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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 192 KB, 540x360, portland-lobster-co-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9940479 No.9940479 [Reply] [Original]

Why is America the only country that knows how to make good seafood? I was traveling abroad in Europe and, being a seafood aficionado, I would always order some shellfish. Lobster being my numero uno, crab and oysters coming second. Every lobster and crab was always cold, served like cooked but cold?

How hard is it to make a crab or lobster? I had a bunch of other styled dishes with their fancy sauces and schmauces and this and that and it was never as good as some good ole American steamed crab or lobster. How hard is it to make good seafood...

Steam or boil the sonna of bitch, give me some melted butter and let me go to flavor town goddamnit.

>> No.9940492

Europe’s a pretty big place, anon.

>> No.9940821

For as much shit as they talk, Europeans aren’t actually good at cooking

>> No.9940838

Fact: The bottom of Europe's oceans are lined with drowned immigrant niggers and the fish are feeding on this poor quality food.

>> No.9940852

at least you didnt get shot

>> No.9940863

man seafood in the us sucks, i tried lobster oysters and crab multiple times and i could tell it wasnt the freshest. i was in texas btw, but US=US

>> No.9940867

>I’m a seafood aficionado achtually m’lady. I see food, I eat it.

>> No.9940873

gbt /pol/

>> No.9940877

I get your point but you DO realize that texas is next to a major body of water, right?

>> No.9940884

Even the best European food is cooked in the US. Europe isn’t actually good at anything.

>> No.9940891

America has better quality shellfish in general, idk about fish though. I had some top tier seafood in Spain and Italy, idk what you're talking about.

>> No.9940897

You know Europe isn't really a place where lobster and crabs and general see insects grow in masses, right?

You want to eat european stuff comming out of water, you get yourself some clams or fish

>> No.9940908

For you.

>> No.9940910

As a Texan, you're a goddamn fool for eating seafood from the gulf. CA/ME have legit quality seafood, fuck Providence has an amazing selection and it's a glorified shithole. The US is a rather large place, moron.

>> No.9940912

and octopus and squid

sounds like OP stayed inland the entire time

>> No.9940917


what's "europe" you fucking amerilard

were you in lisbon? malmo? manchester? athens?

go fuck yourself

>> No.9940924

lol even the fish in eurotrashland is poor

>> No.9940937
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European fish is so shit, they have to fry it to make it edible

>> No.9940942

You mean Mogadishu?

>> No.9940951

It seems though most European fishes are fried, heavily salted, or pickled. It must suck not having decent enough fish to simply grill.

>> No.9940972

yeah but they are culturally enriched so who cares about good food when living in paradise?

>> No.9940979

They're all equally overrun by Mooslims so it's all the same to me.

>> No.9941002

t. 52%

>> No.9941018


no i meant malmo dumbass


t. someone who has visited only germany

>> No.9941025

>not overrun with Muslims

>> No.9941038
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Just stay home if you can't handle things being different.

>> No.9941048

Fuck off racist

>> No.9941049

>germany's muslim population @ 5%
Nice hyperbole 56%er!

>> No.9941155

lol I wish

>> No.9941273

I was actually on the coast of Europe, seafood was very common but it was all the same.

>> No.9941275

>American food is so shit, they have to fry it to make it edible.

>> No.9941286

You don't have to "cook" seafood you just ad an acid to it

>> No.9941323

enjoy your lung flukes

>> No.9941427

Haha punch a Nazi hahaha!! So brave!

>> No.9941435
File: 59 KB, 600x600, 3567og.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck do you have to keep making these fucking threads? nobody is amused by your sea roach fantasies faggot. you keep eating these fucking disgusting things like youre some fucking royal faggot who needs the finest way to prepare a fucking disgusting creature

shut this thread down and kill yourself tonight

>> No.9941499

2 martial artists empty out each others nuts

>> No.9941539

>numero uno

who the fuck are you trying to impress? no need for the fancy words describing your waterbug eating ways

>> No.9941654

>the world famous “coast of Europe”!
I bet you haven’t even got a passport.
What’s was so bad about it? Did it not make you shart enough, you smelly fat cunt?

>> No.9941669

Isn't the coast of Europe where thousands of Americans were killed and wounded so you can have the freedom to shitpost on American invented internet?

>> No.9941928

>live in WA
>want lobster
>go to restraunt
>get lobster
>it's not very good, kind of watery, like crab but worse
later I learned that lobster sucks frozen and only the shitty ones can survive being transported live, and the only way to get the good stuff is to go directly to where they harvest it
we've got good crab here anyway

>> No.9942108

I do have a passport and the seafood was just bland. Cold and not hot and toasty.

>> No.9942175

So what part on the “coast of Europe” where you at?

>> No.9942210

Between the British islands and the main continent, they spoke a foreign language there that sounded unAmerican

>> No.9942246

enjoy your sea roaches

>> No.9942320

The Soviets bested the nazis, retard.

>> No.9942329

Is that why America won WW2?

>> No.9942356
File: 84 KB, 1200x1200, 56_burger_mutt_strikes_again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are the defenders of FREEDOM!!
>the rest of the world would be a shithole without us!!

>> No.9942377
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I assume this is bait but kill yourself.

>never had Portuguese/Spanish/Italian/Greek seafood


>> No.9942587

it's just sea food. why are you mad?

>> No.9942620

He has autism and can't help but make threads about "le sea roaches xDDD" and respond angrily to any post related to seafood. He also can't seem to formulate an argument so I just ignore him.

>> No.9942629
File: 23 KB, 279x440, 1510674946752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my taste preferences were shaped by the region in which i grew up!
>your taste preferences should be shaped by the region in which I grew up!
fuck off retard

>> No.9942652

kek amerifats will eat anything that's advertised to them. You could put shit on a stick and if marketed right they will eat it.

>> No.9942666
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>> No.9942683

Fucking Mutts

If you don't like it stay the fuck in your own country

>> No.9942689

Did you get lost looking for Facebook?
I love all the Muslims who stay in their shit holes where they belong by the way.so in not racist, only against migration

>> No.9942726

We would but you assholes encourage us to visit and when we do, and then are unimpressed with your shitty food and childish attitude, you're still upset.

Either make up your damn minds or shut the fuck up about your shitty food.

>> No.9942842

Why do americans take the heads off their prawns? That's where all the flavor is you timid idiots.

>> No.9943204

there's also flavor in dog dick. would you eat that too?

>> No.9943248

england doesnt even use its own fish. they import dogfish from america. like legit disgusting trash sharks.

>> No.9943267

USA fought for jews. And now the jews are killing us. Nazis were freedom.

>> No.9943394
File: 80 KB, 600x396, dolphin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do have a passport and the seafood was just bland. Cold and not hot and toasty.
Cold poached is a legit way, and common way, to serve seafood.

I would say the American palate doesn't tolerate fishy strong fish as much as the rest of the world, or older generations. We aren't as into the cold water oily fish that is salted or tinned, whether pickled or packed in oil. No, thank you. We don't even as much like lake fish for tasting muddy. We have so much coastline, and effective transportation, that if it isn't live/fresh when cooked, we know it. If it wasn't frozen onboard a vessel, we know it. That said, very stupid and very poor people can and do buy mysterious fingers, filets and other "white fish" such as swai and god awful mekong delta farmed "basa" crap that is showing up in restaurants. People who love seafood will know the right fishmonger in town, buys fish in season, or live, and probably fishes on vacation, whether it be salmon in alaska or dolphinfish or snapper in Florida. They're only raw oysters at an actual coastal seafood restaurant, not an afterthought menu item at a steak restaurant. And, price doesn't matter. Nothing beats stone crabs for sustainability or the season. It's served COLD, and the dipping sauce is a mustardy mayo with a delicious deviled egg flavor.

>> No.9943403

Fuck you, Providence isn't glorified

>> No.9943437

>you timid idiots
kek I luv it. You have to admit, other than the midwest and southern flyover wierdo xtians, the last word you'd use to describe americucks is "timid."

>> No.9943452

Yeah, I'd like a source for that... "fact".

>> No.9943469

>the American palate doesn't tolerate.-
Sums up life.

>> No.9943640
File: 34 KB, 1280x720, amurican is happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Yes, I gave it to that stupid Europeans!!!

>> No.9943690

>Steam or boil the sonna of bitch, give me some melted butter and let me go to flavor town goddamnit.
>Steam or boil the sonna of bitch, give me some melted butter

Sounds to me like you have conditioned taste buds, or have already decided what you like.

>> No.9943707

Do all Americans have challah for a face?

>> No.9943724

both of you are ocean cockroach eating faggots using seasonings to make the bullshit taste better

kill yourselves

>> No.9943732
File: 99 KB, 900x613, smögen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>europeans suck at shellfish!!!

*blocks ur path*

>> No.9943785

Shellfish is better in the US, Japan shits all over the US when it comes to fish prepared anyway besides blackened, which is good but mostly used to improve bad fish

>> No.9943787

Looks delicious.

>> No.9943795
File: 153 KB, 769x595, watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes. Looks like I've been told by some random jackass on the Internet!

>> No.9943818

Europe is dogshit when it comes to seafood because of how far up they are, it's all frozen and fermented and shitty fish like Cod.
America has better temperate coastlines with lots of shellfish, freshwater fish, and etc.
Asia shits all over both of them.

>> No.9943868

obsessed lmao

>> No.9943873

Damn you took all the time to draw that image so you could angrily reply to americans on this website? Youre like... obsessed or something

>> No.9943881

t. 56%er

>> No.9943887
File: 72 KB, 1200x740, 1505587475894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jealous 0%er can't even get in the country

>> No.9943925

Umm, sweatie you'll have to do better than that.

>> No.9944398
File: 59 KB, 250x197, BAGUETTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sense butthurt Eurotrash.

>> No.9944502

>he has autism so blah blah blah i just ignore him

I noticed

>> No.9944717
File: 276 KB, 1137x1024, big-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9944755

Do you circumcise your dogs aswell or is it only your sons penises that you mutilate to please your Jewish masters?

>> No.9944779

this is just a thinly-veiled Europe hate thread.
i was in Paris and there was plenty of fresh seafood. however, i did not stay long enough to see if they had hot-cooked seafood. i only had the oysters. this one fucker at a farmer's market sold me a lukewarm scallop though. i recall it was 8 euros for that skewer.

in general, it depends on where you go. OP is just LARPing.

if you want great seafood just go to the Nordic countries, Denmark or Norway specifically.

>> No.9944792

>be a man
>lack the balls to go dive for your own lobster
>go buy lobster, expect it to be fresh and cooked
>its actually cold and shitty because many restaurants are run by idiots
>you didn't look up reviews ahead of time to pick the best purveyor of cooked lobster
>feel disappointed but too much of a fag to do anything about it
>go on /ck/ and complain about it instead

nut up and go dive for your own lobster, or just buy it live and cook it yourself. it's very easy. this guy's living the dream:

even women can do it:

>> No.9944808

seafood here in aus is pretty good my dudes

>> No.9944912

somebody call the wambulance

>> No.9944931

I lol'd don't listen to the soft pussies that started infesting this site.

>> No.9945190

Sadly, most of them reach the shores