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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9951402 No.9951402 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck do I feel so bloated if I shit everyday? Which foods can cause this fucking air in my stomach?

>> No.9951413

>inb4 gluten

>> No.9951415

I've been tested for lactose and gluten intolerance. I'm fine.

>> No.9951421


>> No.9951469

Drink one (1) gallon of water in less than 5 hours. Cleans you out for the most part.

>> No.9951477

eat more fiber
drink more water
ull b fine

>> No.9951481

I've been drinking a fuckton of water... so much that it's making me feel bloated.

>> No.9951713

Other prime carbohydrate bloating suspects are raffinose and fructose. Tell me what kind of food you eat.

>> No.9951720

Tell us what you eat then.

>> No.9951730

OP, I was like you and I felt similar, now I don't eat breakfast, I have coffee or water and generally skip lunch as well then eat dinner and snacks.

Works. Also have you tried doing core exercises like situps/planks/pushups? Would also help.

>> No.9951736

eat some yogurt/take a probiotic

>> No.9951763

lots of fruits and veggies. Whole pasta and rice, chicken, beef, tuna, seed and nuts.

>> No.9951777

Any somewhat recent changes in the types or quantities of your fruits and vegetables in regards to your bloating?

>> No.9951780


>> No.9951782

More fiber, plant-based mostly. Less sodium if it's water retention. Also do you eat fast? You might be taking air in if you aren't chewing proper.

>> No.9951784

no, you're just fat

>> No.9951789

could be your gallbladder. you bloated in your back or anything?

>> No.9951793

What I'm getting at here, OP is that you may simply be eating too many fruits and vegetables. I know, it's shocking, right? On the other hand, if you somewhat recently upped your fruit/vegetable/whole grain quantities in the last few weeks or so as a bid to eat healthier, well there's gonna be a gut flora adjustment period there where you'll be gassy for a while. I think that's probably the case otherwise, why make a thread? I'd lay off the beans, cabbage and broccoli for a little while. Introduce it back into your diet more slowly.

>> No.9951800

>take a probiotic
Oh boy here come the probiotic shills.

>> No.9951845

Consider going on a brap diet.

>> No.9951908

>no, anon, don't spend ten dollars on supplements that won't hurt at all but have a chance that it will help with all digestive problems

You probably think they cause autism too

>> No.9951914

Have you tried laxatives? It's complete hell while your taking them but you'll feel fresh as fuck afterwards.
Or try fasting, nothing but gum and black coffee for a weekend.

>> No.9951917

stop eating fat.

>> No.9951919
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then drink less water

>> No.9951983

>Which foods can cause this fucking air in my stomach?

>Whole pasta and rice, chicken, beef, tuna, seed and nuts
maybe you should try chewing them before you swallow

>> No.9952011

>Which foods can cause this fucking air in my stomach?
a bag of lays

>> No.9952124

I once had bloating due to water retention. Went away once I started keto. Insulin is the hormone your body needs to retain salt.

Instead of going keto, you may try cutting salt out of your diet.

>> No.9952127

>then drink less water

eat less salt.

>> No.9952132

Maybe it's how you eat, not what you eat? Maybe trying eating slower or having smaller, more frequent portions. And shitting everyday is a sign your body is healthy and operating normally.

>> No.9952323

Look up the fodmap diet OP. Best to rule out everything you can. Let me guess, constant bloating - but you feel better in the morning when you pass gas?

>> No.9952351

Wegetables, best raw. If not some fruits.
For me strong coffee with milk and sugar helps, maybe because i think i have lactose intolerance. That together with cleans me out.

Asians have some herb tea that can clean, but be careful some of them may ruin stomach.

And maybe try fasting for one day now and then.

>> No.9952436

read an article on the guardian probably that taking probiotics has no effect on your gut microbiome

>> No.9953309

>the guardian
yeah sure buddy

>> No.9953326

ok thanks friend

how are the kids

>> No.9953734

too much salt?