicucks.

>> No.9966618

It goes toward elected officials and companies like Whole Foods and Starbucks because they lobbied hardest.

>> No.9966630

>15 minutes to get out of seattle

>> No.9966652

I don't really see how this is legal. In fact I'm pretty sure it explicitly says somewhere that taxes are not supposed to be used as a punishment

heh, remember when america fought a war over unfair sugar taxes?
liberals are such fucking cowards to let this shit slide

>> No.9966679

seattle is borderline LA traffic

>> No.9966685

kind of my point
jay inslee can drop off a real real tall bridge

>> No.9966687

its only in seattle proper, the gas to go to the closest store outside seattle proper is less than the price increase on one case of gatorade. Even if it were more money I would drive there and waste as much gas as possible just as a middle finger to that hell hole of a city. This isnt /pol/ so I wont go on but just fuck Seattle and king county for that matter.

t.eastern washington resident

>> No.9966691

u ever read the constitution boi

>> No.9966694

It's a bullshit extension of "sin taxes" that lets local governments apply extra taxes to alcohol and cigarettes. It's just a delusionment that sugar is inherently bad and that unfairly taxing it makes sense.

>> No.9966732

Thank fuck I live in Snohomish

>> No.9966883

Fuck NC. I hate this god damn place so much.

>> No.9967066

Wow, I thought it was going to be a -little- tax when I heard people talking about it. That's straight up rape.

>> No.9967136

Jesus christ that sucks for some states. Guess the "flyovers" aren't so bad.

>> No.9967151

>taxachusetts isnt even in the top 25
this is seriously first, im so proud

>> No.9967356
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Why is it that modern liberals always scream 'take that, poor people!' the loudest.

>> No.9967374

1.75 cents an ounce doesn't SOUND bad on paper until you do the math. It's an extra 29.6 cents a bottle, and even that doesn't sound too bad until you buy in bulk like that. The average Joe Blow wouldn't notice.

>> No.9967377

That's why Costco is putting up these big signs so people will notice and get pissed about it. Based Costco, defender of capitalism.

>> No.9967381

I'm here as well asshole

>> No.9967391

>my team
Unless you're in the military or play professional sports, don't refer to yourself as part of a team. That's some faggoty corporate retreat drink the kool-aid and don't question your superiors shit.

>> No.9967455

We have a costco in Shoreline and it doesn't have shitty ass sugar tax.
It is literally like a 15 minute drive from downtown Seattle.

>> No.9967634

That means your tax is higher you hick. Booze is cheap as fuck in California

>> No.9967644

Having been around the country I can confirm it is not cheaper than elsewhere.

>> No.9967722

I pay 3 times as much as you fucks, get over it.

>> No.9967768

No, retards here just like putting taxes on everything. We even tax bottled water now.

>> No.9967898
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>In fact I'm pretty sure it explicitly says somewhere that taxes are not supposed to be used as a punishment
Nope, also lol @ "punishment"

You're probably one of those hammyfats who thinks exercise is a kind of "punishment" to be temporarily endured in response to a crisis, and only under medical supervision

>local governments have a monopoly on the pigouvian tax
>pivouvian taxes are about jeebus and sinning
You are delusional, go back to your gold standard crackpot forums

>> No.9968291

It was Flavor-aid at Jonestown.

>> No.9968345
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>> No.9969127

A team is a group of people who work for a common goal. I'm sorry you are so offended by a word but it's an accurate word even within a corporate environment. What should I call the group of people who report to me and I manage on a daily basis?

>> No.9969577

Minion slaves? Indentured servants? They're not a team player and consider you merely a middle management asshole who will back stab them or take credit for their work in a heartbeat. Btw, they alll have resumes out to escape your dictatorial abuses.

>> No.9969584

That's an awful lot of projection. Tell me, what did you get fired for? Couldn't keep performance up? Couldn't work well with others?

>> No.9970826


>> No.9971111

You mean like from the toilet?

>> No.9971127

>Reduce, reuse, recycle

>> No.9971607

Well with their $15 an hour minimum wage they can afford it.

>> No.9971630

Do you have a reading comprehension problem?
I've been to california, I know how much it costs there, and it's consistently $5-10 more than anything I buy here in Idaho.

>> No.9971637

>pivouvian taxes are about jeebus and sinning
They're literally called sin taxes you stupid fuck

>> No.9971949

Electrolytes are not a sin.

>> No.9971965 [DELETED] 

>Only hurts the poor, niggers & Mexicans
That's the point you fucking retard, those people make up the majority of obesity, the "fat techie making six figures" is statistically less likely to suffer from obesity due to their more active life style

>> No.9971983

>so what do they put this toward
Welfare and pandering to fags on Capital Hill

>> No.9971988

I miss Eastern WA so fucking much, and I've been actively trying to transfer back.

But now with Democrats controlling the entire legislature, we're going to see more Seattle level retard at the state level.

I'm moving to Alaska or Montana.

>> No.9972478

Try Texas instead. As long as you're not in Houston it's pretty great.

>> No.9972503

But you do live in florida.
Who wants to live in a state were the state flower is mildew?

>> No.9972535


You understand that it contains salt for a reason, they didnt just add it to make sure it tasted like shit.

>> No.9972548

Sure, to dehydrate and make you thirstier so you drink more.

>> No.9972558
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>tfw only drink water for 20 years and see people get corrupted by the liquid jew in many forms (soda, energy drinks, coffee, alcohol, etc..)

>> No.9972565

Coastfag soyboys cant compete with the midwest manmores in all facets of life

>> No.9972584

>hurr we have In n' Out and oceans, what do you guys have?
>Freedom, low taxes, gun ownership, and minimal basketball-americans

>> No.9973057

>They're literally called sin taxes
Black people are called "coons" and "porch monkeys", what's your point?
>you stupid fuck
No U

>> No.9973060

But Gatorade is for fat people...

>> No.9973078

Apparently being so goddamm fat you spill into someone else's seat on the airplane is "freedom" and the gubmint needs to stay off our backs and focus on the important thing: inspecting people's genitals before they pee, and telling people what genders they are and are not allowed to love.

>> No.9973238

My guess: autism combined with Communism. Complains enough to be one at any rate.

>> No.9973256

>implying the commiefornian sees ANY of that as a positive
Please. These fuckers see mere family values as a dinosaur from a bygone age. The day Kim Fat III chimps out at Dongald's shitposting and plunges us into nuclear war will be the best day ever.
... or would the fallout just make them worse?

>> No.9973383

You only drink water.

Applause everyone! What a fucking hero. Someone erect a statue! If he doesn't watch TV, we just might have a new king of the universe.

>> No.9973460

>family values
This is dustbowl okie for “knock up the first girl you kissed before either of you is out of high school and stay away from gerddam contraceptives”

>> No.9973554

Don't forget, they get divorced after the husband was jailed for domestic violence because he caught her fucking Jamal for her daily meth.

>> No.9973587

The salt is there to replace salt lost from perspiration, you know, sweating
Not like some chair sitting overweight autistic social outcast on 4chan would know anything about going outside.. physically exerting themself, or sweating from anything other than jerking off to Japanese cartoons

>> No.9973598

Did you report my post you fucking crybaby? Fuck you

>> No.9973639

I would be willing to bet op does not drink Gatorade for the electrolytes and if he does he almost definitely doesn't need to.
If you eat anything out of a package or a fast food restaurant in a day you are probably getting your daily dose of salt already.

>> No.9973712

If you don't like Seattle level retardations maybe stay away from the hill country region (Austin, San Antonio, San Marcos.) They've earned a reputation for being the "People's Democratic Republic of Texas." Still pretty country down there and the rivers are nice.

Texas welcomes you.

>> No.9973744

You guys had an interesting family life.

>> No.9973836

Join me and you will no longer be a brainlet manlet.

>> No.9973852

Ah yes, a completely natural, albeit dumb as hell broken relationship. Surely it's comparable to two lesbian trans women brainwashing their adopted son into thinking he's also a woman because he may have played with barbies at some point, dressing him in drag, chopping his balls off, and flaunting him in front of their friends at the local pride parade. They also very feed the kid very well. Little Stephanie is now a healthy, beautiful 350 pound transgenderfluid catgirl with a self diagnosed case of autism. Out-mother-fuckin'-standing parenting, """ ladies""".

>> No.9973862

you watch way too much porn

>> No.9974010

Is that really the best comeback you have?
This is what you're encouraging.

>> No.9974141

Almost as bad as the "family values" flyover, both parents on their 2nd marriage, who sentence their 16 year old son to a gay conversion concentration camp because he admitted he was gay, where he is relentlessly tortured and beaten to knock the devil gay out of him, returns home, becomes addicted to meth, fetanyl and alcohol before finally committing suicide at 20. Family values sho' nuff good 'n all dat!

>> No.9974145

Literally this

>> No.9974264

better dead than gay

>> No.9974283

Except they require that the child also consent, and surprisingly, when people find out they're gay, they sometimes tend not to accept it themselves. However, I find it funny how you whine about that, considering your state is home to the cult of Scientology, a group that has repeatedly gotten away with drug, human trafficking, extortion and murder. Their very similar camps also operate as fronts for each of these branches of crime. And again. You lot allow it to happen. You encourage it with your tax dollars. Speaking of encouragement, why do you LGBT faggots like children so much?

>> No.9974309

>Atlanta almost passed a 'soda tax" but the niggers cried Racism & kicked & screamed so badly they killed it in like a month.

See. The US government only responds when you behave like a child. White people in Seattle just need to learn to loot & protest like the niggers do.

>> No.9974316

>The only thing this tax hurts are the poor Niggers & Mexicans who drink sodas habitually

Some suburban white kid in Seattle isn't going to care that his Monster went from $2.25 to $2.50. But you can bet the struggling black family that buys 5 cases of soda a week will care.

>> No.9974319

If you're struggling you shouldn't be buying 5 cases of soda a week. Sounds like the tax is working as intended.

>> No.9974326

maybe you shouldn't be offended by people who are doing better than you

>> No.9974331

>If you're struggling you shouldn't be buying 5 cases of soda a week



>> No.9974400

Tobacco is cheap as fuck here though. And we’re one of the best states in the lower 48 for outdoors stuff. Food is pretty damn good. But yeah otherwise it’s a shitty fucking red state full of assholes.

>> No.9974414
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>City of Seattle Sweetened Beverage Recovery Fee
Wait, WHAT THE FUCK? Guys, I'm moving to Seattle soon for my new job. What is this? TELL ME!

>> No.9974422

that's not for you or anyone else to decide

>> No.9974428

Considering I pay taxes to a certain degree it is my decision. And the more taxes I pay and the more welfare benefits they claim the amount I get to decide goes up.

>> No.9974434

wrong, you and the gobment only have the right to decide whether or not to provide assistance and what that assistance will be used for. taxing poor people for having typical poor people habits solves nothing, and even if it did, they're entitled to use what they make however they see fit

>> No.9974437

Are you addicted to corn syrup?
If not, you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.9974442

>and what that assistance will be used for
Thank you for agreeing with me.

>> No.9974447

>Are you addicted to corn syrup?
I do though. I drink Coke daily. Should I just do my shopping in Renton or Shoreline?

>> No.9974448

The welfare folk won't have as much funbucks for soda. It will help them with their poor people habits.

>> No.9974454

Can't you use EBT to buy soft drinks? If so, no tax.

>> No.9974456

yeah, that's why foodstamps have restriction on them. taxes are not the same. taxes is taking peoples monies out of their pockets because some asshat thinks he knows better how to spend it than you

but it's not your place to decide whether or not poor people habits are good or bad, let alone to forcibly try correcting what you percieve as bad

>> No.9974458

They are one and the same because taxes pay for the food stamps.

>> No.9974460

gonna have hoods bootlegging sprites now
great job

>> No.9974462

In my experience worst consistent traffic is LA, Austin, D.C., Newark, Seattle. Boston and Houston both get honorable mentions. You could mention new York, but public trans is decent enough.

>> No.9974465

no they're not. foodstamps are money you get from the government, taxes are money the government forcibly takes from you

>> No.9974480

how did this even pass

>> No.9974499

America is morbidly obese and using sin tax will stop some of them from killing themselves slowly with gatorade. You don't have to like regulation but americans need to be controlled, what better way to do so than taxes on consumer beverages without representation.

>> No.9974564

>unironically supporting the university of floriduh gaytors

>> No.9974573

This is true, you shouldn't drink isotonic drinks unless you need them
Op is probably a retarded faggot

>> No.9974712

>Except they require that the child also consent
Lol, parents have control over what they do with their spawn, a child has no say. You're delusional.
>surprisingly, when people find out they're gay, they sometimes tend not to accept it themselves
Gay is not a choice, you loony tunes evangelical.
>your state
Wtf are you on about? I live in the shittiest state of the union in virtually every category because it's filled with whacko nutjob hillbillys like you.

>> No.9975169

I didn't say it was a choice you retarded, nigger-loving commie faggot. Do you really think people that finally figure out their orientation are immediately happy with it? You're delusional. Besides, do you want to know WHY I hate people like you? It's because I live around you. I live in an area that's dead set on becoming the Rust Belt's own bastardized version of the Silicon Valley, bringing in shits like you from Commiefornia to Assachusetts, destroying my state via demographics. But you know what? You can fucking have it. Please, trade places with me. You'll figure out within the next 10 years just how nice your shitty ideology REALLY is. Have fun being priced out of your own neighborhood, or having it filled with the nastiest spics and niggers this side of the Mason-Dixon. You'll be lucky if you don't get lynched when that happens.

>> No.9975343

>Implying this won't turn into the sugary drinks version of the prohibition era
>Implying chinks and hustling nigs won't start selling sodas on street corners at below tax prices for juicy cash gains

>> No.9975384

Fuck off, it's not our fault your shithole state got filled with Californians, we don't want them or you here.

t. montana

>> No.9975399

>i'm ass ravaged because I voted for drumpf 'cause he sho' nuff was gonna gib me mah non-union coal job back and protect me from da scary peepoh but he dinnit do nuffin'! Hey Billy Bob, stop hoggin' dat er meth pipe and hand me another bud light while we watch Fox news.

>> No.9975406

>a child has no say
Completely incorrect. Most children, obviously, don't know any legal rights they have and just go along with it. Kids get beaten (not spanked, fucking BEATEN) and don't tell anybody because they figure their parents can just DO that because they're parents.

>> No.9975439

I'm sorry, I cannot hear you over the rabid pedophile noises? Can you speak a little more clearly!? Thank you!

>> No.9975441

Children don't have legal rights.

>> No.9975457

Except they do you stupid fuck. Show me the Supreme Court case that says otherwise. I'm waiting.

>> No.9975474

I-it was her turn!!!

>> No.9975489

buy coke zero
tastes the same, no tax

>> No.9975563

Guys please stop making fun of WA state it's where I live ;(

>> No.9975571

Americans... You fought to get rid of taxes only to tax into oblivion.

>> No.9975591

Fuck off were full.
Obligation to tell everyone this.
Stay in your shit hole state.

>> No.9975595


dont lump us all in with left coast commie hellholes. nevada is the only free state out west

>> No.9975598

t.dust bowl okie who should have stayed in school

>> No.9975600

I was the only one in the family to try meth and to be fair Tyrone ain't sell meth.
Cletus sells meth tyrone tries to sell shit Mexican brick weed and crack.
Never have a drug dealer who's black.

>> No.9975605

Fly over state here.
Came out to my buddys they called me a fag and we went back to drinking shine.
What the fuck are you on about boy?

>> No.9975606

they didn't used to be deadly fat though, sempai

>> No.9975620

My chink buddies already do this in Canada and new England..

>> No.9975627

The fuck what about Arizona?

>> No.9975629

Good let the fatties die off.
More food and more room for me.

>> No.9975631

Tell it to the belt, Tyrone

>> No.9975706

Mental illness: the post

>> No.9975760

if the US doesn't have universal or government funded healthcare why in the fuck is this type of taxation allowed?

>> No.9975847

1. It's a local tax
2. About a quarter of the federal budget goes to health care; regardless of whether it's a good system, or an efficient system, government spending on health care would be a good rationale for "this type of taxation" on a national level

>> No.9975907

We have to pay for the fatties to get healthcare now.

>> No.9976127

Interesting, i certainly had no idea that much of the us' federal budget went to healthcare. Living in Canada i get taxation on stuff that is bad for you, can't get a bottle of vodka in Ontario for cheaper than like 25 dollars.

>> No.9976161

it's our own fault

>> No.9976201

>passing a tax on pop
>blames niggers for it not passing

wow, the jewish tricks are strong with this one.

>> No.9976225

Just fuck my drinks up pham

>> No.9976284

I can get a 1.75ml jug of vodka for $12. It's shit quality but still vodka.

>> No.9976538

Who though forced health care and insurance was a good idea?

>> No.9976567

What a faggot. Come to the hospital sometime and I'll put some cyanide in your IV.

>> No.9976701

I dont get you amerifats. Whats "liberal" about taxing the fuck out of gatorade?

>> No.9976708

American "liberals" believe that the way to freedom is through absolute government control.

>> No.9976711

how about water you fuck

>> No.9976745

Isn't that the exact opposite of the definition of liberal?

>> No.9976751

Pretty much. The modern left needs to be rebranded as "Authoritative Egalitarians". Or just communists for short.

>> No.9976752

No, you're thinking of libertarian.

>> No.9976755

Lmao the jews tax the shit outta smokes and boozes and you fatasses only complain when they start taxing sugary drinks I hate you all.

>> No.9976763

are you actually going to pretend this is the first time you discovered the modern usage of liberal?
fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.9976821

Actually, we are ready to welcome fewer people. Imports are screwing up schools and fucking up housing prices.

>> No.9977151

salt helps you retain water you dense fuck.

>> No.9977370

Then why do they use it to melt ice on roads? Checkmate atheist.

>> No.9977390

Not an argument.
Just claim your ignorant and kill yourself you brainless faggot.

>> No.9977410

You don't decide shit. You pay taxes to ensure your place in the country, nothing more.

>> No.9978671

So why do illegals get to stay?

>> No.9978686

liberals should be rounded up and mass executed

>> No.9978719
File: 43 KB, 370x471, 4AB0646A-6E36-4FCF-BF0C-E6FB3634AC03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah dude NC is great. I mean for the people complaining about the shitty people, shit people are exist everywhere, but the environment is nice, relatively warm and temperate, got a lot of cool food, and nice outdoors stuff.

>> No.9978729

muh racism

also let me put this whole taxing vices issue to rest. making vices more expensive won't decrease vice usage. look at drugs they're expensive as shit and people use em all the time. you ever hear a crackhead say welp, gotta make rent this week so no 8ball for me

>> No.9978802

Not related, but illegals pay billions of dollars in taxes every year.

>> No.9978812

>You only have the right to decide what the assistance will be used for
It shouldn't be used for unhealthy HFC filled liquid candy you retard, if they're gonna use my taxes, they're gonna buy reasonable foods and merchandise to stay healthy
My taxes don't get to go to some nog who can't get off his addiction to high end electronics and liquid candy

>> No.9978828

>make middlebrow claim
>get corrected
>waah waah ur dumdum u didn’t even no about muh middlebrow analysis
for your next move you will call modern economic theory “fake news” and then insist that you never claimed there was such a thing as a sin tax

>> No.9978842

>Anyone who buys gatorade at costco is a confirmed fattie
I resell them at my locale

>> No.9978847

>admitting to ban evading
and no, I didn’t. but maybe I reported this one ^_^

>> No.9978860

I was never banned, maybe warned but I have other people on my IP who also use 4chan
My original post is gone though

>Announcing a report

>> No.9978918

The problem wasn't high taxes alone, it was that the taxpayers didn't have representation in the government that taxed them

>> No.9978931

It wasn't just over taxes alone, people were angry they were being taxes, and had no support of aid from said government
>Also known as taxation without representation
This tax is only based around representation, weather it is or isn't justified, The government is only doing it in the "interest" for the "betterment" of their local population
Plus is only hurts poor people an minorites, which make up the majority case of obesity

>> No.9978964

that's what I"m saying dumbass
people getting gubment assistance aren't all lazy bums, many are using it as a supplement to an actual job, thus they also earn monies which they are entitled to spend however they want without some penalty tax

>> No.9979062

Yes, based Louisiana.

I will not take shit from anyone unless your state is ranked in the 40's.

OP, you should pay your fucking taxes as punishment for electing politicians worse than those from my state.

>> No.9979074

Monster Zero Ultra contains no sugar, is zero calorie and one can contains 200% of your daily B12 requirements.

>> No.9979080

lol underrated

>> No.9979092

Tax the fuck out of everything that way the niggers can get more free handouts.

>> No.9979095

>complaining about mental illness

>> No.9979139

I used to do this with lemonade when I was a kid

>> No.9979144

"Liberalism" originally referred to free flow of capital. In the American modern-day sense the people who subscribe to "liberal" beliefs are not really free-market fundamentalists (i.e. no rules, no gubmint) but are more sympathetic to free markets than their supposed enemies, the so-called "conservatives", who believe exports = good, imports = bad, muh gold standard, Keynes is fake news, and the best for any country is to become a sort of island fortress, in the style of Tokugawa Japan.

Few if any economic terms have retained their archaic root connotations. For instance "communists" in America are people who believe that public funding for education is a good thing, or that police, fire departments, and roads should be in some sense controlled by government. "States rights" means "slavery is good", and to your point, "liberal" means a person who is relatively open to international trade, immigration, and tax incentives for certain activities deemed "desirable" by the majority (education, home ownership, healthy personal choices, etc).

>> No.9979150

I'm amazed how you could type all of that stuff and not say a single thing that is true.

>> No.9979226
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>For instance "communists" in America are people who believe that public funding for education is a good thing, or that police, fire departments, and roads should be in some sense controlled by government. "States rights" means "slavery is good", and to your point, "liberal" means a person who is relatively open to international trade, immigration, and tax incentives for certain activities deemed "desirable" by the majority (education, home ownership, healthy personal choices, etc).
Whoah there buddy. I agreed with your post until you took six left turns at Albuquerque. A ton of conservatives believe in funding of infrastructure, international relations, and abortions. Don't always go pointing to the religious idiots that are on the same wagon. And "States rights" are indeed conservative and part of what used to be these United States; Washington would probably either go on a killing spree or live as a damned hermit if he saw what we've done with the place. This country has changed so dramatically that its philosophy isn't even near the same anymore.

To many of us; left, right, or "independent" all mean corrupt liars. You'll never get hundreds of millions to agree and you're always going to end up with two-faced money-hoarders on top.

>> No.9979255

You can't help someone by preventing them. You help them by educating them. Stop internalizing the poor

>> No.9979260


>> No.9979269

Inexpensive education is already available at most community colleges. Stop changing the subject, fatty fat.

>> No.9979299

he might internalize the poor, it's good advice either way

>> No.9979315

Freezing point depression?

>> No.9980164

Yeah this weather does make me depressed.

>> No.9980546

I also live in snohomish! I'm honestly expecting Seattle's bullshit to creep into our county unless the day of the rope comes soon. I have a house in Chelan county so I can bail there if anything though. All my cars and shit are already registered there so I'm paying $50 for tabs instead of the $600 that I'm supposed too. Yes, $600 for fucking car tabs on a diesel

>> No.9980564

>just buy the gatorade powder and mix it yourself

There are people who don't do this?

>> No.9980591

It's a new tax to help "pay" for whatever the current crisis is.

They also want to institute an income tax, congestion tax to drive in the city, increase the gas tax (which is already the second highest in the country), increase taxes on vehicles 120% to pay for a light rail system no one will use and is already a billion over budget 1 year in, and wants to tax companies at 70% to pay for free heroin injection sites because "bug business caused it".

Oh and thanks to Amazon and Microsoft, combined with chink speculators, property values are so fucking crazy that a 1200 sq ft 2 bedroom house just got listed for $600k.

I'd quit your job.

>> No.9980667

>sugar tax fixes the crisis of diabeetus
>income tax fixes the crisis of employment

>> No.9980675

There isn't a single problem that can't be fixed by more taxes.

>> No.9980696

>taxes are too high
>let's tax taxes so the taxed taxes' tax can pay a negative tax to the overtaxed taxpayers's tax

>> No.9980871

>mad at a fat tax
>mad at another fat tax

>> No.9981007

when you have a hammer, everything seems like a nail

>> No.9981110

I'm mad at a city government, and now state government, that sees citizens as a coffer to use to fund their corruption and special interest projects.

The City of Seattle has spent roughly $1 million per homeless person in the city to combat the "homeless crisis". Their declaration of a "crisis" also now allows them to receive state funds.

Not mad at fat fucks having to pay more for sugar water, I'm mad at progressives thinking it's perfectly ok to tax anything and everything.

>> No.9982130

If they give each homeless person 1 million dollars why do they still have homeless?

>> No.9983196
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if this affects you at all you are an inferior human being
>even thinking about sodas

>> No.9983223

because thats how leftism works

>> No.9983432

I need that sugary kick to get through the day.

>> No.9983728

Only like 20% of that is actually going towards the intended recipients. If you read through their proposals, you'll find that most of it is going towards paying people for running the program and 'administrative' costs.

>> No.9984593
File: 145 KB, 1280x942, uwhaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this even a question????