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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9934494 No.9934494 [Reply] [Original]

Gonna make cookies for the first time this weekend, any tips?

>> No.9934502

Use plenty of salt

>> No.9934507

Yeah, kill yourself

>> No.9934518

what kind?

>> No.9934531

Chocolate chip cookies, but I still have to find a good recipe

>> No.9934541

member to chill the dough

>> No.9934571

Cream the butter and sugar well and then cream it some more. Use parchment paper or a silpat. Preheat your oven and then preheat it some more before you start baking. Even better if you have a pizza stone on the bottom rack. It will hold heat and help to even out temp fluctuations and help prevent burning on the underside of your cookies. The downside to a pizza stone is it adds a lot of time to get your oven up to temp. Rotate the baking sheet 2/3rds of the way through. Double whatever the recipe calls for for vanilla extract. A little instant espresso powder will help enhance the flavor of chocolate.

>> No.9934576

the perfect cookie is the opposite of 'al dente'.

>> No.9934756
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try my recipe. it's great

>> No.9934763


>> No.9934790

You spelled "not properly cooked" wrong

>> No.9934795

What is the purpose and benefit of creaming butter and sugar? I've made perfectly fine cookies by melting the butter and then dissolving the sugar in it.

Yea I could search online but I want /ck/s opinions.

>> No.9934807

if they're for a reason (birthday, gift, etc) make some now so you get practice. they dont take long.

pull them out when they're browning on the outside but still soft in the middle and they'll be perfectly cooked from internal heat after cooling

>> No.9934841

Soft i think

>> No.9935514
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i like the basics

100g flour
75g butter(hard kind)
50g sugar
half teaspoon salt.

usually i triple this and make standard cookies.
my brother say they are like crack because you can eat them endlessly without feeling like shit or getting very full.

>> No.9935560

How come some recipes call for brown sugar AND normal sugar? What the actual fuck is the difference, tastes the same to me.

Used to make hundreds of cookies a day as a prep cook, GODS, those were the days. Never managed to make marshmallows work, sadly. Best I could do is put one in the middle. Don't ever make marshmallow cookies, it's shit.

>> No.9935589

gib recipes.

>> No.9935614

I find it impossible to believe you can't taste the molasses in brown sugar.

>> No.9935829

>What is the purpose and benefit of creaming butter and sugar?
for leavening and texture

>> No.9936022

This is the only recipe I use.
The corn starch really is the secret ingredient (though I recommend substituting vanilla pudding mix if you have any)
Also as >>9934541 said chilling the dough is a must


>> No.9936044

Melt the butter, but don't liquefy it.

>> No.9936046

Forgive the atrocious link below, most people don't trust a bitly link these days. Anyway, this chart shows the differences in common cookie ingredients. A mixture of granulated and brown sugar will result in a different finished cookie compared to all brown or all granulated.


>> No.9936099

Make sure to warm the butter overnight and use a little extra flour

>> No.9936589

I always use less flour because my cookies get crispy when I follow the recipes

>> No.9936607

fuck, so too much flower is why my cookies come out like balls.

>> No.9936763

If you don't do so then they will run out all over the place.

If the dough is chilled they will expand a little but bake into a good cookie shape.
But if you bake with the dough at room temp the butter will melt too fast and it will run out all over the place.

>> No.9936774

Sounds good. If you want to up your game then go:

>less salt
>bit of vanilla extract
>some cinnamon
>replace half the sugar with brown sugar.

>> No.9936879
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Don't use margarine.

>> No.9936892


Add some DUDE LMAO