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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9924433 No.9924433 [Reply] [Original]

what makes you angry at the good ole grocery store, for me it's everyone.

>> No.9924442


>> No.9924450

Forgetting to check use by dates and getting chocolate milk that expires in like 2 days

>> No.9924463

>you must not grab from your milk from the back of the section

>> No.9924464

Old people, luddites, and foreigners that go to the self-checkout lane without a plan. First of all the sign says 20 items or less, and if you don't know what the fuck you're doing and need to ask someone for help then go through the checkout isle with the person that will do the whole thing for you. These are the same people that cut you off on the highway before realizing that they don't want to be in that lane after all, or pull into the drive-through lane determined to spend a hundred bucks but have no idea what they want to order.

>> No.9924474

I just moved to a new town a few weeks ago. There's only one grocery store in town and they don't have a self-checkout, like the grocery store in my old town had. I hate having to make small talk with the fucking cashier.

>> No.9924524


and this

>> No.9924581

Why do people always complain about making small talk? Are you that fucking autistic?

>> No.9924593

Kids which aren't on leashes

>> No.9924660

People who loiter in the middle of isles not paying attention to the people around them.

>> No.9924719


>> No.9924742

Forced politeness is a cancer on society. Not actual politeness, but politeness that is forced and faked.

>> No.9924746

Is it so hard to actually be polite? Maybe you're the one who's forcing it.

>> No.9924768


>> No.9924780

This, also applies to sidewalks, roads and bike lanes

>> No.9924792
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>they don't know about the stores without these annoyances

>> No.9924800

grocery jesters

>> No.9924809

Those are not an option for fatties who buy food that comes in brands instead of just cultivars.

>> No.9924822

This kind of specific nignog behavior that happens over and over:
>registers are 4 deep with customers
>1 register has 1 fatass negress with @10 items
>great, this time it will be different. Get behind with smug smile.
>her 10 items are 5 separate monetary transactions for her 14 yo daughter, Shaniqua, Shaniqua's 3rd son by god knows who, her 2nd cousin twice removed Jamal, herself, and her current bf, Tyrone

Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.9925039

Being approached by a stock person trying to be a sales person.

>> No.9925472

The shopping cart I grab always has a wobbly wheel with shit caught on it.
People asking for handouts when they're twice my size.
Bread I buy from winco has mold hiding behind colored labels.

>> No.9925489

When I am obviously shoplifting, and they follow me around with no regard for the fact I am way too strong and dangerous to stop. When they follow me out to my car with my cart of unbagged stolen food and realize I am a pro, and have already removed my licence plate.

>> No.9925499


>> No.9925548


fucking kids everywhere I want to knee those little annoying cunts in the face and see the horror on their vapid parents too dumb to aknowledge the existence of their little spawn of satan.

I want to mince their meat on the meat section and feed them to their parents, screaming as they choke on little timmy.

>> No.9925587

Asking anyone for anything outside of frozen pizza and beer. Also, they act like they've never even heard of corn starch or boullion cubes. I get that these failures don't use that kind of stuff, but they must have heard of it working in a grocery store. Fuck.

>> No.9925596

Really, there's only 3 things at the store that burn my biscuits:
>people blocking the aisles with their carts or big fat asses
>not enough checkout lanes open
>slow ass or stupid checkers

The night before Christmas I had a problem with the last two all in one. All i was buying was more eggnog, and a couple of things I forgot for breakfast. The checker was slow as fuck, I stood in line forever, and then she double charged me for the eggnog, so she slllooowwwly went back and redid everything, and then tried to put my groceries in someone else's bag, and tried to hand my change to the guy behind me. She was a walking clusterfuck. She had to be either high, or on some kind of pills.

>> No.9925608

People shoving their shopping carts directly in my path.

>> No.9925644

People that leave their carts at the end or smack dab in the middle of an aisle to go get something three aisles over.

>> No.9925900

Thats not a problem if you drink it all in one go.
Usually on the train ride home... while sara sits across from you...mmm sara...milkies.

>> No.9925913

Where do you think you are?

>> No.9926283

it really wasn't.
also they don't have those here

>> No.9926338
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Leaving a long silent smelly fart in an empty aisle then having an attractive women round the corner heading towards you.

>> No.9926353


>> No.9926359

So, Canadian culture?

>> No.9926404


Seeing an unemployed landwhale and her swarming lardettes at the register in front of me with two carts of junk food, boxed frozen meals and bologna and canned alfredo and shit, debating with the cashier about what can and can't be put on EBT because I made the mistake of shopping the day that food stamp money is deposited.

>> No.9926412

Older women who notice each other and engage in conversation, blocking the entire isle, and if you say "excuse me" to pass through, they get flustered and start moving their cart back and forth not sure where to go, so they scoot their cart over 2 inches like it fucking helps the situation at all and resume their conversation about Helen's friend Tammy who's son was caught smoking "the dope" oh dear heavens

>> No.9926419

>posting this meme

>> No.9926422

My greatest pet peeve is when my manager complains that I'm not working fast enough during my shifts even though we have never worked at the same time. I think she underestimates just how busy closing shifts can be

>> No.9926435

i.e. niggers

>> No.9926592

A woman was blocking the entire aisle with her cart the other day at the store so I just moved the cart to the side and she had to the gall to say “um excuse me?”
blood vessel in my forehead felt like it was going to explode

>> No.9926611

I don't think you really understand the concept of politeness.

>> No.9926685

Walmart signing people up for their credit card in the checkout line. It takes 15 minutes while I'm waiting to get out of that shithole.

>> No.9926686

>do you got a rewards card with us?

no, fuck off.

>> No.9926713

>expecting rational thought
Anon I...

>> No.9926733

>mfw I get to self checkout line behind someone older than 45

Something always goes wrong and they always just stand there, dumbfounded.

>> No.9926740

It makes me so mad it blew my face off

>> No.9926768

This. My kroger and walmart are in a small southern shit hole of a town and there are always a couple old hens gabbing about some shitass life issues blocking every fucking aisle. It's as if the grocery store is the center of social life in this BFE. I mean christ, they see each other in their pentecostal pews every sunday, they don't need to be socializing in areas where people are trying to get in and out.

>> No.9927190
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>he doesn't know about the stores without those kids

>> No.9927223

Is she dumb? EBT is simple. If it's a food/drink, and not alcohol, not pet food, not hot food, it's covered. If it's not food, it's not covered.

>> No.9927302
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>> No.9927337

You don't have grocery stores?

>> No.9927346

And some items are to be rung up on EBT, but not all. And she doesn't know/care which ones will/won't work, so she just makes the poor cashier figure it out, wasting more time.

>> No.9927365

Old people are objectively the worst customers to deal with after middle-aged women. Anyone who says otherwise is being contrary for the sake of being contrary.

>> No.9927373

True. And what's worse is that they decide that the best time to go shopping is rush hour. They are retired, and have all day to shop, and shopping midday is nice and peaceful, but noooo......they have to be there at a time when everyone else is, so they feel like they are still a part of society. Stupid motherfuckers.

>> No.9927383

I felt the same way as a teenager

>> No.9927483

I agree. everyone should be who they are instead of being 'fake'. seriously, if you have a problem with something I'm doing just ask or say, then again, everyone likes to be cucks irl for some reason.

>> No.9927498

>self checkout
>problem happens where you will need the assistant
>assistant isn't around the area
I know Walmart isn't the best job to have but at least do your fucking job.

>> No.9927501

Cunts that abandon their carts in the middle of the aisle and wonder off to look at something.

I just want to ram their cart then whoop their ass.

>> No.9927534
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>> No.9927602

No >:3

>> No.9927620

People on "mobility" scooters, couples or families that slowly meander as they take up the entire aisle, and old people that stand in the way of the meat section massaging everything in sight like they're going to strike gold by doing it.

>> No.9927641

People who walk into a store with no fucking idea what they need. Is it that fucking hard to formulate some what of a game plan before you walk in? You get the same shit every week ffs.

People that are slow as fuck at the self check outs. If you're not faster than the fucking cashier don't fucking use them. And fuck off with your 50 cupons and clearance items.

Chocolate milk is made with old ass milk already, A couple more days won't do any harm. Shit has the fuck pasteurized out of it.

>> No.9927661

Same thing with old people and using the laundryroom in apartment buildings. Nigger you got all the time in the world to clean your shit, why do you have to do it on the weekends when us working people need to launder their clothes? Especially since almost no apartment building allows washing after like 8pm.

>> No.9927667


>Living around black people

>> No.9927719

People that still insist on paying for their groceries with a check and don't bother filling it out until they can hold a line up.

>> No.9927721

i notice you post this in every single thread
glad to see youre still with us friend

>> No.9927738

People who don't have money with them
you literally only need one thing to be able to shop
Where did everything go so wrong?

>> No.9927925

>pulls out checkbook

>> No.9927944

i’ve never posted that before so you must be confusing me with another anon

>> No.9927945

I'm a cashier at a grocery store and I'd love to be your friend. So I will keep trying to break down that wall. I know you need one right now.

>> No.9927964

We'd just remotely lock the wheels on the cart.

>> No.9928371
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the only cancer here is you anon

>tfw I'm not at publix

>> No.9929099


>> No.9929152

>old people in the goddamn way so slow
>holy shit this lady is actually paying with a check
>fucking people selling shit inside costco, I don't even have cable get away from me
>children existing in stores
>An old Jewish lady that is always at the Russian market keeps yelling at them not to serve me since I'm German
>I'm not German
>seriously, she's always in there when I am and won't stop cursing at me in Yiddish
>my card randomly gets declined when swiped 50% of the time, thing only likes to work with chip readers but one store I go to doesn't have them and it always looks like I'm out of money my social anxiety can't handle this please help me

>> No.9929163

chinese tourists think my local supermarket is a tourist attraction for some reason and they enter with big suitcase on wheels and let their children run amok.

>> No.9929177

T. Sperg
Call the clerk a nigger if you're so sick of "politeness," if you're a little faggot who's first thought was "BUT I WOULDN'T SAY THAT," congratulations, you're a good polite little boy, fucking pussy soyim. Just b urself, a total moron who needs to get the FUCK off this website until you're 18.

>> No.9929215

Motherfucking morons who act like the goddamn world is going to end because a 1% chance of an inch worm dick's length of snowfall. Milk and eggs aren't going to do you any goddamn good if you're snowed in

>> No.9929226

>An old Jewish lady that is always at the Russian market keeps yelling at them not to serve me since I'm German
You should record that,it's hilarious

>> No.9929232

Just get one, it only takes a minute

>> No.9929234

>people selling shit inside costco
why do they allow this i have to fucking weave through aisles so i dont have to explain i cant get solar i rent and i already have the costco credit card and a cable plan im happy with

>> No.9929237

has nothing to do with autism and more to do with the fact that small talk is a waste of time once you realize people in your community are brainless fucking consumer-zombies with absolutely no unique or useful thoughts of their own. so it's a huge waste of time even if it only lasts a few minutes. it's an interruption.

i'd rather socialize with people who are sharing good info than people are just talking nonsense about "the weather" or "current politics". who gives a fuck.

>> No.9929244

the benefits of the reward card isn't worth having it. those reward cards actually benefits the store more than the customers.

>> No.9929253
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>> No.9929268

they do this at Wal-Mart too. you don't need to hide from the fuckers that do that, just walk by them confidently and if they say "excuse me are interested in blaw blaw blaw" just keep walking by and ignore them.

>> No.9929282

When it isn't Wegmans.

>> No.9929464

Where rich white people who teach their kids not to be little shits?

That's why I like going to Sprouts or Whole Foods.

>> No.9929470

You gotta avoid shopping on the first and the fifteenth, maine.

>> No.9929516
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>> No.9929525

Asian stores :-)

>> No.9929553

>give away my information for free
no, fuck off
I don't even save any fucking money, at least I get a discount with my Safeway card, or rewards from my Holiday card

>> No.9929564

>I don't even save any fucking money
That's because they don't have coupons for your crippling depression and two dollars of shit you buy a month.

>> No.9929694

Same product in "international" section for less price (different brand)

>> No.9930512


They always have a rotisserie chicken

>> No.9930529

I strongly agree tbqh.

"Hey how's it going?? xD"


Things are not good, Carol. Fuck you.

>> No.9930535

Those fucking people who will stand in the isle separating the Check-out and the actual product isles. It's almost always foreigners who are carting around their anchor babies and it's infuriating how much traffic it causes.

>> No.9930580


Why is everyone here so fucking racist? It's pathetic, the only place you can be racist is when your anonymous, I bet none of you pasty ass white boys would say the N word to a black man in person...

>> No.9930586

oh man I remember high school too,
hang in there kiddo

>> No.9930596
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>do you have your speedy rewards card?
>"no and..."
>before I can even finish saying "I don't want one" the cashier has already flicked one out and activated it.
these guys are getting really good at their job

>> No.9930604

what's so great about publix?

>> No.9930617 [DELETED] 
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>its yet another "teammates board up every doorway within a mile radius" rerun
getting real sick of this episode

>> No.9930643


>> No.9930655

motherfuckers stopping to talk in the middle of aisles

>> No.9930657

The worst thing is people not looking where they're going. I enjoy shopping in supermarkets to see food in front of me but it's so shit that people don't look where they are going. Literally today I walked around a corner, suddenly a woman crashes into me because they were completely oblivious and looking the other way, don't say sorry or anything, just carry on wandering around. Sometimes you stand still and people are still crashing into you. Fucking people.

>> No.9930663

why would anyone want to talk to a nigger?

>> No.9930668

>he shops at a grocery store instead of having his groceries delivered to his front door

what a pleb

>> No.9930692

- People that stand in the middle, so you can't pass them.
- People that use the self checkout with an entire cart.
- Old people using carts as a walker.
- People that yell at the workers for no reason
- When they hire mentally retarded people that are slow or bad at their job.
- Dirty/badly organised stores.
- When they sell useless shit (decor etc.)

>> No.9930724

>at Aldi
>white girl at checkout with three tattoos. At least that i can see. She is pretty well covered up for a thot due to dress code.
>Scanning items quickly and trowing them in the cart.
>Buleberries open up and get all over floor with out her noticing.
>"Going pretty fast arent ya?"
>Giggles "I always go fast"
>She tells me price and hits a few buttons and as i point doing into the cart.
>Watch as her expressing goes from happy and flirty to thats comming out if my tiny paycheck.
>She shuffles off to get a broom while another cashier asks if i want more berries or a refund.

>> No.9930733

everyone. but mostly niggers that stop dead in their tracks to bix nood in the entrance or while leaving. For some reason, niggers think its acceptable to cross streets at 45 degree angles slow as fuck, stop in doorways, take up an entire aisle, etc. its like they arent aware of their surroundings. Then when they leave after someone moving their cart or asking them to move, they go home and type up a google review about how they were discriminated against for being black. My favorite is when they glare at the staff, then when one of them finally approaches her and asks if they can help with anything, Laquisha will have an outburst about how they think shes stealing.
this is why I like whole foods. youll see maybe 1 normal acting black person.

>> No.9930737

>People that yell at the workers for no reason
this is probably the worst. Especially if its something stupid and out of the worker's control like the machine denying their coupon or user error like the inability to read that the sign said buy 1 get one 1/2 off and not buy one get one free.

>> No.9930738

We really need to put retards in homes so they can play all day. Putting them into society just makes liberals feel good abot themselves.

>> No.9930747

from my experience with them they can bag things just fine. I don't see the problem.

>> No.9930751

>theres this one girl who works the deli counter at my local grocery
>dumb as fuck, constantly screws up orders
>ask for half a pound, she cuts a pound
>ask for ham, she gives you bologna
>no idea how she still works there being that she constantly fucks up
>sometimes she'll just stand there doing nothing while her coworker is busy taking orders
>finally one day a customer gets totally fed up with her, tells her she's a fucking screw up because she's fucked up his order for the third time in a row
>all the people in line behind him clapped

>> No.9930764

Autistics and their handlers out on outings. If I wanted to see retarded people, I would watch monster movies.

>> No.9930769

stupid people behind the til

>go to buy some port and a dvd
>guy asks me for ID
>literally just ran into the shop so i don't have any
>tell him im 27
>he won't let me buy the port but he's still letting me buy the dvd
>i tell him why would he let me buy an 18 rated dvd but not alcohol
>he changes his mind and won't let me buy the dvd either

i guarantee i was older than him

>> No.9930773

you should really carry your ID at all times to avoid this kind of thing, its your fault, not his

also who buys dvds any more?

>> No.9930776

>For some reason, niggers think its acceptable to cross streets at 45 degree angles slow as fuck
this reminded me of grocery store parking lots which make my head spin with rage. People crossing from the sidewalk when the crosswalk is literally 10 feet away, people dashing in front of my car so they can deny me from moving forward so they can get to the store 3 seconds faster, and fucking carts blocking parking spaces. Why do people think its acceptable to leave the cart in the middle of the road or in a a bunch of parking spaces? Is it too hard to push your fucking cart a few meters to the cart rack? If it weren't for societal standards these apes would probably shit in the street and throw their garbage into the river as well.

>> No.9930777

Thegmy mess up the sane as everyone else. We have enough skilless high schoolers and thots to run grocery stores. Put the tards in homes to play vydia and draw in coloring books. That way when they freak out the professionals rake care of it.

>> No.9930787

The mentally challenged people aren't so bad as long as they only work the slow hours
Some McDonald's here hired one and he was handing food to people and you could see it in everyone's faces that I'm not sure if I should eat this or throw it out though

>> No.9930794

>Why do people think its acceptable to leave the cart in the middle of the road or in a a bunch of parking spaces?
Just do what I do and leave your carts in the handicapped parking spots, those are always used by fat people and they could use a bit more exercise anyways.

>> No.9930809

as good of an idea as that is my city is full of old fucks that have genuine mobility problems.

>> No.9930851

This. Sometimes i use them to practice acting and pretend to be interested but weird enough to make them uncomfortable.

>> No.9930858

I dunno man, my kroger card just masses fuel points since like 3 people use it. I don't see how they've got anything on me.

>> No.9930964
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>handicapped spaces are closer than the cart racks so it's easier for the workers
>only inconveniences the fatties who got a permit on the complaint of "chronic pain" or something dumb like that
genius, why didn't I think of this before?

>> No.9931130

well, yeah.

>> No.9931252


>> No.9931253

This, unironically.

>> No.9931301
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>forced politeness
you mean like how you are EXPECTED to be nice to people even if you're having a bad day, if you want to look good in front of your gossiping childish co workers who want your hours and you need the money to afford food and shelter? yeah, I agree with you.

these other fucks are being pretentious twats

>> No.9931327

all of these, particularly the first one
people like that should be pushed aside with a fucking bulldozer

you carry your id when buying shit like that
knew a guy years ago who looked like he was in his mid/late 20s that was actually 16, we called him Jesus
seeing actually old people (like, visibly 40) get hassled for id always seemed really fucking dumb though

>> No.9931371

In TN it's state law that you have to present valid ID when buying alcohol no matter your age so the clerks have no discretion in the matter.

>> No.9931444

I'm on a military post. Often I'll get asked by elderly people, sometimes veterans, to help them put something back that dropped or get something from a high/low shelf. I honestly don't mind and am glad I can help out.

At the cash registers you have little old Korean ladies and guys who work for free. They bag your groceries and if you ask they will help you take your groceries to your vehicle. They don't ask for tips but they have a giant wooden box up on the counter where a bunch of money is laying. It's highly suggested that you tip them for bagging your groceries. That annoys me.

>> No.9931503

I don't know Kroger but where I shop they use the reward card to track what customers buy and the discounts for using the rewards card are complete bullshit.

>use your reward card to save 20 cents on this product

again, not worth it.

>> No.9931629

>luddites... that go to the self-checkout lane without a plan.

do you know what luddite means? do you live in a horseshit college town where activists commit hypocrisy out of ignorance of their own cause?

>> No.9931671

>not using Walmart grocery pickup to never enter a grocery store again

>> No.9931685

I hate baggers in general.
I can put things in my own bag the way I want.
Why am I indirectly paying for this pimply teen to stand around and watch me do the work he's supposed to do?

>> No.9931708

that's why I'm glad all the grocery stores around me have no baggers. except hyvee, but I don't shop there.

>> No.9931760

seriously, what is with the baggers who can't figure out that you shouldn't be bagging the meat with the produce, or put the frozen heavy shit next to the bread? I would rather do it myself then come home with wet soggy groceries covered in meat juice.

>> No.9931774

>gf ordered groceries online from local store and had them delivered for free
>all the produce was garbage and bruised, cream was expired

>> No.9931786

When you bag hundreds of groceries a day for minimum wage you run out of fucks to give. Everyone has this high and mighty opinion of their own work ethic but think of your average co-worker. That person has a job in all areas at all levels.

>> No.9931795

Then you go and demand your money back
Stop being an anti-confrontational soyboy

>> No.9931805

We've got a fellow enlightend rick and morty viewer here! Oh show me your ways, intelligent one.

>> No.9931917

I should have known better, didn't think /ck was this autistic

>> No.9933169

Kroger (qfc fred meyer) is the only card I have. It kicks ass.

>just swipe it real fast before your credit card, no bullshit no need to speak to the cashier even
>save lots, yesterday got $16 worth of pasta for $6
>no need to fuck around with coupons or anything
>fucking fuel points, their gas is already cheaper than everyone else in the area and this makes it even better, works at their gas stations and shell I think

literally the only place I shop besides costco and hipster ass markets. We don't have actual krogers, just QFC and Fred Meyer where I live. One card works for both. Seriously 10/10 would recommend.

>> No.9933441

Cuckifornia doesn't allow the gas discount "Because someone got mad and sued about it."
For cheaper gas.

>> No.9933716

All the things you listed, it's a safe bet blacks know exactly what they're doing, and it's a sign of the psychopathic rage and spite that boils beneath the surface of many blacks. Watch their eyes and faces the next time one jaywalks across the street in front of you, you'll see the mean-mugging animalistic look. They're daring you to do something, knowing they have the upper hand.

>> No.9933815

Christ, what a beautiful state run the most retarded way possible.

>> No.9933861

I was in the grocery store yesterday and a mother was in there with her two teenage daughters. They were oblivious to anyone around them, blocking up the aisles.
I finally found a gap and got passed them, one of the girls gave me I dirty look because she wasn't looking where she was walking and walked straight into my trolley.
I spent the rest of my shopping adventure trying to block them and generally just be in their way.

>> No.9933888


>> No.9934062

I'm from Southern California and Kroger Ralphs and I got the discount at Shell, and Vons/Safeway has one for Chevron

>> No.9934094

*tips fagora

>> No.9934846

When reddit wants to bait

>> No.9934867
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>tfw too intelligent for small talk

>> No.9935057

Or when you ask a member of staff where something is and they clearly don't know, so make you awkwardly follow them down all the aisles you've already checked.
Bonus points if you end up finding first and they then ask if there's anything else they can help you with.

>> No.9935058

Fucking old people. They block aisles all the damn time and go into a mild panic every time something even remotely unexpected happens.
Old people should be banned from supermarkets.

>> No.9935065

I just use my cart to move their's out the way without acknowledging them

>> No.9935150
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>going to grocery store night before a major holiday
lmfao you should take a hint from
since you seem so forgetful.

>> No.9935190
File: 51 KB, 720x958, 1514602514589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are black managers so fucking rude. Its like they think because they got manager of a grocery store, they are on par with the manager of a multi trillion dollar bank and they can treat anyone lime shit. Sad thing is. These are the people that somehow even get a higher up position than manager. Disgusts me

>> No.9935245
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>"unexpected item in bagging area"
>pick it up
>"item removed from bagging area"


>> No.9935482

>tfw real canadian superstore doesn't make bagging the cashier's responsibility
Feels good.

>> No.9935496

That's more of a middle-age or elderly white woman thing really.

>> No.9935510

>people on mobility scooters
There needs to be a rule in every grocery store that being a fatass isn't an excuse to take a mobility scooter

>> No.9935515

You can't do that because it'd cost your cheapass companies money

>> No.9935520


>> No.9935546
File: 44 KB, 234x228, 1493938427580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell her things arent good then?

>> No.9935594

dont ever try this

>> No.9935650
File: 134 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180105-095539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it works at Fred Meyer but there's also the digital coupons you can add directly to your card online or via app, including a free item every Friday. Pic related for today.

>> No.9935856

you should have said "apology accepted"

>> No.9935923

Shoulda banged anon

>> No.9936000

white people who shop at non white stores who are confused as fuck
like why the fuck are you even shopping here, just go back to trader Joe and but their frozen and canned foreign and pretend to your white friends how progressive you are

>> No.9936016
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I used to work in a small store and the job was pretty damn comfy desu. Except for the tourist season which was just a waking nightmare holy fuck. I get that those foreigners who want to buy cheap nicknacks and watch the cultural minstrel show won't speak our language, but when they can't even speak English and they try to communicate with me holy fuck is the education that shit in Spain? Tourists can go fuck themselves.

>> No.9936047


>> No.9936135


>> No.9936144

You wouldn't have your job selling garbage if it wasn't for them buying it

>> No.9936165

It wasn't a job selling plastic "viking" helmets. It was at a convenience store.

>> No.9936187

Tbh I force the walk on the customer so I can get away from the dumb shit I'm doing.

>> No.9936667

And that customer's name? Albert Einstein.

>> No.9936692
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Hey faggot, my mother is paralyzed on her left side. If I see you pull that shit at one of my stores ima shove a tire iron up your ass.

>> No.9936711

Your half a mom shouldn't be driving tough guy. How come her punkass kid isn't doing her shopping for her?

>> No.9936746

for me its all the other customers in the store

>walk down the middle of the aisle making it impossible to pass them
and these people have drivers licenses and jobs

>people who roll their carts right up to the freezers making it difficult for other people to get things
how hard is it to put the cart somewhere out of the way and walk up to the freezer?

>people who take a cart to buy 3 items
then they leave their carts in empty parking spaces

>people who use their kids as place keepers in check out lines
imo if your merchandise is not in line with you then you should move your faggot ass to the back of the line

>people who damage or render merchandise unsellable because they decided to hide the yogurt they no longer want to buy behind some packets of cookies
all the customers have to pay for the cost of shrink

you gotta ask for shit by its brand name, some teenaged fuckwit isnt going to know what a boullion cube is but they can probably recollect seeing some Knorr shit.

good idea! it makes it harder for the old people to access the store and mindlessly wander into my path.

>> No.9936783


>> No.9936785

if someone is partly paralyzed they need to use a wheelchair. That's the whole point of the hatched zone in between spaces you mongoloid cockgobbler. The only people worse than you are the niggers who park in that zone, but they hopefully learn not to do that after getting my door slammed into thier car several times.

>> No.9936852

The stress of having such a stupid angry bastard likely strongly contributed to your broken mom. Bitch cant even die all the way right, and her retard kid is a vandal. Poor half a mom.

>> No.9936885

This is why I use shipt now.

>> No.9937682

it literally would take more effort to not be polite. and small talk? literally just comment on the weather or something. I get by without small talk 80% of the time.

>> No.9937813

Is there anything stopping me from applying these free coupons to a dozen different rewards accounts and using a different one each time I shop for infinite free shit? Other than human decency, I mean.

>> No.9937892
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>almost always check the dates
>the one time your forget to check the date it expired yesterday

>> No.9937901

People who walk beside their shopping carts instead of behind them.

>> No.9937913

legally every inch of a parking lot is considered a crosswalk and the pedestrians have the right away at any point.

>> No.9937916

The kroger card is interesting because they give you a form to fill out will all your info but I just threw it out and it still works. Not sure about other programs but some cashiers try to get my email or phone number to get whatever rewards car they offer.

>> No.9937924

people asking me for fucking price checks when I don't have a scanner
go walk up to the registers you fat fucks

>> No.9937935

I usually go to the self checkout so I can minimize my interaction with retards. If the employee at the self check out station looks so bored I leave my cart there so they have something to do.

>> No.9937973

Remember to have your scanner with you at all times you incompetent spastic.

>> No.9937979

my store only gives scanners to department managers you fuck

>> No.9938015

since you apparently own the store buy more scanners and give one to every employee cheap ass

>> No.9938040

how the hell is it apparent that I own the store?

>> No.9938325

Tfw im good looking and dont have to deal with most of this shit

>> No.9938349

What anime is this?

>> No.9938358

Walk to the scanner yourself. I work for the store, not for you. It's in my contract. It literally says nothing about helping you faggots

>> No.9938934

>you said "my store"

>> No.9938960

Please learn English. We native speakers refer to our place of work as 'my' without meaning ownership.

>> No.9938984

>you could have said "my work"

>> No.9939002

Again Raul, I need you to not criticize native English speaker's English. Literally everyone understood and you sound autistic.

>> No.9939017

I like to take my time and browse the shelves and read the nutrition labesl on shit I'm buying, but there's always some rude asshole fuck (usually a middle aged woman) who just stands behind me and sighs loudly until I move so they can quickly grab one thing.
How hard is it to fucking say "excuse me"?

>> No.9939025


>>9938015 didn't

Learn to type right. Saying my store makes it sound like your "claiming" it. Again, saying my work would fit in and sound proper.

>> No.9939100

t. retard who parks in the handicapped spots

>> No.9939228
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>Again, saying my work would fit in and sound proper.
Why would they deviate from common vernacular to satisfy your autistic/incorrectly smug non native speaker tendencies, fag?

>> No.9939293

Okay Mr. My. In what type of English do you use? You're trying to hard trying to seem smart Mr. My.

Now go back to scanning shit at the grocery store Mr. My

>> No.9939631

what kind of retard apartments doesn't come with washer and dryers in the units by default?

>> No.9939844

Opening only one checkout

Lidl is the worse for this

>> No.9940213

>or bring 5 generations of their family, ching chonging loudly and walking slowly. The ringleader always being the 3ft tall 100yr old bitch shuffling around slow as shit with her hands behind her back

>> No.9940250


>> No.9940274

Mate I'll waste your time on purpose reading out the signs above the Isles out loud to you like "hmmmmmm nope doesn't have it down that one" learn to use your fucking eyes and look for the eggs yourself

>> No.9940317

yup, you're autistic

>> No.9940368

That's why you use the self service aisle at the commissary. It's usually some punk teenage brat or some dependa anyway and I refuse to give them a tip for bagging 4 bags worth of items
>we work on tips only
Fuck you

>> No.9940396

I wish it were that simple.

>> No.9940429

Not rotating the stock on the shelves. I use to work in grocery and while I do appreciate being able to get the fresher stuff without digging in the back every time i see stuff hasn't been rotated right i realize that that grocery store is a shit show. Walmart has to be the worst offender.

>> No.9941616

I do the same thing but with Safeway, works pretty well. I swipe it after they ring everything up so I can see all the discounts auto-calculate.

>> No.9941650

My dad lives in the middle of nowhere and the local wal-mart is horrid about this. They have the normal amount of registers at the front, but only one or two will be open, no matter what time/day it is. They also don't have self-checkout, so you're forced to wait.

>> No.9941758

People who walk out the front door pushing a shopping cart and then decide to stop dead in the doorway and whip out their cell phones

It happens way too often to just be random, are they checking the time? Getting texts when their reception comes back?

>> No.9941773

>1-10 item express checkout
>person in front has like 20+ things
>cashier just rings it through without saying anything

I want express checkouts to introduce a flat $2 handling fee for every item over the limit

>> No.9941818

slow people

>> No.9941837

Food stamp fuckers who hold up the line. It's even worse when I was a bag boy trying to stay busy on slow days.

>> No.9941846

Actually guilty of this. I know my stores well so I'm usually zooming around and farting everywhere

>> No.9941995

people who look in my basket
people who chat in the middle of the isle
people who talk loudly
people who park their cart the busy areas
people who decide to do the grocery shopping for the entire week during rush
people who wasn't in line that runs to the new line that just opened
people who let their kids run around everywhere
people with screaming children (it's fine if it's a toddler)
people who let their children stand in the way
people who let their children just stand and eat the samples
people who dosn't keep an eagle eye on their kid at all time

when the cashier asks about certain of your groceries (oh is this good?)
when the cashier tries to be funny, or talk to you as if you're best friends
when the cashier dosn't respond to "hello" and "good day"
when the cashier throws your groceries
when the casher touches their face and then your groceries
when the cashier smells like alchohol/smoke

when they decide to put up items during peak hours
when they are filling up meat, then get called away, and the meat just stands there on an empty cooler cart

>> No.9942012

it's always the same shit, and it's just dickhead parenting, always have your child in your sight and make sure they are not up to all kinds of shit.
I litterally keep my kid in my sight all the time, and if he stands in the way or walk backwards, i correct him immediately.

whenever i see an accident where the kid has fallen off an escalator, been run over or fallen out a window, i know it's just a shite parent.

>> No.9942079
File: 167 KB, 600x450, 1302761607128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Out shopping Sunday morning, busy as fuck
>All the checkout lines have 5+ people in them
>Spy one that only has two, fuck yeah caught a break.
>Obese middle-aged woman in front of me starts getting her stuff rung up.
>"Hold on, why did I get charged $6.99 for each of those frozen pizzas? I thought they were 2 for $5?"
>Are you fucking kidding me.
>"That's only for the small ones, ma'am."
>"I didn't see any smaller ones though."
>"We may have ran out."
>"Well can you take those pizzas off then?"
>Okay finally, we're moving.
>"Also hold on, I want to go check and see if there are any smalls left."
>Waddles past me all the way back to the frozen foods section
>Almost five full fucking minutes later she returns.
>"There are no smalls left. I came here specifically to get the 2 for $5 deal. Can you please give it to me for the big ones?"
>"Sorry ma'am, but I can't. That deal is only for the smalls."
>"Well then I'm going to need to speak to your manager."
>Turn around and get into another line (should have done this ages ago, honestly) with 5+ people in it
>Ten minutes later as I walk out the door, she's still arguing the cashier and manager.

>> No.9942122

>In what type of English do you use?
wew lad

>> No.9942368

When there's an entire isle dedicated to ranch dressing

>> No.9942496

How do you even end up like that as a person? It baffles me.

>> No.9942505

I bet you didnt say a single word to the fat lady you fucking pussy

>> No.9942583

I used to work at a pizza joint next to a grocery store as a delivery driver. I could power the town with my unbridled rage at idiots in grocery store parking lots.

>> No.9942969

I kek'd but are you me

>> No.9943100

oh my god it's "aisle" you stupid assholes

>> No.9943110

Cashiers over 50. Sometimes I have things to do later that day like not have my food rot on the belt.

>> No.9943124

Home of the free, and if it isn't bitch until a manager caves and blames the employee for your incompetence.

>> No.9943132

People who do not bag their leaky raw meat and leave puddles of chicken goo all over the belt for me to put my groceries on.

>> No.9943148

Because it's gotten to the point where that lady actually has a good chance of getting what see she wants if she bitches long and loud enough. Too many companies often reward customers for behavior like that so it's become not only acceptable, but even desirable to be an easily incensed idiot that digs her heels in when challenged on anything.

>> No.9943201

>oh look, I support the corporate fascists while they screw me over, but I'll be damned if I support a union because faux news and infowars told me that's fake.

>> No.9943231

>Old people gather up and forming a wall to block you going down the aisle without asking them to move
>People who stand is the centre of the aisle on busy days wondering what to pick, oblivious of the world around them
>Finding out what I wanted to buy was on super sale that day and everyone bought them all

>> No.9943551

Sounds good, thanks

>> No.9943553

What store do you shop at? I have never seen anyone with leaky raw meat before

>> No.9944736

Was her purse in the cart?
Did you grab the cart by the handles to push it?
Don't act like a nigger.

>> No.9944764

I always deduce these incidents as the perpetrator being just as mentally exhausted and stressed as the cashier.

>> No.9944767


>> No.9944774


>> No.9944781

Stfu cracker.

>> No.9944880

I do all my grocery shopping on weekends around midnight because I have no friends and it's quite relaxing after leaving the gym. I highly recommend it to anyone who gets sore-assed from goofballs at grocery stores.

>> No.9944883

*reads Catcher in the Rye*

>> No.9944893

I just caved an bums head in, by the walmart in Ballinger Texas. Find me

>> No.9944903

Seeing the same guy who works there over and over but we never acknowledge each other, but clearly we have a mutual willingness to not be in the same aisle (for no clear reason). Goddammit man, THIS motherfucker is stocking right where I need to be...for the seventh goddamn time?

Meanwhile, he's thinking...THIS motherfucker again!!! And we both know it, and ignore each other. Then yeah, some old pricks fuck up everything as usual, while screaming babies eat candy bars that haven't yet been paid for, while blinking self-checkout signs go insanely unnoticed and people pack their own groceries like a turtle on ketamine....

I always think...how?
Like if driving 35 was tolerated on the freeway....get the fuck in, get the fuck out. Respect the lanes, come in prepared; aware in and out. Bluetooth off, packing game strong, minimal coupons/cash, Mase as much sense as a football player walking to make a tackle, is all I'm saying. FUCKING WHYYYY

>> No.9944917

Unleashed children. Mind your fucking hellspawn, and keep their filth ridden hands and faces out of the bulk items.

>> No.9944928

You pretty much described it almost perfectly.

Though i would add:

When a product is falsely advertised as (already) being on sale, and when you get the cashier you're told it's on sale tomorrow

When the cashier doesn't make eye-contact during "hello" and "goodbye".

>> No.9944942

why the fuck am i forced to talk with some loser cashier? it's beneath me

>> No.9944949
File: 10 KB, 284x256, FOK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a human being, anon. Same as them. Have some humility.

>> No.9944950

>he doesn't have a personal shopper

god damn poorfags

>> No.9944958
File: 14 KB, 563x563, 1515105731760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a great job that would be. A personal shopper. Get paid to fuck around in supermarkets for a probably decent wage. You could undoubtedly slip some items for yourself into the mix and live on a permanent discount. Sounds like a fucking dope career, teebeehaitch.

>> No.9944961
File: 588 KB, 1442x2562, repacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey anon I need you to go into the cooler and do some repacks

>> No.9944968

to get a job like that you have to be a qt3.14 between 19 and 29, otherwise you won't be considered hip enough by the rich lazy fag who wants a personal shopper

>> No.9944971

Not to be /r9k/ but girls legit have it easier for being attractive.

>> No.9944978

No shit sherlock.
Hot girls have it so easy it's disgusting.
Too lazy to work? Just marry some CEO and live in luxury as a housewife never having to work again.
Want to work but your resume is shit? Doesn't matter, just wear miniskirt to the interview and the thirsty virgin in HR will pick you over other much more qualified candidates because his penis told him so.
Want an easy job where you can just browse facebook all day? Be a secretary or personal assistant or any of the similar jobs that are pretty much reserved for hot girls only.
It's so fucking unfair.
Well, at least we still have rape.

>> No.9944999

I once asked a supermarket worker if they sold croutons.
>"What's a crouton?"

>> No.9945021

Old people.

And the million coupon lady.

>> No.9945069

>checkout line is 10 miles long
>10 cash registers
>only 2 are open

>> No.9945103

People with trolleys who forget to stay in their fucking lane while driving around in the store.

>> No.9945124

People who go to the six packs of beer and pull only one beer off to buy it.

>> No.9945130

I'm a dude but I would really take any of those jobs because I have no shame and I have next to no ambition.
If I can find myself a qt3.14 career-oriented gf, I will latch onto that shit. I actually want to raise my own children directly.

>> No.9945178

>lazy fucks who can't walk a wee bit to put the cart into a cart return
>wasting plastic bags and bagging like 2 items in there instead having a spatial idea of how to fit the stuff in the bag
>those people who seem to follow you and block the isles you get food from than vanish suddenly
>fat fucks in general

>> No.9945281

I just moved too, my new town is in a pretty lower income part of the midwest. No self check out but lots of express lanes.
Must be due to stealing.

>> No.9945286

Please stop stealing you raise the prices for everyone else you selfish prick.

>> No.9945296

Old people taking a billion years to get through check out, which evidently to them means that they only accept checks I guess because I have never seen a person under 40 paying with checks.
People who knock something off a shelf and don't put it back.
People who let their kids run around like little bastards.
People who put their cart in the middle of the aisle when they are browsing so I have to stand their until they finally move or get a cross look when I ask them to move their cart.
My wife buying plants that are designed to die in 3 weeks so you will come back and buy more.
Also I just hate being in public. Nearest real city is an hour away from my mountain hometown, and I hate being in flatland because all the people are self absorbed cunts who would not know what community is if it slapped them in the face with its ballsack.

>> No.9945303


Fat people walking side by side. Also fat people buying fat people food. Also fat people eating. Fuck I hate fat people!

>> No.9945306

Where do you live that they close the laundry room in a complex?

Mine in college was always open 24 hrs a day.
I am glad I have a house now with my own washer and dryer although the washer and dryer are from the 70s.

>> No.9945316

Yesterday I was at the BMV getting an address change.
My God, I mean MY GOD the rage this lady was popping off next to me. Me and the BMV lady couldn't hold back our laughter.
People who get mad in any customer service situation are just too much.

>> No.9945326


Maybe it is because I am a bit of a statist but how do you not always carry an ID?

I feel like it should be mandated everyone has some form of ID. They are already tracking us through the phones at least make sure everyone has a card of some kind that identifies information like age and a picture. Helps in emergency situations too.

>> No.9945330

I really dislike when people roll their eyes to mentally challenged cashiers, baggers, doormen, etc.

You shouldn't be mean to anyone but especially not the mentally challenged in a store or fast food restaurant if you intend to go there regularly. You know why? The cashiers come and go but I guarantee you that person will be there as long as you're going there. Have a bagger at my local store, he is good at his job and friendly. Better than most people you encounter in the world.

>> No.9945336

Indiana is the same way, I'm ok with it we have substance abuse issues here and don't need youngins getting started before their time.

>> No.9945344

You are that asshole who runs into Kroger screaming and gets asked to leave aren't you?

>> No.9945356

I think the issue is no one knows how a debit card works past a certain age.
Grandpa thought it was a credit card when it was sent to him from Chase.
Had to explain swiping that is no different than using a check. Showed him the chase mobile app so he could try using that instead of going to the bank twice a week to find out how much money he has.
I think he gets it now but in general the olds simply don't understand.

>> No.9945364


He literally is just speaking normal native English you spaz..

I'll give you an example backing his point. I work in an office, if I left something at the office I say "hey I need to run to my office real quick"

>> No.9945372

Bruh the cashier asking about your groceries.

Is this good? No I'm buying it to torture myself.

>> No.9945563

I like looking into people's cart or basket. sometimes I get a good chuckle at the things people buy. and I give no fucks when people look at my items, so really, it's fair. I look at yours you look at mine, simple.

>> No.9945932

Well if I were a cashier and saw one person ring up the same thing over and over I'd get a bit suspicious. And if I knew that's what you were doing I'd probably let it slide as you wouldn't appear to value your time so I'd have pity.

>> No.9945942

Go back to /pol/, nasty racists aren't welcome here.

>> No.9945953


You’re anonymous. You can stop pretending you don’t hate niggers as well.

>> No.9945969


I live in japan so I already get 100 year old women blocking my path and walking slowly. the chinese make it even worse.

they also congregate outside at the entrance and exit not giving a single fuck about people wanting to enter or exit the supermarket.

>> No.9945992

I'm a cashier and I hate it when customers talk to me. If you don't like talking, don't do it. Simple as that.

>> No.9946038

anon, I think you might be retarded

>> No.9946072

As a cashier, people buying small items ($1 or less) with large bills. Waste of fucking time and leaves me with no change for actual customers

>> No.9946082
File: 778 KB, 2672x1503, you just know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9946089

cuck management. If all stores enacted a strict zero tolerance no bullshit policy regarding customers, everything would work a lot more smoothly.

t. retailcuck

>> No.9946231

Fucking snowbirds.

>> No.9946378


At least they are trying to help and not say "I don't know" and leave you there.

>> No.9946579

Costco actually has very strict rules about what those people are allowed to say. There's a script they must follow 100% of the time when approaching a "member".

>> No.9946586

My pet peeve is that there aren't Wegmans in Connecticut

>> No.9946611

>with out
>as i point doing into the cart
>comming out if my

Going pretty fast aren't ya?

>> No.9946621

>doesn't understand a debit card
>give him a smart phone and a mobile app

Anon no what are you doing

>> No.9946663

underrated post

>> No.9946843

I hate seasonal aisles. They're always overstocked with cheap shit no one wants and are always at the front so you have to pass by it while a bunch of middle aged women are looking at the cheap stuff on display.

>> No.9946935

>every other reply to him is in agreement
>"g-go away racist y-you aren't welcome here"

>> No.9946964

>people who put their cart on one side of the aisle, then stand adjacent to it to check out something on the opposite side and block the whole aisle
>people who push their carts down the middle of the aisle
>people who are so fucking absorbed in reading the packaging of whatever crap they're buying that they're taken totally by surprise when you say 'excuse me'
>people who ask me if i work there just because i walk like i know where the fuck i am
>people just setting refrigerated/frozen shit down on the shelves
>people who just leave their carts in a big mess instead of pushing them back in the corrals near the doors

>> No.9946984


People clustering together in aisles, like a blood clot. People who bring their poorly raised children in to the store and let them run amok. Stock that isn't rotated (new shit at front, old shit in back; It's supposed to be old in front, new in back). Incompetent staff. People who linger and socialize, disrupting the flow of customers ready to gtfo.

>> No.9947038

How is that possible, they will be in fucking North Carolina pretty soon?

>> No.9947065

Some stores have the register set so that you have to scan a valid ID for age restricted items. Doesn't matter if you're a 70 year old wearing your 'Nam hat; there is no override key, only scan or cancel.

>> No.9947898

I never understood why Americans don't bag their own groceries, it seems very impractical and bad for business to hire people to do such a basic job.

>> No.9947977

I live in America, MN and never seen a bag fag in any of my grocery stores. baggers must be euro fag shit. im happy there's no baggers because I like to bag my own things anyway.

>> No.9948100

That shit works for some of them but not for all. Once they are over 30 and not married, panic mode starts and they will let you treat them like shit for a little bit of attention. That is unless you are a nu-male who's even more desperate and treat your obese, worn-out roastie like a queen.

>> No.9948239

>Hey, how are you?
>Hey. I'm good, thank you. And you?
>I'm good too. It's a good weather today.
>Yes, it is.
>Here's your check and groceries, have a nice day.
>Thank you, you too.
Wow, repeating this every day sure makes me feel happy.

>> No.9948382

this is all true.
>go to college
>befriend random girl in my program cause shes friends with my friends
>always flaky on group assignments but i have to put up with her cause my smart friend invites her
>i graduate ahead of them
>still working a somewhat basic job
>dumb bitch gets a job in a bank even though she is like 10 years younger than me and flakier

>> No.9948429

We have a higher proportion of downies and tards who couldn't find any other jobs, so there's that.

>> No.9948634

For you

>> No.9948710

Should have kicked it right over then hid in the nutrional aisle.

>> No.9948954

>"Hi, how are you today?"
>Fine, you?
>"Doing well. Did you find everything you were looking for today?"
>Sure did.
>"Alright, that'll be $58.62."
>pay, leave
wow, so horrible

>> No.9949026

Sometimes I just wanna get my food and go. And it's not like I'm gonna manage to get the cute cashier chicks number in a 30 second exchange.

>> No.9949080

>Ayo whai boi, gimme a greeting and some smalltalk before i bust this cap in yo ass.

>> No.9949128

It's even worse when you start bagging and then a bagger comes along and starts trying to help. What the fuck man I already did half the work. Don't come over here and pretend you're being helpful when you're just getting in the way.

>> No.9949206

people in the express item lane with nearly twice the amount
when they have a cart in the express lane
having more items then the amount of money you have so they have to remove them from the receipt
not having your money ready by the time all your items are scanned
taking more then 5 seconds to pay(even digital takes longer when the machine has to confirm )
old people and foreigners

an express lane shouldnt be taking more then 90 seconds

>> No.9949519

I have a Safeway card, never even filled out the info I just use the one they activated at the store. I did the same with BevMo to get those $0.05 bottles of wine.

>> No.9949568


*breathes in *

>> No.9949579

On the flip side, people generally assume hot girls are retarded and only got their jobs by being attractive. I worked in an office with a 10/10 project assistant, first time I worked with her I figured she'd fuck everything up but she did a stellar job in half the time I asked for it. I actually respect women like that.

>> No.9950222

I have a ShopRite down the street filled with EBT "DAT WUZ ON SALE THO." "HUUUH?" "I GOT A KEWPON RIGHT HERE" No shelf-check out, slow af cashiers who I could scream "NO BAG" at their face and they'd still try to double bag 1 loaf of bread. That goes for all grocery stores:

You fucking plastic bag whores, using 30 fucking plastic bags for 7 items. Go fuck yourself with your fat diabetic fingers, you shameful cows.

Anyway, I go to out of my way to shop at the Wegmans instead. Fucking Maryland. This state is full of feds, WE WUZ, and white trash.

>Parking Lots
Here comes Fat poor bitch in her Honda of fat kids! Here comes fat white guy in his big ol Truck. Here comes Linda driving herself in a Land Rover in the middle of the lane so no one can turn into it. Here comes "I yield for things not yet in sight" Larry. 'Oh, my husband is just running in to get muh meds, so I park in the Fire lane out front"