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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9934001 No.9934001 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys! Winter is past it’s peak, but I figured now would be a good time to finally share my special hot coco recipe!
Get comfy, cause it’s time for some winter delight.

>> No.9934011
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So first up, you need a mug!
I’m using carnage here, because what better place to keep your coco than the head of a psychopath?
it’s also the largest mug I own
Then, you need a single packet of hot coco powder. I like this kind, because it has tiny marshmallows inside of it.

>> No.9934012

>Winter is past it’s peak,
Not on East coast US it isn't

>> No.9934016

Then what

>> No.9934017

>Winter is past it’s peak
But the official first day of winter was only like 2 weeks ago?
But I'm down for a comfy thread.

>> No.9934022
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Took me a while to get the comf ready, but it looks like I'm not too late.

>> No.9934025
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I’m glad you asked!
So here’s our mug right now, but it’s a little underwhelming.

>> No.9934029
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So let’s take this to the next level.

>> No.9934030

Could you slow down pls

>> No.9934033

Woah there tiger, that's a lot of powder.

>> No.9934035
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Just 2 to 3 spoonfuls should be enough.
Nothing can stop this now.

>> No.9934039

Question spoonfuls of what

>> No.9934042

that spoonfull is fucking heaping mate, you put in 3 your gonna end with more poweder than drink.

>> No.9934044

>winter is past its peak
nigga its fimvulwinter. WE ICE AGE NAO

>> No.9934045
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Now it’s time for the liquid phase! You could just use milk, but why bother when you can use eggnog!
Canned hot coco powder, as opposed to the packet stuff.

>> No.9934049
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Fill it up halfway with eggnog. Don’t want to get too rich, now do we?

>> No.9934051

How fucking fat are you?

>> No.9934053
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And fill the rest with milk!

>> No.9934054

where'd you get that sweet mug? i want a venom mug

>> No.9934055

Why u bring the milk out if you do not use, sad to be the milk Oh?:(

>> No.9934058

Pls slow down some of us try to follow

>> No.9934063

Pls speed up, some of us hate waiting.

>> No.9934064
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Make sure to stir it so that thick layer of powder gets all kicked up!
Good question! It’s the only good item I ever got out of loot crate in the short time I tried it out. Everything else was complete garbage I threw out, but the carnage mug was pretty sweet.

>> No.9934067
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Now, throw it in the microwave for 1 minute. After that minute is up, stir thouroughly.

>> No.9934070
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Then add your marshmallows!

>> No.9934073
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And, of course, 2 handfuls of mini chocolate chips.

>> No.9934075

Congrats! You've produced a cup of disgusting slop.

>> No.9934078
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Throw it back in the microwave for another minute, to soften the marshmallows and chocolate chips.

>> No.9934081

What about instead two mini handfuls of regular chocolate chips? I don't want to go back to the store

>> No.9934084
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But we’re not done yet.
If you’ve got any mini marshmallows, bows the time to let loose with them!

>> No.9934085

>that finger
enough sugar for ya there, tubby?

>> No.9934087

Hold the phone, you ALREADY had marshmallows.

>> No.9934091

We're making chocolatey memories

>> No.9934092
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Annnnnd drizzle it with chocolate syrup.
That should work just fine anon.

>> No.9934097
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I haven’t got any whipped cream, so unfortunately I can’t garnish it properly.
Now, add whipped cream and another handfull of chocochips as sprinkles! Garnish with 2 sticks of pocky.

>> No.9934102
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All done!
Look how happy carnage is!
I hope you all have a lovely new year, even those of you on the east coast who are currently being eaten by the snow god.

>> No.9934108

When do we add the country POTATO

>> No.9934145
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Oh god I’m gonna puke
The joke wasn’t worth it

>> No.9934171

>I’m gonna puke
finally!! here come's the good pics.

>> No.9934197

>making instant cocoa with anything but water
its like you want to be a fat fuck all your life

>> No.9934293
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Include me in the screencap. Hello, /r/4Chan!