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File: 485 KB, 1200x2400, 1200px-EverclearHiRes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9909852 No.9909852 [Reply] [Original]

Would soaking a Q-tip(s) or small cotton ball in Everclear and rubbing them on the inside of my anus be a viable way to consume it without having to deal with the nasty taste? What about a weaker alcohol? If so, I think it would be a more safe and efficient way to consume it rather than drinking whole bottles, and there wouldn't be anything to throw up if you got too drunk.

>> No.9909858

What it's your goal here?

>> No.9909864


>he doesn't consume alcohol via his schtinker


>> No.9909865

ok, you're obviously a clown
but I'll still give you a serious reply.
The way to consume everclear is to mix, and thereby dilute, it with something.
We used to use grape juice.
Also, if you butt-chug to intoxication you may well still vomit. At best you'll dry heave, which, IMO, feels worse than puking up liquids.
Enjoy your retarded garbage thread, you shitposting faggot.

>> No.9909869

Just get a liquor you actually enjoy drinking?

>> No.9909882

guys butt thirsty

>> No.9909908

Okay, so let's consider some other possible benefits from this potential game changer. Alcohol baths. Not everyone can accomodate the time or budget for an anal bleaching every time they want their ass eaten. Regular application of alcohol to the outer sphincter would keep it clean for their partner, and they could use more flavorful drinks to add subtle, yet rewarding, hint of taste for more refined consumers.

>> No.9909909

Where can you actually get 190 proof everclear? The most I've ever seen at the store is like 150.

>> No.9909926

Are you a "first nations" person
ie. native american
ie. native

also lol you're going to be in jail a lot.

>> No.9909937

I get 260 proof everclear you pleb

>> No.9909947

Mixing anything with everclear never works, that shit is poison. All I ever end up tasting is the everclear even if i use small amounts

>> No.9909950

Idk might work out to be a cheaper way of getting shitty.
Some of the trashy girls at my middle school used to soak tampons in vodka and get drunk that way.
I have no idea what the absorption rate anally for alcohol is compared to orally.
Is it a factor in anally prescribed medicines?

>> No.9909953

The first time you take a butt shot you are going to way over estimate how much to put up there and get very drunk

>> No.9909954

More like you rapidly cause irritation to the soft tissue of your b-hole

>> No.9910125

This. Idk how you are supposed to make it in batches of it without horribly diluting it or feel like your chugging rock bottom.

>> No.9910130

I used to ingest vodka up the bum in college via enema. Not even kidding. Shit gets you wasted, fast. Wouldn't recommend it though.

>> No.9910184

Only about 1/3rd of your rectal veins actually go to the liver, the rest are effectively absorbed right into the blood.
So it's MUCH faster at absorbing into your system. And much more likely to overdo it and kill yourself.

>> No.9910194

Did this once with a cotton ball. Really burns. Don't recommend.

>> No.9910231

Live in a free state.

>> No.9910247
File: 1.05 MB, 1678x2268, 20170102_182430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy a still. Thats what I do.

>> No.9910949


>> No.9910969

Could you beat a police breathalyzer by doing this?

>> No.9910995

if you see 150 everclear on the shelf that means you live in a pussy state that doesn't allow 190.

>> No.9911001

just soak some orange slices in it like everyone else, fag.

>> No.9911005

buy a small syringe and inject it

>> No.9911015

No, the blood alcohol content is metabolized in your whole body and can still be tested/

>> No.9911027

260 proof doesn't exist, that's like saying it's 130% alcohol. I can get 190 proof in South Carolina. I use it for hiking/backpacking. Saves weight and I use it to fuel my camp stove as well as getting hammered. It could also be useful in a first aid situation to clean wounds.

>> No.9911028

You get drinks that are 130% pure alcohol? That's impressive.

>> No.9911118

get an oral syringe (the kind they give out with childrens medicine) and shoot about 10mls up the butt until sufficiently intoxicated. beware though, even lower proof spirits burn like holy hell and you will have to clench your butthole with extreme force to keep from immediately pissing it out your ass

>> No.9911247

The attorney in silicon Valley would stick a tampon soaked in grain alcohol up his rectum.

>> No.9911254
File: 1.41 MB, 300x223, Dunky King.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dumbass died after his wife enema'ed him with 2 bottles of burgundy. Sudden alcohol poisoning.

>> No.9911271

>is such a pussy faggot he actually considers butt chugging a viable alternative to just manning up and drinking it

>> No.9911398

Just mix it with pineapple juice to mask the taste.