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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9878035 No.9878035 [Reply] [Original]

>fast food addiction

Can someone explain this meme to me?

>> No.9878057

eating makes people feel good. So they do.

>> No.9878063

Is that a plate of hotdogs and tomatoes?

>> No.9878071

Fast food, and most ready-made meals are loaded up with one or more from among: salt, fat, and sugar.

All three of these create positive feedback in our brains from a biological level.
I don't know about the idea that fast food is more addictive than heroine, but there's a clear pleasure-incentive.

>> No.9878166

The core of any addiction is the addict chasing gratification. There is something satisfying missing from their life on a daily basis so they try to replace satisfaction with temporary gratification through something that stimulates the pleasure parts of the brain. Food, narcotics, gambling, porn, etc.
The key to overcoming addiction is to identify and address what is unsatisfactory about their lives. Most addicts don't like doing that though, because it means taking an uncompromising look at themselves and may involve revisiting past traumas or mistakes.

>> No.9878174

>Most addicts don't like doing that though, because it means taking an uncompromising look at themselves and may involve revisiting past traumas or mistakes

Why are fat people so weak and lazy? They’re fucking pathetic. I respect a heroin addict more than a obese person any day.

>> No.9879940

i think its supposed to be a pizza

>> No.9880244

Fatty and high calorie food makes us feel good because from an evolutionary standpoint it's the good shit. However, we're past scarcity of supply in most 1st world countries so we can't just listen to our instincts that tell us to stuff our face, because we aren't going without eating for 2 to 3 days like our ancestors

>> No.9880278
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But unlike alcohol and nicotine addiction, overeating is both obvious and socially unacceptable.

>> No.9880318

Obviously you’ve never been friends with someone who becomes addicted to opiates. They become shitty people who take advantage of you and defray your trust, usually by stealing, in order to fuel their habit. The drug becomes more important than you, which ruins the relationship. To top it off they die before you can get any real resolution.

At least in my experience, every single day person has been a better person to me than even the best opiate addict. I’m sure there’s some people who treat food like heroin, but even then it wouldn’t be the same. Especially when it comes to dumb stupid shit like somebody nodding off and pretending they’re acting normal.

>> No.9880685

It's probably the various non-natural chemicals and ingredients used in the processing of fast foods.

I'm a hopeless fat shit and if I go a day or two without garbage food, I get really tired, headaches, and irritable. This doesn't happen with home made food however, no matter how unhealthy it is. It also doesn't make these symptoms go away like a fast food meal would.

It's literally a physical addiction.

>> No.9880689

It's the sodium.
Fast Food is an incredible source of sodium, and 99% of the time when you think you're craving fast food (also chips, crisps, cheetos etc) you're actually craving the salt in them.

Seriously next time all you want is a bag of chips, have a cup of saltwater first. The feeling should subside within minutes.

>> No.9880700

We live in a culture where recreational psychoactives are demonized, so for many people food is the closest thing to a drug they're aware of.
>The drug becomes more important than you
Sounds like you're just selfish. Lots of people have things in their lives more important than their friends, it's petty as fuck to resent people for that.
>Especially when it comes to dumb stupid shit like somebody nodding off and pretending they’re acting normal.
What are you, the normal behavior police? This isn't even a drug thing, if someone were tired and nodding off they'd probably prefer not to have some self-righteous asshole grilling them about it. Saying "I'm fine" is the polite version of "stop bothering me with your stupid questions." It's not meant to be a convincing illusion, it's meant to communicate that you should stop bothering them, which you would recognize if you weren't autistic.

>> No.9880845

Someone took this photo. They thought to themselves, "I need to take a picture if something that embodies fast food, or the American lifestyle." So they perused their Craigslist, or Kijiji or whatever the fuck they have, saying things like "Looking for plus sized model for photo shoot."

The model gets there and spys a laptop, and plates of fatty foods, and the photographer looks at them and says "sit down and pretend you're eating." So this fat person sits down at the table with the laptop at hand, and against all better instinct, takes a hamburger and pretends to eat it. The photographer is pleased and takes many photos of her. After it is all said and done, the model is paid and the photographer is publishing their work on the internet.

After publishing their work, the photographer looks at the results, and immediately regrets it. They see this ham best, stuffing their gaping maw next to a computer, and thinks "this is what I've been reduced to." Then shitposts on /ck/

>> No.9880869

Do meth, not food, faggots! Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels

Tfw smoking ice while cooking all day for my friends and family

>> No.9880899

what a terrible way to eat a burger

>> No.9880901

It's degrading, but at least the fat model has the option to make easy money by finding degrading jobs like that.
Kind of similar to being a midget actor I imagine. You have to humiliate yourself with shit roles all the time but it at least means you never have to worry about money much.

>> No.9880903

Is your trailer staying warm enough through the winter, Cletus?

>> No.9880914
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>needing meth to stay skinny
are there really people who don't get a deep sense of fulfillment from the feeling of hunger?

>> No.9880940

Most people don't have anorexia.

>> No.9880993

>stomach is empty, shriveled from disuse
>kinda want to eat but no appetite
>have to force myself to eat daily, normally go 16+ hours without food

>> No.9881004

It's not as if I'm poor either, I cook for a living

>> No.9881094

>16+ hours

I eat once a day, and can't imagine going back to two, much less three meals.

>> No.9881123
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>he's actively defending opiate addiction and the toxic behavior that results from it

>> No.9881146

>toxic behavior
Wrong, looks like someone needs to take babby's first criminology course and read The Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs. Here you go:
>The United States of America during the nineteenth century could quite properly be described as a "dope fiend's paradise."
>Opium was on legal sale conveniently and at low prices throughout the century; morphine came into common use during and after the Civil War; and heroin was marketed toward the end of the century. These opiates and countless pharmaceutical preparations containing them "were as freely accessible as aspirin is today." 1
>Nevertheless, there was very little popular support for a law banning these substances. "Powerful organizations for the suppression ... of alcoholic stimulants exist throughout the land," 25 the 1881 article in the Catholic World noted, but there were no similar anti-opiate organizations.
>The reason for this lack of demand for opiate prohibition was quite simple: the drugs were not viewed as a menace to society and, as we shall demonstrate in subsequent chapters, they were not in fact a menace.

>> No.9881239

I do love that feeling but only if it's followed by a nice satisfying meal at the end of the day.

>> No.9881439

>It's petty to resent people for going through your dresser for cash to fuel their habit
okay junkie

>> No.9881454

Or maybe you wrote "The drug becomes more important than you" and I called that a petty thing to resent people for, which is completely different from the "stealing money from your dresser" example you're now substituting in after the fact.
First one you're being petty because it's none of your business is your friend cares about something else more than you, second one is theft.

>> No.9881474

>someone likes a thing
>someone uses a lot of the thing
not real complicated

>> No.9881502

You live in a society, a network of personal and inpersonal relationships. You should be very concerned that others consider a drug to be of higher importance than an other human, since that's what leads them to steal from dressers. We judge other people's values constantly, and unless you grow your own opium and make your own drugs you are affecting everyone you're around in some way.

>> No.9881508

I eat mcdonalds at least 3 times a week am I addicted /ck/?

>> No.9881514

she is big boned

>> No.9881524

Not just "another" human, but ALL humans. Junkies would sell their mothers into slavery if it got them a big enough supply. The average American is in love with money to a disturbing degree, but for most of them, they have at least one person money could never buy from them.

>> No.9881605

They pulled iodine out of most of the salt used in kitchens. body knows its missing iodine, recognizes that salt= iodine from conditioning. Guess what? They're authorized to use iodinized salt in fast food.

Body realizes the only way it gets iodine is eating fast food.

>> No.9881628

Most of my friends all the way through graduation from university were junkies and never once did one of them either steal money from me or even try to steal money from me. Drugs don't make you take other people's cash or belongings, theft is a decision.
Insofar as people are in really bad shape from crystal meth abuse or something and no longer have employment or a place to live, then theft is maybe more likely in the same way it would be more likely for any homeless and/or unemployed person. That's more on the culture and how it demonizes drug use than it is on any other factor though e.g. :
If you don't needlessly criminalize what people do in their personal time for pleasure, you avoid a lot of this trouble altogether. When you marginalize people for enjoying the "wrong" substances (or look down on them for the horrible crime of nodding off and not wanting to talk to you about it) you start to push them out of the workplace and out of their homes into the margins where they have nothing else to lose.

>> No.9881973

Real life shit here. I have a friend who has a chemistry degree, worked for a number of years in water quality labs, got busted for pot possession and cannot get a job other than non-labor union sweatshop factories. Sentence an intelligent, educated professional to a demeaning life and refuse the contributions he could be making because he got caught smoking pot one evening in a red state where the loonies can't rest unless they're crawling into your bedroom and living room. And surprise, it falls right into the lap of a privatized justice system. Freedom in the US? Not once.

>> No.9882164

it is exactly what you say, a stupid meme, like internet addiction and gambling too. imo the only true addictions are substance/drug addictions

>> No.9882394

This is a 10/10 in usa

>> No.9882446

<citation needed>

Who the hell buys uniodized salt from the store?

>> No.9882517

Citation fucking needed.
"Cravings" in general is almost entirely a myth. Your body doesn't know where it's getting anything and apparently neither does your brain.

>> No.9883825

Salt, sugar, and fat are addictive. If you eat them a lot and don't understand moderation, you could develop a dependency. You can also become addicted to food if you put some kind of emotional importance on it, like using it as an escape. Because fast food is easy and cheap to get and tastes good, it's very easy for people who use eating as an escape or coping mechanism to get hooked on it.

>> No.9884125

Hamplanets are unwilling to stop stuffing their revolting faces so they call it "addiction" to victimise themselves for sympathy.

>> No.9884171

Dude, pica.
What you actually crave is completely wrong, but your body knows something's going on at least.
Pregnant women generally have reduced cravings or no cravings if they take prenatal vitamins.