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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 400x326, 3C07FFF4-1342-4457-BF36-30506EF94380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9923910 No.9923910 [Reply] [Original]

What foods have cool names? Pic related: nigger toes.

>> No.9924040

i heard a story from someone that his girlfriend's dad called him into the backyard and pointed under a bush where he had three bowling balls buried 75% underground so just the tops with the finger holes were sticking out of the ground.
he said, >you know what those is?
no, said my friend
>them's nigger eggs
fucking northwest

>> No.9924887


>> No.9924903

A truck driver is driving through a little town in Georgia with a truck load of bowling balls. In this town there is 2 state troopers who hate truck drivers with a passion. The truck driver sees the two and turns off at the next exit. He sees a little black boy on a bike hitchhiking. he picks up the little boy but tells him, "you cant ride up here but you can ride in the back. So he put's the little black boy and his bike in the back and get's back on the interstate. the two state cops see him again and pull him over they start giving him hell just looking for something to write him up for. They can't find anything so they are about to let him go then one says to the other, "We forgot to check the back." So one goes to the back opens the doors, slams them back comes up to the truck driver. The cop is whiter than a ghost and scared as hell, and says "Get the hell out of my town, get the hell out of my county, get the hell out of my state and don't ever come back." So the truck driver leaves. when they get back into the car one looks at the other and says "what the hell did you see back there?" the other says, "That guy was carring a truck load of nigger eggs and one had already hatched and stole a bike".

>> No.9925099

Reminds me of port-a-potty graffiti I saw years ago. Right above the toilet there was an arrow pointing down into it and it said nigger egg depository or something along those lines.

>> No.9925131

haha naughty word

>> No.9925141
File: 49 KB, 569x427, Jodenkoeken-davelaar-in-blik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have jew cookies here

>> No.9925157

Please return to whatever loathsome subreddit you crawled out from. Your opinion is neither needed nor welcomed here.

>> No.9925160

Pfft, I haven't heard a good racist joke in a long ass while. Shit's bready gouda.
I don't have the damn menu saved or that post saved about the britbong and the americans. I'm sure someone does though, and they bean all stingy n shit.

>> No.9925167
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My favorite herb for smoking/gassing foods

>> No.9925347
File: 75 KB, 833x800, Frozen-Gook-Fingers-e1469229569522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite summertime treat..

>> No.9925353

lmao racism is so cool and funny XD. Us channers are so irreverent!

>> No.9925414
File: 140 KB, 600x600, large_bc592e34-3c30-4b83-8a41-b943ad847e8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, nice one OP

>> No.9925419


>> No.9925425

When will chinks leave?

>> No.9925430


>> No.9925451

Ha, my grammy called them that.

RIP grammy :(

>> No.9925461
File: 18 KB, 400x490, Nigger head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chocolate-coated marshmallow treats, aka nigger heads (in French), negro's kiss, negro bun.

>> No.9925466
File: 158 KB, 1024x768, Nuns fart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nun's farts.

>> No.9925473

Same, senpai.

She was a bitch tho, so it's not a huge loss.

>> No.9925474
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but it is????????????????!?!???????

>> No.9925479

...and my mom said she used to love Negerküsse

>> No.9925984

Saying nigger, what a revolutionary act

>> No.9926029

Being butthurt over someone saying nigger, what a revolutionary act

>> No.9926100

What the fuck is with the butthurt? This is an actual name for Brazilian nuts. I didn’t even know they were called Brazilian nuts until I was twenty.

>> No.9926139

fuck off, snowflakes
Don't you have to get cleaned up before Jamal fucks your wife?

>> No.9926165

I've heard literal nignogs call them nigger toes, so there's that.

>> No.9926411


My mom grew up in the rural midwest and didn't realize they were called anything other than 'nigger toes' until she called them that in a college class and other people looked at her like she murdered a black baby and wasn't named Margaret Sanger

>> No.9927075

In portugal we have a dish that translates to codfish's jerking off (jerking off is used as a noun)
And faggot style chicken

>> No.9927103

Ah, the good old homestyle Fish-Fap
truly uma delicia

>> No.9927152

I'm personally not a fan but hey fap is a more appropriate term than jerking off
And let us not forget the lolicons of the north with their Little French Girls

>> No.9927691


Soooo much edge in this thread.


>> No.9927785

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.9928017

Wtf, I love Portugal now!

>> No.9928059
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Greek "negro"

>> No.9928065
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>> No.9928068

We call them oliebollen / oil balls, but we have them with or without raisins.

>> No.9928717
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Alligator Pears

>> No.9928844
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>> No.9928875

>frozen gook fingers
lol I wish that's what they were rally called

>> No.9928970
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>> No.9928993
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Black titties

>> No.9929066
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literally means pussy in spanish

>> No.9929307

>That description
Well, I guess it's accurate enough.

>> No.9929743

Isn't there a dessert called Aphrodite's nipples or something?

>too lazy to google

>> No.9929778
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>>too lazy to google
fucc u, man.

>> No.9929847

This is armageddon nuts though.

>> No.9929999

>Spotted the Central American

>> No.9930126


Least favorite nut. They're not unpleasant, it's just every other kind of nut is so much better.

Plus, they seem to go rancid very quick. I always get a few rotten ones in a bunch.

>> No.9930318

Negerinnetetten (nigger tits) in Dutch Belgium

>> No.9930800

>thinks saying nigger is a revolutionary act

>> No.9930846

nice quads

>> No.9931142
File: 348 KB, 1500x934, Jimmies-big-1-of-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger crumbs

>> No.9931242

Nigger, would you please fuck off?
People have literally been saying nigger since the start of 4chan. It's not some sort of /pol/tard virtue signal, it's just part of the culture. If you don't like it, go back to your hugbox on Tumblr. I'd call you a redditor, but if you were that, you'd just be spamming it thinking you're some funny alt-kiker.

>> No.9931251
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>> No.9931293

Fuck you roody-poo

>> No.9931295
File: 105 KB, 600x500, 0-64ef3214-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mule's Bollocks
(they are actually made with pork meat)

>> No.9931303
File: 67 KB, 800x700, palle_del_nonno_19_5_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

similar to those, Grandfather's Balls, a type of salami.

>> No.9931326

>it's just part of the culture
It doesn’t have to be.
We can change, anon.

>> No.9931349

What the fuck is a nigger egg?

>> No.9931423

Jews get kicked outta everywhere they go and move on and shit up the next place and even manage to get a plant that does the same thing named after them. Interesting.

>> No.9931427

>cussing is being edgy

>> No.9931428

Fuck off nigger lover

>> No.9931963

Fuck off back to Ribbit