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File: 51 KB, 768x572, gallery-1431643906-delish-fries-mayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9949425 No.9949425 [Reply] [Original]

I've been trying fries with mayo and I'm starting to like it. Ketchup is for plebs.

>> No.9949434

Add some garlic and rosemary. Thank me later.

>> No.9949446

Mix ketchup with mayo and your life will never be the same

>> No.9949449
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>> No.9949477

that's basically fry sauce

>> No.9949495

Frite especial is the bomb. Literally crack.

>> No.9949505
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In Canada we have Poutine, which is pretty good too. It's basically gravy and cheese kurds on top of fries, goes well with a sandwich.

>> No.9949509

equal parts barbecue sauce and mayo make and amazing dipping sauce i believe it is called campfire sauce

>> No.9949547

Poutine is pretty good but it lacks the flavor complexity of frites especial. You need that onion and ketchup to cut through the greasy saltiness.

>> No.9949551


Thousand Island dressing, ketchup and mayo.

>> No.9949589

good Mayo with fries is fucking godlike

>> No.9949735

Welcome to the patrician side, OP.

>> No.9949743

Try mixing some Dijon mustard with the mayonnaise.

>> No.9949807
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>> No.9949817

I started eating crackers with mayo in college on a dare and now I love the shit

I mean it's basically all fat, what's not to like?

>> No.9949997

Malt vinegar is objectively the best wingman for your fries. The fucking limeys don't get much right but you do not fuck with that or a good fry-up.

>> No.9950039

i learned from wing restaurants that fries + bleu cheese dressing is excellent. mix that with a little bit of leftover wing sauce (mango habanero preferred). god tier.

>> No.9950048

What do they put in mayo to turn it into burger sauce?

>> No.9950049

this place has great chipotle mayo and everyone skips the burger to just have fries with it, because it's complimentary. I honestly used to eat only fries a lot when I went to fast food, but now I can't imagine doing it without the special mayo. maybe at a fancy place with garlic aioli.

>> No.9950053

Now try replacing the ketchup with sriracha.

Your life will do a 360 and walk the fuck in a new direction.

>> No.9950057

ketchup and i think thousand island dressing

>> No.9950062
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>mfw literally impossible to find malt vinegar where I live

The word pretty much doesn't even have a translated equivalent

>> No.9950066

im >>9950049
and i live in the thousand islands. very cool. ever been to canadian grilling company?

>> No.9950093

You could always order online if possible.

>> No.9950107


its basically Thousand Islands dressing, isn't it ?Mayo, Ketchup and a few cut up pickles

>> No.9950128

i cannot for the life of me figure out why this isn't big in the states.

>> No.9950145

It is huge in wisconsin and maine. Not sure where u get that idea.

>> No.9950149

>not combining ketchup and mayo in perfect harmony

>> No.9950579

>it's popular in two states so that means it's also popular in the other 48

>> No.9950777
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Since this is turning into a french fry style and topping/condiment thread lets see more!

>> No.9950785
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A well known contender.

>> No.9950787

Should there be more ketchup or more mayo?

>> No.9950793
File: 76 KB, 610x458, TaterTotNachos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most sinful of human creations the tater-tot nacho platter. A bar near me serves this. Talk about temptation.

>> No.9950806
File: 57 KB, 600x600, JustFuckMyShitUp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The venerable and inscrutable chili cheese fry. For those who simply don't give a shit anymore.

>> No.9950810
File: 113 KB, 1000x1000, samurai sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ones my favorite

>> No.9950828
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Sometimes being heavily seasoned is fine on it's own.

>> No.9950835
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How fucked up are we getting here? Because i'm starting to think about buffalo fries with ranch and blue cheese crumbles.

>> No.9951142

Ketchup > Mayo on days wit an even number, like today for example, the 8th of Janurary
Ketchup < Mayo on days wit an uneven number, like yesterday, the 7th of January.

>> No.9951180


>> No.9951187

Poutine is fucking A

>> No.9951321

cute fork

>> No.9951384

Should be about 70:30 mayo:ketchup.

Or maybe 60:40.

>> No.9951482

Alioli or salsa brava is much better than either ketchup or mayo.

t. spaniard

>> No.9951493

Mayonnaise and raw chopped onion is godlike on chips.
Likewise, malt vinegar, salt and black pepper.

>> No.9951552

Bick's hamburger relish

>> No.9951587

>Mayonnaise and raw chopped onion
Dutch like typing detected

>> No.9951604

I go to a place which surves an amazing dip with everything. even with fries
I don't know the exact recipe but it's basically thinned yogurt(no water you just move yogurt with spoon)
Red chilly spice
and a little bit of those green herbs that we put in almost every thing (not mint) I don't know what are they called in English I am sure you got it.
Try it, I have tried the above recipe, its not exactly same but is still quite good

>> No.9951624

How does unemployment and Catalan secession taste on fries manolo?

>> No.9951689

>not aioli and chips
I used to have Mayo but then I was enlightened. I only ever eat fries with aioli now. Can't eat them with anything else

>> No.9951715

overrated as fuck

>> No.9953613

>thousand islands
ayyyyy me too

>> No.9953774

Pretty shit dare.

>> No.9953776

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.9953782

Also american fries are dry and crispy, not british wet soggy and soft. They usually do not understand.

>> No.9953787

Clearly fry sauce is the only option

>> No.9953789

If you want to ascend to godhood, use chipotle mayo.

>> No.9953793

> garlic and rosemary
NO! Use parsley and tarragon.

>> No.9953796

Cheese curd is disgusting

>> No.9953806
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>not going for pommes schranke
y not both?

>> No.9954176
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>> No.9954261

fucking leaves won't shut up about poutine. It's nowt special. We have chips cheese n gravy ere and you don't see us bragging about it

>> No.9954270


I prefer mustard or hot sauce on my fries. Mayo is fine, too.

>> No.9954294

one of my fondest memories was whilst visiting my flemish friends in gent we got drunk on jupiler and made frietjes.

>> No.9954302

>he doesn't put traditional balsamic vinegar on his fries

>> No.9954316
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>not having a few good streaks of mustard, mayo and ketchup over your fries, then doused with black pepper and garlic powder/salt (depends on how salty the fries are)

not gonna make it

>> No.9954335

Yesss, this shit is amazing.

>> No.9954347
File: 161 KB, 358x389, 1446762997087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mayo should only be used as an additive, not an ingredient

>> No.9954362

Make several dips and have a fun time changing things up while you eat.

>> No.9954391

I really want to try making these two, I'm planning to have some guys over for burgers next weekend and I might make something similar then.

>> No.9954400

it was added to the fries

>> No.9954437

Fucking frenchmen

>> No.9954537

No because you'd be facing the same way you fuck mong

>> No.9954555

>Chips, gravy and cottage cheese
No fucking thank you Pierre.

>> No.9954577

Yeah but they ask to many questions.

>> No.9954586

I agree that ketchup is for plebs but mayo?

>> No.9954597

Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.9954599

Cottage cheese?

>> No.9954609

Some like it some hate it.

>> No.9954611

Yeah it's what your mum crams down her tights by the looks of it.

>> No.9954614

Those are cheese curds ya dingus.

>> No.9954620

I like mine with 1x mayo + 1x sour cream + some salt, powderd garlic, herbes de provence

>> No.9954623

If you can get beer and unfiltered vinegar you can just make it.

>> No.9954629

you are disgusting and the literal demise of the human race

>> No.9954635

What do you think cottage cheese is you stupid twit

>> No.9954930

I thought it was mainly a dutch thing

>> No.9954966


May be Belgian style (flemish) or Dutch but def not French

>> No.9955536


>> No.9956082

I also love b dubs

>> No.9957291

the first few bites of poutine are good, but then the fries get soggy and I don't feel like finishing it
it's pretty overrated desu

>> No.9957352

fritsauce isn't simply mayo tho..

>> No.9957360

2 slow 2 enjoy
sux 2b U

>> No.9957459

curryworst is disgusting

>> No.9957856

Mayo is like 10% of your daily food allowance for each small spoonful

>> No.9957976
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>> No.9958342
File: 46 KB, 800x800, mayonaise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is mayo designed for fries

>> No.9958560

Some anon is trying to make fries and is failing miserably: >>9957897

>> No.9958654

He's doing better than you from what I can see, post your own fries if you are so awesome.

>> No.9958661

>Soggy fries
Canadian cuisine<english cuisine, 'nuff said.

>> No.9958920

Sriracha mayo is superior

>> No.9958968

Y'all don't have the slightest clue.
The real deal is mustard.

>> No.9958998

you mean indian cuisine

>> No.9959025

Mayo, lemon juice, and paprika. Remoulade.

>> No.9959039

Thanks, didn't realize! haha duh me!

>> No.9959716


>> No.9959834

Try them with homemade allioli

>> No.9959903

>make your own alliloli
Is there any other reasonable way to get it?

>> No.9959942
File: 216 KB, 570x380, Dukes_real2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step up your game, anon

>> No.9959954

I am also a proponent of this.

>> No.9959970

3 parts mayo to one part catsup. use catsup with no HFCS, only sugar, I also think the lower sodium kind taste better. If you want true greatness, add 1 tsp of grated wasabi or no sugar horseradish.

>> No.9959987

>Not mixing ketchup, mustard, AND mayo

>> No.9960219

Best combo is harissa + mayonnaise

>> No.9960242

Do you guys realize making" mayonnaise takes you just 5 minutes?

>> No.9960276

came here to post this