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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9933727 No.9933727 [Reply] [Original]

>used to think that all women are vegetarian

>> No.9933743

used to think garlic was super powerful and i was scared to use any more than dash of garlic powder.

now i'll use a whole head of garlic in a small batch of tomato sauce.

>> No.9933747

you are not entirely wrong, all vegetarians are efeminate, specially the soyboys

>> No.9934152

I used to think sushi was gross and overrated, but a friend took me to a high end sushi shop which opened my eyes.

>> No.9934182

When I was a kid I thought you couldn't eat rare steak without getting sick. Luckily I grew out of that one.

>> No.9936212

I thought chocolate milk came from brown cow

>> No.9936216

I used to think beans went in chili

>> No.9936221

> "soyboys"

>> No.9936289

>some ground meat and tomato chunks in tomato and chili pepper juice
it's not chili unless there's beans in it
why do you think shit like canned chili and restaurants have to specify if it's "beanless"? Because the default is that chili has beans
no bean fags btfo

>> No.9936612

>t. soyboy

>> No.9936648
File: 14 KB, 263x192, jellybeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>used to believe jelly beans would make you fart in color

>> No.9936680

This level of autism is staggering

>> No.9936698

I used to think our food didn't cause cancer.
Used to think biological vegetables weren't sprayed, that bio-meat didn't have antibiotics in them.

Used to think it's weird our tinycountry makes over 200 miljard in agriculture a year, yet can't buy decently priced vegetables except for stupid frozen spinach with added sugar nshiet.