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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9921178 No.9921178 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else /HighMetabolism/ here? It is suffering.

I'm about to demolish 40 pizza rolls with ranch dipping sauce and it won't affect me at all. My diet is always like this... Meals are like 3-4 burgers, or 4 bowls of chili, or half a pan of lasagna, etc etc.

Im 33 years old and it shows no sign of slowing down. I'm not even a fatass, I'm 6ft and only 175 pounds.

My grocery bill is insanely high and I can't even gain weight...

>> No.9921184

Congratulations, you're skinnyfat.

>> No.9921264

I have a friend just like you. Tall, skinny as fuck, eats a shit ton, mostly meats, cheeses, and breads, and just a couple months ago got put on high blood pressure and cholesterol meds. You can be skinny and still be unhealthy. At least switch to healthy foods so you don't die at 45.

>> No.9921275

high metabolism is a myth and doesn't exist

>> No.9921285


>> No.9921298

All of biology, retard. Unless you're eating 4500 calories a day and still not gaining any weight without exercise, you're eating significantly less than you think.
You're probably averaging out to 2000-2500 calories a day, which if you don't exercise AT ALL, i.e. you sit at a desk all day and never get up, don't go to the gym, don't walk extended periods of time, is not unreasonable to not gain weight. This is doubly true the taller you are.

Go ahead and actually try tracking your caloric intake sometime, it's probably a third of what you think you're eating.

>> No.9921343

This. "High metabolism" is a soccer mom meme. People who say they can 'lmao eat 2 entire large pizzas and not gain a pound' are always borderline if not actual anorexics who will have gone the day before or the day after without food entirely. They only say shit like this to throw attention off of and mentally justify their actual eating disorder.

>> No.9921353

>High Metabolism
>Maybe eats breakfast and then one large meal
Nah, you're basically anorexic -- learn how to eat, senpai.

>> No.9921387

>you just don't pay attention to how much you're eating
Now this is the real meme.
Low-metabolics are just too jealous to accept the facts.

>> No.9922872

I heard people like you actually digest poorly, so only a few of what they eat

>> No.9922885

>falling for the high metabolism meme
Holy fuck you people are dense.

>> No.9922910

>drink 90 beers a week
>smoke weed and eat constantly
>never workout
>still 6ft 180lbs

Been like this for 7years

>> No.9922954

You don't have "high metabolism". You just overestimate how much you eat.

>> No.9922959

You're fucking fat. Too fat for me to date, probably.

>> No.9922964

>I'm 6ft and only 175 pounds
That's actually fat. Not overweight or obese, but unpleasantly flabby. You're at elevated risk of diabetes and such with all the visceral fat.

>> No.9922972

healthy foods literally make me gag

>> No.9922991

>90 beers a week
>that's about 13 beers a day
>if we lowball the average beer to 150 calories, that's 1950 calories a day for beer alone, which is roughly what a person your height and weight who doesn't exercise needs to maintain without counting the huge amount of food you pretend to eat
You're either overestimating the amount of food you're eating or you're full of shit. Which one is it?

>> No.9922994

>wanting to live past 45

>> No.9923019

I drink 380 beers a day and I weigh 110lb at 5'1

>> No.9923037

This desu
My family always tells me I have a high metabolism because I'm 20 lbs underweight, but really I only ever eat one meal a day, or 2 small ones

>> No.9923050

Objectively incorrect

Source: Me. I weight that much at that height and have abs

never exercised a day in my life

>> No.9923052

That's more reasonable. When you reach a certain point your calories start going backwards.

>> No.9923308

>another "my body breaks the laws of physics" thread
First of all, 40 pizza rolls would only be 1500 calories, add some ranch and let's say it's 1700. At your height and weight, you could just eat this every day and you would lose weight. You're probably eating just more than that, maybe like 2000 calories so you're just maintaining your weight. There's nothing mind blowing about this.

>> No.9923757

I'm sorry your taste in food never matured past the child stage.

>> No.9923777

Wait until you're 45, and you'll be changing your tune.

>> No.9923784

I was the same way until I started heavily drinking.

>> No.9923787

I knew a girl that would only eat chocolate. Like a few pieces and then a quarter plate of dinner and she was fucking skinny af. No good proportions.

>> No.9923802

That is not at all what skinnyfat means.

>> No.9923813

> itt: fat people who are pissed some peoples bodies burns energy at a less efficient rate therefore creating the "high metabolism"
I body build and just recently has my metabolism dropped to a point where I'm actually gaining weight and I'm eating less food. I used to pack away 6000 calories a day just to put on maybe half a pound of muscle a month. Now I'm doing keto at around 3000 and maintaining. There is no denying peoples metabolisms are different.

>> No.9923822 [DELETED] 
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Curious as to whether anyone here has had /dushbara/? It is high metabolism. Any /dushbara/ fans? (Pic related its dushbara)

>> No.9923823

Science and facts are also racist too!

>> No.9923829

>i'm short and fat and this is why i think that is

Yeah, nah. Your body can use energy while you're at rest and some people have more going on inside their body than others.
One example is cancer. When people get cancer their bodies use a lot of energy to try and fight it. If you present to a doctor and tell them that you've lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time then one of the first things they'll test for is cancer. You ever see a fat chemo patient?

>> No.9923872

>t. 17 year old

>> No.9923937

That's not your body burning energy to fight cancer dipshit it's the chemo that kills your appetite

>Bet you think cancer causes baldness too
>Ever see a cancer patient with a full hair of hair?

>> No.9923975

If you're telling the truth anon, you're probably going to die in the next year or 2, due to liver failure. So long!

>> No.9924000

I'm 6' and weigh 145, I can't imagine how fat you are

>> No.9924244
File: 50 KB, 780x438, the man on telly told me so!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>patients get treatment before the doctor prescribes the treatment

>> No.9924255

It takes a lot longer than 2 years to do that.

>> No.9924708
File: 153 KB, 800x1200, 1510756198051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, nah
Want to know how I know you're an insufferable fucking retarded faggot? Also, depending on the type, cancer is associated with a loss in appetite, not some magical increase in TDEE, retard.

>> No.9924715

>my broscience defies basic laws of thermodynamics
If you were eating 6000 calories a day and barely gaining weight, it's because you were burning thousands of calories off, not because your body is magic. Your metabolism is not running at a difference of thousands of calories compared to someone else.

>> No.9924736

Close. The acronym you need to search for is TNF. Learn how it effects metabolism and then come back and realise how silly you look for calling me the retard.

>> No.9924737

What "muh thermodynamic" and "calories in calories out" retards always seem to overlook is the calories that your body pisses and shits out without burning.

>> No.9924749

>At least switch to healthy foods so you don't die at 45.
"Healthy foods" are a subjective construct. They're not real.

>> No.9924753

yea nah, but nah yea, nah yea yea nah, yea nah, yea, nah, nah, yea? nah!

>> No.9924755

They're real by virtue of the fact that unhealthy foods exist.

>for every healthy food there is an equal and opposite unhealthy food
-Robert Heinstein

>> No.9924761
File: 48 KB, 620x747, Bob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9924766

>The net metabolic process of my body being higher relative to the average norm is a myth.
Can you even into logic son? High metabolism is real, and it's caused by an active lifestyle and a body that requires more nutrients for upkeep compared to others.
People being ignorant of what their actual calorie intake is is not high metabolism being a myth, it's just people being retarded and thinking they have something they don't.

>> No.9924775

Healthy is subjective. Therefore what may be healthy for one person may be unhealthy for another. Therefore a food can be healthy and unhealthy at the same time. Which is impossible. Therefore it's not real.

>> No.9924868

I still lift the same you absolute imbecile.

>> No.9924874

>Healthy is subjective. Therefore what may be healthy for one person may be unhealthy for another. Therefore a food can be healthy and unhealthy at the same time. Which is impossible. Therefore it's not real.
T. Fat ass who is insecure about being fat.

>> No.9924877

You're a fucking child.

>> No.9924889

>fighting cancer
>not the cancer growing more, requiring more energy and materials to make more cancer.

>> No.9924961

> your body doesn't use energy to return to homeostasis
> your body doesn't try to destroy deformed cancer cells
> your body doesn't already destroy deformed cancer cells preventing cancer alot of the time
Read a book retard.

>> No.9925015

Nice projecting.

>> No.9925109

"Cancer cells develop from our own cells, so our immune system doesn’t always know that it should attack them. Sometimes the immune system knows that cancer cells shouldn’t be there, but more often our immune system doesn’t notice cancer cells. Cancer cells can even turn off the immune response so that the immune cells don’t attack them."

Read more: http://www.cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/cancer-101/what-is-cancer/the-immune-system/?region=on#ixzz538BSl2qj

Just for (You).

Also, you're an idiot.

>> No.9925455

Urine is 95% water. Water has no calories. The solids are negligible.

>> No.9926664

That's not a high metabolism, that's being active and burning more calories.

This is talking about the myth that some folks of the same height/weight/activity level somehow burn more calories than others.

>> No.9926674

>Comparing cancer to "muh high metabolism"
Some people burn more calories by default than others, but nobody burns so much without having some horrible, life-crippling condition like Crohns that they're eating 4 burgers, 4 big bowls of chili, half a fucking pan of lasagna, and 40 pizza rolls every day without exercising and not gaining weight.
Don't be an idiot.

>> No.9926907

But that's not a myth.

>> No.9926918

It's a myth in the sense that some people burn 3500+ calories while doing nothing, dumb dumb. 100-500 calorie differences in base metabolisms are normal, but not LOL I EAT 50 BURGERS EVERY DAY AND NEVER GAIN WEIGHT different.

>> No.9926932

>the myth that some folks of the same height/weight/activity level somehow burn more calories than others.
>100-500 calorie differences in base metabolisms are normal

>> No.9926937

I'm not that poster, and he's objectively wrong, but thinking there's such a thing as "high metabolism" is just as objectively fucking wrong.
Some people have naturally highER metabolisms than comparable demographics, but they do not have "High" metabolisms. There is nobody, I repeat nobody without a crippling disease, that is burning off 3500+ calories a day doing nothing.

>> No.9926943

People can have the same height, weight, and activity level but one might have more mucle mass just due to genetics and therefore a higher metabolic rate.