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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9941214 No.9941214 [Reply] [Original]

THere is plenty of processed garbage I dont' like to eat, but what are some natural foods you cannot eat? Not due to allergies, but just to not liking the flavor/texgture/etc.?

I can not eat grapefruit or mountain yam. But other than that most things are fine

>> No.9941221

Kalamata olives

>> No.9941222

I can eat anything.
Coconut is the most vile shit in existence though.

>> No.9941227

I can't think of anything

>> No.9941258

You shutup, coconut is god's way of telling us he loves us.

That being said, pears are the worst: they're so bland and mealy. You wait for these trees to fruit and it's like nature is taking a dump in your mouth

>> No.9941271

Pears are good, dude. Tomatoes have an awful texture, though.

>> No.9941287

Stop stalking me.

>> No.9941310

The problem with pears is that it's hard to get one that's just ripe enough. They're usually too hard or too mushy, but when you find one that's just right, oh man they're great

>> No.9941333

You're all faggots who can't handle taste kino. The objectively worst food is Goji berries.

>> No.9941340

Oh shit trips vs trips. Goji v. coconut.

>> No.9941413


>> No.9941432

You should've have realized by now that I'm not worth stalking. Unless there is something specific you want?

>> No.9941454

Peas made me vomit when my parents tried feeding them to me when I was little. I avoid them at all costs.

>> No.9942041

I've been trying to find a way to eat vegetables. Like carrots, onions, lettuce, I can't eat because it makes me gag. Texture feels like chewing a flakey paper bag, taste is just wet trash.

It's already a huge fucking problem because I'm older than 20 and because of this, I weight ~200lb at 5'7" and I have awful as fuck prolapsed hemorrhoids. So I hate myself for everything.

Was planning on seeing a dietician about it soonish because I realized I can.

>> No.9942167

You should probably just learn to cook and season as well. I mean I get your fat, I'm fat but you can make most veggies taste great and keep em healthy. Learning how to season shit properly would probably help your diet out a lot more since you'd be fine having a large side of like sautéed mushrooms vs something that's way more calories.

>> No.9942227


Every day I thank my parents for rearing me on raw vegetables when I was young instead of fast food. I enjoy most of them and still eat them now. Literally can't imagine someone not being able to stomach carrots.

Fuck tomatoes though

>> No.9942250

How do people eat grapefruit? I've tried to like it but every time I buy it, it is inedibly better. I've tried broiling it with sweetener but it still tastes gross.

>> No.9942265

Never been a big fan of garbanzos or lima beans. They're too mealy textured. I can eat hummus just fine, but they suck whole.

>> No.9942393

Not sure what it's called in English, but it's this leaf used in SG locally called kodi paselakirai/chan choy. It's damn horrible. As soon as it starts to cook, it breaks down into slime.

The only other natural foods to which I have a strong aversion are horseradish and ripe papaya. I love green papaya but ripe papaya can fuck right of. Since horseradish isn't very common, I never have to worry about it, but ripe papaya is damn bad.

>> No.9942401


>> No.9942409


contrast it with something that goes with bitter. I recommend cubing it into a salad.

>> No.9942414

Olives are the only food I've ever tried that I absolutely hate. Everything else I've been at least indifferent to.

>> No.9942419

I can't eat poop, not because of the taste of texture, but because it reminds me of my wife who used to poop on my face.

>> No.9942447

I can't stand raw carrots, but carrot juice is delicious. I can also eat them if you cook them until they're mushy. Pressure cookers work well for that.

>> No.9942458

Have you tried them fresh? Canned peas are vile, but fresh ones, lightly cooked or steamed, are pretty fucking great.

>> No.9942532

>European Eggplant
>Raw tomato

I can tolerate these things sometimes except the eggplant, I've had it all kinds of ways and gag every time. Chinese eggplant is okay though.

>> No.9943649


>> No.9943712

Mayonnaise and cottage cheese. Can't do it by themselves, Can't, won't. Smell, texture, taste, fuck it all. I don't want my soul to suffer from something my mind and body actively rejects.
Fuck that shit. And haggis doesn't look very appetizing either.

>> No.9943729


>> No.9943747
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My roommate has a terrible food avoidance issue. For starters, he doesn't do bananas or pumpkin. Hardly any other fruits but apples. Won't do most vegetables but corn and green beans.
He will eat sandwiches from the local kitchen on campus, with a side of cottage cheese and some fries. And I've seen him eat an apple on more than one occasion. But this guy kind of eats like a kid that only eats pizzas, burgers, chicken wings, burritos, microwavable mac n' cheese, and granola bars.
It's really fucking hard to imagine him being as athletic as he is. He's the kind of guy who takes pre and post workout, used to run track, and has abs and will work out at the gym until it's 5 minutes until closing time. But eats like a fat kid.

For breakfast he eats pop tarts and then snacks on granola bars and drinks juice throughout the day. I don't fucking get it guys. I don't fucking get it AT ALL. And I'm over here on chicken breasts, broccoli and rice dinners with egg whites and turkey bacon for breakfast while running, walking, lifting, and body weight exercises every damn day damn near and I can't get my weight under 200 at 6'2". FUCK.

>> No.9943790

The only thing I've come across that I dislike is water chestnuts.

I'm pretty open to trying most things, and I enjoy most things.

>> No.9943803


I like pretty much all other seafood.
But these parasite ridden things can fuck off.

>> No.9943806

What are you, retarded?

>> No.9943810

I love it.
Used to go through a bag a week.

Putting salt/sugar or anything else on it is heresy.

>> No.9943813

White rice and fish, separately or together. I don't like the texture of either and I've had them cooked every way you can think of. Sushi is the worst food for me.

I love shellfish and brown rice though.

>> No.9943816

I love horseraddish.
You poor unfortunate soul.

>> No.9943845

mushrooms, squash, and tomatoes are gross and for faggots

>> No.9943856

I can eat literally anything but anchovies. I eat sardines out of the can, but anchovies are just overwhelmingly salty hairballs.

>> No.9945451

If you can not eat something it implies you can also eat it.

>> No.9945466


Celery. I could piss on a whole raw onion and then eat it easier than I could eat celery.

>> No.9945469

Try em as a condiment rather than a food in themselves.
I like to top my cream cheese bagels with them.
They're also great chopped up on salads with cheese

>> No.9945472

onions, cucumbers, and celery.

the taste is overpowering with even a tiny granule of any of these and the texture immediately sends "NOT EDIBLE" signals to my brain.

they're fine when cooked down to a point where they're extremely soft and have much less flavor though.

>> No.9945473

really made me think. thank you for sharing

>> No.9945477

Fucking crab, which sucks because its delicious.
My mouth and hands get really itchy for some reason.

>> No.9945487

Crab lobster shrimp any crustacean really.

>> No.9945511

I too share this papaya sentiment. I can't stand ripe papaya. The smell of them makes me gag, especially when they are getting overly ripe. Green papayas are great though, especially in soups.

Also fuck okra
The slime

>> No.9945557

Sounds like allergies

>> No.9945567
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Raw mango. I'm fine with it dried or candied, but raw is just, too much? Which is weird because I can eat any and all other fruit.

Also sucks that because of my ethnicity my family often gives it as a gift, so when I decline politely they get on my case about it.

Also mint leaves. Overpowers anything I put it in.

>> No.9945571


What ethnicity are you? I’m just curious because mangos are my favourite food and I would honestly consider marrying a girl who’s family would often gift us mangos.

>> No.9947259


>> No.9947447

I can't stand raw tomatos. Basically the only vegetable I don't like.

>> No.9947877

Go Whole Food Plant Based for a couple weeks and you will understand why you haven't been losing weight. Zero animal products and byproducts for 2 weeks. Trust me, I used to be built like those world's strongest man competitors. Now I'm plant based and feel 300% better. Wish I had done this earlier in life. Black beans are your friend.

>> No.9949308


>> No.9949445

i cut out grains and eat mainly vegetables and then some meat and i feel great and have been losing weight

>> No.9949471

Onions....i hate fucking Onions, no joke...doesn't make my life easier....

>> No.9950229
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I love the flavour but I hate the fucking texture. Those fucking weird chewy fibers.

>Raw carrot
Somehow eating raw carrot the juices come out and you'll end up with dry carrot mush.

Just plain salty and tastes weird by themselves

I don't eat middle eastern or greek food almost at all so to me it just tastes off.
It reminds me of chewing gum, tooth paste and medicine. It also visually reminds me of tooth paste when it's usually added in yoghurt

Although I will eat all of the above out of courtesy. I don't like those but it doesn't bring the world down if I eat them. I can't think of much more offending behaviour than refusing from someone's cooking just because you're a picky fucker.