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File: 176 KB, 2500x1500, eggiboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9883886 No.9883886 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys I've seen this a few times (picture) but how could would it really be? I've obviously never tried it but I kinda want too. Anyone who's had it wanna explain what it tastes like/what's the appeal?

Is it really just rice, raw egg, and soy?

>> No.9883888

Do you mix it all together or try and get egg with each bite?

>> No.9883890

Is it just a meme? Idk it looks gross but also like it could be really good.

It's 4am here and this has been bugging me all day

>> No.9883895

Jap ex-wife would do that. Raw or half raw egg white on rice.

You can buy the half raw egg white eggs in a pack of six in the supermarkets and prolly conbinis too. I never tried. Prefer cooked egg white Ty.

>> No.9883924

No yoke? I always see it with yoke.

And I have chickens I'd rather use those eggs

>> No.9883925

It could would be sesame and not'nt soy.

>> No.9883933

Raw egg whites are fucking disgusting

>> No.9883935

It's good. The hot rice slightly cooks the egg. But it's still slimy. If you like slimy food, it's good. If you don't, you won't. Super simple stuff.

>> No.9883936

This is making me want to just make ham fried rice. Good, flavorful, and not slimy

>> No.9883946

It's actually pretty good. You're using hot rice right out of the steamer, and a room temperature egg. The rice and toasted sesame seeds give it a bit of a nutty flavor, and the egg adds a savory component. When break the yolk and mix it all together it just becomes like an eggy rice porridge. It's simple, but filling. Not a bad breakfast at all.

>> No.9883992

I only eat raw egg whites when I eat anything egg related.

>> No.9884035

*half cooked egg white and fully raw yoke.
Sorry, I thought that would be clear but if you've never bought it I understand it's not.

>> No.9884045


>> No.9884060

Why? You're not eating raw egg whites, youre eating it mixed into stuff and its texture is great.

>> No.9884062

Raw egg is chemically the closest taste to human cum that is widely available. Try it and compare

>> No.9884086
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The yolk is the appeal. White rice dipped in salted egg-yolk is pretty good. Depending on where you live, it's relatively low-risk too, as long as you check the eggs for freshness (<5 days old).

>> No.9884131

I do this with rice or noodles but usually cook the egg half way. It is very good.

I don't trust raw eggs but it adds an extra creaminess with the noodles. I love making sauce from oystersauce with lots of ginger and then add an eggyolk raw on top.

>> No.9884602

Yes it's a meme, shits gross man

>> No.9884625

Is the hot rice supposed to lightly cook the egg when you put it in? That's the only way I can see this being good.

>> No.9884638

Yes. Use white rice otherwise the texture is off. I like doing this but if you're not a runny yolk kind of guy, you're probably not going to care for this.

>> No.9884646

This desu
I think lightly poaching the egg would be an improvement. Just to barely cook most of the white before adding. Or if you can sous vide, a 63° egg would be the best choice.

>> No.9884663

two nukes weren't enough

>> No.9884806

people eat this in mexico all the time minus the soy and sesame. no big deal. very delicious. maybe carrots and peas in the rice too yeah

>> No.9886790
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I've made it before. The egg will cook into the rice in a slow but sure way, so the flavor is kind of evolving with each bite you take. Your rice or noodles just have to be hot though.

I guess you could do raw egg and cold rice, but, whatever.

>> No.9886802

It would taste like egg yolk, sesame seeds, and rice.

>> No.9886807

Weebs need to be gassed, I swear to god.

>> No.9887872

I had it once, with some finly chipped chives and a TINY bit of soy sauce. I actually enjoyed it quite a lot. I wonder why I never did it again.

The trick is to use freshly cooked rice that's still steaming, and mix it nice.

>> No.9887883
File: 104 KB, 960x640, IMG_0711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made this back in april. it was pretty good but nothing mind blowing. it's a poverty meal that you can dress up to taste.

rice, egg, msg, mirin, soy sauce, bonito flake, shredded seaweed.