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File: 166 KB, 1280x600, msg-is-ultimate-healthy-flavor-hack.1280x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9905339 No.9905339 [Reply] [Original]

>"Salt, pepper? No no, those are just seasonings, that's not cheating"

>"MSG? You can't use that, it kills you (no evidence), it's made by some evil processed method (as if vinegar and yoghurt aren't), and besides you should get the flavours naturally from good cooking (oh you can use salt and pepper though)"

>> No.9905349

So...? What do you want to say, OP?

>> No.9905359

Im confused now on how msg is made?

>> No.9905360

When sodium and glutamate love each other very much...

>> No.9905368


That there's a retarded witchhunt over MSG.

There's no clear evidence it's worse for you than salt, so there's not much reason to not use it for health reasons.

Saying it's processed is also a joke when no cookbook would tell you not to use vinegar for the same reason.

If you sprinkled it on your meals before serving people they'd call you a lame cheat cook, even though nobody cares about seasoning your dishes with salt and pepper (and the last instruction in hundreds of cookbooks)

There's no good reason not to use it if you're also using salt seasoning. I only don't put it in dishes I serve friends/family because it's so ridiculously denounced that people would just think all my dishes were fake, again, with people making no bones about adding salt.

>> No.9905470


>there's no good reason not to use it

I'm in Germany right now and these fuckers add it pretty much everywhere and after a while everything just tastes the fucking same, it really fucking sucks.

>> No.9905482

In restaurants? Because we rarely use MSG in regular cooking.

>> No.9905516

>If you sprinkled it on your meals before serving people they'd call you a lame cheat cook
Who's "they?" I've never heard of anyone caring about what chefs use as seasoning before. Here in reality we just care about getting food back that tastes good after placing an order, the chef is basically nonexistent as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.9905528

3 words: maggi liquid seasoning

>> No.9905541

you actually feel alt and pepper with your tongue.
MSG pass the bloodstream and directly affect the brain instead.
It literally has no taste. It's like pretending being drunk is a taste.

>> No.9905629
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 477732678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf constantly claims "they must have put msg in this, it's giving me a headache". Should i just smother her to death with a pillow right now?

>> No.9905664

>watch me stick my head in the sand and pretend to be retarded hurrrrr
Mainstream news started reporting on MSG in the late 80's and whipping up hype that people were getting sick from it, i.e. "Chinese Restaurant syndrome".
The FDA commissioned some studies and found it was harmless by the mid-90's but nobody gives a shit about that, "durk a durr the gubbmint is lying to us dey never tell da truf"
So normies, especially Boomers and middle-aged people that were alive in the late 80's and remember the MSG "hype" will retch and act sick if they find out MSG is in something.
For the record, I use half-salt, half-Accent in all my cooking, don't say a word, and nobody notices.

>> No.9905678


>> No.9905696

>don't say a word, and nobody notices.
Yeah, I don't think most people demand to know the exact list of ingredients, condiments, and seasonings for everything they're served in a restaurant. You usually just take it on faith that you're not being poisoned.

>> No.9905702
File: 296 KB, 368x1112, tsunetsuki_19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly get that if there's a large amount of MSG in something. Not that I care much, I never got any pains from restaurant food, only home cooking.
CRS aside, using MSG instead of ingredients that contain MSG undoubtedly leads to less aromas and a blander dish. As far as I know, there isn't an ingredient that lets you infuse the taste of black pepper because well, black pepper is not a chemical. And if there is something that tastes like black pepper, it's probably inconvenient to use or get. Salt is a trickier one as people often use salty ingredients so that they have to use less salt, but since cooking usually involves water which dilutes the salt, you'd have to use an absurd amount of salty stuff to replace salt entirely.

>> No.9905712

it's more like this than your retarded strawman fantasy situation

>> No.9905883

Source on this claim?

>> No.9905893

Isn't soy sauce like 10% msg?

>> No.9905898

It is directly disprovable by just tasting some msg. You’ll take one crystal on your tongue and be like ‘oh, hey, Chinese food’

>> No.9905916

>using MSG instead of ingredients that contain MSG undoubtedly leads to less aromas and a blander dish
This is too fucking dumb for words. Of course it leads to less aromas. That’s a good thing if you want to adjust the seasoning of your food without adding extra ingredients. The whole idea behind salt, sugar and other refined seasoning agents.

>> No.9906060



theres always a way around that

>contains:...yeast extract...