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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9897617 No.9897617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is a fucking thread for the foodworkers who are looking to vent about DUMBASS customers
>customer on the other side of the deli case taps the glass to make their selection
>say I can't see the glass
>they make a cocky face

>> No.9897649

Imagine going home after your 10 hour dead end minimum wage job and continuing to think about work in your free time.

>> No.9897689

>grocery manager at regional supermarket with majority elderly clientele

>what do you mean you don't have X? I got it here last week

No you didn't. We have never had that.

>do you have any more of X in the back?
>you're not even gonna check? How do you know
>Because its my job to know.

>well my transsexual step son-ghter needs it tonight!
>k. That changes the situation zero percent. I still can't have it any earlier than my set truck days. The early bird catches the worm.

>> No.9897770
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>customer orders politely
>waits patiently for me to prepare it for them

>> No.9897773

you can always leave your job if you don't like it
no one is forcing you to deal with customers, or even have a job. there are plenty of homeless people living in tents that are happier than you, you miserable piece of shit. kill yourself, you aren't even good enough for a fucking grocery store deli

>> No.9897783

>continuing to think about work in your free time.
That's pretty much how life is regardless of your salary or prospects.

>> No.9897841
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This is exactly what i did. After being a bartender/waitstaff for a restaurant for years I finally got tired of it. I enrolled in junior college 2 years ago and took a job as a janitor instead (I know). Never been happier, and I almost didn't make the move.

>> No.9897911

Holy fuck,i have worked in a deli for 4 years now and been on 4chan for ~13 years I should have come to /ck/ three years ago

>> No.9897934

I fucken hate when people walk up to the counter in a deli and act like im some drop down menu
> costumer walks up
>"how's it going?"
>" black forest smoked ham
> stare at them for a while
> "oh would you actually like to order some?"

>> No.9897969

I worked in the deli department of a grocery store for a year and I'm the exact opposite. When people want to talk and expect me to be friendly because they are friendly it's incredibly draining. If people just stated what they want without talking to me that would have been a tolerable job.

>> No.9897990

Nobody wants to have a conversation with you, they just want their meat and cheese.

>> No.9898005

>customer eats too much on the buffet

You have had enough fat boy

>> No.9898009

This. You are an obstacle to be avoided.

>> No.9898019
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>customer wants to have a conversation as you try to take their order

>> No.9898068

Stop me
You fucking. You fucking peons think? You nobodies think youre the ones that deserve pleasure in this situation? When i want a quick bite id prefer if you wore gloves new gloves for every step, including but not limited to touching my money. Dont want your poor curse rubbing off on it. I only visit the grocer for hawaiian punch, chicken wings and queso and thats mainly because i get a giggle helping the jester pass some time. You fucking. Losers.... at the butcher... at the market.. make me sick. Dont try to give ME advice. Get a REAL JOB you fucking swine. Im better than you, im a better cook than you, i have a more refined pallette than you. Dont look at me. Dont vent abot me to your anime picture book friends on your cooking forum. Grow up

>> No.9898082

No I dont want to talk either I just want some sort of humanity, for example if they said- may I have turkey or leme get some ham etc, not just a statement of "ham"

>> No.9898140

Quiet lunch meat boy. Adults are speaking

>> No.9898178

you want humanity? They want what they are pointing at, and that is what you are paid for.

>> No.9898190

>working the deli solo
>300lb+ woman comes with her teenaged grandchildren (this woman is no older than 30)
>asks if we have buffalo chicken, we don't
>"well ya's had it last week why don't cha have it naw?"
>"because it all sold, we have this barbecue chicken from the same brand though"
>"okay gimmeh somma that chicken than, i'ma go do my shoppin' and pick it up"
>cut an entire pound of this chicken
>she sends one of her grandchildren to pick it up
>promptly returns screaming that i gave her bbq instead of buffalo
would've been incredibly embarrassing if it wasn't almost closing time
i felt so sorry for her grandkids, they were clearly uncomfortable and it seemed like she did that kinda thing a lot

was a deli/grocery in middle-of-nowhere virginia, the only people who got delimeat were the most fucked people i've ever seen or elderly women getting meat for their husbands

>> No.9898265

My point is they didn't order anything.

>> No.9898347

Literally all you need to say is: Hey not bad, can I grab some fish thighs pleasE?
If you haven't optimised even the most simple of social interactions, you might be retarded.

>> No.9898378

life of a soyim
normal people have hobbies

>> No.9899172

>when fastfood workers think they are real people, and don't exist exclusively to serve us like the pathetic wageslaves they are
Imagine being a fastfood worker and thinking literally any real person gives a fuck about your problems. Should have made some better life choices you talentless loser.

>> No.9899177

>they make a cocky face

OP I'm baffled, why would they make a cocky face over that? And why would you get angry over it for that matter??

>> No.9899190

>DUMBASS customers
Nigger you serve people for a living. Did you work today? I've been off since the 21st and am getting paid for this week off. I got Cuban food today though and was nice to the thicc bitch serving me.

>> No.9899216
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>new supervisor is the type that loves to lecture you endlessly

>> No.9899227

Yeah I’m wondering this too, what is going on in their minds?
>haha dumb motherfucker can’t see the glass, but I can! None of these bitch niggers can see glass like me, bet if you were good at seeing glass you wouldn’t have to work at a deli fuckin faggot haha

>> No.9899249

>>"how's it going?"
>>" black forest smoked ham
>>"you too"

>> No.9899293

capitalism will kill us all.

>> No.9899552

anything else would kill us faster

>> No.9899646
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>I only visit the grocer for hawaiian punch, chicken wings and queso
>i have a more refined pallette than you

>> No.9899683

>working at grilled sandwich shop, making someone else's food.
>gross middle aged woman with a belly shirt comes in
>doesn't care that I'm behind the grill or that I have gloves on and that i'm clearly working on making someones food.
>"I'll have a large Chicken Teriyaki"
>Me: Someone will be right with you
>She's visibly upset
> Coworker comes to take her order
>Crazy lady continues to stare at me while I make her food.

I fucking hate the fact that we have an open Kitchen, it's really annoying when someone stands right at the counter and stares at you the entire time instead of just hanging out away from the counter and waiting like all the rest of the people. This was on Christmas Eve too, and what my boss said couldn't be more true. "The kind of customers we mostly get today are the type of people you would never invite over your house."

>> No.9899688

>closing the kitchen earlier tonight
>just me, a server, and a dishwasher
>couple of 20 something girls walk in 10 minutes before we close and order a bottle of wine while taking their time perusing the menu

Fortunately they just ordered a couple of appetizers and we had to tell them that the kitchen was closed after that. They weren't terrible about it, and I only had to stay another 45 minutes because of them. But that's such a cunty thing to do. We're literally just standing around waiting for them to figure their shit out while we all want to go home and the restaurant is losing money on labor costs for a couple drunk girls.

>> No.9899689

The Deli was my first job in High School. It taught me a lot about people, and that you should always close early whenever you can. Make sure to get those slicers cleaned and out of the way asap.

>> No.9899703

>losing money on labor costs
that's for mr. shekelstein to care about, not you

>> No.9899715


I'm the sous chef and am in charge of the restaurant when there isn't a chef or manager there. It's part of my job to worry about us making money. It's also a place that was open less than a year and I came in on the ground floor, and work closely with the chef/owner, so it's kind of my issue too. If the place succeeds we'll open a second location that I'll be the chef of, because I really like the owner and think it's a good place that I could make a future at. So there's also that.

>> No.9900277

>go to supermarket
>cashier doesn't say hi or thank you or did you find everything okay today
>call over manager
>complain that cashier is a rude prick
>he thanks me for the feedback
>see receipt has clerks name and time of day on it
>we would love to hear your feedback please take a minute to fill out our questionier
>rip bitch a new one again

Been back to the same grocery store multiple times a week for a few months now and haven't seen this bitch at all which leads me to believe she was fired. I don't feel bad at all btw, learn to smile and be polite or hit the bricks and and take a hike cause you are fucking worthless.

>> No.9900289
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Good job, Anon. Women don't deserve happiness.

>> No.9900293

>people who have failed so hard at life they have to make a living as someone's food cuck calling anyone else a dumbass

Uh, no honey. You're the dumbass here.

>> No.9900302
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Had it have been a guy my actions would remain the same.

>> No.9900311

>Used to work in an upscale restaurant
>Lady in her 60s comes in orders the Salmon, real posh sounding but obviously not rich
>Give it to her
>"This isn't right!"
>Excuse me miss?
>"I don't cook it like this at home!"
>Try to accommodate
>She asks for some shit that we didn't have, tell her it's not possible
>"Well I wouldn't of ordered it if I knew you didn't have it"
>Sorry, our selections can be clearly found on the menu
>She gets mad, pays the bill and fucks off

>Literally the day after
>Look over from the bar
>Posh lady walks in again
>Oh boy
>Other staff come up and tell me posh lady is back
>No shit.jpeg
>Other staff on server duty, sits Posh Lady down and gives her the menu
>Posh lady looks over it, before standing up and announcing in the most heavy posh twat accent
>All staff look around in confusion
>Everyone can't help but to laugh as she leaves

If we could harvest the pure autism this lady must of had to think that was a good idea we could have already have found Madeline McCann

>> No.9900318

Some of us, started from fucking nothing and worked 247, for the last fucking 10 years and are now standing tall as ower of a popular joint, you fucking soft 9 to 5 pile of shit

>> No.9900325

Had some cunt with her two gremlins walk up and with her one of their faces burried in the others ass. I usually make joking convo especially with kids and i was like "Were you sniffing your brothers butt?" expecting like a laughing "LOL NO" out of a 6 year old (kids do dumb shit i couldnt give less of a fuck if she was blowing her brother desu. Woman was a huge cunt and threw a fit so i told her they were the reason for condoms. XD Got canned but now i have a much better job where im happier, make more money, and i got to tell that place and that woman to fuck off. XD I hope she still thinks about me telling her that shit XD Best part was when i said it this 70 year old bitch behind her cackled like fucking gruntilda from banjo tooie. I still lose sleep laughing at that shit. Rest easy my boys not fitting in in grocery or fast food is like not fitting in at the circus. Itll be ok. :D

>> No.9900334

I wish I could get you fired from 4chan.

>> No.9900337


>> No.9900350

Fish don't have thighs

>> No.9900362

Imagine going to work, slaving away for hours on end, having an absolutely rubbish rotten day, and then hearing your alarm go off: wakey wakey, time for work!

>> No.9900495

Moronic, not everyone wants to chat.

>> No.9900496

t. Glass tapper

>> No.9900500


>> No.9900526


Kys you subhumans

>> No.9900586

underrated post

>> No.9900643

no bruh, if you're open, you're open. end of story

>> No.9900651

btw I too am a souse chef and find very little as annoying as people complaining about having to do what they're getting paid for

>> No.9900652

>cooking burgers for a charity event
>order 5lbs of American Cheese sliced on the thinnest setting
>deli worker gets cunty about it

fuck you, just do your job you monkey

>> No.9900665

Faggot I've got three weeks off paid get rekt little bitch thinking you're good having one week off lmao kys faggot

>> No.9900672

>made a sandwich on our menu called southern reuben
>menu states it's made with roast beef and coleslaw
>customer hates this
>brings the sandwich into the kitchen and yells at me about it
>it's a southern reuben I didn't make the menu talk to your waitress
One of the only times I can remember a customer in the kitchen

>> No.9900716

Imagine a bottle that's shaken, but never opened.

>> No.9900733

>that one asshole that comes in on a schedule every week
>Always gets the same exact thing
>Never says anything to anyone
We all sit in the breakroom and talk about ways to murder you you subhuman piece of shit

>> No.9900741
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>> No.9900752

He might be planing on killing you already

>> No.9900767


Ahehehe, ahohoho, AHAHAHAHAH. Holy fucking shit that's pathetic.

>here's a shitty little room for you to have a "break" in peon, don't be a second late back on the floor

Ahahahah. Wearing your gay little uniforms. "Can I help you sir?"
Imagine having to address a stranger as sir. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA you're nothing, absolutely fucking nothing

>> No.9900774

>black customer orders a chicken tender sub
>eats 9/10ths of it
>brings the remaining scraps back to the counter and demands a refund
>always has some excuse that cant be refuted like the chicken was cold or slimy
>its store policy we have to refund them no questions asked
This happens at least 3 times a week

>> No.9900801

>its store policy we have to refund them no questions asked

Most places I know of have a policy that if you eat more than 1/3-1/2 of the meal before complaining about it then you don't get shit. If you didn't like it then you should've said something after the first bite or two.

>> No.9900829

Sounds like an ideal customer desu. From a worker’s perspective.

>> No.9900861

Cool story fuckhead that doesn't change what my stores policy is does it.

>> No.9900868

Has someone told your manager/whatever supervisor about this? Seems like if this a regular thing, it's time for someone up the chain to intervene.

>> No.9900870

that wasn't me being rude it was a false flag

>> No.9900877

great post

>> No.9900891
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>people need to have a conversation with me before they are allowed to order

>> No.9900895

Sounds like it's time for you to shut your fucking mouth before I bust your fucking lips open

>> No.9900903
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>> No.9900906

I can't wait for fully automated kitchens where all you have to do to get your food is enter your order on your smartphone and wait for a roomba to bring it out to you.

>> No.9900921

This honestly. I used to work in a hotel and at a coffee shop, not as bad as food work but I immediately removed any thoughts of work until I had to show up again because it's counterproductive to waste the energy on it. I work in an office for a non-profit now and still do the same

>> No.9900924

Wow yeah so "edgy". Fucking retard

>> No.9900947

>a hehehe, ahohoho, AHAHAHAHAH

I had some mild keks reading that in the Jokers voice

>> No.9900966

I also have vacation days, holidays and personal days you ape

>> No.9901027

I've been working since I was 13 and never had any of these. Sucks

>> No.9901033

>hurrr durr ur paid for it
doesn't mean you have to like it dickhead, even my boss complains about cunts coming in right as we're closing the shutters and buying meat, he really fucking hates it when they ask for a cut of meat with a bone and they want it cut up.
I highly fucking doubt you're a sous chef, you're a faggot who still depends on your mother as if you were a little baby sucking on her tit, fuck you, I hope you choke cunt

>> No.9901048

I only got those perks this year but I'm only 23. Find salaried work or hourly that let's you accrue time off and vacation (which is better because then you can log when they call you or need you on "off" hours and make even more money than salary cucks).

>> No.9901051

>personal days

Lmao is that in case you get triggered, little faggot?

>omg Drumpf tweeted again I can NOT take this right now I need a persy wersy day so I have time to stop shaking

The absolute state of faggot numales, Jesus christ

>> No.9901064

Step in the ring with me once. Just once. I dare you. Just who do you think you are? You arrogant piece of shit. You probaby won't last a single day on the field.

>> No.9901073

Personal days are used when you have an unexpected event occur like a rescheduled doctor's appointment, kid is sick, your dog died, car is in the shop, you have to stay home to let a repair man or contractor into your house, etc.

>> No.9901081

You should quit your job that would show'em

>> No.9901089

So this is a food worker intellectual. See >>9901073

Oh and I can work from home and take my lunch break at the deli and be an asshole to servers like you while I get paid to do it.

>> No.9901104

dont know why i kek'd so goddamn hard at this

>> No.9901107

dont know why i kek'd so hard while reading this

>> No.9901112

dont know why i kek'd so hard while reading this

>> No.9901155

Please leave /v/tard

>> No.9901159

I'm an engineer lad I travel the world and you think going to the deli is a fucking life achievement lmao. Get the fuck out my face soyboy

>> No.9901550

Hahaha reddits too blocks down to the left you self righteous nigger

>> No.9901571

>was a deli/grocery in middle-of-nowhere virginia, the only people who got delimeat were the most fucked people i've ever seen or elderly women getting meat for their husbands
No Jews in Virginia?

>> No.9901598

Id crush you you absolute fucking nobody. Theres far more ergonomic ways of staying in shape than unloading milk crates and walking around on concrete floors for 10 hours a day and im quite versed in them.
>The field
the FUCKING field. An embarrassment. I dont even want to fight a guy that takes this much pride in being a modern day slave. If ignorance /was/ bliss, I'd envy you. Jesus Christ man. For once in your life show some dignity and don't respond to me

>> No.9901610
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let's be honest here, you're both fat 10 year olds with salami nips and more stretch marks than the whores you slid out of.

>> No.9901626

just came her to give (You) a condescending smile

>> No.9901643

*unshetahes my 12 inch dick, 7 figure salary, rippling muscles*
Nice projection kid. Have lunch meat boy bring you to your mother and tell her i want to fuck

>> No.9901665
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Hey, can any dishwashers recommend a good brand of work pants?

>> No.9901681
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*teleports behind u*

>> No.9901693

Holy shit, are you fucking retarded or something? I bet you work at a department store or something.

>> No.9901755

>imagine having to adress a stranger as sir.
clearly your manners represent your wealth and social standing.

>> No.9901759

You want to get yelled at senpai?

What about private chef's that cook exclusively for rich people? Have they failed as well?

>> No.9901784

What's your problem? The dude comes in and orders his food, eats it quietly and then leaves. Sounds like you're the piece of shit here.

>> No.9901966


>literally in every single industry thread

If the sign says we close at 10, the kitchen closes at 10. Nobody actually waits until 10 to start shutting shit down.

>> No.9901991

Im a wildlife herpetologist/ecologist now since I graduated school. :D Thanks for your concern tho anon. :D

>> No.9901995

You still have to cook orders until close

>> No.9902026

one time, a guy got mad at me because I didn’t give him free food lmfao

fuckin hobos

>> No.9902036

When I was a DW in HS we could wear whatever we wanted because customers didn't see us.

Basketball shorts in summer, Basketball shorts in winter.

>> No.9902052
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>working in a sweatshop

>> No.9902083

Just because you fondle a variety of serpentlike benises doesn't mean you get to call yourself a herpetologist.

>> No.9902101

What the fuck are you on about stupid cunt

>> No.9902105

I can see why he wouldnt want to talk to you faggot. Mans minding his fucking business, mind yours and do your job cretin.

>> No.9902127

>working at italian restaurant
>order comes in for a chicken parmesan with pasta
>customer has a gluten allergy
>make gluten free pasta and fry up a chicken breast without the breading, still covered in sauce and cheese
>gets sent back because the chicken was not breaded

Dumbass memes aside, why would you go to an italian-american restaurant if you can't eat 90% of the menu?

>> No.9902144

>High School, ~5 years ago
>Family-owned Burger joint, everyone hates the family though with the exception of the head manager
>It's also a dump that nobody eats at, I rarely work hard
>"um I ordered no tomatoes make another"
>Take it to edgar, the undocumented sandwhich assemblyman, around the corner
>"Edgar, ella no gusta tomate"
>Edgar takes the sandwhich
>Throws the tomatoes off
>Spins the bun around so it looks new
>Takes it off again
>Edgar what are you...
>Edgar hits the underside of the bun with the sloppiest lick ever
>Security cameras don't work/are for show of course
>Trying not to laugh as I give her the sandwhich
>Watch her eat it
Gracias Edgar

>> No.9902206

Based illegals! Too bad 56%ers don't have the cojones to do that.

>> No.9902247

see its shitty corporate policies like this that are the problem. They are easy for scumbags to exploit.

>> No.9902256

You get that guy too? We thought we were the only ones with that stupid fucking "chicken cheese rice beans and some canned mixed veggies" faggot. Just want to kick his smug fucking teeth in everytime he comes in and his order rings to $16.98 exactly

>> No.9902265



baby's firs troll post.

>> No.9902298

I read this out loud and it sounds much better as a monologue

>> No.9902322

Get out of that job my man. The workload with respect to how much you're getting paid for a deli position at a grocery store is unreal.

>> No.9902375


>> No.9902389

just wait until you are replaced by a machine

>> No.9902414
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>How to stay a wagecuck your whole life
People with your attitude will be replaced by robotics since you are a breathing cog

>> No.9902467

This is why Trump is president and why he needs to be president for 2 terms

>> No.9902486


Fuck off, retard.

>> No.9902507
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The point of bait is to not respond to it at all, not notice it's bait and respond to it anyways.

>> No.9902514

still so sad.

We love it. Speak up and speak out. We are coming for you.

>> No.9902522

leave trump out of it pls ty

>> No.9902530

Literally this.

>> No.9902549


It's not bait. It's Trump tards who've recently come to /pol/ and think the entire site is /pol/. Gotta let them know it's not, and that they're not welcome here with their off topic, conspiracy theory shit posting.

>> No.9902555

So this is a butthurt loser containment board? I did not think that. Some people here seem to be ok.

Never been on /pol/

>> No.9902556

Yeah you tell em redit boy!!!!

>> No.9902561
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>> No.9902567


/pol/ is the containment board.

>never been on /pol/

Good one.

>> No.9902574

This thread was hilarious and you guys had to go and muck it up

>> No.9902589

Does anyone else throw those sauce cup packets out the drive-thru window so cars drive over them and they blow up everywhere? Used to do that at McDonald's all the time.

>> No.9902612


/pol/ fucks up every board these days. That's the problem.

>> No.9902631
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I have no reason to lie about this,

Whenever I get bad service at the front counter of fast food resteraunts on long drives I ask for a water Cup, fill it with a mix of condiments and soda, then I go into the bathroom and whip it at the wall as hard as I can before quickly leaving. When aim back on the road if my food is subpar I call the next franchise along my drive an hour later and bitch until I get two free meal coupons waiting for me at the next exit.

>> No.9902654

>Time stamp in file name


>> No.9902661
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Or you could ignore them instead of feeding the demon. No attention given to le epic Trump posts whatsoever = no /pol/ posters.

>> No.9902674

Cry more faggot

>> No.9902689


They're middle schoolers at best who just discovered 4chan in the past year, and they need to make it understood to them that their bullshit isn't welcome outside of their containment board.

>> No.9902731

You are self absorbed judgmental fucks oblivious to the fact you lost. That is a fact. I am not young, dumb, or anything else you falsely expound. I can almost feel you shaking with your undeserved and unsupportable anger. You lost because you are weak.

>> No.9902738

It's actually idiots trying to make /pol/ look worse than it is
>It's already the worst
Guess their efforts are working

>> No.9902750


>> No.9902776

You're not quite getting that if they aren't given any attention they'll leave. Are you dense or purposefully ignorant?

>> No.9902790


They're not trolling for attention. They're straying out of their echo chamber and not realizing that /pol/ is a containment board.

>> No.9902798
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lemme ask you guys something
is it okay for me to say, "whats good on the menu?". Like I know you probably don't eat it. But you guys working there have to know what's totally shit and whats a safe bet, especially if ive never been there. I got a mean annoyed look last time I did this.

>> No.9902807

the trolls are fed and are no longer hungry, you can stop posting now, you've done as much damage as you could

>> No.9902824
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They needed a containment board because people literally would not stop falling for it.

>> No.9902832

most restaurants will have the waitstaff try the food on the menu for the express purpose of informing guests with these kind of questions

>> No.9902840


Depends on the place. If the servers are trained they'll usually recommend the most popular items, their favorite items, or whatever specials the chef has told them to upsell. Unless you're at a fucking Applebees or fast food it shouldn't be an awkward question.

>> No.9902847

I have never visited /pol/ but it seems to me that you call it a "containment" board because there is no hope of having your loser nonsense supported there

>> No.9902881


Obvious samefag.

>> No.9902887
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>> No.9902895


Every so often, I have to be reminded I share a board with a bunch of anti-social spergs. These responses are a perfect example. Basic greetings are not "chatting", they are part of the norms in our society. The thought of you guys sperging out over a simple "how are you" and being rude in public is pretty humorous though.

>> No.9902905

Uh, no shit? Same language, same clear point.

>> No.9902914

>it's okay to post leftist opinions anywhere on 4chan
>it's not okay to post right-wing opinions anywhere on 4chan except for /pol/

There, I translated your post for you. You are basically trying to turn this website into another leftist echo chamber, which is odd when you have literally every other website and social media platform on the internet for that.

>> No.9902936


Most boards aren't political, but /pol/ is wackjob, off the spectrum, fake news/conspiracy theory bullshit, with mostly blind Trump support.

It's not an opinion, it's a cancer.

>> No.9902978

I only ever see cripplechanners claim 4chan actively endorses or openly supports leftist thought, I bet you whine about /leftypol/ when it doesn't exist on this site

>> No.9902995


>> No.9903032

They really do not know what they are doing to themselves. Not a history student among them