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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 500x500, Yoohoo-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9962549 No.9962549 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Foods that are pleasant to consume a couple times per year, but would be disgusting to have every day

>> No.9962552
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sodium city

>> No.9962561

what are you saying about people who have yoo-hoo multiple times a day everyday bud

you got a problem with flavour

>> No.9962564
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>> No.9962569
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>you got a problem with flavour

>> No.9962575

something about the density of pop tarts and oreos kicks my stomach's ass every time

>> No.9962585
File: 48 KB, 640x427, Fig_Newtons-iini41-wx52i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fig newtons would rate right up there too.

>> No.9962586
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How about a slice of congealed corn syrup

>> No.9962598

I could live on that until I died of what ever nutrient deficiency I developed living on that.

>> No.9962599

Man that shit is gross, isnt it just chocolate water?

>> No.9962631

Chocolate flavored sugar water

>> No.9962639

These are good if you're starving yourself. I lost 60 pounds in around 3 months by going a few weeks at a time consuming less than 200 calories a day and using these to keep my electrolyte levels high.

>> No.9962643

The whey makes the drink. It gives it that nice Hershey-esque tang.

>> No.9962658
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Once a year or so i get a craving

>> No.9962661


>> No.9962668


Same. This along with other shitty canned pasta.

There's something charming about it.

>> No.9962688

that’s impressive! did you get the low sodium variety or regular?

>> No.9962698

>mfw I did a season in a ski town and this was my twice a week dinner-time staple, like most people in town
I would like to have a can for old time's sake but i'm so over that shit

>> No.9962709

I always keep one of those in a cupboard, for emergency purposes.

>> No.9962716
File: 454 KB, 3000x1688, Steel_Reserve-w-glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta trade up to steel reserve.
Once poured in a glass it's extra classy.

>> No.9962723
File: 169 KB, 400x417, Campbells-Chunky-NewEngland-ClamChowder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is good to sip down for those hangover times.

>> No.9962730
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What about everything that's processed?

>> No.9962769
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If you're not Scottish

>> No.9962837
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I mean it's more like every 3 years but it's super nostalgic from nights when my parents were feeling lazy.

There's a couple of garbage dishes from my childhood I get a craving for really like my dad's "savoury mince" which is mince (ground beef) cooked in a horrifying number of condiments and dried herbs with some frozen vegetables added. Classic poor people food....

>> No.9963093

As bad as this sounds, Pecan pie is worth the pain.

>> No.9963959

that electrolyte spike from canned soup is the only thing that makes me feel right after heavy drinking

>> No.9964267

Low sodium. I was following some advice from /fit/.

>> No.9964279
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This was my lunch for most days as a student.
I don't really regret it, 450kcal and 90sec in the microwave.

I can feel the impending colon cancer from canned pasta abuse

>> No.9964882

has the weight stayed off?

>> No.9964958

I understand the nostalgia. Scumgullet:

Ground beef
Elbow macaroni

Brown the beef. Add water/broth, spices, ketchup, macaroni. Cook until macaroni is tender. Add Velveeta, melt.

It's basically homemade Hamburger Helper.

>> No.9965267
File: 100 KB, 768x512, gallery-1470434012-7025300923-e1869e29d8-o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is like a once-a-month treat this shit is expensive

>> No.9965289
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>> No.9965315

pls elaborate. I'm doing some fasting and sometimes I feel really hungry. what does the sodium intake of these do for you?

>> No.9965348
File: 22 KB, 280x280, 7622210497031_280_IDShot_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god sents. but too much of these things are overpowering. It's the perfect balance of milk chocolate and orange flavor. the cocksuckers had a lime flavor too that I loved but they discontinued it.

>> No.9965352


>> No.9965378

"Hershey's" and "nice" shouldn't be in the same sentence unless the sentence is "Hershey's is not nice"

>> No.9965493


electrolytes are pretty important while fasting if you don't want to feel like a turd the whole time. the low sodium version replaces some sodium with potassium, which is even better as far as electrolytes are concerned

>> No.9965539



>> No.9965594

does that look like terrys faggot motherfucker?

>> No.9965642
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would drink a fuckload of these during the holidays. but it's just good then. too much of that shit will be swimming in your body.

>> No.9965662

Ugh I used to love those but once I opened one up to find a bunch of maggots writhing around in the foil. I don't remember what brand I had, but if it's not sealed correctly be careful

>> No.9965672

The best part of these was slamming them on the table to split it into slices.

>> No.9965673

Lime flavor sounds amazing. I missed that one.

>> No.9965711

I never got the slamming right. always made the ball into a mesh. fuck the faggots

>> No.9965721

No, but they taste similar and I was trying to help. But thanks for the verbal decoration, anyway.

>> No.9965726

how many of these did you drink a day, plus how did you get your fiber from this.

>> No.9965735
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>> No.9965756
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raclette is god-tier but I can't imagine someone eating regularly that (lots of melted Swiss cheese poured over potatoes & lots of processed meat) more than once a week

uuuh what's wrong with those

>> No.9966015
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>> No.9966022

I've eaten Raclette grilled cheese for half a week. I regret nothing.

>> No.9966047
File: 32 KB, 500x228, 414h9cmVQ9L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strawberry fig newtons are god-tier

>> No.9966326

Molten lava cake from chili’s

>> No.9966351

I can drink Yoohoo fucking forever. I'm addicted to creamy chocolate drinks I can down one in seconds.

>> No.9966360

I switched to Tru Moo and I still love Yoo Hoo but I'm not looking back, either. It's the best chocolate milk I've had.

>> No.9966363

They are just strawberry Newtons, there's no figs involved.

>> No.9966368

How bout some FUGG newtons?

>> No.9966378

Have you tried Borden dutch chocolate milk? That shit amazing

>> No.9966384

The stuff in the glass jugs? Yeah, that's pretty good, too.

>> No.9966395
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Nah they come in plastic jugs

>> No.9966401

Ohhh, I was thinking of the Amish stuff. I don't think they carry Borden around here, then.

>> No.9966416
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Every few months I get an awful craving for this shit and will end up destroying a bag of whichever I can get a hold of. Makes me feel violently ill the rest of the day and destroys the inside of my mouth in the case of the sour ones.

>> No.9966457
File: 298 KB, 947x1500, stovetop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We used to have Stove Top stuffing for Thanksgiving when I was a kid because my mom couldn't make her own stuffing worth a damn. I make real stuffing for Thanksgiving dinner these days, but every autumn I still get a nostalgic craving for Stove Top. I'll buy a box and just eat it with a shitload of gravy as a kind of weird personal tradition once it gets cold out. I'm sure I'd hate it if I ate it regularly, but as my once a year thing, I love it.

>> No.9966731

thing is yoohoo is not creamy. It's made with dirty fucking water not milk faggot

>> No.9966747


nigger detected

>> No.9966761

Even those regular ones hurt my mouth, something about sugar just fucks it up

>> No.9966775

Spot on, OP

I told my ex how much I loved yoo-hoo and she bought me a fucking case. After I finished it, I don't think I've drank one in years.

>> No.9966804

Very true, haven't had them in probably 5 years though

>> No.9966828

This. I drink a lot of it during the holidays, and where I am we have a couple of stores that sell it all year, so if I need a fix in July they'll have it. Otherwise, yeah, when you don't want it eggnog is just the worst.

>> No.9966868

I hope we're talking about turkey hill pal

>> No.9967384


>> No.9967388

Niggers are not unique in saying "nah". Are you retarded?

>> No.9967393
File: 232 KB, 600x729, Coca-Cola-Peach-Flavor-Japan-2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9967401

Almost any "nostalgic" food, desu

>> No.9967408

who raped that poor thing?
also big mac/mcfeast/whopper, about 4 of those total per year for me

>> No.9967418


>> No.9967424

Fancy cheeses.

>> No.9967447
File: 199 KB, 800x330, T H I G G Newtons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9967806

On Saturdays I will get this and a chicken biscuit from a gas station 5 minutes down the road. Only 2 more days

>> No.9967811


>> No.9967882

do you walk there? sounds comfy

>> No.9968102

MArshmallows - how can anyone eat them regularly is beyond me but once a year I can eat a bag of sugar free ones and welcome the regrets

>> No.9968484

they may not be but have been an avid user of the word more than whites

>> No.9968489

oh shiiii
i don't see these at my local 7/11, but a latin grocer near me sells a lot of borden stuff so I'm gonna look ther
thanks for the tip!

>> No.9969189

Sugar free marshmallows sound highly unnatural.