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9885641 No.9885641 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else on /ck/ avoid alcohol?

seeing all the alcky threads makes me feel sorry for those folks. i used to be one, but stopped drinking Nov of 2016. best decision of my life.

hope you're all having a great holiday regardless.

oh, and no h8 on those that enjoy booze. enjoy it and have fun safely. just not my jam. :)

>> No.9885683

It makes me feel sick, even just a single beer.

>> No.9885706

Havnt had a drink since last newyears evening due to health problems but i would love to be able to binge drink smoke a pack of ciggarets maybe get naughty a do a little cocain

>> No.9885728

Alcohol intolerance is a thing, like lactose intolerance.
I used to work with a chick who was alcohol intolerant. If she drank a little her skin would break out and she'd get all stuffy. If she drank more she'd get nauseous and crampy.

>> No.9885729

Been straight-edge ever since i accidentally drank my friend's mom's vodka when I was 12 and it tasted horrible

>> No.9885734

I've been sober my entire life, I dont really feel any better than people who do drink though

>> No.9885744

Moderate drinker here. I drink occasionally and it’s always a damn good time. Makes me feel giddy and warm.

>> No.9885747

I'm going on almost 5 months without a drink. I was in a bad accident and have been through six surgeries, three hospital stays, a bunch of pain killers, anemia, and a C. Diff infection from all the antibiotics.
I don't even want to get shit faced, I just miss having a scotch once in a while.
Although in my current state one scotch probably would get me shit faced.

>> No.9885788

I only drink one glass of champagne or a shot of vodka at some event if offered. First and only time I bought alcohol for myself was on my 18th birthday.

>> No.9885817

Get this, you can both drink.... and not be an alcoholic!!! wow

>> No.9885819

On meds that make alcohol a no-no. I want to get /fit/ anyways so not even having the option is fine with me.

>> No.9885826

I'm in my mid 20s and I already feel like I've reached the point where any degree of heavy drinking no longer interests me. At most I'll only drink one night a week, and maybe have 2-3 drinks max (wine with dinner on a weekend).

I'm unsure if I'll cut off drinking completely but that doesn't seem like an impossibility.

>> No.9885827



>> No.9885840

It's actually an area for genetic research, some populations have something wrong with an enzyme in the metabolism of alcohol that leads to a buildup of intermediates, so they're trying to develop a gene substitution therapy it as a drug for alcoholism.

>> No.9885841

Yup, but I'm newly teetotaled. I Stopped drinking after Halloween, when I had a health scare. That was it. Sober holidays are actually pretty fun, I'm finding out. Also, getting my full brain function back has been nice as well, my work performance has gone through the roof, as has my energy levels. The only exception is that I notice ALL the things that annoy the fuck out of me, that I used to use alcohol to ignore. Still grappling with that.

>> No.9885899
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I have some wine or a beer maybe once a month.
I also make moonshine but I just find it fun to do. I give most of it away.
I also smoke a lot of pot during harvest season.

>> No.9885906
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>wake up Christmas morning with a headache
>go downstairs, everyone’s presents are wrapped nearly except for mine which look like shit because I wrapped them shitfaced
>everyone is being standoffish because I was probably drunkenly spouting racist /pol/ tier shit last night

Merry Christmas!

>> No.9885912

literally this exact same thing for me

>> No.9885918

I don't drink when I'm angry, sad or otherwise upset. I just have no desire to. I suppose that's ultimately a good thing since I'm not trying to drink my problems away.

>> No.9885926

Fell down a flight of stairs and got myself a concussion after drinking 2 bottles of booze when i was young, haven't been able to smell booze without gagging ever since.

Beers and whine simply aren't worth it, so no alchohol for me.

>> No.9885930

Yes, seeing drunken adults as a kid made me think alcohol wasn't as cool as the TV shows.

>> No.9885942

Yeah it's pretty lame seeing so many drunkard threads.

>> No.9886044
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daily reminder

>> No.9887252
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Where my Asians at?

>be the only Asian in my office
>Tfw had to try and make shitty small talk to all my dog shit co-workers at the Christmas party as every single one of them, without fail, asked me why I wasn't drinking
>most of them didn't even fucking believe me when I told them I get physically ill when I drink alcohol
>I ended up just telling everyone that I was 19 so I couldn't drink (despite the fact that I'm nowhere near 19 and the party was in a bar that you needed ID to get into), and when that started failing I just ordered a ginger ale with no ice and drank sips from it so that nobody would ask me why I'm not drinking

>> No.9887260
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Used to be this, but wouldn't even drink a full beer. Just a sip to remind myself how fucking terrible the shit was. Then shit took a turn for the worse, and I'm drinking straight liquor like life water and wrecking myself into an unrecognizable shit mess.

>> No.9887274


The non-drinker looks like a downie.

>> No.9887282

Why are you people such pussies when it comes to alcohol?

>> No.9887313
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>3 sips of beer
>feel miserable for the rest of the day

>> No.9888407

I want to quit. I never want to look at another bottle or beer again.

Is there anyone here who has successfully tapered off of the devil's liquid? It gets so bad in the mornings or whenever I wake up. My chest feels like it's vibrating, non-stop panic attacks, chest pains, scalp pains, I feel weak as shit. I hate myself for even getting to this point but I can't stop. I have to start chugging every time I'm awake to feel normal and be able to function. My "doctor" (AKA: Physician's Assistant) refuses to give me anything to help and says to just go to AA and quit cold turkey.

I sincerely wish I had a vehicle or the means to get out of this town and visit another doctor. I just want to quit and I'm on the verge of ending it. I don't see a way out of this and I'm going to be out of money soon. I can't go to sleep without alcohol, my body physically will not let me sleep and I'll start seeing things or hearing things that aren't there when I try. I just want to quit. I don't want to pick up a bottle ever again.

>> No.9888413

I'm a fucking bartender and I don't like alcohol. My roommate gave me a glass of wine last night and I couldn't even finish it. I served more alcohol last night than I have consumed in my entire life.

>> No.9888416

Turmeric + Milk Thistle + Healthy food

Don't take those stupid fucking addictive pills the docs give you. I promise you, you can beat this. I did and I was drinking 2 liters of whiskey a day.

>> No.9888420

I can vouch for turmeric. That shit is super healthy and will make your poops normal again.

>> No.9888421

>anyone else on /ck/ avoid alcohol?
I avoid people like op

>> No.9888427

>physically ill when I drink alcohol
You mean lightheadedness, loss of coordination, nausea, dehydration, loss of judgement, brain damage, and slurred speech? Yeah alcohol is a literal poison which can also cause euphoria, just like huffing paint.

>> No.9888430

I sincerely don't understand how this shit's legal.

When you drink alcohol, your brain has to overcompensate and produce chemicals to make you normal again. When you stop drinking after a prolonged period of heavy drinking, you get overcompensated and you can have a heart attack or a stroke from withdrawals.

It's so fucking bizarre to me that this shit's legal just because it's a money maker.

>> No.9888432

I don't drink, super straightedge. No real reason other than the smell is unpleasant.

>> No.9888444

Actually a lot of people receive an opiate like effect from alcohol as their BAC rises. This doesn't mean alcohol isn't addictive on it's own, but this effect exasperates it's addictiveness significantly for obvious reasons.

>> No.9888509

I'm finding that I really don't feel the need to drink much. I think some of it has to do with wanting to avoid both toilets and overpaying for anything that isn't beer. This christmas dinner I drank about a bottle of wine and I didn't really get drunk but I got a headache and couldn't sleep at all and had depressive thoughts.

Generally drinking a relatively small amount is fun but I feel like weed is better in every way except that it makes me horrible socially compared to alcohol.

>> No.9888512


No. Morning coffee and after work beer/liquor with a little weed are the y joys in my life other than my dog. Fuck you OP but I'm glad you can find joy in life without many vices.

>> No.9888804

Lol, you and I would get along. You’re awesome.

>> No.9888813

lol are you me. I basically did the same shit.

>> No.9889808

If you're not Boozin you're loosin

>> No.9890270

>It's so fucking bizarre to me that this shit's legal just because it's a money maker.
do you really think it's bizarre?

>> No.9890289

Alcohol is a poison. Being drunk is being poisoned. The effects of alcohol are similar to the effects of sniffing gasoline, glue, or paint thinner. Alcohol increases the risk of developing all sorts of cancers.

>> No.9890296

I used to drink a lot but it was starting to affect my career so I started taking Naltrexone, now I don't even think about it unless I see an ad on the street or a thread here about it.

>> No.9890299

>It's so fucking bizarre to me that this shit's legal just because it's a money maker.
It's not just because it's a money maker, you retard. America banned it outright one time and ushered in some of the worst crime waves we've ever fucking seen.

>> No.9890303

Good thing we have that there renal system to filter out all these nasty toxins! Otherwise we'd never be able to eat anything that didn't require any chemical breakdown in our body!
You retard.

>> No.9890308

you are very ill informed, and I am not paid to work with special needs kids anymore, so just go fuck a light socket.

>> No.9890330

I'm getting to alky status now. Just got the "shakes" for the first time. GF noticed my hands trembling today... hadn't even noticed.

Is it too late for me lads? I don't want to give up drinking

>> No.9891056

Drinking is for the conformist losers, do you even like it for real ?
I think it's like with football or baseball, you only say you like it, and convince yourself of it, to belong with society.
In truth you realize alchohol tastes like industrial cleaning stuff but you are too subconsciously scared to lose the kinship of shitters.

>> No.9891103

>Anything that doesn't taste like deep fried butter coated in powdered sugar is inhuman and people only convince themselves they like it! There's no way they could actually enjoy the taste of something that it's pure fat and sugar!

>> No.9891113

I never got into alcohol. Don't see the big appeal. its fun at social events but otherwise its a terrible drug.

>> No.9891143

i think i stopped drinking last january, maybe april. it started making my stomach hurt and making me anxious, so i just quit.

don't really miss it, desu.

>> No.9891178

i was able to slow down a lot by going to work in the middle of nowhere and just not drinking. i dont normally work and hang out with losers in the day so its really boring and really easy for me to want a drink. and by the afternoon/evening, all my friends show up and someone is bound to have a box of beer and i cannot say no. fuck

>> No.9891467

It actually wasn't that bad at all and has been overblown.

>> No.9891774

>just not my jam. :)
I think most people perfectly understand that. At least everyone who is not a connaisseur or has stocks in an alcoholic beverages brand.
I'd rather go out with someone who doesn't drink than someone's who drinks 1 and a half beer and then stops drinking altogether for the remainder of the evening. Leaving you to drink alone while you desperately look at his empty glass and must refrain yourself to offer him an other one purely out of habit

>> No.9891781

Post scriptum : I meant an autistic connaisseur who will defend his favourite drink with his life

>> No.9891829

>anything the strength of a pissy beer just tastes like it's gone bad (i mean I guess it technically has, but ypu know what I mean)
>everything stronger than that tastes like variations on a theme of "nail polish remover," including wine
>whiskey for example tastes like someone soaked a tongue depressor in rubbing alcohol and stuck it in my mouth
>drink any of it and I feel like I've been poisoned (again, you know what i mean)

I dont begrudge anybody their booze, but I just dont see the point in subjecting myself to it.

>> No.9891841

And when I say that, I mean "I literally cant taste anything else." I dont know if I'm especially sensitive to alcohol or whatever, but all beers I've ever had, and I've tried a bunch just to see, taste effectively identical. It almost feels like I'm missing out on something when people I know craft beer fag the shit out of themselves, but it's wasted on me.

>> No.9891870
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Sober for a year and nine months

>> No.9891871

I can't drink anymore due to my colitus.
Its too bad but I can give up the vice.
No way i'l quit smoking now though.

>> No.9891878

This was my holiday as well. I also phone a few random chicks I know (on different nights) and don't remember any of the conversation, most girls are super left wing liberal, so i'm guessing I drunkenly thought it would be amusing to push their buttons with a few non subtle red pills and arguments.
I really only regret one, because she had been a good friend to me for over a year, and its pretty rare to have a woman actually give a fuck about you. I think she might not want to talk to me anymore, but i have no idea since I can't actually remember the conversation, just that I phoned drunk and got hung up on.

>> No.9891887
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Y'all wish you had our lightweight Gene

>> No.9891889

The liquor gets jealous. It just wants to make out with you on the couch all day, and bitches get in the way.

>> No.9891938


I think mainly its because I work really long hours of hard labor, and still have almost nothing left over after bills. January alone is going to be almost 2500 in bills. I come home to my small apartment on one of the very few days off I have, and I don't really know how to relax because I have too much going through my mind, the only thing that shuts it off and gives me peace is being at least mostly hammered.
Once I drink enough though, that's when the loneliness becomes more obvious, and i subconsciously want to reach out to someone, anyone i guess. Having never been loved by my parents or any of my ex's in the past, I just want to know what it would feel like, some days. Other days I wonder why I even bother living just to work myself into being crippled simply to pay bills and have a place to live, some modest food in the fridge.

>> No.9891969

good job, keep it going!

>> No.9892004
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>> No.9892055
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Sober for 11 months bretty good. Considering I was at death's door with liver failure in my early 20s. Now I just eat a 200mg edible and drink water, nesquick, frozen drinks and other tasty shit. Love being able to stomach good again

>> No.9892123

I only drink during parties and holidays with other people. It's not worth the explaining that I don't drink at all, so I chose to drink with them.
No alcoholic drink tastes that well to me, but I don't mind it for one night once a month or so (tfw no friends)

>> No.9892148

It is not about taste. It is about the burn that dissolves responsibility.

>> No.9892161

When I'm tipsy I make me jokes and chat more, but I always feel the regret already in my head. If everyone else is tipsy it feels they same.

>> No.9892168

Drinking is the ultimate pleb-filter. Most people who drink even moderately look like shit by the time they hit 28.

>> No.9892247

Hard alky here, I look amazing. Mostly drink rum, bourbon, and gin.
I consistently hook up and/or date 9/10 women. Could be good genetics though

>> No.9892288

I plan to try out the Sinclair method in the future because it sounds interesting and the science behind it makes sense to me. Google it. But not yet, because alcohol is still giving me too much pleasure. It makes life worth living IMO... things are so boring without the concentrated happiness in a bottle / can.

>> No.9892299

could be delusions masking the crippling depression you are medicating habitually.

>> No.9892437

The absolute state of numales, Jesus Christ