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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.18 MB, 1698x1131, chip_card_reader_istock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9900557 No.9900557 [Reply] [Original]

>I hope you didn't have any plans for the next few hours

>> No.9900572

>even third world post-soviet eastern european shitholes with GDP lower than 1/10th of a single state's have better functioning card technology and internet connections than US56%

>> No.9900576

mfw Australia has used nfc for like 6 years.

>> No.9900594
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somehow fresh market's chip readers are just as fast as swiping.

>> No.9900603

I think yuros are just lazier and don't realize how much time they waste.

>> No.9900633

> tfw American in a rural area and we have nfcs at many places, chip cards take only a second, and you have no idea why people complain about these things

>> No.9900642

>out chip in
>Takes 5 seconds
>Thank clerk and leave
>Laugh at ameritards outside of northeast Florida who have slow as fuck chip readers

>> No.9900645

America is still a thirdworld when it comes to payments. Literally a criminals paradise.

>> No.9900646

Why are Americans so fucking dumb? Even in Canada our machines aren't shit.

>> No.9900648

How is spending two seconds on putting your card on top of the reader wasting time?
That's literally how long transactions take around here

>> No.9900695

Maybe your wristbong is off and your two microbongs are actually several macrobongs. I can't be exact because I speak American time.

>> No.9900703

my card works fine but why lots of people hate liquid cash?

>> No.9900717

Mountain Dew futures have been shit for years.

>> No.9900728

post yfw americucks cant just touch their card to the reader and pay for anything below £30

>> No.9900740

If you are not using NFC at this point you should probably just kill yourself

>> No.9900743

Yeah, this is really better than waiting for grandmas to find exact change in their purses

>> No.9900893

Eurotrash only work like 2 days a week so they obviously have time to kill. That's why they all live in shacks and pay 80% in taxes.

>> No.9900919

>why lots of people hate liquid cash?

It just seems to always slip right out of my hands.

>> No.9900931

Even the shitty hardware store where I work for in south america has a nfc pos, it's not rocket science tbqh

>> No.9900934

>Food and Cooking

>> No.9900943

>How to pay for food
Fucking commie.

>> No.9900958

Am I missing something? Been using chip for the past two years, and it is just as fast, if not faster, than swiping.

>> No.9900964

I had about $50 worth of groceries and my chip wouldn't work. They asked me if I had another form of payment, and I was thinking, "Why would I carry two types of payment?" That's like having two phones. I don't doubt that some people DO carry two forms of payment or phones, but I have no need for that (well, except for when it doesn't fucking work but I digress).

I just walked away. I'm sure half of that stuff had to be thrown away since it was mostly raw meat and vegetables. I thought it was strange they wouldn't put it on a tab. I would have came back to pay. I shop there all the time.

>> No.9900970

My bank won't give me a compatible card ;_;

>> No.9900986

American card processors charge 9 cents plus 2.1% of the total to the merchants to process payment.

If you use NFC, card processors charge 14 cents plus 2.1% of the total.

Merchants raise prices to pay for these hidden (to the consumer) fees.

Everytime you tap instead of chip-and-PIN or swipe, you gave the banking Jew even more money for doing nothing.

>> No.9900994

god damn i hate jews

>> No.9901000

I live in bumfuck Alabama and have never had issues with the chip reader. Where is it slow, exactly?

>> No.9901003

I have a Visa credit card and 2 Mastercard debit cards (1 for personal account, 1 for business account). I also usually carry some cash. When I went to the Dominican Republic the resort and all the places I went only took Visa and then the airport in Punta Cana only took Mastercard at their food court. It was rather strange.

Several businesses I frequent still use direct dial credit card machines and it takes for fucking ever to process credit card transactions. Especially gas stations where they only have one line for credit card transactions and all 4 gas pumps + the inside point of sale station must use it for all credit / debit card transactions. You can literally hear the modem dialing a number and performing a handshake with the credit card company's servers before transmitting the card information. And this process must occur for every single card purchase.


>> No.9901147

We used to have contactless cards but they never really caught on, so banks stopped issuing them around the time chip and pin was finally being implemented. I've yet to see anyone use their phone to pay for anything.

>> No.9901165

Only idiots pay for stuff.

>> No.9901177

High-tech jewery

>> No.9901209


Carry both a debit and credit card my man

>> No.9901231

I personally only use my card to get cahs from the ATM. Never used these and the last time I've ordered something online was 2014.

>> No.9901254

fuck i love being English.

>> No.9901299
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>I hope you didn't have any plans for the next few decade
Imagine the line in antique markets

>> No.9901307


>> No.9901309
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>tfw my bank converted ATMs to chip and pin

>> No.9901310

I get points on my credit card, though. I'd rather walk away than lose the points.

>> No.9901321

guess you'd better lump in Canadians with dumb ol' Americans because when I traveled to your country, your silly syrupy moose machines took just as long to process

>> No.9901916

We used to have a fresh market in my city but they closed most of their midwestern stores.
Loved that place

>> No.9901940

I wish contactless payment would become more popular in america. my old job had vending machines that accept card and phone payments and it was so nice.

>> No.9901997

Was the minuscule amount of points you'd rack up from that single transaction worth the hassle of driving to a different store and spending another 20-40 minutes picking out and purchasing groceries? Is your time really worth so little or are you just that big of a douche?

>> No.9902240

These things are slow? They're usually 1-2 seconds for me, I've never had one last more than 5 to 10.

>> No.9902259

>Why would I carry two types of payment?" That's like having two phones.
t. never goes to restaurants

you can carry several cards without a material impact on convenience. most people should have two cards unless you have cash to back it up, anything could happen. I had a card locked out on me because the transaction was exactly $90 dollars and zero cents, and I guess that made their fraud thing flip its shit and I had to call the bank. no ATMs around but I had another card that went through

I carry two personal credit cards, a work credit card, and my ATM/debit card

>Merchants raise prices to pay for these hidden (to the consumer) fees.
and that's why you have to be an idiot to not use credit cards in this country. you're getting charged anyway, might as well get yours

>> No.9902268

>I've yet to see anyone use their phone to pay for anything.
Where I live it is nearly 20-25% of people paying with their phone. I figure that is for two big reasons, we have 2 pretty big colleges in town, and we are a pretty big IT sector area. So there are lots of young tech literate people around. Aside from one large chain grocery store (and they are supposed to be in the process of converting), every place I shop has NFC payment capable machines (excepting hole in the wall type places of course, but they are usually cash only).

>> No.9902288
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I'll just use my (Apple|Android|Samsung) Pay(Pass|Wave) contactless technology. It'll take less than a second.

>> No.9902327

they take like 10 seconds

>> No.9902344
File: 42 KB, 404x404, 0a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using electronic currency

>> No.9902545

Let's see I carry two chase freedom cards and my Sapphire reserve card and my debit card. I don't why not it's about on average 9~11% cash back.

>> No.9902700

>Chips take foreverrrrr bawwwwww.
I had no idea /ck/ was full of geriatrics.
>"I can't get the card to read!"
Push the goddamn thing in until it clicks, Greta.

>> No.9902725

Yeah I go to the ATM machine and take my money out and take it to the bank.

>> No.9902727

Smart man.

>> No.9902757
File: 16 KB, 373x500, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amerifats complain about cards taking too long
>proceed to use cheques

>> No.9902760
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>he doesn't use the automated ATM machine
It's like you enjoy wasting time

>> No.9902771

This is why I only use precious metals to purchase goods.

>> No.9904003

Weird question but I always though about this. What happens if you're at a restaurant and your card is declined and you have no other forms of payment?

>> No.9904028

You take down information from their ID/License and a phone number you test on the premise. If they flat out last their wallet you can possibly write down their license plate information and have them come back with the money.

>> No.9904165

Ordered a pizza once lost my card. Driver was nice to come back next day for money

>> No.9904175

You guys don't have tap for Interac yet? WTF? Anything under $100 can be beeped in from card or phone is one second.

>> No.9904196

Dial-up internet sucks. Who knew!

>> No.9904197

We do. Why are non-Americans so fucking retarded?

>> No.9904252

>cash only

wat do

>> No.9904461

They updated the machines at my local Kroger-owned store. They're faster than the swiping method use to be.

>> No.9904729

What does this have to do with food?

>> No.9904741

It’s weird. It’s like Chattanooga - they had gigabit internet before Seattle and even now, a good chunk of Seattle metro probably still doesn’t have it. Not to mention, we “strangely” have almost no options outside of Comcast (and thankfully also now CenturyLink) Beyond downtown Seattle.

Point being, somehow a more tech heavy area ends up being lower tech.

>> No.9904743

Just pay cash you fucking faggots.

>> No.9904745

Does cash give me 2% back? Then no.

>> No.9904750

I pay via my phone as often as I get a chance too. It is more frustrating when you see the symbol and try to tap your phone and then they say “oh, you can’t do that. It’s not hooked up.”

>> No.9904754


>> No.9904757

I don’t see anyone writing checks anymore.

>> No.9904761

>automated ATM machine
>automated automatic teller machine machine

>> No.9904762

1. It takes far longer than any other payment method
2. It is the number one source of fraud
3. It's not the 1930s
If you are that anti-credit card get a debit card. If you are that anti-card period then just take out cash.

>> No.9904766

I’m confused, it might be because I live in California and all the card readers are new. Never had to wait more than a few seconds for it to process, I’m guessing the majority of the country isn’t the same?

>> No.9904769

>it might be because I live in California
Oh god I'm so sorry. Do you want to talk about it? We are here to help you.

>> No.9904777

Did you not read the rest? There’s clearly no problem unless you’re falling for the “California is a shithole commie state” meme.

>> No.9904780

I carry cash and gold get on my level peasants.

>> No.9904788

Better get to washing dishes and moping floors.
its how I got free meals.

>> No.9904989

>place phone on cardreader
>transaction done
>no need for code

"Have a nice day!" "You too!"

>> No.9904990
File: 26 KB, 400x400, C706UD-h_400x400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bring laptop to restaurant
>hook it up and mine bitcoins
>pay with bitcoins
>mfw free meal

>> No.9904992

I use samsung pay. It takes like 1 second.

>> No.9905415

t. has a shit credit score and doesn't get cash back on anything, sorry you had no self control :(

>> No.9905455

My time is valuable, Cletus. I don't need to waste fifteen seconds every time I buy something because the retard behind the till can barely tie his shoes, let alone count out my change.

>> No.9905487

War Eagle!

>> No.9905503
File: 102 KB, 606x601, tell-me-another-story-about-freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>southerners have a store called "war eagle"
I thought ohio was spooky enough with "giant eagle", I always pictured a 60 foot tall mechanical eagle in the parking lot with flames shooting out of its eyes and american flags hanging from its claws

Why do flyovers have such weird names for grocery stores?

>> No.9906130

Most people have to pay for food, EBT nigger.

>> No.9906168

Why are we talking about putting in the chip when everyone just taps now a days?

>> No.9906197

>has one of the new chip card stations
>tapes over the chip reader and puts a sign to just swipe


>> No.9906211
File: 30 KB, 316x202, 8a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walks slowly to counter
>oh let me get out my checkbook
>digs through giant purse
>takes sweet time writing check for $10 worth of stuff
>15 people in line

murder old women

>> No.9906256

Get a credit card like a grownup.
Bank with a challenger bank.

>> No.9907497

My phone doesn't have NFC.
I don't want a job like a grown-up.
Wtf is a challenger bank?

>> No.9907509

>tfw the cash slaves in your local market do not provide silver for change.
>They don't even have scales.

>> No.9907521

>living in northeast florida
I hope i dont catch the nigger from this post

>> No.9907523

Cash or bust

>> No.9907553

What the fuck is wrong with cash?

>> No.9907565

>Chip card
>No idea why or how but chip doesn't scan anymore, have to replace it
>No option to just swipe it at the cash register, HAVE to fail to scan the chip 3 times before swiping

Alright like I get it the chip is for security and that's real fucking neato but im getting real sick and tired of annoying security measures with no bypass options. PC's are getting like this too, can't interact with my own fucking computer because I don't have permission sometimes.

My current broken card is fucking ridiculous, chip scan and a 6 digit pin that wont even work in some european countries. A six digit pin, chip scanner and 3 digit code on the back all to prevent fraud, only if your card gets stolen the thief has access to all of these things... so uh, what's the fucking point? All the big security issues of the past aren't even issues of individual fraud it's the banks getting hacked and having all of our info stolen which isn't helped at all by six redundant layers of security on the user level. Shit's dumb.

>> No.9907576

Why don't you just replace the card dingus

>> No.9907591


Its in the mail, im just frustrated that I've gotta bother in the first place. Not sure what was so wrong with just cash or an old fashioned swipe card.

>> No.9907603

>local whataburger has NFC readers
>they've literally never been turned on for over 5 years now
This shit is gay

>> No.9907663

Because some people have great interest in making sure every cent is always trackable and also in eliminating every form of physical currency, forcing you to always make transactions throught banks.

>> No.9907717

>What the fuck is wrong with cash?
>Not sure what was so wrong with just cash
The stores, processors and banks (card issuers) couldn't track you or your spending if you just use cash. That is where loyalty cards came from, and why there was push back against ApplePay when it was first introduced.

>an old fashioned swipe card.
Easy to clone the info from a magstripe on to another card. Before it became easier to just hack the bank, store, or processor this was one of the if not the biggest sources of card fraud (in terms of money lost, not number of frauds).

Except for the extra fees that were passed along to you as a result of this fraud, there was no consumer reason to make the switch.

>security measures with no bypass options
If you can bypass it, it is not a security measure. But I do agree with you on the annoying part.

>> No.9907852
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>by the time Burgers get chips on their cards the rest of the world is already using contactless

Bonus points

How you people can accept something like credit score is incredible.

>> No.9907875

takes literally 4 seconds to clear here in oz

>> No.9907987

t. sub 600 creditlet

>> No.9908025

>Go to walmart
>Card gets declined via chip, doesn't even give me the chance to swipe
>Have like $4,000 and the bill was $8
>Call up bank
>Card is totally fine, walmart was just being a bitch
>Go back later and card works perfectly fine

fuck chips

>> No.9908083

Only thing you speak is microwave time.

>> No.9908202
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>americans get confused by a 4 number pin code

>> No.9908646

>>Merchants raise prices to pay for these hidden (to the consumer) fees.
>and that's why you have to be an idiot to not use credit cards in this country. you're getting charged anyway, might as well get yours

That's just eating the shit babyboomers made for you. Cash is still king I guess.

>> No.9908662

>You can literally hear the modem dialing a number and performing a handshake with the credit card company's servers before transmitting the card information. And this process must occur for every single card purchase.

I think all the 7-Eleven stores in my area still do that for all electronic payments. They supposedly use a custom UNIX system.

>> No.9908671

>Muh USA debts
Real 1st world countries don't care about your credit score.