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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 1100x624, avocado-stoned-and-destoned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9943985 No.9943985 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your opinions on Avocados /ck/?

Personally i couldn't live without them.

>> No.9943995

begone keto

>> No.9944006

A fruit that should rightfully be extint.

>> No.9944011

I just like to eat healthy. I do not keto.

>> No.9944016

I think they're fine, but I don't think I've ever bought one. It's just something that's pleasing if I get it but not good enough to want.

>> No.9944169

I enjoy them. I like to make a spread some days for breakfast.

>> No.9944176

They have no taste. Why not just use meaty fats?

>> No.9944468

i really like them. the one in the photo isnt ripe, though. still needs some more time.

>> No.9944488
File: 89 KB, 700x500, shepard avocado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some avocados stay completely green when ripe, in Australia we have Shepards Feb-Apr

>> No.9945441

I almost choked on a seed once while sucking on it :^O

>> No.9945465

Virtue signaling "superfoods" from chemophobic college soyboy baristas who think normal food is racist. Every single fag who buys these things needs to be dropped out of a helicopter

>> No.9945496

What coffee shops sell avocados? Sounds like my kind of place, tbqhfam.

>> No.9945522


>> No.9945526


>> No.9945527

I don't like them

>> No.9945551


>tfw when taking the pit out and cracking an egg into each half’s hole, sprinkle salt and pepper over them, then putting them in the oven

Avocado eggs are something else. Wew lad

>> No.9945663

It's a meme food but goddamn is guac delicious.

>> No.9945667

>meme food
‘sup Reddit.

>> No.9945679
File: 415 KB, 1600x1071, 1509410586722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Virtue signaling "superfoods" from chemophobic college soyboy baristas who think normal food is racist

what language is this?

>> No.9945688

Their quality is getting worse, they're a cancer for mankind because people can't stop eating them.
The same person who won't eat meat and cheese but avocados and Iphones are somehow ok

>> No.9945701
File: 32 KB, 500x635, tortilleras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamm mexilibrul tumblrites abstaining from meat and cheese whilst embracing the newfangled "smart phones" to talk in their filthy mexican "language"

We need to build the wall!

>> No.9945708

do you live in a cave?

>> No.9945714

What? Is you're Trumpite dead brain only focused on mexicaaaans stealing your jobs?
Get one

>> No.9945723

I can't, the jews who run these (((globalist))) businesses want me to actually work. Who wants to do that!? We invented like, science and shit. Work is for the mexicans. I want to be a video game tester for EA games. I'd be really good at it if only the tech industry wasn't run by social justice warriors.

>> No.9945750

>Being called a redditor by a redditor.
4chan really has fallen off.

>> No.9945776

White people are the worst.

>> No.9945782

Whatever, who the fuck do you think pays your welfare Jamal?

>> No.9945790

not NEETs like you

>> No.9945822

I actually went to college and got a job, you should try it sometime. Stop hanging out on your momma's porch drinking malt liquor fucking loser.

>> No.9945830

I have a great job making bank in construction at $21/hour. I have a mortgage on a house I OWN, a truck and another car and make enough money to eat like a king and do whatever I want in my life. My tax dollars go towards supporting useless degenerates and undesirables like half of the people that browse this site. Fuck the welfare state.

>> No.9945835

Nonwhites are actually shit smeared onto the human race that have seized the opportunity to infest a wound in stoicism and strength and invaded the body as a constantly mutating infection that the body can no longer differentiate from good cells, resulting in an uncontrollable terminal disease. Just needed to balance the scales against your inferior, racist views.

>> No.9945836

Hey man write a book about your sensational life so I can not read it

>> No.9946246

>makes $21 an hour
> thinks he's making bank

>> No.9946256

white supremacism seems to be popular here on 4chan, known as the home of NEETs and degenerates


>> No.9946264

How do you keep these fresh for more than 2 minutes?

>> No.9946297

And yet here you are.

>> No.9946300

$21 x 40 hours x 52 weeks = $43,680. You are on the very bottom end of the middle class in America. You are not making bank.

>> No.9946317

Unobtainable or ridiculously expensive where I live, so I don't really care for them. Love me some guac tho.

>> No.9946323


You're getting back way more from the government than you're putting in.

You're welcome for my assistance, you broke fuck.

>> No.9946331

Taste like soap.

They're aight on some chicken, guacamole tastes like shit (IMO). 3/10 would not buy.

>> No.9946332

Oh hey, you're in that Taco Bell thread too.

>> No.9946335

i like them, but i have never bought one myself and could happily do without them

>> No.9946338

It really depends on where he is. Outside of San Fucksisco and Jew York City, 41k is actually more than enough to live. 20k more than the minimal needed for independent no-government money living, really.

>> No.9946343

Mean to say that it's 20k he can spend however he wants.

>> No.9946353

until you need medical care, of course

$20k is like one ambulance ride

>> No.9946403

>one ambulance ride
Eh, more like $2k at the more extreme sides. Starts at $600 usually. But unless you're actually dying and need the life support functions of an ambulance, a car ride is perfectly fine.

Medical care is actually quite cheap considering how awful the American health care system can get. Really depends on your situation though.

Also depends on if you retardedly go to the ER instead of your normal doctor for anything short of something potentially life-threatening within hours.

>> No.9946413

aww, thanks anon <3