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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9884810 No.9884810 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9884815

pall mall blues.i need to quit. fucking drugs man.

>> No.9884831
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For me, it's Lucky Strike

>> No.9884842

I'm a vape smoking faggot now. At least it tastes good. This one is blueberry crumble with vanilla custard.

>> No.9884844

roll my own with a crank machine. got it down to about 1.40 a pack.

>> No.9884856

This. For me it's rollies because I can't stand the taste of melted plastic and the resultant headache afterwards.

Rolling machines are for faggots though, desu.

>> No.9884886

I can hand roll. I got better shit to do with my time, and it isn't slow dancing with dudes.

>> No.9885413

>Travelling for Christmas
>Multi- stop trip
>Wife's family first, then mine
>Wife's grandpa is dying
>Spent entire vacation in ICU
>Probably won't get to see my family at all.
It's enough to make me want to start up again. About to go but a pack of Camels and my wife can just fucking deal.

>> No.9885427

i’ll stick with cancer sticks
not going to start sucking boysenberry ejuice from a robot penis and get popcorn lung

>> No.9885449

Lucky strikes, if I can find them. Alternatively, Marlboro Reds. The long ones.

>> No.9885456

Except you don't get popcorn lung. Shit's better for you, but do what you do.

>> No.9885465

Marlboro Red desu

>> No.9885467
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Smoking one right now

>> No.9885472

Rainer, gib a Ruh

>> No.9885474

Are cigarette smokers aware of their bad smell?

>> No.9885477

we are dying. fuck off with your nose and opinion.

>> No.9885483
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Das darf doch ned war sei alder

>> No.9885497

I'm a hipster faggot who smokes American spirit blacks

>> No.9885539

>smoking often enough to smell

>> No.9885572

That's me too
I want to switch to a pipe tobacco though, even if it reeks of artofmasculinity reddit numales.

>> No.9885574

I don’t smoke much anymore but I like marlboro smooths. They only sell them at one store I’ve seen tho

>> No.9885615

i’ll have maybe two cigarettes a day at most

>> No.9885655
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>smokes jewgarette

>> No.9885661
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I don't smoke cigarettes anymore. When I did, I literally bought whatever camel or marlboro had a coupon or rebate for. But pic related was my "splurge" smokes, and I was never disappointed. Close 2nd were some camel unfiltereds (rumor has it they use higher quality tobacco, because the filter can't hide the harsh flavor), but those got to be too much.

>> No.9885671

Started smoking camel with rizla blue or micron and rizla slim tips

>> No.9885677

>insecure about smoking a pipe because of some poofters also claiming to like it
That's a real shame, Anon. It's a great smoke and a great hobby.

>> No.9885705

I'm not, it was more of an >inb4.

>> No.9885707

What’s a good tobacco pipe to start with? I’ve heard good things about Bjarne, they’re around $50-70, which seems pretty cheap. What’s a good tobacco? I like stronger cigarettes, as I like nicotine a lot.

>> No.9885713

I gotcha. Tbh famalam, if you’re not a pseudo-masculine soyboy, but you smoke a pipe, you’re still not a soyboy. Do what you like, and others can take it or leave it.

>> No.9885715

Just smoking one cigarette is enough to make all your clothes smell, desu.

Are you a noselet?

I smoke pretty infrequently because it screws up my sense of smell and taste for the day.

>> No.9885724

Pall Mall Red and someone once told me that those are trucker tier. Is that true?

>> No.9885727

Smoke a cigarette when I wake up and have coffee, then shower and dress. No smell. Smoke a cigarette after dinner and go to bed shortly after. Never had anyone complain, even my parents when I was younger and used this system.

>> No.9885754
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I need a Canadian to send me some djarums. I ordered from ciggies world or something and spent 60 something bucks on a mixture of cigarettes from around the world. May have been my favorite online purchase, I remember some fancy Chinese furongwang something, Korean vanilla whale this plus, some menthol popping cat cigs (raison) , boy howdy the wismilak unfiltered kreteks were nice, some fucking dank smelling djarum super, and finally some French camel essential luxury normals. I smoked like a king then. Rip the old Turkish packs.

Back in the day I bought out a gas stations reserves of the camel signature blends, y'all 'member? Frost, mellow, robust, infused... why'd you have to do us like that, Barrie...

>> No.9885757

Pall mall blues remind me of smoking pot when I had the flu a few years back

>> No.9885772


>> No.9885777

About as bad as you can get anon. If you smoke 100's I'd go get checked for lung cancer.

>> No.9885782

I sure hope you eat something then brush your teeth after coffee + cigarettes, otherwise people are just being polite about your disgusting breath

>> No.9885785 [DELETED] 

Bjarne died like 10 years ago, they closed but might be expensive for that reason. Savinelli is a good starter brand from what I heard.

>> No.9885793

Bjarne died like 10 years ago, they closed but might be expensive for that reason. Savinelli is a good starter brand from what I heard.
Missouri meerschaum are good cheam corncob pipes you can experiment with.

>> No.9885794


>> No.9885808
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God I hate the shit out of all of you. Inconsiderate pieces of shit that blow smoke on people's faces or all over the air, reducing what little oxygen there is left to share with you every other asshole on the planet. Fucking faggots in this thread voluntarily aware of fucking their lungs up and being literal walking cancers.

Wish you idiots all die sooner and that tobacco gets driven to extinction.

>> No.9885816

cry more :^)

>> No.9885844

>individual smokers
>holding a candle to industrial pollution, automobiles, and China

>> No.9885848

>cry more
Will gladly cry tears from laughter while you morons writhe in agony, clutching your tumor-ridden chests

>o-others are worse!
no you're all one mound in the same sack of shit

>> No.9885862

I assume you don't buy any consumer goods, only eat simple farm crops, and never drive anywhere?
Fuck off, you holier-than-thou shitbag.

>> No.9885876

Spirit blacks make me sick. Southern Cuts and Turkish Royals are nice.

>> No.9885884

>this bastard must think he's a saint!
My faults will always pale in comparison to you fag-sucking fags

>> No.9885892

>getting this assblasted over cigarettes
I fucking love you anon.

>> No.9885898

i’m a smoker and hate assholes who smoke in public places
when I decide to have a smoked I go to a secluded place far removed from others so I don’t bother them.

>> No.9885903
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These days I smoke only when I go to the casino, which is about once or twice a year. Bought a pack of Marlboro Menthols after watching this cigarette review video

>> No.9885916

I'm assblasted over inconsiderate human beings, and smokers are the best ones. Puff cancer sticks all you fucking want, just do everyone else a favor and swallow your poisonous smoke instead of blowing it out.

>> No.9885933

Wait you're supposed to blow it out? I've always just swallowed it

>> No.9885966

Hey non-smokers... news brief. Life is a terminal condition, and stress kills faster than damn near anything. Also, you owe me for breathing any of my second hand smoke. That shit is expensive.

>> No.9885976
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>started smoking after seeing comfy steve1989 videos of him reviewing 75 year old cigarettes

>> No.9885981
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For me It's the newport menthol cigarette. The best cigarette

>> No.9886000

>he doesn't vape


>> No.9886017

>sucking on a robot penis


>> No.9886064
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The obligatory snus post.

>> No.9886074
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>> No.9886088
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What the actual fuck?

>> No.9886092

I was pretty fucking distraught when RJ Reynolds discontinued Lucky filters in the US. I switched to Lucky straights for a year or so since that was all that was available, but filterless cigs got annoying for a variety of reasons. I smoke American Spirit perique blend these days, but I'd kill for a pack of 'murican Lucky filters (the yuro ones kinda sucked desu).

>> No.9886118

Yeh, I have a couple vapes for at home when I'm too lazy/comfy/busy to step outside for a smoke. I'd like to switch over completely to save money, but I can't be arsed to deal with filling juice, changing/charging batteries, and keeping all that with me when I'm at work or out doing shit.

>> No.9886148

For a dependable pipe, a Missouri Meershaum is an inexpensive but solid first. Packing a little more loosely is better than too tight, as you can always tamp down. Also, consider getting a second pipe so that you can rotate them out between smokes, giving each ideally a day to rest between uses.

When setting up a pipe, start with a small amount of tobacco in the bottom, and smoke that, adding a little more than the previous time you smoked for each future smoke. This builds up a protective layer of char around the interior of the pipe that helps the tobacco burn better, and starting at the bottom and building the char up with increasing amounts helps ensure a more even char, as using a full pipe each time can result in tars and liquids building up at the bottom, preventing a proper char.

If you like something a bit stronger for your smoke, I'd say to try either Solani Aged Burley Flake 656, or MacBaren Old Dark and Fired.

>> No.9886156
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>tfw like smoking burning leaves
>tfw also know it's bad for me

Can they just make cigarettes that don't cause cancer already?

>> No.9886163

yeah its called weeed

>> No.9886179

Anon..... all smoke is bad for your lungs

>> No.9886374

Nice meme. Enjoy your lung cancer though

>> No.9886513
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Good. You'll die quicker. I don't even have to tell you to kys - you're already fucking doing it :^)

>> No.9886535

American Spirit Mellow here


>> No.9886539

When I was learning german, there was a food chapter. Everything in there was food, everything except for cigarretes. What is wrong with you guys?

>> No.9886785

As someone who's tried a good few normal Camels and Marbs, alongside Menthols and Kreteks, are there any other cigarettes out there that provide something different?

>> No.9886929

General is good but jakobsons is better

>> No.9887086
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Cant wait to smoke these

>> No.9887093


For me, its Amsterdam Shag, the best rolling tobacco. A generous flavor, a classic dutch taste!

>> No.9887106

Where are you that you can buy clove cigs?

>> No.9887476
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Germanfag here. The Blue Nil is godtier. One of the oldest cigarette brands that are still in business. You can probably only get them in Germany and Austria tho.

>> No.9887478

bin gerückt.

>> No.9887480

smokers are weak and they stink

>> No.9887485
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Stop smoking.

>> No.9887535
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Smoking sherm
I vape in my car because fuck stanking up the whip
I saw galousie at the duty free shop and I dont know whether to cop some.

>> No.9887536

Damm, are those still around? I thought the FDA banned all cigarettes other than Marlboros, Camels, and whatever those black people cigarettes are that taste like toothpaste and bathroom cleanser

t. quit smoking in 2003

>> No.9887540

Haven't seen those in years. I've been to the Nat Sherman store in NYC. They have cigars and smoking jackets upstairs. Nice and comfy.

>> No.9887541

The old Nat Sherman store was better, but they turned it into a Topman or Express or something horrible like that

>> No.9887542

Duty free ie international airports n sheet
You can smoke your way around the globe.

>> No.9887560
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Australia here. Taxes are so high and only rising. Same with alcohol. My two favourite things to do and I can barely afford those, let alone a house (Melbourne)

I hope I die from it soon

>> No.9887563
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Did you know that you have a select few alveoli. Those precious few avoli get destroyed everytime you smoke your cigs and they don't regenerate. This will lead to a lot of complications with many that can't be cured or are painful.

You only have two longs and one body. Why do you treat your body like shit, /ck/?

>> No.9887564
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How do you call a cigarette in your cunt?
Those are just one of my favourites

>> No.9887566


>> No.9887576
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I just bought some vaping gear because the price is out of control

I haven't used it yet though, tried it a few times but have got no idea what I'm doing wrong because it's harsh as fuck

Have done some reading, I think I just fucked up with the strength I bought

>> No.9887582

That tickle in the back of the throat you get is from the nicotine. Higher concentration means more tickle. Drop your wattage down until you get used to it.

>> No.9887606

I'm using a 1.5 ohm coil with 18mg 50/50 juice, hoping to do MTL.. Have wattage set really low (between 8 and 12w)

Getting lots of spit back which I hear is a common problem with the joyetech cuboid mini I have.

I've ordered a nautilus mini because from what I've been reading they are the best MTL tank out there. Also ordered some 12mg juice just in case the 18mg was also part of the problem.

I'm a pack a day red/strong cig smoker so I figured that'd be the best place to start.

>> No.9887620

18 mg is probably too strong mate.
Try 12 or 6.

>> No.9887634

give me the formuoli

>> No.9887638

Cheers, will do as soon as it arrives.

>> No.9887640

I can crush a pack of cigarettes no problem if I'm drinking but I'm at a 6 mg running 75-100w. If I hit it 3-5 times I'm good. You inhale this a bit differently than a cigarette and I find this works for me. Using a Uwell Valyrian tank on a Cartel Revenant 160 if that matters.

>> No.9887698

What ohm coil are you using? If you're at 75+ watts I assume you're sub ohm. I'm trying to do MTL while I first give up the cigs and look at buying a fedora and filling the room with clouds at a later date.

>> No.9887747

Sometimes I add a pinch of tobacco to my weed and get really fucked up.

>> No.9887776

.15 ohms. I'm direct lung bc you just can't catch that lung expansion sort of thing with a douche flute. I've tried before and it wasn't working for me. You can still get a small sized box mod that'll do up to 75w and not be carrying an obnoxious brick with lights.

>> No.9887784

Thanks. Mine claims to go up to 80w so I'll do some experimenting with the other sub ohm coils that came in the kit.

>> No.9887843

>I can hand roll. I got better shit to do with my time,
it takes ten seconds

>> No.9887869
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>Be 20
>All my friends are chainsmoker, artsy types
>Take it up for about a year because hey, all my friends did it and it was fun
>Dad finds out, tells me he'll kick me to the curb if he catches me doing it again (I was in community college and still lived with my parents)
>Quit cold turkey, fucking miserable for about 6 months
>Haven't smoked since
>Now 25
>Moved out of my hometown, going to graduate school
>My old CC friends are posting Christmas photos, some of these guys/girls I haven't seen in years
>Holy fuck
>They look decades older
>Shitty, dry hair, crusty skin, nasty fucking teeth, some of them have gained weight, etc.
>In the photos with their friends they all still have those death sticks in their hands
>I did just as many drugs as them and drank about an equal amount, only difference is I quite cigs and they didn't
>I still don't look a day over 20, my hair is fluffy and shiny and my skin is baby soft (compared to theirs)
>If my dad hadn't threatened to kick me out I'd probably look like them, all thanks to the smokeable Jew

GD, don't fuckin do it guys.
Also thanks daddy I love you

>> No.9887891

>new england, usa

>> No.9887907

Being next to a guy who smokes once it's enough to smell. You can do whatever you like but you're delusional if you think you can smoke and not she'll love smell. Maybe if you do it in the morning before your shower, outside where it won't get into the clothes in your closet, and the second one after work before you get home to your closets and you wash your clothes and yourself immediately after getting home, then maybe - MAYBE - you can avoid smelling like a smoker but honestly you're probably fooling only yourself

>> No.9887986

Fellow Yankee
I will add (cigarettes) butts to this list

>> No.9888022

ah, yes. can't believe i forgot this one.

"i'm going to go hack a butt"

>> No.9888151


I'm 23 now and have been smoking since I was 16, If I shave my face I look barely 20 and get carded everywhere I go.

>> No.9888362

They sell djarum in the USA

>> No.9888530

Dam I'll stop eating my cigs now

>> No.9888540

Yeah, what you mentioned works to prevent other people from noticing, but I still feel like it ruins my sense of smell.

Feels like a hassle if it's killing you, ya know?

>> No.9888549

>tobacco gets driven to Extinction
Even if the versions for smoking sure, Rustica is super hardy, so that'll probably never happen.

>> No.9888557

Same. I prefer their Turkish Export for mixing with things though.

>> No.9888582

you are so fucking mad right now

>> No.9888838
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Been smoking for a good 5 years, quit for 4 months back in june but shit came up, I had a horrible october and I ended up back in the ash pit. Right now I'm back to smoking marlboro rolls, but I'm looking forward to quitting again. There's a thousand things wrong with smoking but what gets me the most is the way it fucks up with your sleeping. When I quit I could get up after 6 hours of sleep and feel energized and ready to go. Now it doesn't matter if I sleep for a full 8 or even 10 hours, I still struggle to wake up and I feel like shit for at least an hour afterwards.

>> No.9889793

Yes, I know.

>> No.9890728

how the fuck does smoking have anything to do with food and cooking?
are we gonna have cock threads now?
those go in your mouth too

it would be nice if the mods actually did something

>> No.9890738

149 other threads for you to shit up. Go to one of them.

>> No.9891013
File: 15 KB, 600x290, Top-4-Vapor-Pod-Systems-For-Beginners-feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using a salt nicotine pod system
these things hit identical to cigarettes, are cheaper, dont give you cancer, dont blow faggot clouds, and hit you with nicotine like a train
this shit is the future of nicotine. if you smoke and havent tried this yet, do it. the buzz is unmatched.

>> No.9891017

tell me a good one to get

>> No.9891043

for a device i would go with an icare or a suorin air. the most popular are juuls but those are very expensive and not refillable.

any salt nicotine liquid works.

the initial price of buying one with liquid will cost around 50 dollars but you rarely have to buy more liquid or coils since they go through liquid very slowly while giving you more nicotine than regular vapes. it ended up being cheaper for me than buying cigarettes

>> No.9891047

You'd probably like Jap ones if you could find them, those were my brand and I switched to AmeSpi Perique here.

>> No.9891067

thanks, have it bookmarked.

>> No.9891226

to add on. Juul will be the closest thing to a cigarette; but because of this, it is the most expensive long term, but cheaper than cigarettes.

>> No.9891299

Do you have a link to those? Never seen them for sale where I live so imagining I'd have to import one.

>> No.9891302

this is where i got mine. shipping prices aren't the best but still cheaper than buying in stores


>> No.9891306

I would've told you that you should kill yourself, but you already are so good job anon

>> No.9891321
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cheers mate

>> No.9891323


>> No.9892046
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Pic related are the best I have ever tasted.
Very hard to get though.
Marlboro Reds when I can't get hold of Kimmys cigarettes.

>> No.9892053

Hot damn those look fancy, where do you buy them, do you have any idea what tobacco blend they use?

>> No.9892054

Quit cigs about 3 years ago after smoking just over 25 years. Winston ultra lights/white box were my go to.

>> No.9892076

My friend bought them in North Korea for me.
You might be able to get them in China and Russia.
No idea what was in them, was afraid it would be anthrax at first.

>> No.9892468

They're cigarillos with filters, totally different from a paper rolled kretek. I must assume you have no idea.

>> No.9892483

Just picked up a pack of camel wides last night. I like to mix it up.

>> No.9892510

Looking for a new go-to, but I really don't have enough money to experiment a lot. Any suggestions for $30 in the New England area?

>> No.9892516

English Oval unfiltereds. Draw smoother than Marlboro Lights. I was impressed. Definitely not like Camel unfiltered.

>> No.9892533

Somebody, explain the appeal of Camel Blues. Why does such a large portion of smokers smoke those?

>> No.9892623

>I'm assblasted over inconsiderate human beings, and smokers are the best ones.
parents are the most inconsiderate, everything else is just a side effect

>> No.9892653

The same reason Marlboro Golds are popular

>> No.9892658

>tfw no nihilist cigarettes to look edgy with

>> No.9892666

They have a lot of flavour for a light cigarette.

>> No.9892952

So edgy, close your windows if you don't like the smoke, faggot.

>> No.9892987
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Nat Sherman is the only one for me

>> No.9893181
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>American spirit blacks
Once you try perique tabacco normal cigarettes become super-disappointing, and also I get to kid myself into believing I'm not giving myself cancer because they're "organic" and American grown (I like to imagine the American grown part in particular keeps whatever radioactive cancer causing shit that seeps into foreign grown tobacco crops from getting into my cigs).

>> No.9894960


>> No.9895179

How the fuck do people even start smoking anymore? You literally have it drilled into your head day one at literally any public school that smoking does nothing for you but drives you to an early grave while wasting your money.
What kind of actual literal brainlet starts smoking?

>> No.9895183

Only very occasionally, like once every two weeks. Basically whenever I'm really stressed and there's no safe timeframe for me to enjoy other drugs I out a light one up to relax. Feels great but I never understood how someone could smoke a pack a day or something crazy.

>> No.9895191

A job than entails stress and focus, typically make cigarettes and drugs as a whole seem inviting. Doing pills and coke on a daily basis to keep up with work also galvanized it.

>> No.9895195

Oh, so they are for people working shitty jobs with no willpower, which also prevents them from escaping once they are trapped.

>> No.9895325

Compared to 2 with a roller, where you can pre roll a pack in 5 mins, and be good to go all day. Do you actually like carrying around papers and loose tobacco all the time? If so, different strokes I guess.

>> No.9895389

>How the fuck do people not fall for propaganda?
You could start by realizing it doesn't "drive you to an early grave." If you took a random smoker and bet money on him getting lung cancer you'd be retarded and would very likely lose that bet.
Increasing a very small to begin with risk for a disease != "driving you to an early grave"

>> No.9895578

I like the ritual of it every time I smoke desu. And you can customise the size and shape depending on what you want that moment.

If needed I could handroll a pack in five minutes in advance as well, but it's more relaxed to just have the pouch in your jacket pocket and roll as you're going along.

>> No.9895591

>laughing at all the tards that waste their money on suicide sticks
say hello to your heart attacks and ED, you have to be retarded to smoke. Literally has a huge warning right on the fucking cover that you should read, then admit you want to die.

>> No.9895604

>pall mall
Won 2 packs at an Iron Maiden concert. They were shit, like worse then Kent.

>> No.9895605

Nearly everything in America is giving you cancer. Its way better to be smoking cigarettes that don't have those atrocious additives though.

>> No.9895620

Smoking about 10~ cigs a day.
I did stop smoking and switched to vaping for about 1.5 year and just sorta fell back into cigarettes. Might switch back to vaping again in the new year

>> No.9896220

>he is proud of his will to live
It is scientifically proven that people with higher IQs tend to be depressed and suicidal, while people with low IQs tend to enjoy life.

>> No.9896406
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>not 7.62
dayum shame

>> No.9896508
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only aryan big guys know this

>> No.9896858
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I'm a pleb so I have a pretty boring choice

>> No.9896871

>blacking yourself

>> No.9896894


>> No.9896993

suorin air or suorin drop. no contest

>> No.9897002

>go from 0.2% chance of lung cancer to 24.4% chance
>small risk

>> No.9897012

does not understand that the pre-disposition to cancer is genetic and not environmental.

shakes head

>> No.9897072

happy people smoke and/or do drugs also

>> No.9897079

What's wrong with it?

>> No.9897155
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>> No.9897158

I think he's just doing what the kids call "shitposting"

>> No.9897346
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Only smoke worth smoking. Occasionally Lucky Strike unfiltereds if I'm feeling rich

>> No.9897355

>tfw euros don't get these fancy mallbros

>> No.9897361

Sucks to suck

>> No.9897375

it's alright our rollies are still the best in the world

>> No.9897381

>tfw too weak of a stomach to smoke
I threw up so much when i thought i had to smoke.

>> No.9897386

Yeah but we can get them here

>> No.9897398

I'm convinced that blend 27's are all the shitty leftover tobacco from the floor, swept up, add a dash of allspice or some shit, and there you go.

>> No.9897416

i hope so friend, enjoy them

>> No.9897431

Camel Turkish Royals or Filters. If I'm flush then Nat Sherman's MCDs or Dunhill Fine Cuts. Honorable mention for a discontinued favorite: Camel Signature Frost.

>> No.9897441

Wow, I never heard Frost mentioned by anybody on 4chan besides me ITT. I should've scrolled down some. Frost were fucking great. Nothing like them that I've found.

>> No.9897450

I mean.... everybody has their own taste for smokes but dont put them on the same level as pyramids, L&M's, or reservation cigs

>> No.9897456

Thanks pal, I have on rare occasion

>> No.9897467

when america went crazy with the taxing a couple decades ago, I ordered marlbro from europe... fucking disgusting shit mixed with hay. even name brands can vary greatly in quality depending on region.

>> No.9897470

Congrats you look like a baby while your friends look like adults

>> No.9897473
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all of these and dunhill fine cut are my fav, i'll pick up a half smoked butt off the ground and rip the filter off and roll it up if there's nothing to smoke, not picky at all.

>> No.9897532

try the van nelle export if you can. it's like a double strength smoke with latakia in it.

>> No.9897537

Yeah I've had Swiss Marlboro Reds before and I thought they were definitely inferior to the ones I can get in the states. I thought you meant American 27's

>> No.9897539

I'll check it out at my local tobacco shop, thanks for the tip anon. What is Latakia?

>> No.9897545

that wasn't me about the 27s.

I roll my own with a crank press here in the future. got it down to around 1.10 a pack

>> No.9897557
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Evic vtc mini + uwell crown

>> No.9897563

Latakia is a type of Syrian but now also Cypriot tobacco that is dried over fires, so it's smoked. It has an odour/flavour similar to smoked meat or lapsang souchon tea or Islay whisky. Very rich.

There are a lot of pipe tobaccos that have it as well.

>> No.9897599


>> No.9897613

There are lots of topics that have no true home board and get adopted by their nearest relative. /ck/ gets most anything consumable.

>> No.9897650

That sounds bretty good

>> No.9897663

>A 68-year-old male current smoker who has smoked two packs per day for 50 years is in the 95th percentile in the Mayo Clinic study and faces approximately 15–20 times the risk of the person at the 5th percentile. His 10-year risk of lung cancer is 11% (1 in 9) if he quits smoking immediately and 15% (1 in 7) if he continues to smoke at the current level.
Oh no, if I smoke TWO PACKS every single day for FIFTY YEARS, I'll only have an 85% chance of not getting lung cancer! Pretty scared right now you guys.

>> No.9897678

That's basically a die roll, which is pretty fucking bad odds given an unlucky roll means death. It also ignores all the other kinds of cancer you raise the risks of, plus the inevitable hypertension increasing your odds of a stroke or heart attack.

>> No.9897692

cancer is like diarrhea. It runs in your genes.

>> No.9897801

Nice. As mentioned I've got the stock cuboid mini but have ordered a nautilus mini to go with it, should be here in 2 weeks.

Before I ordered the cuboid I ordered a joyetech AIO which seemed to have got lost in the post, so Aliexpress refunded me, but it just turned up today. Looking forward to giving it a shot later, I'll try with 12mg jews and see how it goes. Have had major spot back from the cuboid mini.

>> No.9897813

Spit back*

>> No.9897824

>Scared of increasing risks of dying
>at 68
We all have to go some time.

>> No.9897899

Used to be Marlboro red, then prices went up again, switched to carnival with the occasional pack of Marlboro black red.

>> No.9897923

>an unlucky roll means death
Nah, you get death no matter what dice you do or don't roll.
This is more a question of whether you'll get cancer and have to blow your brains out with a shotgun in your 60s or if you don't get cancer and will maybe die in your sleep in your 70s instead without feeling a need for suicide beforehand.

>> No.9897937

And come to think of it, once you start dying while you're asleep it'll probably trigger some freakout nightmare where it's entirely possible you'll be convinced you're in a hospital dying of cancer, so really can you afford *not* to smoke cigarettes?

>> No.9897954

check this out.

They say every cig you smoke take 4 min off your life. It takes me 6 min to smoke a 100. If I time this right, I will be immortal!

>> No.9898222

der drachenlord ja lol

>> No.9898253

My doctor asked me when I was going to finally quit smoking. I told him "probably shortly after cremation"

>> No.9899021
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>djarum super

>> No.9899499

Lunglets triggered hard

>> No.9899515

tfw live in a city where cigarettes are manufactured and they're only 4$ a pack for Camel Royals and Marlboro reds

>> No.9899522

It is funny how hard brainlets work to justify their shitty habits.

>> No.9899525

Each, not both for 4$. But a 2 pack is only 6.50

>> No.9899533

ok... justify why you post.

>> No.9899536

Where can one find a crack machine?

>> No.9899537

Turkish Royals are only $4.50 where I live and they're not made here. idk where the fuck people are that smokes are so expensive.

>> No.9899550

I will assume you misspelled crank. Mine is made by Tops. I bought it at a smoke shop, and it was around 40 USD

>> No.9899843


>> No.9899860

Gonna quit in the new year. Made it all of October and November cold turkey but had some bad things happen and relapsed. But I'm pretty sure I can do it this time, been smoking 8 years and I'm ready to stop.

>> No.9899874

>tfw quit smoking two years ago after ten years
>tfw signed up for the vape meme
Fuck I miss smoking so much sometimes

>> No.9899878

I'm in Australia. I just bought a 20 pack of one of the cheapest brands you can get for $21.50. Three years ago or so the same pack cost $10.

>> No.9899904

What an absolute shithole, "highest quality of living" index my ass.

>> No.9899944

>eating a normal diet with some processed food here and there but overall balanced is somehow the same as fumigating your cells with literal poison because you are nihlistic

unironically leave

>> No.9899955

you do not understand what words like irony mean, yet invoke them... you are a trampoline

>> No.9899962

How the fuck could you ironically tell him to leave? If he had no legs? What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.9899970

Why the FUCK is this thread still here?

>> No.9900462

>tfw no more real kreteks in the netherlands due to dumb EU regulation

pls gib indobro

>> No.9900533

>Fell for the secondhand smoke meme
>Calling smokers "literal walking cancers" when they have a much greater chance of never getting lung cancer than of getting lung cancer
I tried vaping. It isn't anywhere close to what actual smoking feels like. I honestly don't understand how anyone could be satisfied with vaping. The enjoyment of smoking isn't just a matter of nicotine consumption, that'd be like trying to replace the enjoyment of coffee with caffeine pills.

>> No.9900692

Just look at all the anti-smoking literal queers in this thread. You realize that smoking dick gives you AIDS, right subhumans? I bet you all cook too, instead of just letting a woman do her job and enjoying the flavors afterward. I seriously can't wait until WW3 rolls around and we can put you freaks against the wall with impunity. See ya soon.

>> No.9900763

Yeah, vaping isn't anywhere near as satisfying but it is an efficient nicotine delivery system if you avoid liquid that smells like cotton candy and don't make a nuisance of yourself by trying to have the biggest clouds in the county. Sadly there is absolutely no way to not look like a complete tool while vaping and it's something I've had to accept

>> No.9900793

Yeah vaping is not really the same. But if you get a e cig with proper power and juice with a lot of nic, you don’t want to smoke after taking some hits of the vape dildo.
I should probably switch to vaping again, smoking is fucking with my cardio

>> No.9900992

Please, when WW3 rolls around it is going to be brainlets like you who go off to fight, as the smart people stay home. Feel free to go die for us.

>> No.9902076

>Sadly there is absolutely no way to not look like a complete tool while vaping
I wouldn't care how ridiculous it looks if it could just approach feeling like I'm smoking a cigarette, but I've tried the whole range of vaping products all the way through to those heavy duty custom rigs and none of them are anywhere close.

>> No.9902321

WW3 means day of rope for you, you clean house before the hunt

>> No.9902363

>this is what vapequeers actually believe

>> No.9902370

>this is what retards post

>> No.9902380

>inhaling Chinese chemicals directly into my lungs is healthy because at least it's not a cigarette
Are you fucking dense?

>> No.9902384

You are too retarded to ever successfully lynch anyone.

>> No.9902406

You do nothing complainers are in for a shock, look to history for why you really should shut up.

>> No.9902411

>chinese chemicals
Do you post whatever comes to mind without knowing what you're talking about?

>> No.9902429

I can almost guarantee that you will never kill anyone, but I can't rule out the possibility that you will kill yourself. You LARPers would be sad if you weren't so determined to burn through any sympathy anyone could have for you.

>> No.9902569

>I get my vape juice from only the finest of vapothecaries my good sir *tip*
Maybe Reddit is more your speed?

>> No.9902585

You lost. Keep mouthing off. I am sure somehow it will work out for you, and that over confidence in the face of failure is not pathetic and funny.

>> No.9902939

Ciggies world is shit now. Used to arrive within two weeks to USA. I hear now they ship by boat taking up to 3 months.

>> No.9903146

Been working my way through a 50g pack of American Spirits Blue lately, there pretty, pretty, pretty good.

>> No.9903163

>You only have two longs and one body.
I have 10 longs

>> No.9903168

>This will lead to a lot of complications with many that can't be cured or are painful.
No matter what you do you'll probably end up with medical complications that can't be cured or are painful sooner or later. Might as well enjoy some nice smokes in the meantime.

>> No.9903170

Nah, switched over to nicotine pouches. Only smoke when I'm drunk

>> No.9903208
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>haven't smoked at all in 7 years
>still think about buying a pack every single day

>> No.9903226

One pack wont hurt anon

>> No.9903241


I actually tried one the other night going around drinking after not smoking for years

Fuck'd my throat up with soreness for days, at that time it was good tho


good on you anon, never turn back

>> No.9903288
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Who /parliament/ here?

Also, am I the only one who smokes only while drinking? If I'm not drinking, I feel no real desire to smoke. However if I get proper drunk (4 nights a week), I'll go through a pack easily.

>> No.9903298

Oh great, cigarette threads now.

>> No.9903305

If you seriously haven't smoked and it's still on your mind just know that you're a strong motherfucker. Good job.

>> No.9903373

It's OK, anon. The nice relaxing drag of smoke to warm you up and make you feel good anytime you want isn't that big of a deal. It's not like that bold, full flavored taste and comforting infusion of nicotine that lingers on after you're done like a gentle blanket of reassuring pleasure is a necessary part of living, you can easily go the rest of your life without it, cold showers and willpower probably work just as well.

>> No.9903478
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Any other cigar smokers here? It's the patrician choice. I will have some nat Sherman Havana ovals or a bowl from my chacom on occasion but cigars are my go to. Pic related my humidor right now

>> No.9903484

Nah I wont fuck my teeth and gums up that bad

>> No.9903503

Is that a monte #2?

Yeah I used to have a humidor and smoke those things. Was a lot of fun but had to give it up because objectively it's really gross. Picture still made me drool a little

>> No.9903513
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That's what I've heard but the guys at my cigar club have been smoking for 40+ years and have normal teeth (I know anecdotal evidence)
>>9903503 and yes, the right partition is the Cubans I have, not easy to get as an amerimutt but if you know the right people

>> No.9903617
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>> No.9903668

Cigars are the reddit of smokeables

>> No.9903689

cigars aren't great, and yes, I have had cubans, monticristos, maccinudos, other spic shit I cannot spell... Phillies chocolate pretty much beat them all.

>> No.9903737

That would be vapes, and even if they were why should I care if a bunch of faggots like the same thing as me?

>> No.9904058

pls be a cute canadian girl

>> No.9904068

so you can share with them at your gay dance clubs

>> No.9904662
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My nigger

>> No.9904701
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Lucky strike red

>> No.9904704
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>> No.9904740
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If I feel comfortable spending a lot of money on a pack of cigarettes, I'll usually get Gold American Spirits. If not that then I won't buy cigarettes.

But really, this is where it's at. Vaping is a hassle and tobacco is disgusting.

>> No.9905697

Go buy a juul starter kit. It comes with a few pods and should run you about $50 but i've seen ones in 7/11 go for $30 without the 4pk of pods (at least here in NJ). They say each pod has the same amount of nicotine per pack of smokes and they come in 4pk for a about $15. It's not meant for taking huge rips and blowing clouds. You hit it like you would take a drag from a cigarette and inhaling actually feels close to smoking.

>> No.9905819

always hand-roll from loose tobacco

>> No.9905827

I have a calabash, and smoke harsh as fuck Hal O' the Wind english tobacco out of it... not in public though. Big ass Sherlock Holmes pipe is sorta ridiculous.

>> No.9905830

>and they don't regenerate
so what, I can always make more, it's just garlic, oil and egg

>> No.9906820

so what are papierosy then?

>> No.9906826


No hiss.

>> No.9907143

Yeah I'll try those if I do another order somewhere One of the packs I got had this picture, totally worth it

>> No.9907147
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