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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 889 KB, 3264x2448, Patat_speciaal_and_frikandel_speciaal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9953829 No.9953829 [Reply] [Original]

Did /ck/ ever eat a good Dutch frikandel?
That's my fetish, besides currywurst.

>> No.9953836

im dutch and I hate this shit


>> No.9953841


>> No.9953849

what about kaassouffle

i somehow only know dutch fastfood

>> No.9953860

Those fries look terrible.
Kaassoufflé is fine but I'm pretty sure it's not just dutch.

>> No.9953868

geniet lekker van je paardenogen en wat de kanker er nog meer in zit vriend.
kassouffle i don't really care for. Kipcorns though, they are on the same tier as kroketten for me.

>> No.9953874
File: 44 KB, 361x470, stock-photo-man-eating-mussels-and-french-fries-or-moules-frites-678882553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dutch frikandel
Frikandel is Belgian and as your picture shows, Dutch are terrible at making a fries.

>> No.9953880

>Hij denkt dat er in kroketten geen teelballen vermalen zijn

>> No.9953887

I've only eaten potatoe kroketten so far, you guys are also into meat kroketten, right?

>> No.9953901

why am I getting an impression that all traditional dutch food is basically fastfood or some kind of pastry/dessert?

>> No.9953909
File: 116 KB, 694x432, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly yeah.

>> No.9953915
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a lot of our main courses are just practical cheap nutritious energy bombs with some meat on the side. It's delicious though. You should try making boerenkool stampot one time.

>> No.9953921

Boerenkool is god tier. I had some today. I've been experimenting with using homemade meatballs instead of rookworst and it honestly tastes better.

>> No.9953923
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The traditional food is similiar to German cuisine though.

>all the fucking stews

>> No.9953935

yeah we eat it with meatballs as well, really good. You can get the jus from the meatballs instead of getting some disgusting tastemaker MSG shit.

>> No.9953940
File: 446 KB, 1254x837, mettbroetchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eatin the best fastfood around

>> No.9953943

>You can get the jus from the meatballs instead of disgusting tastemaker mgs shit
Fucking exactly, tastes so much better.

>> No.9953977

so you push the meat part on the grill right?

>> No.9953985

g*rman barbarians eat it raw

>> No.9954028

absolutely disgusting

>> No.9954041

Dutchfag here, it actually tastes alright. I mean what's the difference between this and haring?

>> No.9954053

t bh i can imagine it tasting alright, I just don't trust raw meat like that.

>> No.9954060

you put your meat part IN the gril, virgin.

>> No.9954070

You two idiots never ate Mett, so you can't judge.

>> No.9954078

i like frikandel but not speciale

>> No.9954145
File: 47 KB, 640x640, 95025011_0_640x640.jpg?identifier=f7557d5eebbb7ee04ff9795113a79bc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deenz a shit

Who here /MackDaddy/?

>> No.9955694

Is that mayo on the sausage or some kind of cheese?

>> No.9955744

mayo. Dutch always eat their junkfood with mayo or peanutsaus

>> No.9957528

Dont forget curry ketchup

>> No.9957555

various kinds of meat yes.

>> No.9957564

desu rookworst gives me a kind of sick feeling, don't really know how to explain it

>> No.9957565

A friend of mine was on holiday in some slav country with some buds. They went to eat out but couldn't read the menu. His friends saw something something carpacho or whatever on the menu and thought it was our kind of carpacho with thinly sliced meat (the Italian one). Instead they got a big bowl of raw meat and an egg.

Small quantities is alright but it easily gets too much.

>> No.9957569

it's a frikadel with mayo, curry ketchup, and onions, aka a frikadel speciaal

also pictured: fries with the same sauces and onions, called friet speciaal

>> No.9957577

Because it's northern european and therefore like every cuisine from northern european it is basically carbs & fats, and most vegetables are root vegetables. Basically anything that you can grow while it's warm, and store & eat during the cold winter.

>> No.9957582


Hi, not Dutch but been cooking stamppot since I emigrated here. I use pork belly (to get all that delicious rendered fat) and veal for mine.

>> No.9957641

Eierbal is the patrician snack, but randstad subhumans wouldn't understand

t. Groningen

>> No.9957647

Never heard of it.
t. Brabo

>> No.9957709

Andijvie stampot > Boerenkool.

Both are still pretty good though.

>> No.9957728

My man
Andijvie > Zuurkool > Boerenkool > Hutspot
But they're all great

>> No.9957750

Zuurkool > boerenkool > andijvie > hutspot desu

>> No.9957764

the friend of my mother is dutch and last weekend i was eating it for the first time with them it also was the special version

its alright nothing too special but i would prefer it over currywurst

>> No.9957785

>Those fries look terrible.
Yes, they do.

They probably suck at making it. Also use frikadel based on chicken, lots better. Also... a frikadel is fucking junk meat most of the time. Even little bones in the cheaper ones.

Goes to show how many people sell, buy and eat cancer.

>> No.9957792

Dutch fried shit power ranking
1. Frikandel special
2. Krokett with mustard
3. kipfingers with curry sauce
4. kaassouffle

But the best thing that ever came out of holland is either matjes on a sweet bun or stroopwaffles.

t. german guy who lives right at the border.

>> No.9957802

>matjes on a sweet bun
what the fuck
I've never heard of this and I'm Dutch. Describe what you mean.

>> No.9957817

Not mentioning self-made kapsalon?

>> No.9957818

Like 2 Matejes filets with onion on a hotdogbun.
I ate that in Amsterdam like 5 times.
kind of like this, honestly way better than on a normal "brötchen" the somewhat sweet bun works well with the acidic taste of the matjes.

>> No.9957829

Oh shit of course I'm fucking retarded never mind
for some reason I thought of the candy, zure matjes, instead of the fish

>> No.9957841

you guys are just making up words and pretending it's the name of food

>> No.9957857

uhmm no. So far i havn't seen a food mentioned here i don't know of.

>> No.9957870

Had the frik special with some belgian fries and curry ketchup, it's pretty good, like a beefier breakfast sausage

>> No.9958019

How do you even eat a frikandel without making a huge mess?

>> No.9958026

Mah nigga, though I kinda want to try one with a soft boiled egg (scotch eggs style).

>> No.9958031

when it's served like that you eat it with fork and knife. without all that shit in it you just pick it up with your hand and shove it in your mouth.

>> No.9958070

no way the meat was definetly good they bought it in the netherlands when they were visiting his mother and im pretty sure that they bought good meat there even the mayo and curry ketchup were from there
either way they also brought kroketes but i didnt get a chance to eat these yet

>> No.9958092

Frikandel < Kroket < Frikandel Speciaal < Both

>> No.9958099

Filet Americain > That piece of pink shit

>> No.9958102

who /vandobben/ here lads?

>> No.9958107


>> No.9958111

Groningen lad

>> No.9958115


>> No.9958116

tfw another groningen anon
and yeah, van dobben are the best kroketten
Though I'm very fond of kalfskroketten myself

>> No.9958143

Man I loved the FEBO kalfsvlees kroketten. To date the best kroket Ive ever had. Havent had one in ages though.

>> No.9958149


>Frikandel Speciaal and a Van Dobben Rundvleeschkroket

Good tier
>Frikandel Speciaal

Occasional enjoyment tier
>XXL Frikandel
>Picanto (not to be confused with the Kia)

Meh tier
>Plain frikandel

Absolute french shit tier

>> No.9958156

Frikandel is dutch.

>> No.9958161

My new favourite for after-city snack is the Feierbal at de Hoek, it's like an eierbal but spicy

Bitterballen on the list but no Vlammetjes? Pleb, those are the patrician borrelhapjes

>> No.9958166
File: 8 KB, 592x260, Snackvork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using the side of those plastic forks you cut them into 6-8 pieces lengthwise. You then pick it up by sticking the fork in directly from the top so it doesn't fold open.

Vlammetjes are a form of miniloempia, and are absolutely virgin-tier compared to the Chad bitterbal.

>> No.9958176


>> No.9958179

Hmm, might need to try it. It's mostly Hasret for me if I go snacking after hitting the pubs, but nowadays it's usually just skipping the food altogether.

Where the fuck is my eierbal anon?

>> No.9958182

Only the shape, the filling is completely different. Loempie is like veggies and usually mostly taugé, vlammetjes is spiced ground meat.

>> No.9958199

>It's mostly Hasret for me if I go snacking after hitting the pubs, but nowadays it's usually just skipping the food altogether.
Same, though Hasret is still god tier when I'm actually in the mood for some good eating after a nice night on the town. But it's at its best when it's like 4+ AM and I don't usually go out till that late anymore.

A light snack like a (f)eierbal though, that's more easy to just pick up and eat or take home.

>> No.9958203

In the trash, where it belongs.

You can meat loempia's too, you can fill them with pretty much anything. My Indo neighbor used to make them with fish, although, yeah, veggies are the standard.

>> No.9958212

>In the trash, where it belongs.
Fuck off, randstad. Don't you need to go collect some uitkering?

>> No.9958215

IKTF anon. Trouble with light snacks is they dont really hit the spot for me anymore. So I stopped bothering with them. Either go all out (like Hasret) or just go home. It's better if it's a treat anyway.

>> No.9958227

Because back in the 1600s we dominated the global trade routes (and basically the entire world) and with that imported a lot of foods/spices from different countries.

>> No.9958233

>hating on kaassoufle
>frikandel speciaal twice
>full of memesnacks (frikandel derivatives)
Garbage. Absolute garbage.

>> No.9958296
File: 215 KB, 600x797, Roem-voor-Cafetaria-t-Pleintje_img600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare kino snack tier

>> No.9958320

The word you're looking or is maatje which is pickled herring, not smoked eel like in the pic. Smoked eel is fucking delicious though if you can get it fresh.

>> No.9958325

Limburg with a uni degree and engineering job, I pay for your uitkering.

>Not hating the stupidity that is the kaassoufflé
>Frikandel speciaal twice
Because combining it with a good kroket is absolute, undeniable godtier
>Frikandel derivatives
90% of all frituursnacks are derivatives.

>> No.9958338

Well that certainly explains the list

>> No.9958349

t. earthquake (((victim)))

>> No.9958353

>wah wah, our river is flooding

>> No.9958358

Yes at least two every week

>> No.9958359

Go learn how to not talk like an imbecile before you post here again, you franco-german mong

I actually felt the one yesterday, usually you don't feel them in Stad but this is my second time feeling one. Feels funny desu

>> No.9958375

I don't get this meme. How can our river be flooding just us when we've got the high ground over you?

>Het is een kwestie van geduld, rustig wachten op de dag, dat de Maas heel Holland vult

>you franco-german mong
Limburgs is much closer to the original Dutch as spoken in the Golden Century, compared to the heavily anglised Dutch spoken in the rest of the country. You are the mongrels.

>> No.9958386

Because even the earth itself thinks limburg is an abomination

>> No.9958391

everything beneath the rivers was a mistake

>> No.9958409
File: 119 KB, 750x1000, Onder zeeniveau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, everything in blue then? Can confirm, building under sea level is a meme that should have ended centuries ago.

>> No.9958424
File: 12 KB, 240x266, rode-cervela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute top tier snack

>> No.9958431

This is the gayest sentence fragment I’ve read all day.

>> No.9958445

I dont know what this is, but it doesnt belong

>> No.9958567

you know what I meant
if they celebrate carnaval, they should be put up against the wall

>> No.9958658

Dönerix is where it's at now we're discussing after-city snacks in Groningen.

t. 3rd Groningen anon

>> No.9958757

Damn, another one
I always immediately start wondering if I secretly know them

As for Dönerix, I think I've been there only once but it wasn't as good as Hasret. Or maybe it's just nostalgia bias cuz Dönerix wasn't there yet back in my prime going out days.

>> No.9958789

Catholics should be considered 2nd class citizens. Anyone who isn't Nederlands Hervormd should be.

>> No.9958794
File: 41 KB, 596x395, 5857202557_36599203a4_b-e1423836634491[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if it isn't a delicious culture. Bier en Bitterballen is life.

>> No.9958799

>nederlands hervormd
Hallo opa

>> No.9959049

wtf is that?

>> No.9959671

Andijvie has to be cooked though. A little mustard makes it the god-tier pre boozing food. Otherwise spinazie is also great.

>> No.9959704

What no
just mix Raw andijvie with the mashed potaties and some spekjes and you're done. Optional: grated cheese as a side.

>> No.9959793

I never really got the appeal of having it raw. I do mash it though. Dont really like spekjes in my andijvie, just mustard. Jus is also risky as it might turn the stamp into a wet mush.

>> No.9959808

Ooh, those are the best

>> No.9959809

yeah you don't want jus with Andijvie stamppot, but it being raw makes both the texture and especially the taste better, in my opinion and pretty much everyone's opinion as far as I know. But okay if you like it cooked, your call.

>> No.9960674

Houd je gore jodenmuil

>> No.9960786
File: 83 KB, 300x485, 20150825-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost mussel season

>> No.9960803

>Overpriced Belgian mussels

>> No.9960873

I wish this aspect of NL cuisine was promoted more. I really hate all the deep-fried stuff.

>> No.9960983

nope but i really want to try stroopwafel, just got to find it somewhere. sounds amazing

>> No.9961015

They taste good.

>> No.9961019

Dutch cuisine is trash. It's all just worker's food and fatty fried garbage meat.

>> No.9961346

Well the stews and veggie things they posted are nice, like all such foods they can't be really bad. The fast food part of their cuisine is truly garbage though, pretty much every croquette tastes the same.

>> No.9962318

Food is trash, correct. The fried snacks however, are god tier.

>> No.9962361

We started stealing superior Indonesian cuisine in the 1600s, we didn't need to make our own good

>> No.9962371

Never had holtkamp I guess

>> No.9962891

>tfw indo
I hate that my grandparents (or grandma really) was one of those quantity over quality people. It tasted alright, but the presentation was horrible.

>> No.9963464

>implying you can ever have enough pindasaus

>> No.9963990

memesauce tbqh

>> No.9964034
File: 35 KB, 348x468, 9185a428db7583ca8910c83871d21e33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patatje oorlog in honour of the Indonesia vets.

>> No.9964044

Speciaal > met >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>nothing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>oorlog>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>joppie

>> No.9964122
File: 181 KB, 345x305, 1497912061481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wat is dit voor inheems loempiagedrag
I'll eat anything!

>> No.9964626
File: 4 KB, 125x118, 1490905676746s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even knowing what the best dutch food is
>omelette du bacardi oakheart

>> No.9964667

What is this garbage?

>> No.9964676

the best food to be made.

>> No.9964694

It saddens me I gave you a view. Atleast adblock was on.