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9955325 No.9955325 [Reply] [Original]

I'm planning on buying pic related. What beans can I buy off amazon to make good press coffee? I tend to prefer lighter roasts at cafe's.

>> No.9955336

you have to roast the beans yourself. i've heard of people using air pop popcorn machines for this

>> No.9955457

>he uses a grinder with blades
wew laddy

>> No.9955500
File: 45 KB, 1200x1200, baratza-586-virtuoso-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a burr grinder instead of that blade grinder. I used that same thing for years and the burr grinder was a huge leap towards an actually great cup of coffee. Use the blade for spices or whatever.

If you get a good grinder you can adjust the grind settings and really perfect your brew. I've got the Baratza Virtuoso and it's pretty great, easy to change between my clever dripper, press, and drip. They also make a cheaper version called the Encore that's pretty well recommended, and you can upgrade the burr set to equal out to the Virtuoso. Or go for a hand grinder if you want to go even cheaper.

Also look at getting a simple gram scale to measure out the coffee and water. Volumetric measurements are for assholes. American Weigh Scales SC-2kg is like twenty bucks and it's fantastic.

>air popper
This is a thing. You might want to wait to get into roasting the beans yourself though. Do you have a local coffee place you can check out?

>> No.9955721
File: 331 KB, 1431x614, Screenshot from 2018-01-08 22-09-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burr grinders start at 120 CAD
I like coffee but I don't know if I like coffee that much. Are any of the sub $25 hand grinders here any good?

>Do you have a local coffee place you can check out?
Yeah I might see what they have as far as beans go.

>> No.9955831

The cheap hand grinders are pretty awful. The burrs are usually a cheap plastic on a thin post that bends as the beans pass through. Its almost impossible to get a consistant grind with them.

>> No.9955882

So then what is my best option if I have $30 to spend?

>> No.9955894

the hario mini mill

>> No.9955904

I have that same exact grinder, OP. I wouldn't recommend getting it, it's not very good.

>> No.9955909

look up Colombian coffee, anon. rated as one of the smoothest and most fragrant coffees in existence, if not *the* smoothest and best. so far it is my favorite and i look forward to it every morning. i grind my beans right before they hit the hot water. seriously, just do a quick jewgle search now.

there's a reason why Colombia is the #1 producer of cocaine, their climate is perfect for growing these types of stimulant-rich plants.

>> No.9955924

I do because some of my very light roasts break burr grinders. I originally got my blade grinder for flax. It works well for that.

>> No.9956038

The Hario one is decent. The burr is ceramic on a stainless steel post.

Only drawback is that it's pretty small.

>> No.9956304

>Porlex mini
>$99 CAD
Holy shit, why? The point of that grinder is it's supposed to be like $25-$30.

>> No.9956318

Those are for grinding spices only, not coffee.

If you don't want to invest much, get a ceramic burr hand grinder. If you end up like me and need 2 cups of high quality coffee every morning, and maybe your roomate or spouse does too, you'll want a decent electric burr grinder.

The best value electric steel burr grinder I've found is the Baratza Encore. It cannot really make espresso grinds, but is fantastic for aeropress, french press, pour overs, and moka pots.

>> No.9956324

Not to mention hand grinding takes a while.

>> No.9956984

Get it ground at the roaster and save up for a decent grinder.

>> No.9957035

>not automating your coffee grinder yourself
what are you an woman study major?

>> No.9957049
File: 145 KB, 1920x1541, pepe drooling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coffee beans inside the grinder in the picture
>"these aren't for grinding coffee"

>> No.9957066

They're sold for it, but no good at it

>> No.9957118

Hario Skerton any good? I'm sick of my plastic burr grinder

>> No.9957153

No. Get an Aergrind.

>> No.9957181

the other drawback is that it's shit

t. got rid of my hario and got a grownup grinder last year

>> No.9957311

>their climate is perfect for growing these types of stimulant-rich plants.
coffee grows faster at low altitude in nutrient-rich soil and the caffeine content is much higher. the coffee that colombia is famous for is high altitude, low-yield coffee with smaller berries and a lower caffeine content.

tl;dr ur dum u dumdum

>> No.9959572

I dunno about this. My issue with the Encore is that it's adjustments aren't fine enough, not grind consistency issues or time to grind problems. I don't think it'll help to upgrade the burrs.

>> No.9959810

Mine just broke today.
Got about a year out of it, piece of garbage.