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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 508 KB, 941x556, beaver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9882535 No.9882535 [Reply] [Original]

Enjoy your tasty beaver assholes, /ck/.

>> No.9882538

But it is a natural flavor

>> No.9882542

Wtf I love bestiality now

>> No.9882544

i'm a purveyor of beaver assholes and i need you to delet this right now

>> No.9882548
File: 17 KB, 400x267, 1491167564716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9882553

anal cunt is not a very good band. Sorry if this is hijacking

>> No.9882564

Where can acquire beaver assholes on the open market? I can get weird stuff on the dark web, but are there purveyors of animal ass glands somewhere? I have monereo, will pay nicely.

>> No.9882570

listen here you soy consuming fruit, I was born in the third world, I've been so poor in my life and so miserable up to the point of having to eat literal wild life like dogs and sometimes rats to survive, believe me, your hoaxes about eating beaver anus don't even bother me.

get the fuck out of here and please take your cucked "vegan" and "muh poor animal facts" with you

>> No.9882581

You have to go back.

>> No.9882873

First of all, it doesn't actually come the anus, but from sacs near the anus, and secondly, its use as a food additive is very rare. Nice alarmist clickbait though.

>> No.9882906

No, they don't use that in anything.

>> No.9882963

When did beaver glads become more easily obtainable than Vanilla extract?

>> No.9882964

to the past :DDDDDDD

>> No.9883196

Fuck you, Anal Cunt is a great band.

>> No.9883796

This. Beaver ass juice ice cream prolly cost more than Ben and Gary

>> No.9883800

There's literally nothing wrong with eating beaver ass.

>> No.9884123

It's super expensive and only used in perfumes. Was used in foods in the past, but they has synthetic vanilla flavour for at least 100y now. It's not illegal to use it in food though.

>> No.9884311


>> No.9884316

Ehh, I'm sure there's worse shit out there.

>> No.9884332

A beaver willingly surrenders it's anal glands if approached in an assertive manner.

>> No.9884540

the cost of one beaver ass would probably be double whatever the ice cream would cost

>> No.9884555

t. soyboy

>> No.9884561

theres nothing wrong with eating anuses
also no, they mostly use gasoline for that

>> No.9884626

Well I enjoy sauteed racoon's assholes on a stick. Usually dipped in butter and salsa. So this doesn't bother me too much.

>> No.9884994

>not eating grilled armadillo assholes instead of coon

You don't even know how to whitetrash!

>> No.9884999

Last time I had dillo assholes, guy tried to sub in catfish lips thinking no one would notice.

>> No.9885006

They use a chemical produced by the beaver in very small quantities.

>> No.9885009

Morbid Florist was a fun record.

>> No.9885011

pretty much everything you eat that is red is dyed with crushed insects.

>> No.9885025


>> No.9885040
File: 521 KB, 680x445, 1485649196151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol vegan soy-boy is upset at beaver gland "fact"
When vegans STILL have not taken into consideration that the vegetables they eat were living, too

>> No.9885056

who cares

>> No.9885067

Which is fine, probably. There are always reports going around about how we're going to need to get protein from insects instead of livestock in the future but the only thing that puts me off insects is how they look. If you grind them up into chicken nuggets or sausage or something I wouldn't give it a second thought.

>> No.9885086

same here. life feeds on life. add hot sauce and go.

>> No.9885201


You can also buy castoreum tincture from this vendor if you don’t feel up to tincturing your own. I’ve bought his tincture and it’s great, strong stuff. Use it sparingly to add musk notes to your bath and body crafts.

>> No.9885215

Nice sauce

>> No.9885558
File: 6 KB, 250x220, 1493761614543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People drink that weasel shit coffee, why not beaver ass ice cream?

>> No.9885616

isn't vanillin extracted from mushroom now?