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9949173 No.9949173 [Reply] [Original]

>don’t worry guys I brought the beer

>> No.9949196
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Oh cool man thanks. I don't normally drink that but I'll have a couple. But yeah my dude, thanks for remembering to bring some beer.

>> No.9949274

That's okay I'm DD tonight
>because that shit is neigh undrinkable

>> No.9949329

What's the acceptable beer to show up to a party with? I'm sure as fuck not lugging a bunch of $2/bottle craft bottles

>> No.9949341

thanks, i'm getting about 20 of those right?

>> No.9949357

Don't go to partys

>> No.9949389

Headache in a can.

>> No.9949393

Thanks for the beer man. If I was spending my own money I’d probably get something else, but this should do for the course of the evening. I’m sure we’ll all catch a good buzz and enjoy ourselves. How’s the wife?

>> No.9949405


>> No.9949406


>> No.9949410

just buy normal ass $1.50/bottle craft beer obviously. You don't need to buy super top tier stuff, normal good beer is sufficient

>> No.9949416
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can't go wrong with the top 4

>> No.9949424

my friends are not worth $1.50/bottle

>> No.9949426

PBR or Yuengling

>> No.9949435

PBR or Grain Belt

>> No.9949474

you're not kidding anyone here, you have no friends

>> No.9949490
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Big case of Coors Banquet. It will please both the plebes and the patricians.
>tfw patrician craft beer taste and knowledge but can still appreciate a Coors Banquet
>tfw normies and roastiess will drink it because Coors
Miller High Life is also an acceptable substitute.

>> No.9949494

pretty much this

>> No.9949517

The price increase isn't quite so severe if you think of it in terms of amount of alcohol rather than number of drinks. There's a few sub-$10 six-packs with an ABV of 8-10%. That's essentially twice the strength of any of the shitty light beers in this thread.

I haven't bought a 30-rack in forever, but it's like 15-20 bucks, right? So 50-66 cents for a shitty "drink" compared to 75 cents for the equivalent amount of alcohol in half a strong "drink". Factoring in the fact that it's going to taste better and impress your friends, it might even be worth it.

>> No.9949590

Rainier Beer or PBR is fine. I normally just drink mixed drinks at parties though.

>> No.9949598

i'd be buying my friends steel reserve if i followed this logic

>> No.9949621

Homebrew. Home brew. Dme, a hand full of hops,. For yeast California Common Ale is versatile strain that makes any recipe better.

For beerpong natty, For picnic silver bullet. Family gathering Sam Adam's Boston Lager, really actually like it.

>> No.9949758

It's rated higher than Bud Lite on both beer advocate and ratebeer, so maybe it's not such a bad idea.

>> No.9949783

i'm sure my friends will understand once I tell them that. just like they will love me serving maxwell house coffee... after all it has 5/5 stars on amazon reviews

>> No.9949814

>Rainier Beer

I haven't had this stuff in years, called it Vitamin R. Teamed up with some Lucky Lager and you were guaranteed a hangover of epic proportions.

Rainier did have great commercials in the 80's tho.

>> No.9949815

remember when he joked about killing gooks in a dem debate
absolutely based

>> No.9949843

Thanks brochacho.

>> No.9949858
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>stronger beer
>tastes better
lol wat

>> No.9949860
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>not having a local brewery that everyone likes
Fucking flyovers.

>> No.9949866

It's free beer, tell them to fuck off if they don't like it. The alternative isn't some premium stuff either, it's fucking keystone ice. If they honestly show a clear preference for that, then get that.

I dunno what your point is. I'm just saying that the alcohol content matters as well as the price.

>> No.9949872

Craft beer is usually stronger and better tasting than macrobrew light lagers, yes.

>> No.9949899
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>yfw the molson off-shute is better
Based OV. Seriously 6.99 for a 12 pack and they're fucking good.
You disgust me.

>> No.9949983

Coors, rolling rock, modelo if in spic part of cali where i live

>> No.9950005

>3/4 are light
>the remaining is the stereotypical bro brewski
fuck, I'll learn to brew my own beer and re-use canisters

>> No.9950017


Then why did you bring canned water?

>> No.9950029

>OP believes there's humor to this thread he's created
Keystone, Natty, etc...They'll all do. It's just beer.

>> No.9950032


It's nothing spectacular, but I like it well enough. Also, a 2-4 is absurdly cheap

>> No.9950073
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Show up with half a box of 40s of King Cobra

>> No.9950108

wtf i hate partying now

>> No.9950124

Keystone is basically the retarded brother of busch and coors.

>> No.9950127

chads show up to the party with packs of Bud light and still get enough pussy to have 999999 kids

>> No.9950133
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my nigga

>> No.9950143

My go-to cheap macrobrews are Miller High Life and Narragansett

>> No.9950144

no ya didnt. you bought the baby training beer

>light beer isnt real beer nor is low alcohol beer.

take that shitty sock water back where you got it and either go get some full strength beer or dont come back boy.

>> No.9950170

Thanks for reminding me of college Op.
The real choice is natty ice though. better taste and similar alcohol content. Slightly cheaper price.
Acceptable up to the age of 25 or at 3 AM when some party hero brought the hidden stash.

Do you even Al/ck?

>> No.9950172


hold up are you quoting US or Canadian prices?

I wouldn't think oldfags outside of rural Canada would buy that shit.

>> No.9950181
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>taking a guy's order at the counter
>orders 4 draft bud lights
>tell him we don't have that, show him the beer menu
>asks if we have any real beer

That was the day I realized we don't serve real beer where I work

>> No.9950240
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>> No.9950246

>I'm a TOUGH MANLY MAN because I drink HARD BEERS! More alcohol means I'm more MASCULINE!
Keystone and its ilk are great for sitting around drinking 30 beers with your buds. You probably wouldn't know about that though since you shun everybody away from you.

>> No.9950250

He probably meant "I just want a fucking beer, not orange citrus infused chocolate stouts with undertones of himelean coffee beans", since that tends to be whats on tap in bars now.

>> No.9950276

Exactly, there is a time and place for different kinds of beers.

>> No.9950277

>King Cobra

The comfiest of times


>> No.9950288

the new age bullshit actually tastes good though

>> No.9950291

>30 cans of diluted piss
Light beer tastes like (watered down) ass

>> No.9950296

US prices; my dad turned me on to this some christmas like 10 years ago. Fucking delicious.

>> No.9950301

>Lagers without 30 random bullshit flavors mixed in can't taste good
You're like those 50 year olds who drink heinekens or stella as their go-to and then sneer at people who drink coors.
It's all mass produced macro bullshit, none of it's meant to have 30 layers of taste. It's supposed to be a consistent, easy to drink beer that you can have 2 of without having to taste it like a fine wine.

>> No.9950302

You do realize light beers are made for people to get trashed on and be able to drink for a long time. The shit isn't made for it's "fine flavors"

>> No.9950312

Fucking spics

>> No.9950316

you've mistaken my meaning. I'm not criticizing coors or whatever I'm just saying there's nothing wrong with orange juniper chocolate stouts or whatever

>> No.9950322
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What's up guys I brought a 24 pack of organic ipa craft beers. Let's have 3 or even 4 and get craaazy tonight

>> No.9950333

You can drink regular pils and get the same results : Maes, jupiler, Amstel or even the things that germans drink.
The problem with light beer is that it tastes bad, really bad, so I can't imagine drinking a lot of it

Your putting words in my mouth that have never been there, I sense some anxiety

>> No.9950341

At least Yuengling is decent

>> No.9950352

you're not wrong but crappy light beers are dirt cheap, and as far as them tasting bad, I don't think they taste like much of anything, they just taste like water after the first one or two. Again, the only reason you buy a 30 rack of keystone is to get fucked up for two days for $15. It was stuff we use to drink a lot of back in my early 20's with friends.

>> No.9950358

you can't go wrong with corona or heineken

>> No.9950360
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Don't mind me just posting the best beer to bring to a party

>> No.9950364

Champagne of beers
$7.99 a 12 pack, it's a beautiful thing

>> No.9950387

I get it we had some 24 packs for like 8 euros, koenigsbier. Always tasted different

>> No.9950408

My nigga

>> No.9950420

We got boulevard here. Its always acceptable to show up with

>> No.9950439

Case of PBR/Bud/Natty Light to share with your friends, a bottle or three of your favorite craft beer for yourself. Drink the craft beers first then get absolutely wrecked on the cheap shit. This is basic freshman year shit anon, come on everyone knows this.

>> No.9950441

definitelty PBR. cheap as hell and not bad tasting

>> No.9950681

I voted for him

>> No.9950694

this is always the cheapest too. God bless Miller.

>> No.9950701

Best 30 rack AAL party beers...

Normal: PBR
Light: Old Milwaukee Light

>> No.9950707

>What's up guys I brought a 24 pack of organic ipa craft beers. Let's have 3 or even 4 and get craaazy tonight

>> No.9950722

lol these are the top "beers" in burgerland ?
you guys suck at everything dont you

>> No.9950730

This. Banquet is the superior pisswater that isn't region locked

>> No.9950740

What does it matter? Everyone has their own drinks that they bring, so what if someone doesn't like what you are drinking

>> No.9950771

For me it's the PBR.
Idk anyone that would turn it down.

>> No.9950789

Please show me a country where the most widely sold beer isn't a mass-produced macrolager.

>> No.9950799

Hungary with its superior zámolyi kézműves sör
but fuck even dreher antal is better than this shit you guys call beer

>> No.9950815

As a freshman in college I always had this dude buy us "crates" of cobras aka just ask the cashier to get us a couple unopened boxes from the back. Nobody ever complained unless they babysat it and let the swill get warm! I'll always have a soft spot for cobras.

>> No.9950827

I've always liked pbr for some reason.

>> No.9950844

I didn't ask which one was the best or the one you like the most. Even the way you worded your post implies that you know macrolagers are the top-selling beers in Hungary.

>> No.9951259


The only acceptable reply when someone else brings the beer. You wanna feel superior buy your own fucking beer.

>> No.9951444

t. hangover

>> No.9951457

This. I don't know why the government hasn't banned that shit yet.

>> No.9951478
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Any true man will drink Ice Cold free beer. Just avoid the super cheap stuff and you are good if you don't want to appear as a high school/college student on a drinking budget.

>> No.9951710

unironically this. It's the best of all "party" beers

or rolling rock

>> No.9952200


Beer autists are the fucking worst. The faggots who bring a 6-pack of some expensive beer that brags about how hoppy it is like we're supposed to be impressed by how much like grass it tastes. "Oh, you can grimace your way through drinking bitter grass water, whoop-dee-fucking-do"

There are good reasons that keystone light, miller light, bud, etc, are brought to parties:

1. They supply a lot of people, cheaply, with a drink
2. They're relatively low in alcohol content, so everyone can always have a drink for a relatively long period and not get super hammered
3. They're mostly water, so you stay more hydrated and the hangovers aren't as bad
4. They're lightly flavored, so they stay in the background of people's minds while they socialize over something that isn't alcohol-related
5. More people feel comfortable drinking them since, even though they may have their own preferences, it's familiar and inoffensive

The point of a beer like that is to act as a social lubricant and something to do with your hands while you talk to people. People don't go to parties to have a dick-waving contest over whose beer is the hoppiest or comes from the most independent brewer.

>> No.9952210

I always bring Blue Moon

>> No.9952232

Why did they discontinue Miller Lowlife?

>> No.9952243

Why do I see the word "coons" when I look at that logo

>> No.9952249

Kek good post

>> No.9952253

hell yes!
anon brought beer!

>> No.9952272

Because they no longer teach cursive in middle school

>> No.9952291

Where's rolling rock in this?

>> No.9952296

A case of MGD is good.

>> No.9952310

I bring PBR or Miller Light
Normalfags love Bud Light

>> No.9952410


A case of mgd is perfect, friend.

>> No.9952447

If white people bring budweiser or pabst, if mexicans bring modelo, if blacks or homeless people bring mickies or old english

>> No.9952448

the man looks like he smells good.

>> No.9952468

why not just bring bottle of vodka? beer is heavy to carry and makes you fat

>> No.9952473

i don't drink so i don''t get this meme

>> No.9952520

any good multitap should have a good pilsner for the normies and cheapos desu

>> No.9952521
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Do not worry,beer is here

>> No.9952541

Literally all of them are water

>> No.9952543
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No one will complain

>> No.9952904

if I want to relax with a good beer: Spotted Cow

if I just want to get drunk: PBR or Coors Light or Michelob Golden Light

if I want to get absolutely blackout hammered: cola and cheap whiskey

>> No.9953002


>> No.9953446

>this costs 45$ in canada


>> No.9953633

The one you want to drink

>> No.9953644

Flyovers have too many to choose from

>> No.9953647

I'd chug it. That way I can try not to taste it.

>> No.9953684
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>tfw local micro started selling cans of their stuff
Feels good

>> No.9953931

Greetings fellow KC anon

>> No.9953948

You in Pearland bud?

>> No.9954886

I grew up in Pearland, when it was still a small town with lots of cow pastures.
I visited family there for the first time in maybe 10 years, back in 2008, and it blew my fucking mind how big it was.

From what I've heard, it's still growing like crazy.

I don't know why I told you this.

>> No.9954955

I'm homesick for a place that doesn't exist any more.
I'm gonna go drink until I feel better.

>> No.9955367

I like budweiser and I'm not ashamed of it

>> No.9955376

those beautiful puppers became handsome doggos

>> No.9956656
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no , i got the ber

>> No.9956670

Normies were a mistake

>> No.9956687

dreher, zámolyi, and soproni are the top seller beers here anon
none of that bud light bs or is here
deal with it

>> No.9956700

also they are by far the best beer to drink on a hot day

i couldnt imagine drinking some dark syrupy beer or an ipa at a barbecue or a ball game

>> No.9956705
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tfw you are in the wilderness and paid for a friend to get you a thirty rack and this

>> No.9956743

ipa has soy

>> No.9956969

It makes me kinda sad that some people literally do not understand this. Especially if you are college aged. The main reason why people drink beers like bud light is because it is cheap and college kids dont have much money.

It must suck never going to a party with your bros and playing kings or flip cup with a bunch of different people.

>> No.9957532

depends. If I'm picking something up on the way to a party I'll normally get a crate of Grolsh or Brand, which is a step above Heineken imo, but I normally have a crate or two of Hertog Jan in my cellar that I buy whenever they're on sale.

I'm more into spirits personally, but a few beers to start off is always nice.

>> No.9957541

>a step above Heineken
ahahahah no. Maybe more trendy because it's not henieken but it sure as fuck doesn't taste better

>> No.9957637

Modelo and Yuengling are great.

>> No.9957713



My drink of choice if lagavulin, but I'm sure as fuck not drinking that outside when it's 110F. Gimme the ice-cold watery Miller, thanks.


Beer snobs hate fun

>> No.9957741

yuengling or heineken is usually what i show up to normie parties with. they are both cheap for a lot of beer and no one will complain about them since they barely have any taste and are not filling at all

>> No.9957799

I think it's better. Not by a large margin, but still better.

>> No.9957844

>tfw you live five minutes away from one of their breweries
Those growlers of Osiris are just to good

>> No.9957988
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>brought the beer

>> No.9958569

busch heavy duh. at one time it was #1 or 2 beer in the country for taste.

>> No.9958580


>> No.9958594

>No getting wasted off a 30 stone
The virign /ck/

>> No.9958604

craft beer is literally just wine for uppity faggots with huge greasy beards

>> No.9958614
