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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 602x452, main-qimg-482d8ff445c8a1ea592a8fd4a78e18dd-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9930487 No.9930487 [Reply] [Original]

How autistic do you have to be to have your steak like this? Might as well fucking bite a living cow at that point.

>> No.9930496

I always order medium well at restaurants.

>> No.9930501

when did autistic become the buzzword at this site anyway? 2012?

>> No.9930507

>anything but well-done
Literally only Americans do this, because they're meat is so bad it needs to be fucking raw to pretend it tastes good.

>> No.9930524

Worked at a hotel which asked patrons to sign their receipts if they ordered their steak like that. It must be like chewing glue. Blue is a meme

>> No.9930553

I don't eat meat.

>> No.9930557

>american trying to make people think he's a cool european

>> No.9930558

>still eating

>> No.9930566

Jelly meat is disgusting, it tastes better when it's actually cooked anyway, still soft and pink though.

>> No.9930569

>they’re meat
Literally they are meat?

>> No.9930571

>anything but argentinean meat
In a sense we are a cooler Europe though. We even have more white people!

>> No.9930576

Well, everyone is literally meat if you think about it.

>> No.9930607

>they're meat

also we probably produce some of the best beef in the world.

shut up yuropoor you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.9930611

Yeah american meat is so good! Full of yummy soy and estrogens!

>> No.9930615
File: 27 KB, 207x243, D1F4FD19-9F94-4BFF-8C95-CA788163F3D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my countries antibiotic ridden, GMO corn fed beef is world class

>> No.9930624

Take a week off of 4chan, friend. You need it.

>> No.9930625

america undeniably has world class beef. Just because the cheap stuff is slop doesn't mean that there aren't farm raised, grass fed, free range cows out there. It's just more expensive and you yuropoors wouldn't know anything about that.

>> No.9930630


lol okay guys


>> No.9930636
File: 13 KB, 300x169, 1509988261814-300x169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah TELL EM!!!! American meat is EPIC!!!!!!

>> No.9930651

I didn't say anything about the state of the country. We are a degenerate shithole just like whatever poor country you live in.

We just have tasty cows.

>> No.9930658

that amerimutt looks like nearly every puerto rican in florida

>> No.9930662

You don't really want to sear filet mignon that dark anyways, this shit is just retarded

>> No.9930836

That whustof pairing knife tho

>> No.9930848

>what happens when a /pol/ fag wanders off of his safe space
a lot of us voted the same as you, it's just that you're a retard

>> No.9930877


Yes. You probably do. But the chances are that noone on 4chan has ever tried it and only eats the derivative shit that the same farm mass produces to sell on the name like all those Wagyu sellers who sell the AAA stock to high tier restaurants and their lesser stock to supermarkets and butchers.

There's a reason those farmers aren't out of business and it's not the insane prices of the actual high class beef, it's the marketing of generic beef under their name.

>> No.9930943

What's wrong with blue rare?

>> No.9931053

Over seared. The red should go right out to the outside. I'm sorry you can only afford shitty meat, OP.

>> No.9931073

>Literally only Americans do this,
Wrong. Most Europeans do this as well.

You must be from the third world.

>> No.9931095


Slightly too well done for me 2BH.

>> No.9931146
File: 92 KB, 796x797, pineapple_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have the pic of the plate with blue rare steak slices, pain arugula, and a baked potato with creamy salad shit on top? used to be a common bait image

>> No.9931168

This is easily the most embarrassing board on 4chan, how are you guys this retarded.

>> No.9931201

the better the steak, the rarer you should eat it

>> No.9931247
File: 621 KB, 1020x500, strips-vegan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9931248

I love raw meat (steak tartare, carpaccio...), but I would never order a blue steak.
The meat in the center has to be subjected to a bit of heat to start releasing juices, otherwise it will be too tough to chew. That's why when you eat it raw you slice it very thinly (carpaccio) or you mince it (tartare).
A blue rare steak is still a lot better than a well done one, though.

>> No.9931536

Lol ok dude

>> No.9931902

>A blue rare steak is still a lot better than a well done one, though.
Only retards believe this.

>> No.9931919

How autistic do you have to be to get butthurt over how people like their steak?

>> No.9931926

do you know where you are?

>> No.9931930

Pretty sure this is bait but either way yurops can't fathom eating anything less than well done due to the vastly unhygienic conditions and parasites

>> No.9931932


>> No.9932030

That argentinian delusion

>> No.9932042

juice looks cooked, no bloody red colr. I don't see a problem

>> No.9932229

That steak wasn't cooked. It was seared and never finished

>> No.9932998

So you admit that raw meat tastes better than well-done burnt meat...

>> No.9933002


>> No.9933020

>. We are a degenerate shithole just like whatever poor country you live in.

Japan. Quite the opposite of degenerate (could do with a little though... birthrates etc) and better cows

>> No.9933066

why is everything autistic? does that even mean anything, anymore?

>> No.9933969

Americans can eat it raw because we got stricter food practices with all our antibiotics and shit so it's generally safer than Euro beef.

>> No.9933982

>Japan. Quite the opposite of degenerate

>> No.9933990
File: 589 KB, 800x566, If I Can Get It In You Can Too!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so it's generally safer than Euro beef
You mean those halal horses right?

>> No.9935479
File: 20 KB, 600x497, f57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

antibiotics in beef are somehow a good thing

>> No.9935556

If you're partial to raw beef, yes

>> No.9935646

What would be bad about it? I understand that using so much antibiotics will be bad in the long run due to immunities and stuff, but why would it hurt the meat that you get on your table

>> No.9936982


No one would actually eat this at home

It's about making a public display

>> No.9937028

>at fancy resurant with date, want to impress her, order black and blue steak
>steak comes, take a bite, its disgusting spit into napkin
>"are you aright?"
>try to finish steak to impress her, pain is obvious on your face as your struggle
>date tries to converse with me, too concentrated on impressing her to respond
>after two hours she gets bored and leaves
>that'll be two hundred and thirty dollars, sir

>> No.9937051

>not eating living cows

>> No.9937055

>be OP
>mom takes me out to steak restaurant to celebrate her birthday
>dad didn't want to come
>waiter comes and takes her order
>i butt in and order chicken nuggets from the kid's menu
>waitress visibly disgusted
>mom visibly disgusted
>other patrons visibly disgusted
>mom orders a medium rare steak
>watch her cut into it
>it's pink
>cause a scene about people eating raw meat
>staff ask us to leave
>mom cries on the way home
>make thread on /ck/ about people eating "raw" meat
Fucking autists.

>> No.9937095

>be a local farmer's fuccboi
>he butchers young calfs for me. Younger than local regulation allows.

Meat is delicious. He is a self-hating closet homo, and his wife is a prude, so he pounds my ass without any mercy. It hurts, but the meat is worth it.